26.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { a as __extends } from './tslib.es6-f952ba6f.js';
2import { U as Utils } from './Utils-38a0872e.js';
3import { select } from 'd3';
4import { C as ChartComponent } from './ChartComponent-ed6f3c6d.js';
5import { p as pikaday } from './pikaday-40a24035.js';
6import moment from 'moment';
7import { T as TimezonePicker } from './TimezonePicker-354a93a2.js';
9var DateTimePicker = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
10 __extends(DateTimePicker, _super);
11 function DateTimePicker(renderTarget) {
12 var _this = _super.call(this, renderTarget) || this;
13 _this.isValid = true;
14 _this.isSettingStartTime = true;
15 _this.quickTimeArray = [
16 ["Last 15 mins", 15 * 60 * 1000],
17 ["Last 30 mins", 30 * 60 * 1000],
18 ["Last Hour", 60 * 60 * 1000],
19 ["Last 2 Hours", 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
20 ["Last 4 Hours", 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
21 ["Last 12 Hours", 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
22 ["Last 24 Hours", 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
23 ["Last 7 Days", 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
24 ["Last 30 Days", 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000],
25 ["Last 90 Days", 90 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000]
26 ];
27 _this.onSaveOrCancel = function () {
28 _this.isSettingStartTime = true;
29 };
30 return _this;
31 }
32 // returns -1 if not currently a quicktime
33 DateTimePicker.prototype.getCurrentQuickTime = function () {
34 var _this = this;
35 var matchingQuickTime = this.quickTimeArray.filter(function (quickTimeTuple) {
36 return (_this.toMillis - _this.fromMillis === quickTimeTuple[1]);
37 });
38 if (matchingQuickTime.length !== 1 || this.toMillis !== this.maxMillis) {
39 return -1;
40 }
41 return matchingQuickTime[0][1];
42 };
43 DateTimePicker.prototype.getQuickTimeText = function (quickTimeMillis) {
44 var filteredQuickTime = this.quickTimeArray.filter(function (quickTimeTuple) {
45 return (quickTimeMillis === quickTimeTuple[1]);
46 });
47 if (filteredQuickTime.length !== 1) {
48 return null;
49 }
50 return filteredQuickTime[0][0];
51 };
52 DateTimePicker.prototype.convertToCalendarDate = function (millis) {
53 return this.roundDay(Utils.adjustDateFromTimezoneOffset(Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(millis), this.chartOptions.offset)));
54 };
55 DateTimePicker.prototype.setNewOffset = function (oldOffset) {
56 var _this = this;
57 var valuesToUpdate = ['fromMillis', 'toMillis'];
58 valuesToUpdate.forEach(function (currValue) {
59 var oldOffsetMinutes = Utils.getMinutesToUTC(oldOffset, _this[currValue]);
60 var utcMillis = _this[currValue] - (oldOffsetMinutes * 60 * 1000);
61 _this[currValue] = utcMillis - Utils.getOffsetMinutes(_this.chartOptions.offset, utcMillis) * 60 * 1000;
62 });
63 this.setFromMillis(this.fromMillis);
64 this.setToMillis(this.toMillis);
65 this.updateDisplayedFromDateTime();
66 this.updateDisplayedToDateTime();
67 this.startRange = new Date(this.fromMillis);
68 this.endRange = new Date(this.toMillis);
69 this.calendarPicker.config({ minDate: this.convertToCalendarDate(this.minMillis) });
70 this.calendarPicker.config({ maxDate: this.convertToCalendarDate(this.maxMillis) });
71 this.calendarPicker.draw();
72 var rangeErrorCheck = this.rangeIsValid(this.fromMillis, this.toMillis);
73 this.setIsSaveable(rangeErrorCheck.isSaveable);
74 this.displayRangeErrors(rangeErrorCheck.errors);
75 };
76 DateTimePicker.prototype.render = function (chartOptions, minMillis, maxMillis, fromMillis, toMillis, onSet, onCancel) {
77 var _this = this;
78 if (chartOptions === void 0) { chartOptions = {}; }
79 if (fromMillis === void 0) { fromMillis = null; }
80 if (toMillis === void 0) { toMillis = null; }
