1 | /******************************************************************************
2 | Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
3 |
4 | Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
5 | purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
6 |
14 | ***************************************************************************** */
15 |
16 | /**
17 | * Used to shim class extends.
18 | *
19 | * @param d The derived class.
20 | * @param b The base class.
21 | */
22 | export declare function __extends(d: Function, b: Function): void;
23 |
24 | /**
25 | * Copy the values of all of the enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a
26 | * target object. Returns the target object.
27 | *
28 | * @param t The target object to copy to.
29 | * @param sources One or more source objects from which to copy properties
30 | */
31 | export declare function __assign(t: any, ...sources: any[]): any;
32 |
33 | /**
34 | * Performs a rest spread on an object.
35 | *
36 | * @param t The source value.
37 | * @param propertyNames The property names excluded from the rest spread.
38 | */
39 | export declare function __rest(t: any, propertyNames: (string | symbol)[]): any;
40 |
41 | /**
42 | * Applies decorators to a target object
43 | *
44 | * @param decorators The set of decorators to apply.
45 | * @param target The target object.
46 | * @param key If specified, the own property to apply the decorators to.
47 | * @param desc The property descriptor, defaults to fetching the descriptor from the target object.
48 | * @experimental
49 | */
50 | export declare function __decorate(decorators: Function[], target: any, key?: string | symbol, desc?: any): any;
51 |
52 | /**
53 | * Creates an observing function decorator from a parameter decorator.
54 | *
55 | * @param paramIndex The parameter index to apply the decorator to.
56 | * @param decorator The parameter decorator to apply. Note that the return value is ignored.
57 | * @experimental
58 | */
59 | export declare function __param(paramIndex: number, decorator: Function): Function;
60 |
61 | /**
62 | * Applies decorators to a class or class member, following the native ECMAScript decorator specification.
63 | * @param ctor For non-field class members, the class constructor. Otherwise, `null`.
64 | * @param descriptorIn The `PropertyDescriptor` to use when unable to look up the property from `ctor`.
65 | * @param decorators The decorators to apply
66 | * @param contextIn The `DecoratorContext` to clone for each decorator application.
67 | * @param initializers An array of field initializer mutation functions into which new initializers are written.
68 | * @param extraInitializers An array of extra initializer functions into which new initializers are written.
69 | */
70 | export declare function __esDecorate(ctor: Function | null, descriptorIn: object | null, decorators: Function[], contextIn: object, initializers: Function[] | null, extraInitializers: Function[]): void;
71 |
72 | /**
73 | * Runs field initializers or extra initializers generated by `__esDecorate`.
74 | * @param thisArg The `this` argument to use.
75 | * @param initializers The array of initializers to evaluate.
76 | * @param value The initial value to pass to the initializers.
77 | */
78 | export declare function __runInitializers(thisArg: unknown, initializers: Function[], value?: any): any;
79 |
80 | /**
81 | * Converts a computed property name into a `string` or `symbol` value.
82 | */
83 | export declare function __propKey(x: any): string | symbol;
84 |
85 | /**
86 | * Assigns the name of a function derived from the left-hand side of an assignment.
87 | * @param f The function to rename.
88 | * @param name The new name for the function.
89 | * @param prefix A prefix (such as `"get"` or `"set"`) to insert before the name.
90 | */
91 | export declare function __setFunctionName(f: Function, name: string | symbol, prefix?: string): Function;
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * Creates a decorator that sets metadata.
95 | *
96 | * @param metadataKey The metadata key
97 | * @param metadataValue The metadata value
98 | * @experimental
99 | */
100 | export declare function __metadata(metadataKey: any, metadataValue: any): Function;
101 |
102 | /**
103 | * Converts a generator function into a pseudo-async function, by treating each `yield` as an `await`.
104 | *
105 | * @param thisArg The reference to use as the `this` value in the generator function
106 | * @param _arguments The optional arguments array
107 | * @param P The optional promise constructor argument, defaults to the `Promise` property of the global object.
108 | * @param generator The generator function
109 | */
110 | export declare function __awaiter(thisArg: any, _arguments: any, P: Function, generator: Function): any;
111 |
112 | /**
113 | * Creates an Iterator object using the body as the implementation.
114 | *
115 | * @param thisArg The reference to use as the `this` value in the function
116 | * @param body The generator state-machine based implementation.
