1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | var _ = require('underscore');
4 |
5 | module.exports = function(grunt) {
6 |
7 | let additionalMetadata;
8 | let allCweDescriptions;
9 |
10 | function getAllRules() {
11 | const contribRules = grunt.file.expand('dist/build/*Rule.js');
12 | const baseRules = grunt.file.expand('node_modules/tslint/lib/rules/*Rule.js');
13 | return contribRules.concat(baseRules);
14 | }
15 |
16 | function hash(input) {
17 |
18 | let hash = 31;
19 | let i = 0;
20 | for (i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
21 |
22 | hash = 31 * hash + input.charCodeAt(i);
23 | hash = hash | 0;
24 | }
25 | return Math.abs(hash).toString(32).toUpperCase();
26 | }
27 |
28 | function getMetadataFromFile(ruleFile) {
29 | const moduleName = './' + ruleFile.replace(/\.js$/, '');
30 | const module = require(moduleName);
31 | if (module.Rule.metadata == null) {
32 | grunt.fail.warn('No metadata found for ' + moduleName);
33 | return;
34 | }
35 | return module.Rule.metadata;
36 | }
37 |
38 | function createCweDescription(metadata) {
39 | allCweDescriptions = allCweDescriptions || grunt.file.readJSON('./cwe_descriptions.json', {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
40 |
41 | const cwe = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'commonWeaknessEnumeration', true, true);
42 | if (cwe === '') {
43 | return '';
44 | }
45 |
46 | let result = '';
47 | cwe.split(',').forEach(function (cweNumber) {
48 | cweNumber = cweNumber.trim();
49 | const description = allCweDescriptions[cweNumber];
50 | if (description == null) {
51 | grunt.fail.warn(`Cannot find description of ${cweNumber} for rule ${metadata['ruleName']} in cwe_descriptions.json`)
52 | }
53 | if (result !== '') {
54 | result = result + '\n';
55 | }
56 | result = result + `CWE ${cweNumber} - ${description}`
57 | });
58 | if (result !== '') {
59 | return '"' + result + '"';
60 | }
61 | return result;
62 | }
63 |
64 | function getMetadataValue(metadata, name, allowEmpty, doNotEscape) {
65 | additionalMetadata = additionalMetadata || grunt.file.readJSON('./additional_rule_metadata.json', {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
66 |
67 | let value = metadata[name];
68 | if (value == null) {
69 | if (additionalMetadata[metadata.ruleName] == null) {
70 | if (allowEmpty == false) {
71 | grunt.fail.warn(`Could not read metadata for rule ${metadata.ruleName} from additional_rule_metadata.json`);
72 | } else {
73 | return '';
74 | }
75 | }
76 | value = additionalMetadata[metadata.ruleName][name];
77 | if (value == null) {
78 | if (allowEmpty == false) {
79 | grunt.fail.warn(`Could not read attribute ${name} of rule ${metadata.ruleName}`);
80 | }
81 | return '';
82 | }
83 | }
84 | if (doNotEscape == true) {
85 | return value;
86 | }
87 | value = value.replace(/^\n+/, '');
88 | value = value.replace(/\n/, ' ');
89 | if (value.indexOf(',') > -1) {
90 | return '"' + value + '"';
91 | } else {
92 | return value;
93 | }
94 | }
95 |
96 | function camelize(input) {
97 | return _(input).reduce(function(memo, element) {
98 | if (element.toLowerCase() === element) {
99 | memo = memo + element;
100 | } else {
101 | memo = memo + '-' + element.toLowerCase();
102 | }
103 | return memo;
104 | }, '');
105 | }
106 |
107 | function getAllRuleNames(options) {
108 | options = options || { skipTsLintRules: false }
109 |
110 | var convertToRuleNames = function(filename) {
111 | filename = filename
112 | .replace(/Rule\..*/, '')
113 | .replace(/.*\//, '');
114 | return camelize(filename);
115 | };
116 |
117 | var contribRules = _(grunt.file.expand('src/*Rule.ts')).map(convertToRuleNames);
118 | var baseRules = [];
119 | if (!options.skipTsLintRules) {
120 | baseRules = _(grunt.file.expand('node_modules/tslint/lib/rules/*Rule.js')).map(convertToRuleNames);
121 | }
122 | var allRules = baseRules.concat(contribRules);
123 | allRules.sort();
124 | return allRules;
125 | }
126 |
127 | function getAllFormatterNames() {
128 |
129 | var convertToRuleNames = function(filename) {
130 | filename = filename
131 | .replace(/Formatter\..*/, '')
132 | .replace(/.*\//, '');
133 | return camelize(filename);
