53.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { event, format, select, scaleSequential, interpolateCubehelixDefault, hcl, scaleLinear } from 'd3';
2import moment from 'moment-timezone';
4var KeyCodes;
5(function (KeyCodes) {
6 KeyCodes[KeyCodes["Tab"] = 9] = "Tab";
7 KeyCodes[KeyCodes["Esc"] = 27] = "Esc";
8 KeyCodes[KeyCodes["Enter"] = 13] = "Enter";
9 KeyCodes[KeyCodes["Up"] = 38] = "Up";
10 KeyCodes[KeyCodes["Down"] = 40] = "Down";
11})(KeyCodes || (KeyCodes = {}));
12// search api params
13var InstancesSort;
14(function (InstancesSort) {
15 InstancesSort["DisplayName"] = "DisplayName";
16 InstancesSort["Rank"] = "Rank";
17})(InstancesSort || (InstancesSort = {}));
18var HierarchiesExpand;
19(function (HierarchiesExpand) {
20 HierarchiesExpand["UntilChildren"] = "UntilChildren";
21 HierarchiesExpand["OneLevel"] = "OneLevel";
22})(HierarchiesExpand || (HierarchiesExpand = {}));
23var HierarchiesSort;
24(function (HierarchiesSort) {
25 HierarchiesSort["Name"] = "Name";
26 HierarchiesSort["CumulativeInstanceCount"] = "CumulativeInstanceCount";
27})(HierarchiesSort || (HierarchiesSort = {}));
28var MetadataPropertyTypes;
29(function (MetadataPropertyTypes) {
30 MetadataPropertyTypes["Double"] = "Double";
31 MetadataPropertyTypes["String"] = "String";
32 MetadataPropertyTypes["DateTime"] = "DateTime";
33 MetadataPropertyTypes["Long"] = "Long";
34})(MetadataPropertyTypes || (MetadataPropertyTypes = {}));
35var ShiftTypes;
36(function (ShiftTypes) {
37 ShiftTypes["startAt"] = "Start at";
38 ShiftTypes["shifted"] = "shifted";
39})(ShiftTypes || (ShiftTypes = {}));
40var InterpolationFunctions;
41(function (InterpolationFunctions) {
42 InterpolationFunctions["None"] = "";
43 InterpolationFunctions["CurveLinear"] = "curveLinear";
44 InterpolationFunctions["CurveStep"] = "curveStep";
45 InterpolationFunctions["CurveStepBefore"] = "curveStepBefore";
46 InterpolationFunctions["CurveStepAfter"] = "curveStepAfter";
47 InterpolationFunctions["CurveBasis"] = "curveBasis";
48 InterpolationFunctions["CurveCardinal"] = "curveCardinal";
49 InterpolationFunctions["CurveMonotoneX"] = "curveMonotoneX";
50 InterpolationFunctions["CurveCatmullRom"] = "curveCatmullRom";
51})(InterpolationFunctions || (InterpolationFunctions = {}));
52var ErrorCodes;
53(function (ErrorCodes) {
54 ErrorCodes["InvalidInput"] = "InvalidInput";
55 ErrorCodes["PartialSuccess"] = "PartialSuccess";
56})(ErrorCodes || (ErrorCodes = {}));
57// Linechart stack states
58var YAxisStates;
59(function (YAxisStates) {
60 YAxisStates["Stacked"] = "stacked";
61 YAxisStates["Shared"] = "shared";
62 YAxisStates["Overlap"] = "overlap";
63})(YAxisStates || (YAxisStates = {}));
64var DataTypes;
65(function (DataTypes) {
66 DataTypes["Numeric"] = "numeric";
67 DataTypes["Categorical"] = "categorical";
68 DataTypes["Events"] = "events";
69})(DataTypes || (DataTypes = {}));
70var EventElementTypes;
71(function (EventElementTypes) {
72 EventElementTypes["Diamond"] = "diamond";
73 EventElementTypes["Teardrop"] = "teardrop";
74})(EventElementTypes || (EventElementTypes = {}));
75var TooltipMeasureFormat;
76(function (TooltipMeasureFormat) {
77 TooltipMeasureFormat["Enveloped"] = "Enveloped";
78 TooltipMeasureFormat["SingleValue"] = "SingleValue";
79 TooltipMeasureFormat["Scatter"] = "Scatter";
80})(TooltipMeasureFormat || (TooltipMeasureFormat = {}));
81var valueTypes;
82(function (valueTypes) {
83 valueTypes["String"] = "String";
84 valueTypes["Double"] = "Double";
85 valueTypes["Long"] = "Long";
86 valueTypes["Dynamic"] = "Dynamic";
87 valueTypes["Boolean"] = "Boolean";
88 valueTypes["DateTime"] = "DateTime";
89})(valueTypes || (valueTypes = {}));
91var DefaultHierarchyNavigationOptions = {
92 instancesPageSize: 10,
93 hierarchiesPageSize: 10,
94 isInstancesRecursive: false,
95 isInstancesHighlighted: false,
96 instancesSort: InstancesSort.DisplayName,
97 hierarchiesExpand: HierarchiesExpand.OneLevel,
98 hierarchiesSort: HierarchiesSort.Name
100var nullTsidDisplayString = "null";
101var swimlaneLabelConstants = {
102 leftMarginOffset: 40,
103 swimLaneLabelHeightPadding: 8,
104 labelLeftPadding: 28
106var CharactersToEscapeForExactSearchInstance = ['"', '`', '\'', '!', '(', ')', '^', '[', '{', ':', ']', '}', '~', '/', '\\', '@', '#', '$', '%', '&', '*', ';', '=', '.', '_', '-', '<', '>', ',', '?'];
109var GRIDCONTAINERCLASS = 'tsi-gridContainer';
111 top: 40,
112 bottom: 40,
113 left: 70,
114 right: 60
121var Utils = /** @class */ (function () {
122 function Utils() {
123 }
124 Utils.formatYAxisNumber = function (val) {
125 if (Math.abs(val) < 1000000) {
126 if (Math.abs(val) < .0000001)
127 return format('.2n')(val); // scientific for less than 1 billionth
128 else {
129 // grouped thousands with 7 significant digits, trim insginificant trailing 0s
130 var formatted = format(',.7r')(val);
131 if (formatted.indexOf('.') != -1) {
132 var lastChar = formatted[formatted.length - 1];
133 while (lastChar == '0') {
134 formatted = formatted.slice(0, -1);
135 lastChar = formatted[formatted.length - 1];
136 }
137 if (lastChar == '.')
