28.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { a as __extends } from './tslib.es6-f952ba6f.js';
2import { D as DataTypes, U as Utils, a as EventElementTypes } from './Utils-38a0872e.js';
3import { select } from 'd3';
4import { C as Component } from './Component-5173b5ea.js';
8var Legend = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9 __extends(Legend, _super);
10 function Legend(drawChart, renderTarget, legendWidth) {
11 var _this = _super.call(this, renderTarget) || this;
12 _this.renderSplitBys = function (aggKey, aggSelection, dataType, noSplitBys) {
13 var splitByLabelData = Object.keys(_this.chartComponentData.timeArrays[aggKey]);
14 var firstSplitBy = _this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].splitBys[Object.keys(_this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].splitBys)[0]];
15 var firstSplitByType = firstSplitBy ? firstSplitBy.visibleType : null;
16 var isSame = Object.keys(_this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].splitBys).reduce(function (isSame, curr) {
17 return (firstSplitByType == _this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].splitBys[curr].visibleType) && isSame;
18 }, true);
19 var showMoreSplitBys = function () {
20 var oldShownSplitBys = _this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys;
21 _this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys = Math.min(oldShownSplitBys + 20, splitByLabelData.length);
22 if (oldShownSplitBys != _this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys) {
23 _this.renderSplitBys(aggKey, aggSelection, dataType, noSplitBys);
24 }
25 };
26 var splitByContainer = aggSelection.selectAll(".tsi-splitByContainer").data([aggKey]);
27 var splitByContainerEntered = splitByContainer.enter().append("div")
28 .merge(splitByContainer)
29 .classed("tsi-splitByContainer", true);
30 var splitByLabels = splitByContainerEntered.selectAll('.tsi-splitByLabel')
31 .data(splitByLabelData.slice(0, _this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys), function (d) {
32 return d;
33 });
34 var self = _this;
35 var splitByLabelsEntered = splitByLabels
36 .enter()
37 .append("div")
38 .merge(splitByLabels)
39 .attr('role', _this.legendState === 'compact' ? 'button' : 'presentation')
40 .attr('tabindex', _this.legendState === 'compact' ? '0' : '-1')
41 .on('keypress', function (event, splitBy) {
42 if (_this.legendState === 'compact' && (event.keyCode === 13 || event.keyCode === 32)) { //space or enter
43 _this.toggleSplitByVisible(aggKey, splitBy);
44 _this.drawChart();
45 event.preventDefault();
46 }
47 })
48 .on("click", function (event, splitBy) {
49 if (self.legendState == "compact") {
50 self.toggleSplitByVisible(aggKey, splitBy);
51 }
52 else {
53 self.toggleSticky(aggKey, splitBy);
54 }
55 self.drawChart();
56 })
57 .on("mouseover", function (event, splitBy) {
58 event.stopPropagation();
59 self.labelMouseover(aggKey, splitBy);
60 })
61 .on("mouseout", function (event) {
62 event.stopPropagation();
63 self.svgSelection.selectAll(".tsi-valueElement")
64 .attr("stroke-opacity", 1)
65 .attr("fill-opacity", 1);
66 self.labelMouseout(self.svgSelection, aggKey);
67 })
68 .attr("class", function (splitBy, i) {
69 var compact = (dataType !== DataTypes.Numeric) ? 'tsi-splitByLabelCompact' : '';
70 var shown = Utils.getAgVisible(self.chartComponentData.displayState, aggKey, splitBy) ? 'shown' : '';
71 return "tsi-splitByLabel tsi-splitByLabel " + compact + " " + shown;
72 })
73 .classed("stickied", function (splitBy, i) {
74 if (self.chartComponentData.stickiedKey != null) {
75 return aggKey == self.chartComponentData.stickiedKey.aggregateKey && splitBy == self.chartComponentData.stickiedKey.splitBy;