134 | };
135 |
136 | var formatters = _(grunt.file.expand('src/*Formatter.ts')).map(convertToRuleNames);
137 | formatters.sort();
138 | return formatters;
139 | }
140 |
141 | function camelCase(input) {
142 | return input.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g, function(match, group1) {
143 | return group1.toUpperCase();
144 | });
145 | }
146 |
147 | grunt.initConfig({
148 | pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
149 |
150 | clean: {
151 | src: ['dist'],
152 | options: {
153 | force: true
154 | }
155 | },
156 |
157 | copy: {
158 | options: {
159 | encoding: 'UTF-8'
160 | },
161 | package: {
162 | files: [
163 | {
164 | expand: true,
165 | cwd: 'dist/src',
166 | src: [
167 | '**/*.js',
168 | '**/*.json',
169 | '!tests/**',
170 | 'tests/TestHelper.js',
171 | 'tests/TestHelper.d.ts',
172 | '!references.js'
173 | ],
174 | dest: 'dist/build'
175 | },
176 | {
177 | expand: true,
178 | cwd: '.',
179 | src: [
180 | 'README.md',
181 | 'recommended_ruleset.js'
182 | ],
183 | dest: 'dist/build'
184 | }
185 | ]
186 | },
187 | json: {
188 | expand: true,
189 | cwd: '.',
190 | src: ['src/**/*.json'],
191 | dest: 'dist'
192 | }
193 | },
194 |
195 | mochaTest: {
196 | test: {
197 | src: ['dist/src/tests/**/*.js']
198 | }
199 | },
200 |
201 | ts: {
202 | default: {
203 | tsconfig: {
204 | tsconfig: './tsconfig.json',
205 | passThrough: true,
206 | updateFiles: true,
207 | overwriteFiles: true,
208 | }
209 | },
210 | 'test-data': {
211 | tsconfig: {
212 | tsconfig: './tsconfig.testdata.json',
213 | passThrough: true,
214 | updateFiles: true,
215 | overwriteFiles: true
216 | }
217 | }
218 | },
219 |
220 | tslint: {
221 | options: {
222 | rulesDirectory: 'dist/src'
223 | },
224 | prod: {
225 | options: {
226 | configuration: grunt.file.readJSON("tslint.json", { encoding: 'UTF-8' })
227 | },
228 | files: {
229 | src: [
230 | 'src/**/*.ts',
231 | '!src/tests/**'
232 | ]
233 | }
234 | },
235 | tests: {
236 | options: {
237 | configuration: Object.assign({},
238 | grunt.file.readJSON("tslint.json", { encoding: 'UTF-8' }),
239 | grunt.file.readJSON("src/tests/tslint.json", { encoding: 'UTF-8' })
240 | ),
241 | },
242 | files: {
243 | src: [
244 | 'src/tests/**/*.ts',
245 | '!src/tests/references.ts'
246 | ]
247 | }
248 | }
249 | },
250 |
251 | watch: {
252 | scripts: {
253 | files: [
254 | './src/**/*.ts',
255 | './tests/**/*.ts'
256 | ],
257 | tasks: [
258 | 'ts',
259 | 'mochaTest',
260 | 'tslint'
261 | ]
262 | }
263 | }
264 |
265 | });
266 |
267 | require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt);
268 | require('time-grunt')(grunt);
269 |
270 | grunt.registerTask('create-package-json-for-npm', 'A task that creates a package.json file for the npm module', function () {
271 | var basePackageJson = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json', { encoding: 'UTF-8' });
272 | delete basePackageJson.devDependencies;
273 | grunt.file.write('dist/build/package.json', JSON.stringify(basePackageJson, null, 2), { encoding: 'UTF-8' });
274 | });
275 |
276 | grunt.registerTask('validate-debug-mode', 'A task that makes sure ErrorTolerantWalker.DEBUG is false', function () {
277 |
278 | var fileText = grunt.file.read('src/utils/ErrorTolerantWalker.ts', { encoding: 'UTF-8' });
279 | if (fileText.indexOf('DEBUG: boolean = false') === -1) {
280 | grunt.fail.warn('ErrorTolerantWalker.DEBUG is turned on. Turn off debugging to make a release');
281 | }
282 | });
283 |
284 | grunt.registerTask('validate-documentation', 'A task that validates that all rules defined in src are documented in README.md\n' +
285 | 'and validates that the package.json version is the same version defined in README.md', function () {
286 |
287 | var readmeText = grunt.file.read('README.md', { encoding: 'UTF-8' });
288 | var packageJson = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json', { encoding: 'UTF-8' });
289 | getAllRuleNames({ skipTsLintRules: true }).forEach(function(ruleName) {
290 | if (readmeText.indexOf(ruleName) === -1) {
291 | grunt.fail.warn('A rule was found that is not documented in README.md: ' + ruleName);
292 | }
293 | });
294 | getAllFormatterNames().forEach(function(formatterName) {
