1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | var realpath = require('fs.realpath');
4 | var log = require('util').debuglog(require('./package').name);
5 | var through = require('through2');
6 | var path = require('path');
7 |
8 | function tsify(b, opts) {
9 |
10 | if (typeof b === 'string') {
11 | throw new Error('tsify appears to have been configured as a transform; it must be configured as a plugin.');
12 | }
13 | var ts = opts.typescript || require('typescript');
14 | if (typeof ts === 'string' || ts instanceof String) {
15 | ts = require(ts);
16 | }
17 |
18 | var Tsifier = require('./lib/Tsifier')(ts);
19 | var tsifier = new Tsifier(opts, b._options);
20 |
21 | tsifier.on('error', function (error) {
22 | b.pipeline.emit('error', error);
23 | });
24 | tsifier.on('file', function (file, id) {
25 | b.emit('file', file, id);
26 | });
27 |
28 | setupPipeline();
29 |
30 | var transformOpts = {
31 | global: opts.global
32 | };
33 | b.transform(tsifier.transform.bind(tsifier), transformOpts);
34 |
35 | b.on('reset', function () {
36 | setupPipeline();
37 | });
38 |
39 | function setupPipeline() {
40 | if (tsifier.opts.jsx && b._extensions.indexOf('.tsx') === -1)
41 | b._extensions.unshift('.tsx');
42 |
43 | if (b._extensions.indexOf('.ts') === -1)
44 | b._extensions.unshift('.ts');
45 |
46 | b.pipeline.get('record').push(gatherEntryPoints());
47 | }
48 |
49 | function gatherEntryPoints() {
50 | var rows = [];
51 | return through.obj(transform, flush);
52 |
53 | function transform(row, enc, next) {
54 | rows.push(row);
55 | next();
56 | }
57 |
58 | function flush(next) {
59 | var self = this;
60 | var ignoredFiles = [];
61 | var entryFiles = rows
62 | .map(function (row) {
63 | var file = row.file || row.id;
64 | if (file) {
65 | if (row.source !== undefined) {
66 | ignoredFiles.push(file);
67 | } else if (row.basedir) {
68 | return path.resolve(row.basedir, file);
69 | } else if (path.isAbsolute(file)) {
70 | return file;
71 | } else {
72 | ignoredFiles.push(file);
73 | }
74 | }
75 | return null;
76 | })
77 | .filter(function (file) { return file; })
78 | .map(function (file) { return realpath.realpathSync(file); });
79 | if (entryFiles.length) {
80 | log('Files from browserify entry points:');
81 | entryFiles.forEach(function (file) { log(' %s', file); });
82 | }
83 | if (ignoredFiles.length) {
84 | log('Ignored browserify entry points:');
85 | ignoredFiles.forEach(function (file) { log(' %s', file); });
86 | }
87 | tsifier.reset();
88 | tsifier.generateCache(entryFiles, ignoredFiles);
89 | rows.forEach(function (row) { self.push(row); });
90 | self.push(null);
91 | next();
92 | }
93 | }
94 | }
95 |
96 | module.exports = tsify;