138 formatted = formatted.slice(0, -1);
139 }
140 return formatted;
141 }
142 }
143 else if (Math.abs(val) >= 1000000 && Math.abs(val) < 1000000000)
144 return format('.3s')(val); // suffix of M for millions
145 else if (Math.abs(val) >= 1000000000 && Math.abs(val) < 1000000000000)
146 return format('.3s')(val).slice(0, -1) + 'B'; // suffix of B for billions
147 return format('.2n')(val); // scientific for everything else
148 };
149 Utils.getStackStates = function () {
150 return YAxisStates;
151 };
152 // format [0-9]+[ms|s|m|h|d], convert to millis
153 Utils.parseTimeInput = function (inputString) {
154 inputString = inputString.toLowerCase();
155 var getNumber = function (inputString, charsFromEnd) {
156 var startAt = inputString.indexOf('pt') !== -1 ? 2 : (inputString.indexOf('p') !== -1 ? 1 : 0);
157 return Number(inputString.slice(startAt, inputString.length - charsFromEnd));
158 };
159 if (inputString.indexOf('ms') == inputString.length - 2) {
160 return getNumber(inputString, 2);
161 }
162 if (inputString.indexOf('s') == inputString.length - 1) {
163 return getNumber(inputString, 1) * 1000;
164 }
165 if (inputString.indexOf('m') == inputString.length - 1) {
166 return getNumber(inputString, 1) * 60 * 1000;
167 }
168 if (inputString.indexOf('h') == inputString.length - 1) {
169 return getNumber(inputString, 1) * 60 * 60 * 1000;
170 }
171 if (inputString.indexOf('d') == inputString.length - 1) {
172 return getNumber(inputString, 1) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
173 }
174 return -1;
175 };
176 Utils.findClosestTime = function (prevMillis, timeMap) {
177 var minDistance = Infinity;
178 var closestValue = null;
179 Object.keys(timeMap).forEach(function (intervalCenterString) {
180 var intervalCenter = Number(intervalCenterString);
181 if (Math.abs(intervalCenter - prevMillis) < minDistance) {
182 minDistance = Math.abs(intervalCenter - prevMillis);
183 closestValue = intervalCenter;
184 }
185 });
186 return closestValue;
187 };
188 Utils.getValueOfVisible = function (d, visibleMeasure) {
189 if (d.measures) {
190 if (d.measures[visibleMeasure] != null || d.measures[visibleMeasure] != undefined)
191 return d.measures[visibleMeasure];
192 }
193 return null;
194 };
195 Utils.isStartAt = function (startAtString, searchSpan) {
196 if (startAtString === void 0) { startAtString = null; }
197 if (searchSpan === void 0) { searchSpan = null; }
198 return (startAtString !== null && searchSpan !== null && searchSpan.from !== null);
199 };
200 Utils.parseShift = function (shiftString, startAtString, searchSpan) {
201 if (startAtString === void 0) { startAtString = null; }
202 if (searchSpan === void 0) { searchSpan = null; }
203 if (this.isStartAt(startAtString, searchSpan)) {
204 return (new Date(startAtString)).valueOf() - (new Date(searchSpan.from)).valueOf();
205 }
206 if (shiftString === undefined || shiftString === null || shiftString.length === 0) {
207 return 0;
208 }
209 var millis;
210 if (shiftString[0] === '-' || shiftString[0] === '+') {
211 millis = (shiftString[0] === '-' ? -1 : 1) * this.parseTimeInput(shiftString.slice(1, shiftString.length));
212 }
213 else {
214 millis = this.parseTimeInput(shiftString);
215 }
216 return -millis;
217 };
218 Utils.adjustStartMillisToAbsoluteZero = function (fromMillis, bucketSize) {
219 var epochAdjustment = 62135596800000;
220 return Math.floor((fromMillis + epochAdjustment) / bucketSize) * bucketSize - epochAdjustment;
221 };
222 Utils.bucketSizeToTsqInterval = function (bucketSize) {
223 if (!bucketSize) {
224 return null;
225 }
226 var bucketSizeInMillis = Utils.parseTimeInput(bucketSize);
227 var padLeadingZeroes = function (number) {
228 var numberAsString = String(number);
229 if (numberAsString.length < 3)
230 numberAsString = (numberAsString.length === 2 ? '0' : '00') + numberAsString;
231 return numberAsString;
232 };
233 if (bucketSizeInMillis < 1000) {
234 bucketSize = (bucketSize.toLowerCase().indexOf('d') !== -1) ? 'd.' : '.' + padLeadingZeroes(bucketSizeInMillis) + "s";
235 }
236 var prefix = bucketSize.toLowerCase().indexOf('d') !== -1 ? 'P' : 'PT';
237 return (prefix + bucketSize).toUpperCase();
238 };
239 Utils.createEntityKey = function (aggName, aggIndex) {
240 return encodeURIComponent(aggName).split(".").join("_") + "_" + aggIndex;
241 };
242 Utils.getColorForValue = function (chartDataOptions, value) {
243 if (chartDataOptions.valueMapping && (chartDataOptions.valueMapping[value] !== undefined)) {
244 return chartDataOptions.valueMapping[value].color;
245 }
246 return null;
247 };
248 Utils.rollUpContiguous = function (data) {
249 var areEquivalentBuckets = function (d1, d2) {
250 if (!d1.measures || !d2.measures) {
251 return false;
252 }
253 if (Object.keys(d1.measures).length !== Object.keys(d2.measures).length) {
254 return false;
255 }
256 return Object.keys(d1.measures).reduce(function (p, c, i) {
257 return p && (d1.measures[c] === d2.measures[c]);
258 }, true);
259 };
260 return data.filter(function (d, i) {
261 if (i !== 0) {
262 return !areEquivalentBuckets(d, data[i - 1]);
263 }
264 return true;
265 });
266 };
267 Utils.formatOffsetMinutes = function (offset) {
268 return (offset < 0 ? '-' : '+') +
269 Math.floor(offset / 60) + ':' +
270 (offset % 60 < 10 ? '0' : '') + (offset % 60) + '';
271 };
272 Utils.getOffsetMinutes = function (offset, millis) {
273 if (offset == 'Local') {
274 return -moment.tz.zone(moment.tz.guess()).parse(millis);
275 }
276 if (typeof offset == 'string' && isNaN(offset)) {
277 return -moment.tz.zone(offset).parse(millis);
278 }
279 else {
280 return offset;
281 }
282 };
283 Utils.offsetUTC = function (date) {
284 var offsettedDate = new Date(date.valueOf() - date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
285 return offsettedDate;
286 };
287 // inverse of getOffsetMinutes, this is the conversion factor of an offsettedTime to UTC in minutes
