16.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { a as __extends, d as __spreadArray } from './tslib.es6-f952ba6f.js';
2import { G as GRIDCONTAINERCLASS, U as Utils, T as TooltipMeasureFormat, D as DataTypes, S as ShiftTypes } from './Utils-38a0872e.js';
3import { select } from 'd3';
4import { C as Component } from './Component-5173b5ea.js';
5import { G as Grid, C as ChartComponentData } from './Grid-170eaa9c.js';
6import { E as EllipsisMenu } from './EllipsisMenu-7faacf35.js';
7import Split from 'split.js';
9var ChartComponent = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10 __extends(ChartComponent, _super);
11 function ChartComponent(renderTarget) {
12 var _this = _super.call(this, renderTarget) || this;
13 _this.MINWIDTH = 350;
14 _this.MINHEIGHT = 150;
15 _this.CONTROLSWIDTH = 200;
16 _this.GUTTERWIDTH = 6;
17 _this.chartControlsPanel = null;
18 _this.ellipsisContainer = null;
19 _this.ellipsisMenu = null;
20 _this.svgSelection = null;
21 _this.legendWidth = _this.CONTROLSWIDTH;
22 _this.downloadAsCSV = function (isScatterPlot) {
23 if (isScatterPlot === void 0) { isScatterPlot = false; }
24 Utils.downloadCSV(_this.chartComponentData.generateCSVString(_this.chartOptions.offset, _this.chartOptions.dateLocale, isScatterPlot ? _this.chartOptions.spMeasures : null));
25 };
26 _this.chartComponentData = new ChartComponentData();
27 return _this;
28 }
29 ChartComponent.prototype.showGrid = function () {
30 Grid.showGrid(this.renderTarget, this.chartOptions, this.aggregateExpressionOptions, this.chartComponentData);
31 };
32 ChartComponent.prototype.gatedShowGrid = function () {
33 if (this.isGridVisible()) {
34 this.showGrid();
35 }
36 };
37 ChartComponent.prototype.hideGrid = function () {
38 Grid.hideGrid(this.renderTarget);
39 };
40 ChartComponent.prototype.isGridVisible = function () {
41 return !select(this.renderTarget).selectAll("." + GRIDCONTAINERCLASS).empty();
42 };
43 ChartComponent.prototype.drawEllipsisMenu = function (additionalEllipsisItems) {
44 var _this = this;
45 if (additionalEllipsisItems === void 0) { additionalEllipsisItems = []; }
46 if (this.chartOptions.canDownload || this.chartOptions.grid || (this.chartOptions.ellipsisItems && this.chartOptions.ellipsisItems.length > 0) || additionalEllipsisItems.length > 0) {
47 if (this.ellipsisContainer === null) {
48 this.ellipsisContainer = this.chartControlsPanel.append("div")
49 .attr("class", "tsi-ellipsisContainerDiv");
50 }
51 if (this.ellipsisMenu === null) {
52 this.ellipsisMenu = new EllipsisMenu(this.ellipsisContainer.node());
53 }
54 var ellipsisItems = [];
55 if (this.chartOptions.grid) {
56 ellipsisItems.push(Grid.createGridEllipsisOption(this.renderTarget, this.chartOptions, this.aggregateExpressionOptions, this.chartComponentData, this.getString("Display Grid")));
57 }
58 if (this.chartOptions.canDownload) {
59 ellipsisItems.push(Utils.createDownloadEllipsisOption(function () { return _this.chartComponentData.generateCSVString(_this.chartOptions.offset, _this.chartOptions.dateLocale); }, function () { return Utils.focusOnEllipsisButton(_this.renderTarget); }, this.getString("Download as CSV")));
60 }
61 if (this.chartOptions.ellipsisItems) {
62 ellipsisItems = ellipsisItems.concat(this.chartOptions.ellipsisItems);
63 }
64 this.ellipsisMenu.render(ellipsisItems.concat(additionalEllipsisItems), { theme: this.chartOptions.theme });
65 }
66 };
67 ChartComponent.prototype.removeControlPanel = function () {
68 if (this.chartControlsPanel) {
69 this.chartControlsPanel.remove();
70 }
71 this.chartControlsPanel = null;
72 this.ellipsisContainer = null;
73 this.ellipsisMenu = null;
74 };
75 ChartComponent.prototype.removeEllipsisMenu = function () {
76 if (this.ellipsisContainer) {
77 this.ellipsisContainer.remove();
78 }
79 this.ellipsisContainer = null;
80 this.ellipsisMenu = null;
81 };
