9.18 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { a as __extends } from './tslib.es6-f952ba6f.js';
2import { U as Utils } from './Utils-38a0872e.js';
3import { select, scaleTime, drag } from 'd3';
4import { C as Component } from './Component-5173b5ea.js';
5import { T as TemporalXAxisComponent } from './TemporalXAxisComponent-1ecfb135.js';
7var PlaybackControls = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
8 __extends(PlaybackControls, _super);
9 function PlaybackControls(renderTarget, initialTimeStamp) {
10 if (initialTimeStamp === void 0) { initialTimeStamp = null; }
11 var _this = _super.call(this, renderTarget) || this;
12 _this.handleRadius = 7;
13 _this.minimumPlaybackInterval = 1000; // 1 second
14 _this.playbackInterval = null;
15 _this.selectedTimeStamp = initialTimeStamp;
16 return _this;
17 }
18 Object.defineProperty(PlaybackControls.prototype, "currentTimeStamp", {
19 get: function () {
20 return this.selectedTimeStamp;
21 },
22 enumerable: false,
23 configurable: true
24 });
25 PlaybackControls.prototype.render = function (start, end, onSelectTimeStamp, options, playbackSettings) {
26 var _this = this;
27 this.end = end;
28 this.selectTimeStampCallback = onSelectTimeStamp;
29 this.chartOptions.setOptions(options);
30 this.playbackSettings = playbackSettings;
31 this.timeFormatter = Utils.timeFormat(true, false, this.chartOptions.offset, this.chartOptions.is24HourTime, null, null, this.chartOptions.dateLocale);
32 var targetElement = select(this.renderTarget);
33 _super.prototype.themify.call(this, targetElement, this.chartOptions.theme);
34 targetElement.html('');
35 var sliderContainer = targetElement.append('div')
36 .classed('tsi-playback-timeline', true);
37 var sliderContainerWidth = sliderContainer.node().clientWidth;
38 var sliderContainerHeight = sliderContainer.node().clientHeight;
39 this.trackXOffset = this.handleRadius + 8;
40 this.trackYOffset = Math.floor(sliderContainerHeight / 2);
41 this.trackWidth = sliderContainerWidth - (2 * this.trackXOffset);
42 this.timeStampToPosition = scaleTime()
43 .domain([start, end])
44 .range([0, this.trackWidth]);
45 var timeAxisContainer = sliderContainer.append('div')
46 .classed('tsi-playback-axis', true)
47 .style('top', this.trackYOffset + 6 + "px")
48 .style('left', this.trackXOffset + "px")
49 .style('width', this.trackWidth + "px");
50 var timeAxis = new TimeAxis(timeAxisContainer.node());
51 timeAxis.render(this.chartOptions, this.timeStampToPosition);
52 var gWrapper = sliderContainer
53 .append('svg')
54 .append('g');
55 sliderContainer.append('div')
56 .classed('tsi-playback-input', true)
57 .style('left', this.trackXOffset + "px")
58 .style('width', this.trackWidth + "px");
59 this.track = gWrapper
60 .append('g')
61 .classed('tsi-playback-track', true);
62 gWrapper.call(drag()
63 .container(sliderContainer.select('.tsi-playback-input').node())
64 .on('start.interrupt', function () { gWrapper.interrupt(); })
65 .on('start drag', function (event) {
66 _this.onDrag(event.x);
67 })
68 .on('end', function () {
69 _this.onDragEnd();
70 }));
71 this.track.append('line')
72 .classed('tsi-left-of-handle', true)
73 .attr('y1', this.trackYOffset)
74 .attr('y2', this.trackYOffset);
75 this.track.append('line')
76 .classed('tsi-right-of-handle', true)
77 .attr('y1', this.trackYOffset)
78 .attr('y2', this.trackYOffset);
79 this.handleElement = gWrapper.append('circle')
80 .classed('tsi-playback-handle', true)
81 .attr('r', this.handleRadius)
82 .attr('cy', this.trackYOffset);
83 this.controlsContainer = targetElement.append('div')
84 .classed('tsi-playback-buttons', true);
85 this.playButton = this.controlsContainer.append('button')
86 .classed('tsi-play-button', this.playbackInterval === null)
87 .classed('tsi-pause-button', this.playbackInterval !== null)
88 .on('click', function () {
89 if (_this.playbackInterval === null) {
90 _this.play();
91 }
92 else {
93 _this.pause();
94 }
95 });
96 this.controlsContainer.append('span')
97 .classed('tsi-playback-timestamp', true)
98 .style('margin', "0 " + this.trackXOffset + "px");
99 this.selectedTimeStamp = this.selectedTimeStamp || start;
100 var handlePosition = this.timeStampToPosition(this.selectedTimeStamp);
101 this.updateSelection(handlePosition, this.selectedTimeStamp);
102 };
103 PlaybackControls.prototype.play = function () {
104 if (this.playbackInterval === null) {
105 // Default to an interval if one is not provided. Also, the interval should
106 // not be lower than the minimum playback interval.
