10.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { a as __extends } from './tslib.es6-f952ba6f.js';
2import { U as Utils } from './Utils-38a0872e.js';
3import { select } from 'd3';
4import { C as ChartComponent } from './ChartComponent-ed6f3c6d.js';
5import { p as pikaday } from './pikaday-40a24035.js';
6import moment from 'moment';
8var SingleDateTimePicker = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
9 __extends(SingleDateTimePicker, _super);
10 function SingleDateTimePicker(renderTarget) {
11 var _this = _super.call(this, renderTarget) || this;
12 _this.isValid = true;
13 return _this;
14 }
15 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.getMillis = function () {
16 return this.millis;
17 };
18 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.render = function (chartOptions, minMillis, maxMillis, millis, onSet) {
19 var _this = this;
20 if (chartOptions === void 0) { chartOptions = {}; }
21 if (millis === void 0) { millis = null; }
22 if (onSet === void 0) { onSet = null; }
23 this.minMillis = minMillis;
24 this.maxMillis = maxMillis;
25 if (chartOptions.offset && (typeof chartOptions.offset == "string")) {
26 this.offsetName = chartOptions.offset;
27 }
28 if (millis === null) {
29 millis = this.maxMillis;
30 }
31 this.chartOptions.setOptions(chartOptions);
32 moment.locale(this.chartOptions.dateLocale);
33 this.millis = millis;
34 this.onSet = onSet;
35 this.targetElement = select(this.renderTarget)
36 .classed("tsi-singleDateTimePicker", true);
37 this.targetElement.html('');
38 _super.prototype.themify.call(this, this.targetElement, this.chartOptions.theme);
39 this.targetElement.on('keydown', function (event) {
40 if (event.keyCode <= 40 && event.keyCode >= 37) { //arrow key
41 event.stopPropagation();
42 }
43 if (event.keyCode === 27 && _this.chartOptions.dTPIsModal) { //escape
44 _this.onSet();
45 }
46 });
47 this.timeControls = this.targetElement.append("div").classed("tsi-timeControlsContainer", true);
48 this.calendar = this.targetElement.append("div").classed("tsi-calendarPicker", true);
49 var saveButtonContainer = this.targetElement.append("div").classed("tsi-saveButtonContainer", true);
50 var self = this;
51 this.saveButton = saveButtonContainer.append("button").classed("tsi-saveButton", true).text(this.getString("Save"))
52 .on("click", function () {
53 if (_this.isValid) {
54 self.onSet(_this.millis);
55 }
56 })
57 .on('keydown', function (event) {
58 if (event.keyCode === 9 && !event.shiftKey && _this.chartOptions.dTPIsModal) { // tab
59 _this.timeInput.node().focus();
60 event.preventDefault();
61 }
62 });
63 this.targetElement.append("div").classed("tsi-errorMessageContainer", true);
64 this.createCalendar();
65 this.calendarPicker.draw();
66 this.createTimePicker();
67 this.updateDisplayedDateTime();
68 this.date = new Date(this.millis);
69 this.calendarPicker.draw();
70 if (this.chartOptions.dTPIsModal) {
71 this.timeInput.node().focus();
72 }
73 return;
74 };
75 //zero out everything but year, month and day
76 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.roundDay = function (d) {
77 var offsetDate = Utils.offsetFromUTC(d, this.chartOptions.offset);
78 return new Date(offsetDate.getUTCFullYear(), offsetDate.getUTCMonth(), offsetDate.getUTCDate());
79 };
80 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.setSelectedDate = function (d) {
81 this.calendarPicker.setDate(d, true);
82 this.setDate(d);
83 this.timeInput.node().value = this.createTimeString(Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(this.millis)));
84 };
85 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.createCalendar = function () {
86 var _this = this;
87 var i18nOptions = {
88 previousMonth: this.getString('Previous Month'),
89 nextMonth: this.getString('Next Month'),
90 months: moment.localeData().months(),
91 weekdays: moment.localeData().weekdays(),
92 weekdaysShort: moment.localeData().weekdaysMin()
93 };
94 //@ts-ignore
95 this.calendarPicker = new pikaday({
96 bound: false,
97 container: this.calendar.node(),
98 field: this.calendar.node(),
99 i18n: i18nOptions,
100 numberOfMonths: 1,
101 onSelect: function (d) {
102 _this.setSelectedDate(d);
103 _this.calendarPicker.draw();
104 _this.checkDateTimeValidity();
105 },
106 onDraw: function (d) {
107 _this.calendar.select(".pika-single").selectAll('button').attr('tabindex', -1);
108 },
109 minDate: this.convertToLocal(Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(this.minMillis), this.chartOptions.offset)),
110 maxDate: this.convertToLocal(Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(this.maxMillis), this.chartOptions.offset)),
111 defaultDate: this.convertToLocal(Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(this.millis), this.chartOptions.offset))
112 });
113 };
114 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.setDate = function (d) {