117 | *
118 | * @see [./docs/generator.md]
119 | */
120 | export declare function __generator(thisArg: any, body: Function): any;
121 |
122 | /**
123 | * Creates bindings for all enumerable properties of `m` on `exports`
124 | *
125 | * @param m The source object
126 | * @param o The `exports` object.
127 | */
128 | export declare function __exportStar(m: any, o: any): void;
129 |
130 | /**
131 | * Creates a value iterator from an `Iterable` or `ArrayLike` object.
132 | *
133 | * @param o The object.
134 | * @throws {TypeError} If `o` is neither `Iterable`, nor an `ArrayLike`.
135 | */
136 | export declare function __values(o: any): any;
137 |
138 | /**
139 | * Reads values from an `Iterable` or `ArrayLike` object and returns the resulting array.
140 | *
141 | * @param o The object to read from.
142 | * @param n The maximum number of arguments to read, defaults to `Infinity`.
143 | */
144 | export declare function __read(o: any, n?: number): any[];
145 |
146 | /**
147 | * Creates an array from iterable spread.
148 | *
149 | * @param args The Iterable objects to spread.
150 | * @deprecated since TypeScript 4.2 - Use `__spreadArray`
151 | */
152 | export declare function __spread(...args: any[][]): any[];
153 |
154 | /**
155 | * Creates an array from array spread.
156 | *
157 | * @param args The ArrayLikes to spread into the resulting array.
158 | * @deprecated since TypeScript 4.2 - Use `__spreadArray`
159 | */
160 | export declare function __spreadArrays(...args: any[][]): any[];
161 |
162 | /**
163 | * Spreads the `from` array into the `to` array.
164 | *
165 | * @param pack Replace empty elements with `undefined`.
166 | */
167 | export declare function __spreadArray(to: any[], from: any[], pack?: boolean): any[];
168 |
169 | /**
170 | * Creates an object that signals to `__asyncGenerator` that it shouldn't be yielded,
171 | * and instead should be awaited and the resulting value passed back to the generator.
172 | *
173 | * @param v The value to await.
174 | */
175 | export declare function __await(v: any): any;
176 |
177 | /**
178 | * Converts a generator function into an async generator function, by using `yield __await`
179 | * in place of normal `await`.
180 | *
181 | * @param thisArg The reference to use as the `this` value in the generator function
182 | * @param _arguments The optional arguments array
183 | * @param generator The generator function
184 | */
185 | export declare function __asyncGenerator(thisArg: any, _arguments: any, generator: Function): any;
186 |
187 | /**
188 | * Used to wrap a potentially async iterator in such a way so that it wraps the result
189 | * of calling iterator methods of `o` in `__await` instances, and then yields the awaited values.
190 | *
191 | * @param o The potentially async iterator.
192 | * @returns A synchronous iterator yielding `__await` instances on every odd invocation
193 | * and returning the awaited `IteratorResult` passed to `next` every even invocation.
194 | */
195 | export declare function __asyncDelegator(o: any): any;
196 |
197 | /**
198 | * Creates a value async iterator from an `AsyncIterable`, `Iterable` or `ArrayLike` object.
199 | *
200 | * @param o The object.
201 | * @throws {TypeError} If `o` is neither `AsyncIterable`, `Iterable`, nor an `ArrayLike`.
202 | */
203 | export declare function __asyncValues(o: any): any;
204 |
205 | /**
206 | * Creates a `TemplateStringsArray` frozen object from the `cooked` and `raw` arrays.
207 | *
208 | * @param cooked The cooked possibly-sparse array.
209 | * @param raw The raw string content.
210 | */
211 | export declare function __makeTemplateObject(cooked: string[], raw: string[]): TemplateStringsArray;
212 |
213 | /**
214 | * Used to shim default and named imports in ECMAScript Modules transpiled to CommonJS.
215 | *
216 | * ```js
217 | * import Default, { Named, Other } from "mod";
218 | * // or
219 | * import { default as Default, Named, Other } from "mod";
220 | * ```
221 | *
222 | * @param mod The CommonJS module exports object.
223 | */
224 | export declare function __importStar<T>(mod: T): T;
225 |
226 | /**
227 | * Used to shim default imports in ECMAScript Modules transpiled to CommonJS.
228 | *
229 | * ```js
230 | * import Default from "mod";
231 | * ```
232 | *
233 | * @param mod The CommonJS module exports object.
234 | */
235 | export declare function __importDefault<T>(mod: T): T | { default: T };
236 |
237 | /**
238 | * Emulates reading a private instance field.