82 ChartComponent.prototype.getWidth = function () {
83 return Math.max(select(this.renderTarget).node().clientWidth, this.MINWIDTH);
84 };
85 ChartComponent.prototype.getVisibilityState = function () {
86 return this.chartComponentData.getVisibilityState();
87 };
88 ChartComponent.prototype.ellipsisItemsExist = function () {
89 return (this.chartOptions.canDownload || this.chartOptions.ellipsisItems.length > 0 || this.chartOptions.grid);
90 };
91 ChartComponent.prototype.getDataType = function (aggKey) {
92 return this.chartComponentData.getDataType(aggKey);
93 };
94 ChartComponent.prototype.getCDOFromAggKey = function (aggKey) {
95 var matches = this.aggregateExpressionOptions.filter(function (cDO) {
96 return cDO.aggKey === aggKey;
97 });
98 if (matches.length === 1) {
99 return matches[0];
100 }
101 return {};
102 };
103 ChartComponent.prototype.getFilteredMeasures = function (measureList, visibleMeasure, measureFormat, xyrMeasures) {
104 if (xyrMeasures === void 0) { xyrMeasures = null; }
105 var justVisibleMeasure = [visibleMeasure];
106 switch (measureFormat) {
107 case TooltipMeasureFormat.SingleValue:
108 return justVisibleMeasure;
109 case TooltipMeasureFormat.Scatter:
110 return xyrMeasures;
111 default:
112 if (measureList.length !== 3) {
113 return justVisibleMeasure;
114 }
115 var isAvgMinMax_1 = true;
116 measureList.forEach(function (measure) {
117 if (!(measure === 'avg' || measure === 'min' || measure === 'max')) {
118 isAvgMinMax_1 = false;
119 }
120 });
121 return isAvgMinMax_1 ? measureList.sort(function (m) { return m === 'min' ? -1 : (m === 'avg' ? 0 : 1); }) : justVisibleMeasure;
122 }
123 };
124 // to get alignment for data points between other types and linechart for tooltip formatting
125 ChartComponent.prototype.convertToTimeValueFormat = function (d) {
126 var measuresObject = {};
127 var measureType = d.measureType ? d.measureType : this.chartComponentData.displayState[d.aggKey].splitBys[d.splitBy].visibleType;
128 measuresObject[measureType] = d.val;
129 return {
130 aggregateKey: d.aggKey,
131 splitBy: d.splitBy,
132 aggregateName: this.chartComponentData.displayState[d.aggKey].name,
133 measures: measuresObject
134 };
135 };
136 ChartComponent.prototype.formatDate = function (date, shiftMillis) {
137 return Utils.timeFormat(this.chartComponentData.usesSeconds, this.chartComponentData.usesMillis, this.chartOptions.offset, this.chartOptions.is24HourTime, shiftMillis, null, this.chartOptions.dateLocale)(date);
138 };
139 ChartComponent.prototype.tooltipFormat = function (d, text, measureFormat, xyrMeasures) {
140 var _this = this;
141 if (xyrMeasures === void 0) { xyrMeasures = null; }
142 var dataType = this.getDataType(d.aggregateKey);
143 var title = d.aggregateName;
144 var cDO = this.getCDOFromAggKey(d.aggregateKey);
145 var shiftMillis = this.chartComponentData.getTemporalShiftMillis(d.aggregateKey);
146 var formatDate = function (date) { return _this.formatDate(date, shiftMillis); };
147 var titleGroup = text.append("div")
148 .attr("class", "tsi-tooltipTitleGroup");
149 this.createTooltipSeriesInfo(d, titleGroup, cDO);
150 if (dataType === DataTypes.Categorical) {
151 titleGroup.append('h4')
152 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipSubtitle tsi-tooltipTimeStamp')
153 .text(formatDate(d.dateTime) + ' - ' + formatDate(d.endDate));
154 }
155 if (dataType === DataTypes.Events) {
156 titleGroup.append('h4')
157 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipSubtitle tsi-tooltipTimeStamp')
158 .text(formatDate(d.dateTime));
159 }
160 var tooltipAttrs = cDO.tooltipAttributes;
161 if (shiftMillis !== 0 && tooltipAttrs) {
162 var shiftTuple = this.chartComponentData.getTemporalShiftStringTuple(d.aggregateKey);
163 if (shiftTuple !== null) {
164 var keyString = this.getString(shiftTuple[0]);
