1 | # Making a new release
2 |
3 | Write release notes in `README.md`. Then,
4 |
5 | ```
6 | npm version <major|minor|patch>
7 | git push --follow-tags
8 | npm publish
9 | ```
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11 | Enjoy life :heart: :rose:
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14 | # Debugging
15 |
16 | Debug logging is enabled using the built in node `util`. We setup the `log` function as
17 |
18 | ```
19 | var log = require('util').debuglog(require('./package').name);
20 | ```
21 |
22 | If you want this function to actually do something just set the environment variable `NODE_DEBUG=tsify` e.g.
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24 | ```
25 | NODE_DEBUG=tsify browserify ... etc.
26 | ```
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29 | # Internals and processing flow
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31 | `tsify` is a implemented as a Browserify [plugin](https://github.com/substack/browserify-handbook#plugins) - not as a [transform](https://github.com/substack/browserify-handbook#writing-your-own) - because it needs access to the Browserify bundler - which is passed to plugins, but not to transforms. Access to the bundler is required so that `tsify` can include the TypeScript extensions in the `_extensions` array used by Browserify when resolving modules and so that `tsify` can listen to events associated with the Browserify pipeline. That's not possible with a transform, as a transform receives only a file path and a stream of content.
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33 | However, `tsify` does implement a transform that is wired up internally.
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35 | ## `index.js` - the plugin
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37 | * It wires up internal transform.
38 | * It wires up the `file` and `reset` events. (Note that the `file` is [informational nicety](https://github.com/substack/node-browserify#events); it's not a core part of the Browserify process.)
39 | * It places `.ts(x)` extensions at the *head* of Browserify's extensions array.
40 | * It gathers the Browserify entry point files.
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42 | ## `lib/Tsifier.js` - the transform
43 |
44 | * The `Tsifer` is a Browserify transform.
45 | * It returns compiled content to Browserify.
46 | * It parses the `tsconfig.json` for options and files.
47 | * It configures the TypeScipt `rootDir` and `outDir` options to use an imaginary `/__tsify__` directory.
48 | * It creates the `Host`, passing it to the TypeScript Compiler API to compile the program and check the syntax, semantics and output.
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50 | ## `lib/Host.js` - the TypeScript host
51 |
52 | * The `Host` is a TypeScript Compiler API host.
53 | * It abstracts the reading and writing of files, etc.
54 | * It parses and caches the parsed source files, reading them from disk.
55 | * It caches the compiled files when the TypeScript Compiler API writes compiled content.
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57 | ## Processing flow
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59 | * When Browserify's pipeline is prepared, the initial list of files to be compiled is obtained from the `tsconfig.json` and from the Browserify entry points.
60 | * With the pipeline prepared, Browserify starts processing its entry points, passing their content through the `Tsifier` transform.
61 | * To obtain the transformed content, the `Tsifier` transform looks in a cache for the compiled content.
62 | * If the cache look up results in a miss, the transformed file is added to the list of files (if it's missing from the list) and a compilation of the list of files is performed.
63 | * Note that with TypeScript using the same module resolution mechanism as Browserify (`"moduleResolution": "node"`) only a single compilation is required.
64 | * Browserify then locates any `require` calls in the transformed content and passes the content for these dependencies through the `Tsifier` transform.
65 | * This continues until all dependencies have been processed.
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67 | ## Caveats
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69 | * The `Host` reads the source from disk; the content passed into the `Tsifier` transform is ignored. That means that any transforms added before the `tsify` plugin will be ineffectual.
70 | * If `grunt-browserify` is used, declarative configurations will see transforms will be loaded before plugins. To avoid that, an imperative configuration that uses the [configure](https://github.com/jmreidy/grunt-browserify#configure) function would be necessary.