76 }
77 });
78 var colors = Utils.createSplitByColors(self.chartComponentData.displayState, aggKey, self.chartOptions.keepSplitByColor);
79 splitByLabelsEntered.each(function (splitBy, j) {
80 var color = (self.chartComponentData.isFromHeatmap) ? self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].color : colors[j];
81 if (dataType === DataTypes.Numeric || noSplitBys || self.legendState === 'compact') {
82 var colorKey = select(this).selectAll('.tsi-colorKey').data([color]);
83 var colorKeyEntered = colorKey.enter()
84 .append("div")
85 .attr("class", 'tsi-colorKey')
86 .merge(colorKey);
87 if (dataType === DataTypes.Numeric) {
88 colorKeyEntered.style('background-color', function (d) {
89 return d;
90 });
91 }
92 else {
93 self.createNonNumericColorKey(dataType, colorKeyEntered, aggKey);
94 }
95 select(this).classed('tsi-nonCompactNonNumeric', (dataType === DataTypes.Categorical || dataType === DataTypes.Events) && this.legendState !== 'compact');
96 colorKey.exit().remove();
97 }
98 else {
99 select(this).selectAll('.tsi-colorKey').remove();
100 }
101 if (select(this).select('.tsi-eyeIcon').empty()) {
102 select(this).append("button")
103 .attr("class", "tsi-eyeIcon")
104 .attr('aria-label', function () {
105 var showOrHide = self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].splitBys[splitBy].visible ? self.getString('hide series') : self.getString('show series');
106 return showOrHide + " " + splitBy + " " + self.getString('in group') + " " + self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].name;
107 })
108 .attr('title', function () { return self.getString('Show/Hide values'); })
109 .on("click", function (event) {
110 event.stopPropagation();
111 self.toggleSplitByVisible(aggKey, splitBy);
112 select(this)
113 .classed("shown", Utils.getAgVisible(self.chartComponentData.displayState, aggKey, splitBy));
114 self.drawChart();
115 });
116 }
117 if (select(this).select('.tsi-seriesName').empty()) {
118 var seriesName = select(this)
119 .append('div')
120 .attr('class', 'tsi-seriesName');
121 Utils.appendFormattedElementsFromString(seriesName, noSplitBys ? (self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].name) : splitBy);
122 }
123 if (dataType === DataTypes.Numeric) {
124 if (select(this).select('.tsi-seriesTypeSelection').empty()) {
125 select(this).append("select")
126 .attr('aria-label', self.getString("Series type selection for") + " " + splitBy + " " + self.getString('in group') + " " + self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].name)
127 .attr('class', 'tsi-seriesTypeSelection')
128 .on("change", function (data) {
129 var seriesType = select(this).property("value");
130 self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].splitBys[splitBy].visibleType = seriesType;
131 self.drawChart();
132 })
133 .on("click", function (event) {
134 event.stopPropagation();
135 });
136 }
137 select(this).select('.tsi-seriesTypeSelection')
138 .each(function (d) {
139 var typeLabels = select(this).selectAll('option')
140 .data(function (data) { return self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].splitBys[splitBy].types.map(function (type) {
141 return {
142 type: type,
143 aggKey: aggKey,
144 splitBy: splitBy,
145 visibleMeasure: Utils.getAgVisibleMeasure(self.chartComponentData.displayState, aggKey, splitBy)
146 };
147 }); });
148 typeLabels
149 .enter()
150 .append("option")
151 .attr("class", "seriesTypeLabel")
152 .merge(typeLabels)
153 .property("selected", function (data) {
154 return ((data.type == Utils.getAgVisibleMeasure(self.chartComponentData.displayState, data.aggKey, data.splitBy)) ?