165 var valueString = (keyString === ShiftTypes.startAt) ? this.formatDate(new Date(shiftTuple[1]), 0) : shiftTuple[1];
166 tooltipAttrs = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], tooltipAttrs), [[keyString, valueString]]);
167 }
168 }
169 if (tooltipAttrs && tooltipAttrs.length > 0) {
170 var attrsGroup_1 = text.append('div')
171 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipAttributeContainer tsi-tooltipFlexyBox');
172 tooltipAttrs.forEach(function (attrTuple, i) {
173 var timeShiftRow = attrsGroup_1.append('div')
174 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipAttribute tsi-tooltipFlexyItem');
175 timeShiftRow.append('div')
176 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipAttrTitle')
177 .text(attrTuple[0]);
178 timeShiftRow.append('div')
179 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipAttrValue')
180 .text(attrTuple[1]);
181 });
182 }
183 if (d.measures && Object.keys(d.measures).length) {
184 var formatValue_1 = (dataType === DataTypes.Events ? function (d) { return d; } : Utils.formatYAxisNumber);
185 if (dataType !== DataTypes.Numeric) {
186 var valueGroup_1 = text.append('table')
187 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipValues tsi-tooltipTable');
188 Object.keys(d.measures).forEach(function (measureType, i) {
189 if (!(dataType === DataTypes.Categorical) || d.measures[measureType] !== 0) {
190 valueGroup_1.append('tr').classed('tsi-tableSpacer', true);
191 var tr = valueGroup_1.append('tr')
192 .classed('tsi-visibleValue', (dataType === DataTypes.Numeric && (measureType === _this.chartComponentData.getVisibleMeasure(d.aggregateKey, d.splitBy))))
193 .style('border-left-color', Utils.getColorForValue(cDO, measureType));
194 tr.append('td')
195 .attr('class', 'tsi-valueLabel')
196 .text(measureType);
197 tr.append('td')
198 .attr('class', 'tsi-valueCell')
199 .text(formatValue_1(d.measures[measureType]));
200 }
201 });
202 }
203 else {
204 var valueGroup_2 = text.append('div')
205 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipFlexyBox');
206 var filteredMeasures = this.getFilteredMeasures(Object.keys(d.measures), this.chartComponentData.getVisibleMeasure(d.aggregateKey, d.splitBy), measureFormat, xyrMeasures);
207 filteredMeasures.forEach(function (measureType, i) {
208 var valueItem = valueGroup_2.append('div')
209 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipFlexyItem')
210 .classed('tsi-visibleValue', (dataType === DataTypes.Numeric &&
211 (measureType === _this.chartComponentData.getVisibleMeasure(d.aggregateKey, d.splitBy)) &&
212 (measureFormat !== TooltipMeasureFormat.Scatter)));
213 var measureTitle = valueItem.append('div')
214 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipMeasureTitle');
215 Utils.appendFormattedElementsFromString(measureTitle, measureType);
216 valueItem.append('div')
217 .attr('class', 'tsi-tooltipMeasureValue')
218 .text(formatValue_1(d.measures[measureType]));
219 });
220 }
221 }
222 };
223 ChartComponent.prototype.getSVGWidth = function () {
224 return this.chartWidth + this.chartMargins.left + this.chartMargins.right;
225 };
226 ChartComponent.prototype.getChartWidth = function (legendWidth) {
227 if (legendWidth === void 0) { legendWidth = this.CONTROLSWIDTH; }
228 legendWidth = this.legendWidth; // + this.GUTTERWIDTH;
229 return Math.max(1, this.width - this.chartMargins.left - this.chartMargins.right - (this.chartOptions.legend === "shown" ? legendWidth : 0));
230 };
231 ChartComponent.prototype.calcSVGWidth = function () {
232 return this.svgSelection.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
233 };
234 ChartComponent.prototype.setControlsPanelWidth = function () {
235 if (!this.chartOptions.hideChartControlPanel && this.chartControlsPanel !== null) {
236 //either calculate expected or just use svg if it's in the DOM
237 var controlPanelWidth = this.svgSelection && this.svgSelection.node() ?