81 if (onSet === void 0) { onSet = null; }
82 if (onCancel === void 0) { onCancel = null; }
83 this.isSettingStartTime = true;
84 this.minMillis = minMillis;
85 this.maxMillis = maxMillis;
86 if (chartOptions.offset && (typeof chartOptions.offset === "string")) {
87 this.offsetName = chartOptions.offset;
88 }
89 if (toMillis == null) {
90 toMillis = this.maxMillis;
91 }
92 if (fromMillis == null) {
93 fromMillis = Math.max(toMillis - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000), minMillis);
94 }
95 this.chartOptions.setOptions(chartOptions);
96 moment.locale(this.chartOptions.dateLocale);
97 this.fromMillis = fromMillis;
98 this.toMillis = toMillis;
99 this.onSet = onSet;
100 this.onCancel = onCancel;
101 this.targetElement = select(this.renderTarget)
102 .classed("tsi-dateTimePicker", true);
103 this.targetElement.html('');
104 _super.prototype.themify.call(this, this.targetElement, this.chartOptions.theme);
105 var group = this.targetElement.append('div')
106 .classed('tsi-dateTimeGroup', true)
107 .on('keydown', function (event) {
108 if (event.keyCode <= 40 && event.keyCode >= 37) { //arrow key
109 event.stopPropagation();
110 }
111 if (event.keyCode === 27 && _this.chartOptions.dTPIsModal) { //escape
112 _this.onCancel();
113 _this.onSaveOrCancel();
114 }
115 });
116 this.quickTimesPanel = group.append('div')
117 .classed('tsi-quickTimesPanel', true);
118 this.buildQuickTimesPanel();
119 this.dateTimeSelectionPanel = group.append('div')
120 .classed('tsi-dateTimeSelectionPanel', true);
121 this.timeControls = this.dateTimeSelectionPanel.append("div").classed("tsi-timeControlsContainer", true);
122 this.calendar = this.dateTimeSelectionPanel.append("div").classed("tsi-calendarPicker", true);
123 this.createTimezonePicker();
124 var saveButtonContainer = this.dateTimeSelectionPanel.append("div").classed("tsi-saveButtonContainer", true);
125 var self = this;
126 var saveButton = saveButtonContainer.append("button").classed("tsi-saveButton", true).text(this.getString("Save"))
127 .on("click", function () {
128 self.onSet(self.fromMillis, self.toMillis, self.chartOptions.offset, self.maxMillis === self.toMillis, self.getCurrentQuickTime());
129 self.onSaveOrCancel();
130 });
131 var cancelButton = saveButtonContainer.append('button')
132 .attr('class', 'tsi-cancelButton')
133 .text(this.getString('Cancel'))
134 .on('click', function () {
135 _this.onCancel();
136 _this.onSaveOrCancel();
137 })
138 .on('keydown', function (event) {
139 if (event.keyCode === 9 && !event.shiftKey && _this.chartOptions.dTPIsModal) { // tab
140 _this.quickTimesPanel.selectAll('.tsi-quickTime')
141 .filter(function (d, i) { return i === 0; })
142 .node()
143 .focus();
144 event.preventDefault();
145 }
146 });
147 //originally set toMillis to last possible time
148 this.toMillis = this.maxMillis;
149 this.setFromMillis(fromMillis);
150 this.setToMillis(toMillis);
151 this.targetElement.append("div").classed("tsi-errorMessageContainer", true);
152 this.createTimePicker();
153 this.createCalendar();
154 this.calendarPicker.draw();
155 this.updateDisplayedFromDateTime();
156 this.updateDisplayedToDateTime();
157 this.startRange = new Date(this.fromMillis);
158 this.endRange = new Date(this.toMillis);
159 this.calendarPicker.draw();
160 return;
161 };
162 DateTimePicker.prototype.updateDisplayedDateTimes = function () {
163 var _this = this;
164 ['from', 'to'].forEach(function (fromOrTo) {
165 var selectedDate = new Date(_this[fromOrTo + 'Millis']);
166 _this.calendarPicker.setDate(_this.roundDay(Utils.offsetFromUTC(selectedDate)));
167 _this[fromOrTo + 'Input'].node().value = _this.createTimeString(Utils.offsetFromUTC(selectedDate));
168 });
169 };
170 DateTimePicker.prototype.setFromQuickTimes = function (relativeMillis) {