288 Utils.getMinutesToUTC = function (offset, millisInOffset) {
289 if (offset == 'Local') {
290 return moment.tz.zone(moment.tz.guess()).utcOffset(millisInOffset);
291 }
292 if (typeof offset == 'string' && isNaN(offset)) {
293 return moment.tz.zone(offset).utcOffset(millisInOffset);
294 }
295 else {
296 return -offset;
297 }
298 };
299 Utils.addOffsetGuess = function (timezoneName) {
300 var timezone = moment.tz(new Date(), timezoneName.split(' ').join('_'));
301 var formatted = timezone.format('Z');
302 return "UTC" + formatted;
303 };
304 Utils.timezoneAbbreviation = function (timezoneName) {
305 var abbr = moment.tz(new Date(), timezoneName).format('z');
306 if (abbr[0] === '-' || abbr[0] === '+')
307 return '';
308 return abbr;
309 };
310 Utils.createTimezoneAbbreviation = function (offset) {
311 var timezone = Utils.parseTimezoneName(offset);
312 var timezoneAbbreviation = Utils.timezoneAbbreviation(timezone);
313 return (timezoneAbbreviation.length !== 0 ? timezoneAbbreviation : Utils.addOffsetGuess(timezone));
314 };
315 Utils.parseTimezoneName = function (timezoneRaw) {
316 if (!isNaN(timezoneRaw)) {
317 if (timezoneRaw === 0) {
318 return 'UTC';
319 }
320 return '';
321 }
322 if (timezoneRaw == 'Local') {
323 return moment.tz.guess();
324 }
325 return timezoneRaw !== null ? timezoneRaw.split(' ').join('_') : '';
326 };
327 Utils.convertTimezoneToLabel = function (timezone, locdLocal) {
328 if (locdLocal === void 0) { locdLocal = 'Local'; }
329 var timezoneName = this.parseTimezoneName(timezone);
330 var localPrefix = '';
331 var offsetPrefix = '';
332 if (timezone == 'Local') {
333 localPrefix = locdLocal + ' - ';
334 }
335 if (timezone !== 'UTC') {
336 offsetPrefix = ' (' + this.addOffsetGuess(timezoneName) + ')';
337 }
338 var timezoneAbbreviation = this.timezoneAbbreviation(timezoneName);
339 var timezoneSuffix = (timezoneAbbreviation && timezoneAbbreviation.length !== 0 && timezoneAbbreviation !== 'UTC') ? ': ' + timezoneAbbreviation : '';
340 return offsetPrefix + " " + localPrefix + timezoneName.replace(/_/g, ' ') + timezoneSuffix;
341 };
342 Utils.rangeTimeFormat = function (rangeMillis) {
343 var oneSecond = 1000;
344 var oneMinute = 60 * 1000;
345 var oneHour = oneMinute * 60;
346 var oneDay = oneHour * 24;
347 var days = Math.floor(rangeMillis / oneDay);
348 var hours = Math.floor(rangeMillis / oneHour) % 24;
349 var minutes = Math.floor(rangeMillis / oneMinute) % 60;
350 var seconds = Math.floor(rangeMillis / oneSecond) % 60;
351 var millis = Math.floor(rangeMillis % 1000);
352 if (rangeMillis >= oneDay) {
353 return days + "d " + (hours > 0 ? (hours + "h") : "");
354 }
355 else if (rangeMillis >= oneHour) {
356 return hours + "h " + (minutes > 0 ? (minutes + "m") : "");
357 }
358 else if (rangeMillis >= oneMinute) {
359 return minutes + "m " + (seconds > 0 ? (seconds + "s") : "");
360 }
361 else if (rangeMillis >= oneSecond) {
362 return seconds + (millis != 0 ? "." + millis : "") + "s";
363 }
364 return millis + "ms";
365 };
366 Utils.subDateTimeFormat = function (is24HourTime, usesSeconds, usesMillis) {
367 return (is24HourTime ? "HH" : "hh") + ":mm" + (usesSeconds ? (":ss" + (usesMillis ? ".SSS" : "")) : "") + (is24HourTime ? "" : " A");
368 };
369 Utils.timeFormat = function (usesSeconds, usesMillis, offset, is24HourTime, shiftMillis, timeFormat, locale) {
370 var _this = this;
371 if (usesSeconds === void 0) { usesSeconds = false; }
372 if (usesMillis === void 0) { usesMillis = false; }
373 if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }
374 if (is24HourTime === void 0) { is24HourTime = true; }
375 if (shiftMillis === void 0) { shiftMillis = null; }
376 if (timeFormat === void 0) { timeFormat = null; }
377 if (locale === void 0) { locale = 'en'; }
378 return function (d) {
379 if (shiftMillis !== 0) {
380 d = new Date(d.valueOf() + shiftMillis);
381 }
382 var stringFormat;
383 if (timeFormat !== null) {
384 stringFormat = timeFormat;
385 }
386 else {
387 stringFormat = "L " + _this.subDateTimeFormat(is24HourTime, usesSeconds, usesMillis);
388 }
389 if (typeof offset == 'string' && isNaN(offset)) {
390 return moment.tz(d, 'UTC').tz(offset === 'Local' ? moment.tz.guess() : offset).locale(locale).format(stringFormat);
391 }
392 else {
393 return moment.tz(d, "UTC").utcOffset(offset).locale(locale).format(stringFormat);
394 }
395 };
396 };
397 Utils.splitTimeLabel = function (text) {
398 var shouldSplit = function (str) {
399 var splitLines = str.split(' ');
400 return !((splitLines.length === 1) || (splitLines.length === 2 && (splitLines[1] === 'AM' || splitLines[1] === 'PM')));
401 };
402 text.each(function () {
403 if (this.children == undefined || this.children.length == 0) { // don't split already split labels
404 var text = select(this);
405 var lines = text.text().split(" ");
406 var dy = parseFloat(text.attr("dy"));
407 if (shouldSplit(text.text())) {
408 var newFirstLine = lines[0] + (lines.length === 3 ? (' ' + lines[1]) : '');
409 var newSecondLine = lines[lines.length - 1];
410 text.text(null).append("tspan")
411 .attr("x", 0)
412 .attr("y", text.attr("y"))
413 .attr("dy", dy + "em")
414 .text(newFirstLine);
415 text.append("tspan")
416 .attr("x", 0)
417 .attr("y", text.attr("y"))
418 .attr("dy", (dy + dy * 1.4) + "em")
419 .text(newSecondLine);
420 }
421 }
422 });
423 };
424 Utils.getUTCHours = function (d, is24HourTime) {
425 if (is24HourTime === void 0) { is24HourTime = true; }
426 var hours = d.getUTCHours();
427 if (!is24HourTime) {
428 if (hours == 0)
429 hours = 12;
430 if (hours > 12)
431 hours = hours - 12;
432 }
433 return hours;
434 };
435 Utils.UTCTwelveHourFormat = function (d) {
436 var hours = String(this.getUTCHours(d));
437 var minutes = (d.getUTCMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") + String(d.getUTCMinutes());
438 var amPm = (d.getUTCHours() < 12) ? "AM" : "PM";