107 var playbackIntervalMs = Math.max(this.playbackSettings.intervalMillis || this.minimumPlaybackInterval, this.minimumPlaybackInterval);
108 this.next();
109 this.playbackInterval = window.setInterval(this.next.bind(this), playbackIntervalMs);
110 this.playButton
111 .classed('tsi-play-button', false)
112 .classed('tsi-pause-button', true);
113 }
114 };
115 PlaybackControls.prototype.pause = function () {
116 // Pause only if component is in 'play' mode (i.e. an interval has ben set)
117 // otherwise, do nothing.
118 if (this.playbackInterval !== null) {
119 window.clearInterval(this.playbackInterval);
120 this.playbackInterval = null;
121 this.playButton
122 .classed('tsi-play-button', true)
123 .classed('tsi-pause-button', false);
124 }
125 };
126 PlaybackControls.prototype.next = function () {
127 // If we've reached the end of the available time stamps, do nothing until
128 // the end moves forward.
129 if (this.selectedTimeStamp.valueOf() === this.end.valueOf()) {
130 return;
131 }
132 var newValue = this.selectedTimeStamp.valueOf() + this.playbackSettings.stepSizeMillis;
133 newValue = Math.min(newValue, this.end.valueOf());
134 this.selectedTimeStamp = new Date(newValue);
135 var handlePosition = this.timeStampToPosition(this.selectedTimeStamp);
136 this.updateSelection(handlePosition, this.selectedTimeStamp);
137 this.selectTimeStampCallback(this.selectedTimeStamp);
138 };
139 PlaybackControls.prototype.clamp = function (number, min, max) {
140 var clamped = Math.max(number, min);
141 return Math.min(clamped, max);
142 };
143 PlaybackControls.prototype.onDrag = function (positionX) {
144 this.wasPlayingWhenDragStarted = this.wasPlayingWhenDragStarted ||
145 (this.playbackInterval !== null);
146 this.pause();
147 var handlePosition = this.clamp(positionX, 0, this.trackWidth);
148 this.selectedTimeStamp = this.timeStampToPosition.invert(handlePosition);
149 this.updateSelection(handlePosition, this.selectedTimeStamp);
150 };
151 PlaybackControls.prototype.onDragEnd = function () {
152 this.selectTimeStampCallback(this.selectedTimeStamp);
153 if (this.wasPlayingWhenDragStarted) {
154 this.play();
155 this.wasPlayingWhenDragStarted = false;
156 }
157 };
158 PlaybackControls.prototype.updateSelection = function (handlePositionX, timeStamp) {
159 this.track.select('.tsi-left-of-handle')
160 .attr('x1', this.trackXOffset)
161 .attr('x2', this.trackXOffset + handlePositionX);
162 this.track.select('.tsi-right-of-handle')
163 .attr('x1', this.trackXOffset + handlePositionX)
164 .attr('x2', this.trackXOffset + this.trackWidth);
165 this.handleElement
166 .attr('cx', this.trackXOffset + handlePositionX);
167 this.controlsContainer
168 .select('.tsi-playback-timestamp')
169 .text(this.timeFormatter(timeStamp));
170 };
171 return PlaybackControls;
173var TimeAxis = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
174 __extends(TimeAxis, _super);
175 function TimeAxis(renderTarget) {
176 return _super.call(this, renderTarget) || this;
177 }
178 TimeAxis.prototype.render = function (options, timeScale) {
179 this.chartOptions.setOptions(options);
180 this.x = timeScale;
181 if (this.chartOptions.xAxisHidden) {
182 return;
183 }
184 var targetElement = select(this.renderTarget);
185 targetElement.html('');
186 this.chartWidth = targetElement.node().clientWidth;
187 this.xAxis = targetElement.append('svg')
188 .classed('xAxis', true)
189 .data([this.x]);
190 this.drawXAxis(0, true, true);
191 };
192 return TimeAxis;
195export { PlaybackControls as P };