171 this.isSettingStartTime = true;
172 this.setToMillis(this.maxMillis);
173 this.setFromMillis(this.maxMillis - relativeMillis);
174 this.updateDisplayedFromDateTime();
175 this.updateDisplayedToDateTime();
176 this.calendarPicker.draw();
177 };
178 DateTimePicker.prototype.buildQuickTimesPanel = function () {
179 var _this = this;
180 var quickTimes = this.quickTimesPanel.selectAll('.tsi-quickTime')
181 .data(this.quickTimeArray);
182 var enteredQuickTimes = quickTimes.enter()
183 .append('button')
184 .attr('class', 'tsi-quickTime')
185 .on('click', function (event, d) {
186 _this.setFromQuickTimes(d[1]);
187 })
188 .text(function (d) { return d[0]; })
189 .attr('aria-label', function (d) { return _this.getString('select quick time of') + " " + d[0]; });
190 // wrap around tab order if dTP in modal form
191 var firstQuickTime = enteredQuickTimes.filter(function (d, i) {
192 return (i === 0);
193 })
194 .on('keydown', function (event) {
195 if (event.keyCode === 9 && event.shiftKey && _this.chartOptions.dTPIsModal) { // shift tab
196 _this.dateTimeSelectionPanel.select(".tsi-saveButtonContainer").select(".tsi-cancelButton").node().focus();
197 event.preventDefault();
198 }
199 });
200 if (this.chartOptions.dTPIsModal) {
201 firstQuickTime.node().focus();
202 }
203 };
204 DateTimePicker.prototype.createTimeString = function (currDate) {
205 return this.getTimeFormat()(currDate);
206 };
207 DateTimePicker.prototype.getTimeFormat = function () {
208 return Utils.timeFormat(true, true, this.chartOptions.offset, true, 0, null, this.chartOptions.dateLocale);
209 };
210 DateTimePicker.prototype.updateFromAndTo = function (fromMillis, toMillis) {
211 this.setFromMillis(fromMillis);
212 this.setToMillis(toMillis);
213 this.updateDisplayedFromDateTime();
214 this.updateDisplayedToDateTime();
215 this.startRange = new Date(this.fromMillis);
216 this.endRange = new Date(this.toMillis);
217 this.calendarPicker.draw();
218 };
219 DateTimePicker.prototype.createTimezonePicker = function () {
220 var _this = this;
221 var offset = this.chartOptions.offset;
222 if (this.chartOptions.includeTimezones && (typeof offset == "string" || offset == 0)) {
223 var timezoneContainer = this.dateTimeSelectionPanel.append("div").attr("class", "tsi-timezoneContainer");
224 var timezoneSelectionLabelID = Utils.guid();
225 var timezoneSelectionID = timezoneSelectionLabelID + 'Tz';
226 timezoneContainer.append("label")
227 .classed("tsi-timeLabel", true)
228 .attr('aria-label', this.getString('timezone selection'))
229 .attr('id', timezoneSelectionLabelID)
230 .attr('for', timezoneSelectionID)
231 .text(this.getString('timezone'));
232 var timezonePickerContainer = timezoneContainer.append("div").classed("tsi-timezonePickerContainer", true);
233 var timezonePicker = new TimezonePicker(timezonePickerContainer.node());
234 timezonePicker.render(function (newOffset) {
235 var matchingQuickTime = _this.getCurrentQuickTime();
236 var oldOffset = _this.chartOptions.offset;
237 _this.chartOptions.offset = newOffset;
238 _this.setNewOffset(oldOffset);
239 if (matchingQuickTime !== -1) {
240 _this.setFromQuickTimes(matchingQuickTime);
241 }
242 }, (typeof offset == "string" ? offset : "UTC"));
243 select(timezonePicker.renderTarget).select('select')
244 .attr('aria-labelledBy', timezoneSelectionLabelID)
245 .attr('id', timezoneSelectionID);
246 }
247 };
248 //zero out everything but year, month and day
249 DateTimePicker.prototype.roundDay = function (d) {
250 return new Date(d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth(), d.getDate());
251 };
252 DateTimePicker.prototype.setTimeRange = function (d, isFromSelect) {
253 if (this.isSettingStartTime) {
254 this.calendarPicker.setStartRange(d);
255 this.calendarPicker.setEndRange(null);
256 this.startRange = d;