439 return hours + ":" + minutes + " " + amPm;
440 };
441 Utils.getAgVisible = function (displayState, aggI, splitBy) {
442 return (displayState[aggI].visible) ? displayState[aggI].splitBys[splitBy].visible : false;
443 };
444 Utils.getAgVisibleMeasure = function (displayState, aggI, splitBy) {
445 return displayState[aggI].splitBys[splitBy].visibleType;
446 };
447 Utils.createSeriesTypeIcon = function (seriesType, selection) {
448 var g = selection.append("g")
449 .style("position", "absolute");
450 if (seriesType == "event") {
451 g.attr("transform", "translate(7.5,0)")
452 .append("rect")
453 .attr("width", 7)
454 .attr("height", 7)
455 .attr("transform", "rotate(45)");
456 }
457 else if (seriesType == "state") {
458 g.append("rect")
459 .attr("width", 15)
460 .attr("height", 10);
461 }
462 else { // fxn
463 g.append("path")
464 .attr("d", "M0 5 Q 4 0, 8 5 T 16 5")
465 .attr("fill", "none");
466 }
467 };
468 Utils.strip = function (text) {
469 var div = document.createElement('div');
470 div.innerHTML = text;
471 var textContent = div.textContent || div.innerText || '';
472 return textContent;
473 };
474 Utils.stripForConcat = function (text) {
475 var specialCharacters = ['"', "'", '?', '<', '>', ';'];
476 specialCharacters.forEach(function (c) { text = text.split(c).join(''); });
477 return text;
478 };
479 Utils.setSeriesLabelSubtitleText = function (subtitle, isInFocus) {
480 if (isInFocus === void 0) { isInFocus = false; }
481 var subtitleDatum = subtitle.data()[0];
482 if (!subtitle.select('.tsi-splitBy').empty()) {
483 var textAfterSplitByExists = subtitleDatum.timeShift !== '' || subtitleDatum.variableAlias;
484 var splitByString = "" + subtitleDatum.splitBy + ((textAfterSplitByExists && !isInFocus) ? ', ' : '');
485 Utils.appendFormattedElementsFromString(subtitle.select('.tsi-splitBy'), splitByString);
486 }
487 if (subtitle.select('.tsi-timeShift')) {
488 subtitle.select('.tsi-timeShift')
489 .text(function (d) {
490 return "" + subtitleDatum.timeShift + ((subtitleDatum.variableAlias && !isInFocus) ? ', ' : '');
491 });
492 }
493 if (subtitle.select('.tsi-variableAlias')) {
494 subtitle.select('.tsi-variableAlias')
495 .text(function (d) { return subtitleDatum.variableAlias; });
496 }
497 };
498 Utils.revertAllSubtitleText = function (markerValues, opacity) {
499 if (opacity === void 0) { opacity = 1; }
500 var self = this;
501 markerValues.classed('tsi-isExpanded', false)
502 .style('opacity', opacity)
503 .each(function () {
504 self.setSeriesLabelSubtitleText(select(this).selectAll('.tsi-tooltipSubtitle'), false);
505 });
506 };
507 Utils.generateColors = function (numColors, includeColors) {
508 if (includeColors === void 0) { includeColors = null; }
509 var defaultColors = ['#008272', '#D869CB', '#FF8C00', '#8FE6D7', '#3195E3', '#F7727E', '#E0349E', '#C8E139', '#60B9AE',
510 '#93CFFB', '#854CC7', '#258225', '#0078D7', '#FF2828', '#FFF100'];
511 var postDefaultColors = scaleSequential(interpolateCubehelixDefault).domain([defaultColors.length - .5, numColors - .5]);
512 var colors = [];
513 var colorsIndex = 0;
514 if (includeColors) { //add the colors we want to include first
515 for (var i = 0; i < includeColors.length && colorsIndex < numColors; i++) {
516 var color = includeColors[i];
517 if (colors.indexOf(color) === -1) {
518 colors.push(color);
519 colorsIndex++;
520 }
521 }
522 }
523 for (var i = 0; colorsIndex < numColors; i++) {
524 if (i < defaultColors.length) {
525 if (colors.indexOf(defaultColors[i]) === -1) {
526 colors.push(defaultColors[i]);
527 colorsIndex++;
528 }
529 }
530 else if (colors.indexOf(postDefaultColors(i)) === -1) {
531 colors.push(postDefaultColors(i));
532 colorsIndex++;
533 }
534 }
535 return colors;
536 };
537 Utils.convertFromLocal = function (date) {
538 return new Date(date.valueOf() - date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
539 };
540 Utils.adjustDateFromTimezoneOffset = function (date) {
541 var dateCopy = new Date(date.valueOf());
542 dateCopy.setTime(dateCopy.getTime() + dateCopy.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
543 return dateCopy;
544 };
545 Utils.offsetFromUTC = function (date, offset) {
546 if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }
547 var offsetMinutes = Utils.getOffsetMinutes(offset, date.valueOf());
548 var dateCopy = new Date(date.valueOf() + offsetMinutes * 60 * 1000);
549 return dateCopy;
550 };
551 Utils.offsetToUTC = function (date, offset) {
552 if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }
553 var offsetMinutes = Utils.getOffsetMinutes(offset, date.valueOf());
554 var dateCopy = new Date(date.valueOf() - offsetMinutes * 60 * 1000);
555 return dateCopy;
556 };
557 Utils.parseUserInputDateTime = function (timeText, offset) {
558 var dateTimeFormat = "L " + this.subDateTimeFormat(true, true, true);
559 var parsedDate = moment(timeText, dateTimeFormat).toDate();
560 var utcDate = this.offsetToUTC(this.convertFromLocal(parsedDate), offset);
561 return utcDate.valueOf();
562 };
563 Utils.getBrighterColor = function (color) {
564 var hclColor = hcl(color);
565 if (hclColor.l < 80) {
566 return hclColor.brighter().toString();
567 }
568 return hclColor.toString();
569 };
570 Utils.createSplitByColors = function (displayState, aggKey, ignoreIsOnlyAgg) {
571 if (ignoreIsOnlyAgg === void 0) { ignoreIsOnlyAgg = false; }
572 if (Object.keys(displayState[aggKey]["splitBys"]).length == 1)
573 return [displayState[aggKey].color];
574 var isOnlyAgg = Object.keys(displayState).reduce(function (accum, currAgg) {
575 if (currAgg == aggKey)
576 return accum;
577 if (displayState[currAgg]["visible"] == false)
578 return accum && true;
579 return false;
580 }, true);
581 if (isOnlyAgg && !ignoreIsOnlyAgg) {
582 return this.generateColors(Object.keys(displayState[aggKey]["splitBys"]).length);
583 }
584 var aggColor = displayState[aggKey].color;