239 | *
240 | * @param receiver The instance from which to read the private field.
241 | * @param state A WeakMap containing the private field value for an instance.
242 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
243 | *
244 | * @throws {TypeError} If `state` doesn't have an entry for `receiver`.
245 | */
246 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldGet<T extends object, V>(
247 | receiver: T,
248 | state: { has(o: T): boolean, get(o: T): V | undefined },
249 | kind?: "f"
250 | ): V;
251 |
252 | /**
253 | * Emulates reading a private static field.
254 | *
255 | * @param receiver The object from which to read the private static field.
256 | * @param state The class constructor containing the definition of the static field.
257 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
258 | * @param f The descriptor that holds the static field value.
259 | *
260 | * @throws {TypeError} If `receiver` is not `state`.
261 | */
262 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldGet<T extends new (...args: any[]) => unknown, V>(
263 | receiver: T,
264 | state: T,
265 | kind: "f",
266 | f: { value: V }
267 | ): V;
268 |
269 | /**
270 | * Emulates evaluating a private instance "get" accessor.
271 | *
272 | * @param receiver The instance on which to evaluate the private "get" accessor.
273 | * @param state A WeakSet used to verify an instance supports the private "get" accessor.
274 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
275 | * @param f The "get" accessor function to evaluate.
276 | *
277 | * @throws {TypeError} If `state` doesn't have an entry for `receiver`.
278 | */
279 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldGet<T extends object, V>(
280 | receiver: T,
281 | state: { has(o: T): boolean },
282 | kind: "a",
283 | f: () => V
284 | ): V;
285 |
286 | /**
287 | * Emulates evaluating a private static "get" accessor.
288 | *
289 | * @param receiver The object on which to evaluate the private static "get" accessor.
290 | * @param state The class constructor containing the definition of the static "get" accessor.
291 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
292 | * @param f The "get" accessor function to evaluate.
293 | *
294 | * @throws {TypeError} If `receiver` is not `state`.
295 | */
296 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldGet<T extends new (...args: any[]) => unknown, V>(
297 | receiver: T,
298 | state: T,
299 | kind: "a",
300 | f: () => V
301 | ): V;
302 |
303 | /**
304 | * Emulates reading a private instance method.
305 | *
306 | * @param receiver The instance from which to read a private method.
307 | * @param state A WeakSet used to verify an instance supports the private method.
308 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
309 | * @param f The function to return as the private instance method.
310 | *
311 | * @throws {TypeError} If `state` doesn't have an entry for `receiver`.
312 | */
313 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldGet<T extends object, V extends (...args: any[]) => unknown>(
314 | receiver: T,
315 | state: { has(o: T): boolean },
316 | kind: "m",
317 | f: V
318 | ): V;
319 |
320 | /**
321 | * Emulates reading a private static method.
322 | *
323 | * @param receiver The object from which to read the private static method.
324 | * @param state The class constructor containing the definition of the static method.
325 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
326 | * @param f The function to return as the private static method.
327 | *
328 | * @throws {TypeError} If `receiver` is not `state`.
329 | */
330 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldGet<T extends new (...args: any[]) => unknown, V extends (...args: any[]) => unknown>(
331 | receiver: T,
332 | state: T,
333 | kind: "m",
334 | f: V
335 | ): V;
336 |
337 | /**
338 | * Emulates writing to a private instance field.
339 | *
340 | * @param receiver The instance on which to set a private field value.
341 | * @param state A WeakMap used to store the private field value for an instance.
342 | * @param value The value to store in the private field.
343 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
344 | *
345 | * @throws {TypeError} If `state` doesn't have an entry for `receiver`.
346 | */
347 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldSet<T extends object, V>(
348 | receiver: T,
349 | state: { has(o: T): boolean, set(o: T, value: V): unknown },
350 | value: V,
351 | kind?: "f"
352 | ): V;
353 |
354 | /**
355 | * Emulates writing to a private static field.
356 | *
357 | * @param receiver The object on which to set the private static field.
358 | * @param state The class constructor containing the definition of the private static field.
359 | * @param value The value to store in the private field.
360 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
361 | * @param f The descriptor that holds the static field value.
362 | *
363 | * @throws {TypeError} If `receiver` is not `state`.
364 | */
365 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldSet<T extends new (...args: any[]) => unknown, V>(
366 | receiver: T,
367 | state: T,
368 | value: V,
369 | kind: "f",
370 | f: { value: V }
371 | ): V;
372 |
373 | /**
374 | * Emulates writing to a private instance "set" accessor.