257 this.anchorDate = d;
258 }
259 else {
260 if (d.valueOf() > this.anchorDate.valueOf()) {
261 if (isFromSelect) {
262 this.setFromDate(this.anchorDate);
263 this.setToDate(d);
264 }
265 this.calendarPicker.setEndRange(d);
266 this.calendarPicker.setStartRange(this.anchorDate);
267 this.startRange = this.anchorDate;
268 this.endRange = d;
269 }
270 else {
271 if (isFromSelect) {
272 this.setFromDate(d);
273 this.setToDate(this.anchorDate);
274 }
275 this.calendarPicker.setStartRange(d);
276 this.calendarPicker.setEndRange(this.anchorDate);
277 this.endRange = this.anchorDate;
278 this.startRange = d;
279 }
280 this.setTimeInputBox(this.fromMillis, true);
281 this.setTimeInputBox(this.toMillis, false);
282 }
283 };
284 DateTimePicker.prototype.createCalendar = function () {
285 var _this = this;
286 var i18nOptions = {
287 previousMonth: this.getString('Previous Month'),
288 nextMonth: this.getString('Next Month'),
289 months: moment.localeData().months(),
290 weekdays: moment.localeData().weekdays(),
291 weekdaysShort: moment.localeData().weekdaysMin()
292 };
293 //@ts-ignore
294 this.calendarPicker = new pikaday({
295 bound: false,
296 container: this.calendar.node(),
297 field: this.calendar.node(),
298 i18n: i18nOptions,
299 numberOfMonths: 2,
300 onSelect: function (d) {
301 _this.setTimeRange(d, true);
302 _this.isSettingStartTime = !_this.isSettingStartTime;
303 _this.calendarPicker.draw();
304 },
305 onDraw: function (d) {
306 if (_this.isSettingStartTime)
307 return;
308 var self = _this;
309 _this.calendar.select(".pika-single").selectAll(".pika-day")
310 .on("mouseover", function () {
311 var date = new Date(Number(select(this).attr("data-pika-year")), Number(select(this).attr("data-pika-month")), Number(select(this).attr("data-pika-day")));
312 if (!self.isSettingStartTime) {
313 if (date.valueOf() < self.anchorDate.valueOf() && self.startRange.valueOf() != date.valueOf()) {
314 self.setTimeRange(date, false);
315 self.calendarPicker.draw();
316 return;
317 }
318 if (date.valueOf() >= self.anchorDate.valueOf() && (self.endRange == undefined || self.endRange.valueOf() != date.valueOf())) {
319 self.setTimeRange(date, false);
320 self.calendarPicker.draw();
321 return;
322 }
323 }
324 });
325 },
326 minDate: this.convertToCalendarDate(this.minMillis),
327 maxDate: this.convertToCalendarDate(this.maxMillis),
328 defaultDate: Utils.adjustDateFromTimezoneOffset(new Date(this.fromMillis))
329 });
330 };
331 DateTimePicker.prototype.setSelectedQuickTimes = function () {
332 var _this = this;
333 var isSelected = function (d) {
334 return (_this.toMillis === _this.maxMillis && (_this.toMillis - _this.fromMillis === d[1]));
335 };
336 this.quickTimesPanel.selectAll('.tsi-quickTime')
337 .classed('tsi-isSelected', isSelected)
338 .attr('aria-pressed', isSelected);
339 };
340 DateTimePicker.prototype.setFromDate = function (calendarDate) {
341 var convertedFrom = new Date(Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(this.fromMillis), this.chartOptions.offset));
342 convertedFrom.setUTCFullYear(calendarDate.getFullYear());
343 convertedFrom.setUTCMonth(calendarDate.getMonth());
344 convertedFrom.setUTCDate(calendarDate.getDate());
345 this.setFromMillis(Utils.offsetToUTC(convertedFrom, this.chartOptions.offset).valueOf());
346 };
347 DateTimePicker.prototype.setToDate = function (calendarDate) {
348 var convertedTo = new Date(Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(this.toMillis), this.chartOptions.offset));
349 convertedTo.setUTCFullYear(calendarDate.getFullYear());
350 convertedTo.setUTCMonth(calendarDate.getMonth());
351 convertedTo.setUTCDate(calendarDate.getDate());
352 this.setToMillis(Utils.offsetToUTC(convertedTo, this.chartOptions.offset).valueOf());
353 };
354 DateTimePicker.prototype.setIsSaveable = function (isSaveable) {