585 var interpolateColor = scaleLinear().domain([0, Object.keys(displayState[aggKey]["splitBys"]).length])
586 .range([hcl(aggColor).darker(), hcl(aggColor).brighter()]);
587 var colors = [];
588 for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(displayState[aggKey]["splitBys"]).length; i++) {
589 colors.push(interpolateColor(i));
590 }
591 return colors;
592 };
593 Utils.colorSplitBy = function (displayState, splitByIndex, aggKey, ignoreIsOnlyAgg) {
594 if (ignoreIsOnlyAgg === void 0) { ignoreIsOnlyAgg = false; }
595 if (Object.keys(displayState[aggKey]["splitBys"]).length == 1)
596 return displayState[aggKey].color;
597 var isOnlyAgg = Object.keys(displayState).reduce(function (accum, currAgg) {
598 if (currAgg == aggKey)
599 return accum;
600 if (displayState[currAgg]["visible"] == false)
601 return accum && true;
602 return false;
603 }, true);
604 if (isOnlyAgg && !ignoreIsOnlyAgg) {
605 var splitByColors = this.generateColors(Object.keys(displayState[aggKey]["splitBys"]).length);
606 return splitByColors[splitByIndex];
607 }
608 var aggColor = displayState[aggKey].color;
609 var interpolateColor = scaleLinear().domain([0, Object.keys(displayState[aggKey]["splitBys"]).length])
610 .range([hcl(aggColor).darker(), hcl(aggColor).brighter()]);
611 return interpolateColor(splitByIndex);
612 };
613 Utils.getTheme = function (theme) {
614 return theme ? 'tsi-' + theme : 'tsi-dark';
615 };
616 Utils.clearSelection = function () {
617 var sel = window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.selection;
618 if (sel) {
619 if (sel.removeAllRanges) {
620 sel.removeAllRanges();
621 }
622 else if (sel.empty) {
623 sel.empty();
624 }
625 }
626 };
627 Utils.mark = function (filter, text) {
628 if (filter.length == 0)
629 return text;
630 var regExp = new RegExp(filter, 'gi');
631 return text.replace(regExp, function (m) { return '<mark>' + m + '</mark>'; });
632 };
633 Utils.hash = function (str) {
634 var hash = 5381, i = str.length;
635 while (i) {
636 hash = (hash * 33) ^ str.charCodeAt(--i);
637 }
638 /* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed
639 * integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the
640 * signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */
641 return hash >>> 0;
642 };
643 Utils.guid = function () {
644 var s4 = function () {
645 return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
646 .toString(16)
647 .substring(1);
648 };
649 return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' +
650 s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
651 };
652 Utils.createValueFilter = function (aggregateKey, splitBy) {
653 return function (d, j) {
654 var currAggKey;
655 var currSplitBy;
656 if (d.aggregateKey) {
657 currAggKey = d.aggregateKey;
658 currSplitBy = d.splitBy;
659 }
660 else if (d && d.length) {
661 currAggKey = d[0].aggregateKey;
662 currSplitBy = d[0].splitBy;
663 }
664 else
665 return true;
666 return (currAggKey == aggregateKey && (splitBy == null || splitBy == currSplitBy));
667 };
668 };
669 Utils.downloadCSV = function (csvString, csvName) {
670 if (csvName === void 0) { csvName = "Table"; }
671 var blob = new Blob([csvString], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8;' });
672 var blobURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
673 var link = document.createElement("a");
674 link.setAttribute("href", blobURL);
675 link.setAttribute("download", csvName + ".csv");
676 link.setAttribute("tabindex", "0");
677 link.innerHTML = "";
678 document.body.appendChild(link);
679 link.click();
680 };
681 Utils.sanitizeString = function (str, type) {
682 if (str === null || str === undefined) {
683 return "";
684 }
685 if (type !== valueTypes.Double && type !== valueTypes.Long) {
686 var jsonifiedString = type === valueTypes.Dynamic ? JSON.stringify(str) : String(str);
687 if (jsonifiedString.indexOf(',') !== -1 || jsonifiedString.indexOf('"') !== -1 || jsonifiedString.indexOf('\n') !== -1 || type === valueTypes.Dynamic) {
688 var replacedString = jsonifiedString.replace(/"/g, '""');
689 return '"' + replacedString + '"';
690 }
691 }
692 return str;
693 };
694 Utils.focusOnEllipsisButton = function (renderTarget) {
695 var ellipsisContainer = select(renderTarget).select(".tsi-ellipsisContainerDiv");
696 if (!ellipsisContainer.empty()) {
697 ellipsisContainer.select(".tsi-ellipsisButton").node().focus();
698 }
699 };
700 Utils.createDownloadEllipsisOption = function (csvStringGenerator, action, downloadLabel) {
701 if (action === void 0) { action = function () { }; }
702 if (downloadLabel === void 0) { downloadLabel = "Download as CSV"; }
703 return {
704 iconClass: "download",
705 label: downloadLabel,
706 action: function () {
707 Utils.downloadCSV(csvStringGenerator());
708 action();
709 },
710 description: ""
711 };
712 };
713 Utils.createControlPanel = function (renderTarget, legendWidth, topChartMargin, chartOptions) {
714 select(renderTarget).selectAll(".tsi-chartControlsPanel").remove();
715 var controlPanelWidth = Math.max(1, select(renderTarget).node().clientWidth -
716 (chartOptions.legend == "shown" ? legendWidth : 0));
717 var chartControlsPanel = select(renderTarget).append("div")
718 .attr("class", "tsi-chartControlsPanel")
719 .style("width", controlPanelWidth + "px")
720 .style("top", Math.max((topChartMargin - 32), 0) + "px");
721 return chartControlsPanel;
722 };
723 Utils.escapeQuotesCommasAndNewlines = function (stringToEscape) {
724 var escapedString = "";
725 if (stringToEscape && (stringToEscape.indexOf("\"") != -1 ||
726 stringToEscape.indexOf(",") != -1 ||
727 stringToEscape.indexOf("\n") != -1)) {
728 stringToEscape = stringToEscape.replace(/"/g, "\"\"");
729 escapedString += "\"";
730 escapedString += stringToEscape;
731 escapedString += "\"";
732 return escapedString;
733 }
734 else {
735 return stringToEscape;
736 }
737 };
738 Utils.getNonNumericHeight = function (rawHeight) {