375 | *
376 | * @param receiver The instance on which to evaluate the private instance "set" accessor.
377 | * @param state A WeakSet used to verify an instance supports the private "set" accessor.
378 | * @param value The value to store in the private accessor.
379 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
380 | * @param f The "set" accessor function to evaluate.
381 | *
382 | * @throws {TypeError} If `state` doesn't have an entry for `receiver`.
383 | */
384 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldSet<T extends object, V>(
385 | receiver: T,
386 | state: { has(o: T): boolean },
387 | value: V,
388 | kind: "a",
389 | f: (v: V) => void
390 | ): V;
391 |
392 | /**
393 | * Emulates writing to a private static "set" accessor.
394 | *
395 | * @param receiver The object on which to evaluate the private static "set" accessor.
396 | * @param state The class constructor containing the definition of the static "set" accessor.
397 | * @param value The value to store in the private field.
398 | * @param kind Either `"f"` for a field, `"a"` for an accessor, or `"m"` for a method.
399 | * @param f The "set" accessor function to evaluate.
400 | *
401 | * @throws {TypeError} If `receiver` is not `state`.
402 | */
403 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldSet<T extends new (...args: any[]) => unknown, V>(
404 | receiver: T,
405 | state: T,
406 | value: V,
407 | kind: "a",
408 | f: (v: V) => void
409 | ): V;
410 |
411 | /**
412 | * Checks for the existence of a private field/method/accessor.
413 | *
414 | * @param state The class constructor containing the static member, or the WeakMap or WeakSet associated with a private instance member.
415 | * @param receiver The object for which to test the presence of the private member.
416 | */
417 | export declare function __classPrivateFieldIn(
418 | state: (new (...args: any[]) => unknown) | { has(o: any): boolean },
419 | receiver: unknown,
420 | ): boolean;
421 |
422 | /**
423 | * Creates a re-export binding on `object` with key `objectKey` that references `target[key]`.
424 | *
425 | * @param object The local `exports` object.
426 | * @param target The object to re-export from.
427 | * @param key The property key of `target` to re-export.
428 | * @param objectKey The property key to re-export as. Defaults to `key`.
429 | */
430 | export declare function __createBinding(object: object, target: object, key: PropertyKey, objectKey?: PropertyKey): void;
431 |
432 | /**
433 | * Adds a disposable resource to a resource-tracking environment object.
434 | * @param env A resource-tracking environment object.
435 | * @param value Either a Disposable or AsyncDisposable object, `null`, or `undefined`.
436 | * @param async When `true`, `AsyncDisposable` resources can be added. When `false`, `AsyncDisposable` resources cannot be added.
437 | * @returns The {@link value} argument.
438 | *
439 | * @throws {TypeError} If {@link value} is not an object, or if either `Symbol.dispose` or `Symbol.asyncDispose` are not
440 | * defined, or if {@link value} does not have an appropriate `Symbol.dispose` or `Symbol.asyncDispose` method.
441 | */
442 | export declare function __addDisposableResource<T>(env: { stack: { value?: unknown, dispose?: Function, async: boolean }[]; error: unknown; hasError: boolean; }, value: T, async: boolean): T;
443 |
444 | /**
445 | * Disposes all resources in a resource-tracking environment object.
446 | * @param env A resource-tracking environment object.
447 | * @returns A {@link Promise} if any resources in the environment were marked as `async` when added; otherwise, `void`.
448 | *
449 | * @throws {SuppressedError} if an error thrown during disposal would have suppressed a prior error from disposal or the
450 | * error recorded in the resource-tracking environment object.
451 | * @seealso {@link __addDisposableResource}
452 | */
453 | export declare function __disposeResources(env: { stack: { value?: unknown, dispose?: Function, async: boolean }[]; error: unknown; hasError: boolean; }): any;
454 |
455 | /**
456 | * Transforms a relative import specifier ending in a non-declaration TypeScript file extension to its JavaScript file extension counterpart.
457 | * @param path The import specifier.
458 | * @param preserveJsx Causes '*.tsx' to transform to '*.jsx' instead of '*.js'. Should be true when `--jsx` is set to `preserve`.
459 | */
460 | export declare function __rewriteRelativeImportExtension(path: string, preserveJsx?: boolean): string; |
\ | No newline at end of file |