155 " selected" : "");
156 })
157 .text(function (data) { return data.type; });
158 typeLabels.exit().remove();
159 });
160 }
161 else {
162 select(this).selectAll('.tsi-seriesTypeSelection').remove();
163 }
164 });
165 splitByLabels.exit().remove();
166 var shouldShowMore = self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys < splitByLabelData.length;
167 splitByContainerEntered.selectAll('.tsi-legendShowMore').remove();
168 if (_this.legendState === 'shown' && shouldShowMore) {
169 splitByContainerEntered.append('button')
170 .text(_this.getString('Show more'))
171 .attr('class', 'tsi-legendShowMore')
172 .style('display', (_this.legendState === 'shown' && shouldShowMore) ? 'block' : 'none')
173 .on('click', showMoreSplitBys);
174 }
175 splitByContainerEntered.on("scroll", function () {
176 if (self.chartOptions.legend === 'shown') {
177 if (this.scrollTop + this.clientHeight + 40 > this.scrollHeight) {
178 showMoreSplitBys();
179 }
180 }
181 });
182 splitByContainer.exit().remove();
183 };
184 _this.toggleSticky = function (aggregateKey, splitBy) {
185 //don't do anything if not visible
186 if (!_this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggregateKey].visible ||
187 !_this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggregateKey].splitBys[splitBy].visible)
188 return;
189 if (_this.chartComponentData.stickiedKey != null &&
190 _this.chartComponentData.stickiedKey.aggregateKey == aggregateKey &&
191 _this.chartComponentData.stickiedKey.splitBy == splitBy) {
192 _this.chartComponentData.stickiedKey = null;
193 }
194 else {
195 if (_this.stickySeriesAction) {
196 _this.stickySeriesAction(aggregateKey, splitBy);
197 }
198 }
199 };
200 _this.drawChart = drawChart;
201 _this.legendWidth = legendWidth;
202 _this.legendElement = select(renderTarget).insert("div", ":first-child")
203 .attr("class", "tsi-legend")
204 .style("left", "0px")
205 .style("width", (_this.legendWidth) + "px"); // - 16 for the width of the padding
206 return _this;
207 }
208 Legend.prototype.labelMouseoutWrapper = function (labelMouseout, svgSelection, event) {
209 return function (svgSelection, aggKey) {
210 event === null || event === void 0 ? void 0 : event.stopPropagation();
211 svgSelection.selectAll(".tsi-valueElement")
212 .filter(function () { return !select(this).classed("tsi-valueEnvelope"); })
213 .attr("stroke-opacity", 1)
214 .attr("fill-opacity", 1);
215 svgSelection.selectAll(".tsi-valueEnvelope")
216 .attr("fill-opacity", .2);
217 labelMouseout(svgSelection, aggKey);
218 };
219 };
220 Legend.prototype.toggleSplitByVisible = function (aggregateKey, splitBy) {
221 var _this = this;
222 var newState = !this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggregateKey].splitBys[splitBy].visible;
223 this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggregateKey].splitBys[splitBy].visible = newState;
224 this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggregateKey].visible = Object.keys(this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggregateKey].splitBys)
225 .reduce(function (prev, curr) {
226 return _this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggregateKey]["splitBys"][curr]["visible"] || prev;
227 }, false);
228 //turn off sticky if making invisible
229 if (newState == false && (this.chartComponentData.stickiedKey != null &&
230 this.chartComponentData.stickiedKey.aggregateKey == aggregateKey &&
231 this.chartComponentData.stickiedKey.splitBy == splitBy)) {
232 this.chartComponentData.stickiedKey = null;
233 }
234 };
235 Legend.prototype.triggerSplitByFocus = function (aggKey, splitBy) {
236 if (this.chartOptions.legend == "hidden") {
237 return;
238 }
239 this.legendElement.selectAll('.tsi-splitByLabel').classed("inFocus", false);
240 this.legendElement.selectAll('.tsi-splitByLabel').filter(function (labelData) {
241 return (select(this.parentNode).datum() == aggKey) && (labelData == splitBy);
242 }).classed("inFocus", true);
243 var indexOfSplitBy = Object.keys(this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].splitBys).indexOf(splitBy);