295 | if (readmeText.indexOf(formatterName) === -1) {
296 | grunt.fail.warn('A formatter was found that is not documented in README.md: ' + formatterName);
297 | }
298 | });
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 | });
306 |
307 | grunt.registerTask('validate-config', 'A task that makes sure all the rules in the project are defined to run during the build.', function () {
308 |
309 | var tslintConfig = grunt.file.readJSON('tslint.json', { encoding: 'UTF-8' });
310 | var rulesToSkip = {
311 | 'ban-types': true,
312 | 'match-default-export-name': true,
313 | 'newline-before-return': true,
314 | 'no-non-null-assertion': true,
315 | 'prefer-template': true,
316 | 'return-undefined': true,
317 | 'no-unused-variable': true,
318 | 'no-unexternalized-strings': true,
319 | 'no-relative-imports': true,
320 | 'no-empty-line-after-opening-brace': true,
321 | 'align': true,
322 | 'comment-format': true,
323 | 'interface-name': true,
324 | 'max-file-line-count': true,
325 | 'member-ordering': true,
326 | 'no-inferrable-types': true,
327 | 'ordered-imports': true,
328 | 'typedef-whitespace': true,
329 | 'completed-docs': true,
330 | 'cyclomatic-complexity': true,
331 | 'file-header': true,
332 | 'max-classes-per-file': true
333 | };
334 | var errors = [];
335 | getAllRuleNames().forEach(function(ruleName) {
336 | if (rulesToSkip[ruleName]) {
337 | return;
338 | }
339 | if (tslintConfig.rules[ruleName] !== true && tslintConfig.rules[ruleName] !== false) {
340 | if (tslintConfig.rules[ruleName] == null || tslintConfig.rules[ruleName][0] !== true) {
341 | errors.push('A rule was found that is not enabled on the project: ' + ruleName);
342 | }
343 | }
344 | });
345 |
346 | if (errors.length > 0) {
347 | grunt.fail.warn(errors.join('\n'));
348 | }
349 | });
350 |
351 | grunt.registerTask('generate-sdl-report', 'A task that generates an SDL report in csv format', function () {
352 |
353 | const rows = [];
354 | const resolution = 'See description on the tslint or tslint-microsoft-contrib website';
355 | const procedure = 'TSLint Procedure';
356 | const header = 'Title,Description,ErrorID,Tool,IssueClass,IssueType,SDL Bug Bar Severity,' +
357 | 'SDL Level,Resolution,SDL Procedure,CWE,CWE Description';
358 | getAllRules().forEach(function(ruleFile) {
359 | const metadata = getMetadataFromFile(ruleFile);
360 |
361 | const issueClass = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'issueClass');
362 | if (issueClass === 'Ignored') {
363 | return;
364 | }
365 | const ruleName = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'ruleName');
366 | const errorId = 'TSLINT' + hash(ruleName);
367 | const issueType = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'issueType');
368 | const severity = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'severity');
369 | const level = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'level');
370 | const description = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'description');
371 | const cwe = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'commonWeaknessEnumeration', true, false);
372 | const cweDescription = createCweDescription(metadata);
373 |
374 | const row = `${ruleName},${description},${errorId},tslint,${issueClass},${issueType},${severity},${level},${resolution},${procedure},${cwe},${cweDescription}`;
375 | rows.push(row);
376 | });
377 | rows.sort();
378 | rows.unshift(header);
379 | grunt.file.write('tslint-warnings.csv', rows.join('\n'), {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
380 |
381 | });
382 |
383 | grunt.registerTask('generate-recommendations', 'A task that generates the recommended_ruleset.js file', function () {
384 |
385 | const groupedRows = {
386 | 'Security': [],
387 | 'Correctness': [],
388 | 'Clarity': [],
389 | 'Whitespace': [],
390 | 'Configurable': [],
391 | 'Deprecated': [],
392 | 'Accessibility': [],
393 | };
394 | const warnings = [];
395 |
396 | getAllRules().forEach(function(ruleFile) {
397 | const metadata = getMetadataFromFile(ruleFile);
398 |
399 | const groupName = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'group');