739 return rawHeight + NONNUMERICTOPMARGIN;
740 };
741 Utils.getControlPanelWidth = function (renderTarget, legendWidth, isLegendShown) {
742 return Math.max(1, select(renderTarget).node().clientWidth -
743 (isLegendShown ? legendWidth : 0));
744 };
745 Utils.getValueOrDefault = function (chartOptionsObj, propertyName, defaultValue) {
746 if (defaultValue === void 0) { defaultValue = null; }
747 var propertyValue = chartOptionsObj[propertyName];
748 if (propertyValue == undefined) {
749 if (this[propertyName] == undefined)
750 return defaultValue;
751 return this[propertyName];
752 }
753 return propertyValue;
754 };
755 Utils.safeNotNullOrUndefined = function (valueLambda) {
756 try {
757 var value = valueLambda();
758 return !(value === null || value === undefined);
759 }
760 catch (err) {
761 return false;
762 }
763 };
764 Utils.getAggKeys = function (data) {
765 var aggregateCounterMap = {};
766 return data.map(function (aggregate) {
767 var aggName = Object.keys(aggregate)[0];
768 var aggKey;
769 if (aggregateCounterMap[aggName]) {
770 aggKey = Utils.createEntityKey(aggName, aggregateCounterMap[aggName]);
771 aggregateCounterMap[aggName] += 1;
772 }
773 else {
774 aggKey = Utils.createEntityKey(aggName, 0);
775 aggregateCounterMap[aggName] = 1;
776 }
777 return aggKey;
778 });
779 };
780 Utils.roundToMillis = function (rawTo, bucketSize) {
781 return Math.ceil((rawTo + 62135596800000) / (bucketSize)) * (bucketSize) - 62135596800000;
782 };
783 Utils.mergeSeriesForScatterPlot = function (chartData, scatterMeasures) {
784 var _a;
785 var _this = this;
786 var xMeasure = chartData[scatterMeasures.X_MEASURE], yMeasure = chartData[scatterMeasures.Y_MEASURE], rMeasure = chartData[scatterMeasures.R_MEASURE];
787 var measureNames = Utils.getScatterPlotMeasureNames(chartData, scatterMeasures);
788 // Create data label
789 var xLabel = xMeasure.additionalFields.Variable.substring(0, 15) + (xMeasure.additionalFields.Variable.length > 15 ? "... vs" : " vs");
790 var yLabel = " " + yMeasure.additionalFields.Variable.substring(0, 15) + (yMeasure.additionalFields.Variable.length > 15 ? "... " : "");
791 var rLabel = (rMeasure != null ? " vs " + rMeasure.additionalFields.Variable.substring(0, 15) + (rMeasure.additionalFields.Variable.length > 15 ? "... " : "") : "");
792 var dataTitle = xLabel + yLabel + rLabel;
793 // Initialize scatter plot data object
794 var scatterData = (_a = {},
795 _a[dataTitle] = {
796 "": {}
797 },
798 _a);
799 // Create measure types
800 var measureTypes = {
801 X_MEASURE_TYPE: 'avg' in xMeasure.measureTypes ? xMeasure.measureTypes['avg'] : xMeasure.measureTypes[0],
802 Y_MEASURE_TYPE: 'avg' in yMeasure.measureTypes ? yMeasure.measureTypes['avg'] : yMeasure.measureTypes[0],
803 R_MEASURE_TYPE: null
804 };
805 // Takes query and returns normalized time data
806 var normalizeTimestampKeys = function (query) {
807 var newTS = {};
808 Object.keys(query.data[query.alias][""]).forEach(function (key) {
809 var oldTime = new Date(key).valueOf();
810 var timeShift = query.timeShift != "" ? _this.parseShift(query.timeShift, query.startAt, query.searchSpan) : 0;
811 // Calculate real timeshift based on bucket snapping
812 var bucketShiftInMillis = _this.adjustStartMillisToAbsoluteZero(timeShift, _this.parseShift(query.searchSpan.bucketSize));
813 var normalizedTime = oldTime - bucketShiftInMillis;
814 var timestamp = new Date(normalizedTime).toISOString();
815 newTS[timestamp] = query.data[query.alias][""][key];
816 });
817 return newTS;
818 };
819 // Normalize timestamp data
820 xMeasure.data[xMeasure.alias][""] = normalizeTimestampKeys(xMeasure);
821 yMeasure.data[yMeasure.alias][""] = normalizeTimestampKeys(yMeasure);
822 if (rMeasure) {
823 rMeasure.data[rMeasure.alias][""] = normalizeTimestampKeys(rMeasure);
824 measureTypes.R_MEASURE_TYPE = 'avg' in rMeasure.measureTypes ? rMeasure.measureTypes['avg'] : rMeasure.measureTypes[0];
825 }
826 // For each timestamp in X data mix measures of other series
827 Object.keys(xMeasure.data[xMeasure.alias][""]).forEach(function (key) {
828 if (key in yMeasure.data[yMeasure.alias][""]) {
829 var measures = {};
830 measures[measureNames.X_MEASURE] = xMeasure.data[xMeasure.alias][""][key][measureTypes.X_MEASURE_TYPE];
831 measures[measureNames.Y_MEASURE] = yMeasure.data[yMeasure.alias][""][key][measureTypes.Y_MEASURE_TYPE];
832 // Add optional R measure
833 if (rMeasure != null && key in rMeasure.data[rMeasure.alias][""]) {
834 measures[measureNames.R_MEASURE] = rMeasure.data[rMeasure.alias][""][key][measureTypes.R_MEASURE_TYPE];
835 }
836 // Discard timestamps with null valued measures
837 if (xMeasure.data[xMeasure.alias][""][key][measureTypes.X_MEASURE_TYPE] && yMeasure.data[yMeasure.alias][""][key][measureTypes.Y_MEASURE_TYPE]) {
838 if (rMeasure != null) {
839 if (key in rMeasure.data[rMeasure.alias][""] && rMeasure.data[rMeasure.alias][""][key][measureTypes.R_MEASURE_TYPE])
840 scatterData[dataTitle][""][key] = measures;
841 }
842 else {
843 scatterData[dataTitle][""][key] = measures;
844 }
845 }
846 }
847 });
848 return scatterData;
849 };
850 Utils.getScatterPlotMeasureNames = function (chartData, scatterMeasures) {
851 var uniqueNameMap = {};
852 var xMeasureName = chartData[scatterMeasures.X_MEASURE].alias + " " + chartData[scatterMeasures.X_MEASURE].additionalFields.Variable +
853 (chartData[scatterMeasures.X_MEASURE].timeShift == "" ? "" : " " + chartData[scatterMeasures.X_MEASURE].timeShift);
854 uniqueNameMap[xMeasureName] = 1;
855 var yMeasureName = chartData[scatterMeasures.Y_MEASURE].alias + " " + chartData[scatterMeasures.Y_MEASURE].additionalFields.Variable +
856 (chartData[scatterMeasures.Y_MEASURE].timeShift == "" ? "" : " " + chartData[scatterMeasures.Y_MEASURE].timeShift);
857 if (yMeasureName in uniqueNameMap) {
858 var tempName = yMeasureName;