244 if (indexOfSplitBy != -1) {
245 var splitByNode = this.legendElement.selectAll('.tsi-splitByContainer').filter(function (d) {
246 return d == aggKey;
247 }).node();
248 var prospectiveScrollTop = Math.max((indexOfSplitBy - 1) * this.getHeightPerSplitBy(aggKey), 0);
249 if (splitByNode.scrollTop < prospectiveScrollTop - (splitByNode.clientHeight - 40) || splitByNode.scrollTop > prospectiveScrollTop) {
250 splitByNode.scrollTop = prospectiveScrollTop;
251 }
252 }
253 };
254 Legend.prototype.getHeightPerSplitBy = function (aggKey) {
255 return (this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].dataType === DataTypes.Numeric ? NUMERICSPLITBYHEIGHT : NONNUMERICSPLITBYHEIGHT);
256 };
257 Legend.prototype.createGradient = function (gradientKey, svg, values) {
258 var gradient = svg.append('defs').append('linearGradient')
259 .attr('id', gradientKey).attr('x1', '0%').attr('x2', '0%').attr('y1', '0%').attr('y2', '100%');
260 var catCount = Object.keys(values).length;
261 Object.keys(values).forEach(function (category, i) {
262 var currentStop = i / catCount * 100;
263 var nextStop = (i + 1) / catCount * 100;
264 var color = values[category].color;
265 gradient.append('stop')
266 .attr("offset", currentStop + "%")
267 .attr("stop-color", color)
268 .attr("stop-opacity", 1);
269 gradient.append('stop')
270 .attr("offset", nextStop + "%")
271 .attr("stop-color", color)
272 .attr("stop-opacity", 1);
273 });
274 };
275 Legend.prototype.isNonNumeric = function (aggKey) {
276 var dataType = this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].dataType;
277 return (dataType === DataTypes.Categorical || dataType === DataTypes.Events);
278 };
279 Legend.prototype.createNonNumericColorKey = function (dataType, colorKey, aggKey) {
280 if (dataType === DataTypes.Categorical) {
281 this.createCategoricalColorKey(colorKey, aggKey);
282 }
283 if (dataType === DataTypes.Events) {
284 this.createEventsColorKey(colorKey, aggKey);
285 }
286 };
287 Legend.prototype.createCategoricalColorKey = function (colorKey, aggKey) {
288 var categories = this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].aggregateExpression.valueMapping;
289 colorKey.classed('tsi-categoricalColorKey', true);
290 colorKey.selectAll('*').remove();
291 var svg = colorKey.append('svg')
292 .attr('width', colorKey.style('width'))
293 .attr('height', colorKey.style('height'));
294 var rect = svg.append('rect')
295 .attr('width', '100%')
296 .attr('height', '100%')
297 .attr('fill', 'black');
298 var gradientKey = Utils.guid();
299 this.createGradient(gradientKey, svg, categories);
300 rect.attr('fill', "url(#" + gradientKey + ")");
301 };
302 Legend.prototype.createEventsColorKey = function (colorKey, aggKey) {
303 var categories = this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].aggregateExpression.valueMapping;
304 var eventElementType = this.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].aggregateExpression.eventElementType;
305 colorKey.classed('tsi-eventsColorKey', true);
306 colorKey.selectAll('*').remove();
307 var colorKeyWidth = colorKey.node().getBoundingClientRect().width;
308 var colorKeyHeight = colorKey.node().getBoundingClientRect().height;
309 var colorKeyUnitLength = Math.floor(colorKeyHeight / Math.sqrt(2));
310 var svg = colorKey.append('svg')
311 .attr('width', colorKeyWidth + "px")
312 .attr('height', colorKeyHeight + "px");
313 var gradientKey = Utils.guid();
314 this.createGradient(gradientKey, svg, categories);
315 if (eventElementType === EventElementTypes.Teardrop) {
316 svg.append('path')
317 .attr('transform', function (d) {
318 return 'translate(' + (colorKeyWidth * .75) + ',' + (colorKeyHeight * .75) + ') rotate(180)';
319 })
320 .attr('d', this.teardropD(colorKeyWidth / 2, colorKeyHeight / 2))
321 .attr('stroke-width', Math.min(colorKeyUnitLength / 2.25, 8))
322 .style('fill', 'none')
323 .style('stroke', "url(#" + gradientKey + ")");
324 }
325 else {
326 var rect = svg.append('rect')
327 .attr('width', colorKeyUnitLength)