355 // For now, lets allow users to save the time even in the presence of errors
356 this.dateTimeSelectionPanel.select(".tsi-saveButtonContainer").select(".tsi-saveButton")
357 .attr("disabled", isSaveable ? null : true)
358 .classed("tsi-buttonDisabled", !isSaveable);
359 this.isValid = isSaveable;
360 };
361 //line up the seconds and millis with the second and millis of the max date
362 DateTimePicker.prototype.adjustSecondsAndMillis = function (rawMillis) {
363 var currDate = new Date(rawMillis);
364 var maxDate = new Date(this.maxMillis);
365 currDate.setUTCSeconds(maxDate.getUTCSeconds());
366 currDate.setUTCMilliseconds(maxDate.getUTCMilliseconds());
367 return currDate.valueOf();
368 };
369 DateTimePicker.prototype.setFromMillis = function (millis) {
370 var rangeErrorCheck = this.rangeIsValid(millis, this.toMillis);
371 this.fromMillis = millis;
372 this.setIsSaveable(rangeErrorCheck.isSaveable);
373 this.displayRangeErrors(rangeErrorCheck.errors);
374 this.setSelectedQuickTimes();
375 };
376 DateTimePicker.prototype.setToMillis = function (millis) {
377 var rangeErrorCheck = this.rangeIsValid(this.fromMillis, millis);
378 this.toMillis = millis;
379 this.setIsSaveable(rangeErrorCheck.isSaveable);
380 this.displayRangeErrors(rangeErrorCheck.errors);
381 this.setSelectedQuickTimes();
382 };
383 DateTimePicker.prototype.displayRangeErrors = function (rangeErrors) {
384 this.targetElement.select(".tsi-errorMessageContainer").selectAll(".tsi-errorMessage").remove();
385 if (rangeErrors.length != 0) {
386 this.targetElement.select(".tsi-errorMessageContainer").selectAll(".tsi-errorMessages")
387 .data(rangeErrors)
388 .enter()
389 .append("div")
390 .classed("tsi-errorMessage", true)
391 .attr('role', 'alert')
392 .attr('aria-live', 'assertive')
393 .text(function (d) { return d; });
394 }
395 };
396 DateTimePicker.prototype.rangeIsValid = function (prospectiveFromMillis, prospectiveToMillis) {
397 var accumulatedErrors = [];
398 var isSaveable = true;
399 var bothTimesValid = !isNaN(prospectiveFromMillis) && !isNaN(prospectiveToMillis);
400 if (isNaN(prospectiveFromMillis)) {
401 accumulatedErrors.push("*Invalid Start date/time");
402 isSaveable = false;
403 }
404 if (isNaN(prospectiveToMillis)) {
405 accumulatedErrors.push("*Invalid end date/time");
406 isSaveable = false;
407 }
408 if (bothTimesValid) {
409 if (prospectiveFromMillis > prospectiveToMillis) {
410 accumulatedErrors.push("*Start time must be before end time");
411 isSaveable = false;
412 }
413 if (prospectiveFromMillis < this.minMillis) {
414 accumulatedErrors.push("*Start time is before first possible time (" + this.getTimeFormat()(this.minMillis) + ")");
415 }
416 if (prospectiveFromMillis > this.maxMillis) {
417 accumulatedErrors.push("*Start time is after last possible time (" + this.getTimeFormat()(this.maxMillis) + ")");
418 }
419 if (prospectiveToMillis > this.maxMillis) {
420 accumulatedErrors.push("*End time is after last possible time (" + this.getTimeFormat()(this.maxMillis) + ")");
421 }
422 if (prospectiveToMillis < this.minMillis) {
423 accumulatedErrors.push("*End time is before first possible time (" + this.getTimeFormat()(this.minMillis) + ")");
424 }
425 }
426 return {
427 rangeIsValid: (accumulatedErrors.length == 0),
428 errors: accumulatedErrors,
429 isSaveable: isSaveable
430 };
431 };
432 DateTimePicker.prototype.updateDisplayedFromDateTime = function (fromInput) {
433 if (fromInput === void 0) { fromInput = false; }
434 this.calendarPicker.setStartRange(this.convertToCalendarDate(this.fromMillis));
435 if (!fromInput)
436 this.setTimeInputBox(new Date(this.fromMillis), true);
437 };
438 DateTimePicker.prototype.updateDisplayedToDateTime = function (fromInput) {
439 if (fromInput === void 0) { fromInput = false; }