859 yMeasureName += " (" + uniqueNameMap[yMeasureName].toString() + ")";
860 uniqueNameMap[tempName] = uniqueNameMap[tempName] + 1;
861 }
862 else {
863 uniqueNameMap[yMeasureName] = 1;
864 }
865 var rMeasureName = chartData[scatterMeasures.R_MEASURE] ? chartData[scatterMeasures.R_MEASURE].alias + " " + chartData[scatterMeasures.R_MEASURE].additionalFields.Variable +
866 (chartData[scatterMeasures.R_MEASURE].timeShift == "" ? "" : " " + chartData[scatterMeasures.R_MEASURE].timeShift) : null;
867 if (rMeasureName != null) {
868 if (rMeasureName in uniqueNameMap) {
869 rMeasureName += " (" + uniqueNameMap[rMeasureName].toString() + ")";
870 }
871 }
872 return {
873 X_MEASURE: xMeasureName,
874 Y_MEASURE: yMeasureName,
875 R_MEASURE: rMeasureName ? rMeasureName : null
876 };
877 };
878 Utils.getMinWarmTime = function (warmStoreFrom, retentionString) {
879 var minWarmTime = new Date(warmStoreFrom);
880 if (retentionString !== null) {
881 var retentionPeriod = Utils.parseTimeInput(retentionString);
882 minWarmTime = new Date(Math.max(minWarmTime.valueOf(), (Date.now() - retentionPeriod)));
883 }
884 return minWarmTime;
885 };
886 Utils.standardizeTSStrings = function (rawData) {
887 var convertedData = [];
888 rawData.forEach(function (dG, i) {
889 var dGName = Object.keys(dG)[0];
890 var dataGroup = dG[dGName];
891 var convertedDataGroup = {};
892 var dataGroupKeyedObject = {};
893 dataGroupKeyedObject[dGName] = convertedDataGroup;
894 convertedData.push(dataGroupKeyedObject);
895 if (dataGroup) {
896 Object.keys(dataGroup).forEach(function (seriesName) {
897 convertedDataGroup[seriesName] = {};
898 if (dataGroup[seriesName]) {
899 Object.keys(dataGroup[seriesName]).forEach(function (rawTS) {
900 var isoString;
901 try {
902 isoString = (new Date(rawTS)).toISOString();
903 convertedDataGroup[seriesName][isoString] = dataGroup[seriesName][rawTS];
904 }
905 catch (RangeError) {
906 console.log(rawTS + " is not a valid ISO time");
907 }
908 });
909 }
910 });
911 }
912 });
913 return convertedData;
914 };
915 // takes in an availability distribution and a min and max date, returns a tuple, where the first is the new distribution
916 // excluding values out of the range, and the second is all excluded values
917 Utils.cullValuesOutOfRange = function (availabilityDistribution, minDateString, maxDateString) {
918 var dateZero = '0000-01-01T00:00:00Z';
919 var minDateValue = new Date(minDateString).valueOf();
920 var maxDateValue = new Date(maxDateString).valueOf();
921 if (new Date(availabilityDistribution.range.from).valueOf() < minDateValue ||
922 new Date(availabilityDistribution.range.to).valueOf() > maxDateValue) {
923 var inRangeValues_1 = {};
924 var outOfRangeValues_1 = {};
925 var highestNotOverMaxString_1 = dateZero;
926 var highestNotOverMaxValue_1 = (new Date(highestNotOverMaxString_1)).valueOf();
927 var lowestAboveMinValue_1 = Infinity;
928 Object.keys(availabilityDistribution.distribution).forEach(function (bucketKey) {
929 var bucketValue = (new Date(bucketKey)).valueOf();
930 if (bucketValue > maxDateValue || bucketValue < minDateValue) {
931 outOfRangeValues_1[bucketKey] = availabilityDistribution.distribution[bucketKey];
932 }
933 else {
934 inRangeValues_1[bucketKey] = availabilityDistribution.distribution[bucketKey];
935 if (bucketValue > highestNotOverMaxValue_1) {
936 highestNotOverMaxValue_1 = bucketValue;
937 highestNotOverMaxString_1 = bucketKey;
938 }
939 if (bucketValue < lowestAboveMinValue_1) {
940 lowestAboveMinValue_1 = bucketValue;
941 }
942 }
943 });
944 var bucketSize = this.parseTimeInput(availabilityDistribution.intervalSize);
945 if (highestNotOverMaxString_1 !== dateZero) { // a value exists
946 var nowMillis = new Date().valueOf();
947 if (highestNotOverMaxValue_1 < nowMillis && (highestNotOverMaxValue_1 + bucketSize) > nowMillis) {
948 // the new end value was before now, but after adding bucket size, its after now
949 // so we set it to now to avoid setting it to a date in the future
950 availabilityDistribution.range.to = new Date(nowMillis).toISOString();
951 }
952 else {
953 availabilityDistribution.range.to = new Date(highestNotOverMaxValue_1 + bucketSize).toISOString();
954 }
955 }
956 else {
957 var rangeToValue = (new Date(availabilityDistribution.range.to)).valueOf();
958 if (minDateValue > rangeToValue) { // entire window is to the right of distribution range
959 availabilityDistribution.range.to = maxDateString;
960 }
961 else {
962 var toValue = Math.min(maxDateValue + bucketSize, (new Date(availabilityDistribution.range.to)).valueOf()); //clamped to maxDateString passed in
963 availabilityDistribution.range.to = (new Date(toValue)).toISOString();
964 }
965 }
966 if (lowestAboveMinValue_1 !== Infinity) { // a value exists
967 availabilityDistribution.range.from = (new Date(lowestAboveMinValue_1)).toISOString();
968 }
969 else {
970 var rangeFromValue = (new Date(availabilityDistribution.range.from)).valueOf();
971 if (maxDateValue < (new Date(availabilityDistribution.range.from)).valueOf()) { // entire window is to the left of distribution range
972 availabilityDistribution.range.from = minDateString;
973 }
974 else {
975 var fromValue = Math.max(minDateValue, rangeFromValue); // clamped to minDateString passed in
976 availabilityDistribution.range.from = (new Date(fromValue)).toISOString();
977 }
978 }
979 availabilityDistribution.distribution = inRangeValues_1;
980 return [availabilityDistribution, outOfRangeValues_1];
981 }
982 return [availabilityDistribution, {}];
983 };
984 Utils.mergeAvailabilities = function (warmAvailability, coldAvailability, retentionString) {
985 if (retentionString === void 0) { retentionString = null; }
986 var warmStoreRange = warmAvailability.range;
987 var minWarmTime = this.getMinWarmTime(warmStoreRange.from, retentionString);
988 var warmStoreToMillis = new Date(warmStoreRange.to).valueOf();