238 this.calcSVGWidth() :
239 this.getWidth() - (this.chartOptions.legend === 'shown' ? (this.legendWidth + this.GUTTERWIDTH) : 0);
240 this.chartControlsPanel.style("width", controlPanelWidth + "px");
241 }
242 };
243 ChartComponent.prototype.legendPostRenderProcess = function (legendState, chartElement, shouldSetControlsWidth, splitLegendOnDrag) {
244 if (splitLegendOnDrag === void 0) { splitLegendOnDrag = undefined; }
245 if (legendState === 'shown') {
246 this.splitLegendAndSVG(chartElement.node(), splitLegendOnDrag);
247 if (shouldSetControlsWidth) {
248 this.setControlsPanelWidth();
249 }
250 }
251 else {
252 select(this.renderTarget).select('.tsi-resizeGutter').remove();
253 }
254 };
255 ChartComponent.prototype.splitLegendAndSVG = function (chartElement, onDrag) {
256 var _this = this;
257 if (onDrag === void 0) { onDrag = function () { }; }
258 var svgWidth = this.getSVGWidth();
259 var legendWidth = this.width - svgWidth;
260 select(this.renderTarget).select('.tsi-resizeGutter').remove();
261 var legend = this.legendObject.legendElement;
262 Split([this.legendObject.legendElement.node(), chartElement], {
263 sizes: [legendWidth / this.width * 100, svgWidth / this.width * 100],
264 gutterSize: 2,
265 minSize: [200, 0],
266 snapOffset: 0,
267 cursor: 'e-resize',
268 onDragEnd: function (sizes) {
269 var legendWidth = _this.width * (sizes[0] / 100);
270 _this.legendWidth = legendWidth;
271 _this.chartWidth = _this.getChartWidth();
272 _this.draw(true);
273 legend.style('width', _this.legendWidth + 'px');
274 select(_this.renderTarget).select('.tsi-resizeGutter')
275 .classed('tsi-isDragging', false);
276 },
277 onDragStart: function () {
278 select(_this.renderTarget).select('.tsi-resizeGutter')
279 .classed('tsi-isDragging', true);
280 },
281 onDrag: function () {
282 if (!_this.chartOptions.hideChartControlPanel && _this.chartControlsPanel !== null) {
283 var svgLeftOffset = _this.calcSVGWidth();
284 _this.chartControlsPanel.style("width", Math.max(svgLeftOffset, _this.chartMargins.left + 8) + "px"); //8px to account for the width of the icon
285 }
286 onDrag();
287 },
288 gutter: function (index, direction) {
289 var gutter = document.createElement('div');
290 gutter.className = "gutter tsi-resizeGutter";
291 return gutter;
292 },
293 direction: 'horizontal'
294 });
295 // explicitly set the width of the legend to a pixel value
296 var calcedLegendWidth = legend.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
297 legend.style("width", calcedLegendWidth + "px");
298 };
299 return ChartComponent;
302export { ChartComponent as C };