400 | if (groupName === 'Ignored') {
401 | return;
402 | }
403 | if (groupName === '') {
404 | warnings.push('Could not generate recommendation for rule file: ' + ruleFile);
405 | }
406 |
407 | let recommendation = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'recommendation', true, true);
408 | if (recommendation === '') {
409 | recommendation = 'true,';
410 | }
411 | const ruleName = getMetadataValue(metadata, 'ruleName');
412 | groupedRows[groupName].push(` "${ruleName}": ${recommendation}`);
413 | });
414 |
415 | if (warnings.length > 0) {
416 | grunt.fail.warn('\n' + warnings.join('\n'));
417 | }
418 | _.values(groupedRows).forEach(function (element) { element.sort(); });
419 |
420 | let data = grunt.file.read('./templates/recommended_ruleset.js.snippet', {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
421 | data = data.replace('%security_rules%', groupedRows['Security'].join('\n'));
422 | data = data.replace('%correctness_rules%', groupedRows['Correctness'].join('\n'));
423 | data = data.replace('%clarity_rules%', groupedRows['Clarity'].join('\n'));
424 | data = data.replace('%whitespace_rules%', groupedRows['Whitespace'].join('\n'));
425 | data = data.replace('%configurable_rules%', groupedRows['Configurable'].join('\n'));
426 | data = data.replace('%deprecated_rules%', groupedRows['Deprecated'].join('\n'));
427 | data = data.replace('%accessibilityy_rules%', groupedRows['Accessibility'].join('\n'));
428 | grunt.file.write('recommended_ruleset.js', data, {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
429 | });
430 |
431 | grunt.registerTask('generate-default-tslint-json', 'A task that converts recommended_ruleset.js to ./dist/build/tslint.json', function () {
432 | const data = require('./recommended_ruleset.js');
433 | data['rulesDirectory'] = './';
434 | grunt.file.write('./dist/build/tslint.json', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2), {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
435 | });
436 |
437 | grunt.registerTask('create-rule', 'A task that creates a new rule from the rule templates. --rule-name parameter required', function () {
438 |
439 | function applyTemplates(source) {
440 | return source.replace(/%RULE_NAME%/gm, ruleName)
441 | .replace(/%RULE_FILE_NAME%/gm, ruleFile)
442 | .replace(/%WALKER_NAME%/gm, walkerName);
443 | }
444 |
445 | var ruleName = grunt.option('rule-name');
446 | if (!ruleName) {
447 | grunt.fail.warn('--rule-name parameter is required');
448 | } else {
449 |
450 | var ruleFile = camelCase(ruleName) + 'Rule';
451 | var sourceFileName = './src/' + ruleFile + '.ts';
452 | var testFileName = './src/tests/' + ruleFile.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + ruleFile.substr(1) + 'Tests.ts';
453 | var walkerName = ruleFile.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + ruleFile.substr(1) + 'Walker';
454 |
455 | var ruleTemplateText = grunt.file.read('./templates/rule.snippet', {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
456 | var testTemplateText = grunt.file.read('./templates/rule-tests.snippet', {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
457 |
458 | grunt.file.write(sourceFileName, applyTemplates(ruleTemplateText), {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
459 | grunt.file.write(testFileName, applyTemplates(testTemplateText), {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
460 |
461 | var currentRuleset = grunt.file.readJSON('./tslint.json', {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
462 | currentRuleset.rules[ruleName] = true;
463 | grunt.file.write('./tslint.json', JSON.stringify(currentRuleset, null, 2), {encoding: 'UTF-8'});
464 | }
465 | });
466 |
467 | grunt.registerTask('all', 'Performs a cleanup and a full build with all tasks', [
468 | 'clean',
469 | 'copy:json',
470 | 'ts',
471 | 'mochaTest',
472 | 'tslint',
473 | 'validate-documentation',
474 | 'validate-config',
475 | 'validate-debug-mode',
476 | 'copy:package',
477 | 'generate-recommendations',
478 | 'generate-default-tslint-json',
479 | 'generate-sdl-report',
480 | 'create-package-json-for-npm'
481 | ]);
482 |
483 | grunt.registerTask('default', ['all']);
484 |
485 | };