989 var coldStoreToMillis = new Date(coldAvailability.range.to).valueOf();
990 // snap warm availability to cold availability if its ahead of cold
991 var maxWarmTime = new Date(Math.min(warmStoreToMillis, coldStoreToMillis));
992 var mergedAvailability = Object.assign({}, coldAvailability);
993 mergedAvailability.warmStoreRange = [minWarmTime.toISOString(), maxWarmTime.toISOString()];
994 if (retentionString !== null) {
995 mergedAvailability.retentionPeriod = retentionString;
996 }
997 return mergedAvailability;
998 };
999 Utils.languageGuess = function () {
1000 return navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || // Chrome / Firefox
1001 navigator.language; // All browsers
1002 };
1003 Utils.memorySizeOf = function (obj) {
1004 var bytes = 0;
1005 var sizeOf = function (obj) {
1006 if (obj !== null && obj !== undefined) {
1007 switch (typeof obj) {
1008 case 'number':
1009 bytes += 8;
1010 break;
1011 case 'string':
1012 bytes += obj.length * 2;
1013 break;
1014 case 'boolean':
1015 bytes += 4;
1016 break;
1017 case 'object':
1018 var objClass = Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).slice(8, -1);
1019 if (objClass === 'Object' || objClass === 'Array') {
1020 for (var key in obj) {
1021 if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
1022 continue;
1023 }
1024 sizeOf(key);
1025 sizeOf(obj[key]);
1026 }
1027 }
1028 else {
1029 bytes += obj.toString().length * 2;
1030 }
1031 break;
1032 }
1033 }
1034 return bytes;
1035 };
1036 return sizeOf(obj);
1037 };
1038 Utils.guidForNullTSID = Utils.guid();
1039 Utils.equalToEventTarget = (function () {
1040 return (this == event.target);
1041 });
1042 Utils.isKeyDownAndNotEnter = function (e) {
1043 if (e && e.type && e.type === 'keydown') {
1044 var key = e.which || e.keyCode;
1045 if (key !== 13) {
1046 return true;
1047 }
1048 else {
1049 e.preventDefault();
1050 }
1051 }
1052 return false;
1053 };
1054 Utils.getInstanceKey = function (instance) {
1055 return Utils.instanceHasEmptyTSID(instance) ? Utils.guid() : instance.timeSeriesId.map(function (id) { return id === null ? Utils.guidForNullTSID : id; }).join();
1056 };
1057 Utils.stripNullGuid = function (str) {
1058 return str.replace(Utils.guidForNullTSID, nullTsidDisplayString);
1059 };
1060 Utils.getTimeSeriesIdString = function (instance) {
1061 return instance.timeSeriesId.map(function (id) { return id === null ? nullTsidDisplayString : id; }).join(', ');
1062 };
1063 Utils.getTimeSeriesIdToDisplay = function (instance, emptyDisplayString) {
1064 return Utils.instanceHasEmptyTSID(instance) ? emptyDisplayString : instance.timeSeriesId.map(function (id) { return id === null ? Utils.guidForNullTSID : id; }).join(', ');
1065 };
1066 Utils.getHighlightedTimeSeriesIdToDisplay = function (instance) {
1067 var _a;
1068 return (_a = instance.highlights) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.timeSeriesId.map(function (id, idx) { return instance.timeSeriesId[idx] === null ? Utils.guidForNullTSID : id; }).join(', ');
1069 };
1070 Utils.instanceHasEmptyTSID = function (instance) {
1071 return !instance.timeSeriesId || instance.timeSeriesId.length === 0;
1072 };
1073 // appends dom elements of stripped strings including hits (for instance search results) and mono classed spans (for null tsid)
1074 Utils.appendFormattedElementsFromString = function (targetElem, str, options) {
1075 if (options === void 0) { options = null; }
1076 var data = [];
1077 var splitByNullGuid = function (str) {
1078 var data = [];
1079 var splittedByNull = str.split(Utils.guidForNullTSID);
1080 splittedByNull.forEach(function (s, i) {
1081 if (i === 0) {
1082 if (s) {
1083 data.push({ str: s });
1084 }
1085 }
1086 else {
1087 data.push({ str: nullTsidDisplayString, isNull: true });
1088 if (s) {
1089 data.push({ str: s });
1090 }
1091 }
1092 });
1093 return data;
1094 };
1095 var splitByTag = options && options.splitByTag ? options.splitByTag : 'hit';
1096 var splittedByHit = str.split("<" + splitByTag + ">");
1097 splittedByHit.forEach(function (s, i) {
1098 if (i === 0) {
1099 data = data.concat(splitByNullGuid(s));
1100 }
1101 else {
1102 var splittedByHitClose = s.split("</" + splitByTag + ">");
1103 data.push({ str: splittedByHitClose[0], isHit: true });
1104 data = data.concat(splitByNullGuid(splittedByHitClose[1]));
1105 }
1106 });
1107 var additionalClassName = options && options.additionalClassName ? options.additionalClassName : '';
1108 var children = targetElem.selectAll('.tsi-formattedChildren').data(data);
1109 children.enter()
1110 .append(function (d) {
1111 return d.isHit ? document.createElement('mark')
1112 : options && options.inSvg ? document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'tspan')
1113 : document.createElement('span');
1114 })
1115 .classed('tsi-formattedChildren', true)
1116 .merge(children)
1117 .classed('tsi-baseMono', function (d) { return d.isNull; })
1118 .classed(additionalClassName, options && options.additionalClassName)
1119 .text(function (d) { return d.str; });
1120 children.exit().remove();
1121 };
1122 Utils.escapedTsidForExactSearch = function (tsid) {
1123 var escapedTsid = tsid || '';
1124 if (tsid) {
1125 CharactersToEscapeForExactSearchInstance.forEach(function (c) {
1126 escapedTsid = escapedTsid.split(c).join('+');
1127 });
1128 }
1129 return escapedTsid;
1130 };
1131 return Utils;
1134export { DataTypes as D, ErrorCodes as E, GRIDCONTAINERCLASS as G, HierarchiesExpand as H, InstancesSort as I, KeyCodes as K, LINECHARTTOPPADDING as L, MARKERVALUENUMERICHEIGHT as M, NONNUMERICTOPMARGIN as N, ShiftTypes as S, TooltipMeasureFormat as T, Utils as U, VALUEBARHEIGHT as V, YAxisStates as Y, EventElementTypes as a, LINECHARTXOFFSET as b, SERIESLABELWIDTH as c, LINECHARTCHARTMARGINS as d, HierarchiesSort as e, InterpolationFunctions as f, DefaultHierarchyNavigationOptions as g, swimlaneLabelConstants as s, valueTypes as v };