328 .attr('height', colorKeyUnitLength)
329 .attr('transform', "translate(" + (colorKeyWidth / 2) + ",0)rotate(45)")
330 .attr('fill', 'black');
331 rect.attr('fill', "url(#" + gradientKey + ")");
332 }
333 };
334 Legend.prototype.draw = function (legendState, chartComponentData, labelMouseover, svgSelection, options, labelMouseoutAction, stickySeriesAction, event) {
335 var _this = this;
336 if (labelMouseoutAction === void 0) { labelMouseoutAction = null; }
337 if (stickySeriesAction === void 0) { stickySeriesAction = null; }
338 this.chartOptions.setOptions(options);
339 this.chartComponentData = chartComponentData;
340 this.legendState = legendState;
341 this.stickySeriesAction = stickySeriesAction;
342 this.labelMouseover = labelMouseover;
343 this.labelMouseout = this.labelMouseoutWrapper(labelMouseoutAction, svgSelection, event);
344 this.svgSelection = svgSelection;
345 var legend = this.legendElement;
346 var self = this;
347 _super.prototype.themify.call(this, this.legendElement, this.chartOptions.theme);
348 legend.style('visibility', this.legendState != 'hidden')
349 .classed('compact', this.legendState == 'compact')
350 .classed('hidden', this.legendState == 'hidden');
351 var seriesNames = Object.keys(this.chartComponentData.displayState);
352 var seriesLabels = legend.selectAll(".tsi-seriesLabel")
353 .data(seriesNames, function (d) { return d; });
354 var seriesLabelsEntered = seriesLabels.enter()
355 .append("div")
356 .merge(seriesLabels)
357 .attr("class", function (d, i) {
358 return "tsi-seriesLabel " + (_this.chartComponentData.displayState[d]["visible"] ? " shown" : "");
359 })
360 .style("min-width", function () {
361 return Math.min(124, _this.legendElement.node().clientWidth / seriesNames.length) + 'px';
362 })
363 .style("border-color", function (d, i) {
364 if (select(this).classed("shown"))
365 return self.chartComponentData.displayState[d].color;
366 return "lightgray";
367 });
368 var self = this;
369 var heightPerNameLabel = 25;
370 var usableLegendHeight = legend.node().clientHeight;
371 var prospectiveAggregateHeight = Math.ceil(Math.max(201, (usableLegendHeight / seriesLabelsEntered.size())));
372 var contentHeight = 0;
373 seriesLabelsEntered.each(function (aggKey, i) {
374 var heightPerSplitBy = self.getHeightPerSplitBy(aggKey);
375 var splitByLabelData = Object.keys(self.chartComponentData.timeArrays[aggKey]);
376 var noSplitBys = splitByLabelData.length == 1 && splitByLabelData[0] == "";
377 var seriesNameLabel = select(this).selectAll(".tsi-seriesNameLabel").data([aggKey]);
378 select(this).classed('tsi-nsb', noSplitBys);
379 var enteredSeriesNameLabel = seriesNameLabel.enter().append("button")
380 .merge(seriesNameLabel)
381 .attr("class", function (agg, i) {
382 return "tsi-seriesNameLabel" + (self.chartComponentData.displayState[agg].visible ? " shown" : "");
383 })
384 .attr("aria-label", function (agg) {
385 var showOrHide = self.chartComponentData.displayState[agg].visible ? self.getString('hide group') : self.getString('show group');
386 return showOrHide + " " + self.getString('group') + " " + Utils.stripNullGuid(self.chartComponentData.displayState[agg].name);
387 })
388 .on("click", function (event, d) {
389 var newState = !self.chartComponentData.displayState[d].visible;
390 self.chartComponentData.displayState[d].visible = newState;
391 //turn off sticky if making invisible
392 if (newState == false && (self.chartComponentData.stickiedKey != null &&
393 self.chartComponentData.stickiedKey.aggregateKey == d)) {
394 self.chartComponentData.stickiedKey = null;
395 }
396 self.drawChart();
397 })
398 .on("mouseover", function (event, d) {
399 labelMouseover(d);
400 })
401 .on("mouseout", function (event, d) {
402 self.labelMouseout(svgSelection, d);
403 });
404 var dataType = self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].dataType;
405 if (dataType === DataTypes.Categorical || dataType === DataTypes.Events) {
406 enteredSeriesNameLabel.classed('tsi-nonCompactNonNumeric', true);