115 var date = Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(this.millis), this.chartOptions.offset);
116 date.setUTCFullYear(d.getFullYear());
117 date.setUTCMonth(d.getMonth());
118 date.setUTCDate(d.getDate());
119 this.setMillis(date.valueOf(), true);
120 };
121 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.setIsValid = function (isValid) {
122 this.isValid = isValid;
123 };
124 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.setMillis = function (millis, shouldOffset) {
125 if (shouldOffset === void 0) { shouldOffset = true; }
126 var adjustedMillis = millis - (shouldOffset ? Utils.getOffsetMinutes(this.chartOptions.offset, millis) * 60 * 1000 : 0);
127 this.millis = adjustedMillis;
128 };
129 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.displayErrors = function (rangeErrors) {
130 this.targetElement.select(".tsi-errorMessageContainer").selectAll(".tsi-errorMessage").remove();
131 if (rangeErrors.length != 0) {
132 this.targetElement.select(".tsi-errorMessageContainer").selectAll(".tsi-errorMessages")
133 .data(rangeErrors)
134 .enter()
135 .append("div")
136 .classed("tsi-errorMessage", true)
137 .text(function (d) { return d; });
138 }
139 };
140 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.checkDateTimeValidity = function () {
141 var parsedMillis = this.parseUserInputDateTime();
142 var errorCheck = this.dateTimeIsValid(parsedMillis);
143 this.displayErrors(errorCheck.errors);
144 this.setIsValid(errorCheck.rangeIsValid);
145 };
146 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.dateTimeIsValid = function (prospectiveMillis) {
147 var accumulatedErrors = [];
148 if (isNaN(prospectiveMillis)) {
149 accumulatedErrors.push('*time is invalid');
150 }
151 else {
152 var firstDateTime = Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(this.minMillis), this.chartOptions.offset);
153 var lastDateTime = Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(this.maxMillis), this.chartOptions.offset);
154 if (prospectiveMillis < this.minMillis) {
155 accumulatedErrors.push("*date/time is before first possible date and time (" + this.getTimeFormat()(firstDateTime) + ")");
156 }
157 if (prospectiveMillis > this.maxMillis) {
158 accumulatedErrors.push("*date/time is after last possible date and time (" + this.getTimeFormat()(lastDateTime) + ")");
159 }
160 }
161 return {
162 rangeIsValid: (accumulatedErrors.length == 0),
163 errors: accumulatedErrors
164 };
165 };
166 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.getTimeFormat = function () {
167 return Utils.timeFormat(true, true, this.chartOptions.offset, true, 0, null, this.chartOptions.dateLocale);
168 };
169 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.parseUserInputDateTime = function () {
170 return Utils.parseUserInputDateTime(this.timeInput.node().value, this.chartOptions.offset);
171 };
172 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.convertToCalendarDate = function (millis) {
173 return this.roundDay(Utils.adjustDateFromTimezoneOffset(Utils.offsetFromUTC(new Date(millis), this.chartOptions.offset)));
174 };
175 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.updateDisplayedDateTime = function (fromInput) {
176 if (fromInput === void 0) { fromInput = false; }
177 var selectedDate = new Date(this.millis);
178 this.calendarPicker.setDate(this.convertToCalendarDate(this.millis), fromInput);
179 if (!fromInput) {
180 this.timeInput.node().value = this.createTimeString(Utils.offsetFromUTC(selectedDate));
181 }
182 };
183 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.createTimeString = function (currDate) {
184 var offsetDate = Utils.offsetFromUTC(currDate, this.chartOptions.offset);
185 return this.getTimeFormat()(currDate);
186 };
187 // convert to representation such that: convertedDate.toString() === originalDate.toISOString()
188 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.convertToLocal = function (date) {
189 return new Date(date.valueOf() + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
190 };
191 SingleDateTimePicker.prototype.createTimePicker = function () {
192 var _this = this;
193 var timeLabel = this.timeControls.append("h4").classed("tsi-timeLabel", true).text(this.getString('Date/Time'));
194 this.timeInput = this.timeControls.append('input').attr('class', 'tsi-dateTimeInput tsi-input')
195 .on('input', function () {
196 _this.checkDateTimeValidity();
197 if (_this.isValid) {
198 var parsedMillis = _this.parseUserInputDateTime();
199 _this.setMillis(parsedMillis, false);
200 _this.updateDisplayedDateTime(true);
201 }
202 })
203 .on('keydown', function (event) {
204 if (event.keyCode === 9 && event.shiftKey && _this.chartOptions.dTPIsModal) { // tab
205 _this.saveButton.node().focus();
206 event.preventDefault();
207 }
208 });
209 };
210 return SingleDateTimePicker;
213export { SingleDateTimePicker as S };