440 this.calendarPicker.setEndRange(this.convertToCalendarDate(this.toMillis));
441 if (!fromInput)
442 this.setTimeInputBox(new Date(this.toMillis), false);
443 };
444 DateTimePicker.prototype.offsetUTC = function (date) {
445 var dateCopy = new Date(date.valueOf());
446 dateCopy.setTime(dateCopy.getTime() - dateCopy.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
447 return dateCopy;
448 };
449 DateTimePicker.prototype.offsetFromUTC = function (date) {
450 var dateCopy = new Date(date.valueOf());
451 dateCopy.setTime(dateCopy.getTime() + dateCopy.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
452 return dateCopy;
453 };
454 DateTimePicker.prototype.checkDateTimeValidity = function () {
455 var parsedFrom = Utils.parseUserInputDateTime(this.fromInput.node().value, this.chartOptions.offset);
456 var parsedTo = Utils.parseUserInputDateTime(this.toInput.node().value, this.chartOptions.offset);
457 var rangeErrorCheck = this.rangeIsValid(parsedFrom, parsedTo);
458 this.setIsSaveable(rangeErrorCheck.isSaveable);
459 this.displayRangeErrors(rangeErrorCheck.errors);
460 };
461 DateTimePicker.prototype.setTimeInputBox = function (utcDate, isFrom) {
462 if (isFrom) {
463 this.fromInput.node().value = this.createTimeString(utcDate);
464 }
465 else {
466 this.toInput.node().value = this.createTimeString(utcDate);
467 }
468 };
469 DateTimePicker.prototype.createTimePicker = function () {
470 var _this = this;
471 var timeInputContainer = this.timeControls.append("div").attr("class", "tsi-timeInputContainer");
472 var createTimePicker = function (startOrEnd) {
473 var fromOrToContainer = timeInputContainer.append("div").classed("tsi-" + startOrEnd + "Container", true);
474 var inputLabelID = Utils.guid();
475 var inputID = inputLabelID + 'Input';
476 var timeLabel = fromOrToContainer.append("label")
477 .classed("tsi-timeLabel", true)
478 .attr('id', inputLabelID)
479 .attr('for', inputID)
480 .attr('aria-label', "" + (startOrEnd === 'start' ? _this.getString('Start time input') : _this.getString('End time input')))
481 .text(_this.getString(startOrEnd));
482 timeLabel.append("span")
483 .classed("tsi-timeRequired", true)
484 .text(_this.getString('*'));
485 var inputName = startOrEnd === 'start' ? 'fromInput' : 'toInput';
486 _this[inputName] = fromOrToContainer.append('input')
487 .attr('class', 'tsi-dateTimeInput', true)
488 .attr('aria-labelledby', inputLabelID)
489 .attr('required', true)
490 .attr('id', inputID)
491 .on('input', function () {
492 var rangeErrorCheck = _this.checkDateTimeValidity();
493 _this.isSettingStartTime = true;
494 if (_this.isValid) {
495 if (startOrEnd === 'start') {
496 var parsedFrom = Utils.parseUserInputDateTime(_this.fromInput.node().value, _this.chartOptions.offset);
497 _this.setFromMillis(parsedFrom);
498 _this.updateDisplayedFromDateTime(true);
499 _this.calendarPicker.draw();
500 }
501 else {
502 var parsedTo = Utils.parseUserInputDateTime(_this.toInput.node().value, _this.chartOptions.offset);
503 _this.setToMillis(parsedTo);
504 _this.updateDisplayedToDateTime(true);
505 _this.calendarPicker.draw();
506 }
507 }
508 });
509 if (startOrEnd == 'end') {
510 fromOrToContainer.append("button")
511 .attr("class", "tsi-snapToEndRangeButton")
512 .text(_this.getString("Latest"))
513 .attr('aria-label', _this.getString('snap end time to latest'))
514 .on("click", function () {
515 if (!_this.isSettingStartTime) {
516 _this.setFromDate(_this.startRange);
517 }
518 _this.setToMillis(_this.maxMillis);
519 _this.updateDisplayedFromDateTime();
520 _this.updateDisplayedToDateTime();
521 _this.isSettingStartTime = true;
522 _this.calendarPicker.draw();
523 });
524 }
525 };
526 createTimePicker("start");
527 createTimePicker("end");
528 };
529 return DateTimePicker;
532export { DateTimePicker as D };