407 var colorKey = enteredSeriesNameLabel.selectAll('.tsi-colorKey').data(['']);
408 var colorKeyEntered = colorKey.enter()
409 .append("div")
410 .attr("class", 'tsi-colorKey')
411 .merge(colorKey);
412 self.createNonNumericColorKey(dataType, colorKeyEntered, aggKey);
413 colorKey.exit().remove();
414 }
415 var seriesNameLabelText = enteredSeriesNameLabel.selectAll("h4").data([aggKey]);
416 seriesNameLabelText.enter()
417 .append("h4")
418 .merge(seriesNameLabelText)
419 .attr("title", function (d) { return Utils.stripNullGuid(self.chartComponentData.displayState[d].name); })
420 .each(function () {
421 Utils.appendFormattedElementsFromString(select(this), self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].name);
422 });
423 seriesNameLabelText.exit().remove();
424 seriesNameLabel.exit().remove();
425 var splitByContainerHeight;
426 if (splitByLabelData.length > (prospectiveAggregateHeight / heightPerSplitBy)) {
427 splitByContainerHeight = prospectiveAggregateHeight - heightPerNameLabel;
428 contentHeight += splitByContainerHeight + heightPerNameLabel;
429 }
430 else if (splitByLabelData.length > 1 || (splitByLabelData.length === 1 && splitByLabelData[0] !== "")) {
431 splitByContainerHeight = splitByLabelData.length * heightPerSplitBy + heightPerNameLabel;
432 contentHeight += splitByContainerHeight + heightPerNameLabel;
433 }
434 else {
435 splitByContainerHeight = heightPerSplitBy;
436 contentHeight += splitByContainerHeight;
437 }
438 if (self.chartOptions.legend == "shown") {
439 select(this).style("height", splitByContainerHeight + "px");
440 }
441 else {
442 select(this).style("height", "unset");
443 }
444 var splitByContainer = select(this).selectAll(".tsi-splitByContainer").data([aggKey]);
445 var splitByContainerEntered = splitByContainer.enter().append("div")
446 .merge(splitByContainer)
447 .classed("tsi-splitByContainer", true);
448 var aggSelection = select(this);
449 var sBs = self.renderSplitBys(aggKey, aggSelection, dataType, noSplitBys);
450 splitByContainerEntered.on("scroll", function () {
451 if (self.chartOptions.legend == "shown") {
452 if (this.scrollTop + this.clientHeight + 40 > this.scrollHeight) {
453 var oldShownSplitBys = self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys;
454 self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys = Math.min(oldShownSplitBys + 20, splitByLabelData.length);
455 if (oldShownSplitBys != self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys) {
456 self.renderSplitBys(aggKey, aggSelection, dataType, noSplitBys);
457 }
458 }
459 }
460 });
461 select(this).on('scroll', function () {
462 if (self.chartOptions.legend == "compact") {
463 if (this.scrollLeft + this.clientWidth + 40 > this.scrollWidth) {
464 var oldShownSplitBys = self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys;
465 self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys = Math.min(oldShownSplitBys + 20, splitByLabelData.length);
466 if (oldShownSplitBys != self.chartComponentData.displayState[aggKey].shownSplitBys) {
467 this.renderSplitBys(dataType);
468 }
469 }
470 }
471 });
472 splitByContainer.exit().remove();
473 });
474 if (this.chartOptions.legend == 'shown') {
475 var legendHeight = legend.node().clientHeight;
476 //minSplitBysForFlexGrow: the minimum number of split bys for flex-grow to be triggered
477 if (contentHeight < usableLegendHeight) {
478 this.legendElement.classed("tsi-flexLegend", true);
479 seriesLabelsEntered.each(function (d) {
480 var heightPerSplitBy = self.getHeightPerSplitBy(d);
481 var minSplitByForFlexGrow = (prospectiveAggregateHeight - heightPerNameLabel) / heightPerSplitBy;
482 var splitBysCount = Object.keys(self.chartComponentData.displayState[String(select(this).data()[0])].splitBys).length;
483 if (splitBysCount > minSplitByForFlexGrow) {
484 select(this).style("flex-grow", 1);
485 }
486 });
487 }
488 else {
489 this.legendElement.classed("tsi-flexLegend", false);
490 }
491 }
492 seriesLabels.exit().remove();
493 };
494 return Legend;
497export { Legend as L };