1 | import * as ts from 'typescript';
2 | import * as Lint from 'tslint';
3 |
4 | import { ErrorTolerantWalker } from './utils/ErrorTolerantWalker';
5 | import { AstUtils } from './utils/AstUtils';
6 | import { Utils } from './utils/Utils';
7 | import { ExtendedMetadata } from './utils/ExtendedMetadata';
8 |
9 | const FAILURE_STRING: string = 'The cohesion of this class is too low. Consider splitting this class into multiple cohesive classes: ';
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 | export class Rule extends Lint.Rules.AbstractRule {
15 | public static metadata: ExtendedMetadata = {
16 | ruleName: 'min-class-cohesion',
17 | type: 'maintainability',
18 | description: 'High cohesion means the methods and variables of the class are co-dependent and hang together as a logical whole.',
19 | options: null,
20 | optionsDescription: '',
21 | typescriptOnly: true,
22 | issueClass: 'Non-SDL',
23 | issueType: 'Warning',
24 | severity: 'Important',
25 | level: 'Opportunity for Excellence',
26 | group: 'Correctness',
27 | recommendation: '[true, 0.5],',
28 | commonWeaknessEnumeration: '',
29 | };
30 |
31 | public apply(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): Lint.RuleFailure[] {
32 | return this.applyWithWalker(new MinClassCohesionRuleWalker(sourceFile, this.getOptions()));
33 | }
34 | }
35 |
36 | class MinClassCohesionRuleWalker extends ErrorTolerantWalker {
37 | private minClassCohesion: number = 0.5;
38 |
39 | constructor(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, options: Lint.IOptions) {
40 | super(sourceFile, options);
41 | this.parseOptions();
42 | }
43 |
44 | protected visitClassDeclaration(node: ts.ClassDeclaration): void {
45 | if (!this.isClassCohesive(node)) {
46 | const className: string = node.name == null ? '<unknown>' : node.name.text;
47 | this.addFailureAt(node.getStart(), node.getWidth(), FAILURE_STRING + className);
48 | }
49 | super.visitClassDeclaration(node);
50 | }
51 |
52 | private isClassCohesive(node: ts.ClassDeclaration): boolean {
53 | const classNode = new ClassDeclarationHelper(node);
54 | if (classNode.extendsSomething) {
55 | return true;
56 | }
57 | const { cohesionScore } = classNode;
58 |
59 | return cohesionScore >= this.minClassCohesion;
60 | }
61 |
62 | private parseOptions(): void {
63 | this.getOptions().forEach((opt: any) => {
64 | if (typeof opt === 'boolean') {
65 | return;
66 | }
67 | if (typeof opt === 'number') {
68 | this.minClassCohesion = opt;
69 | return;
70 | }
71 | throw new Error(`Rule min-class-cohesion only supports option of type number, not ${typeof opt}.`);
72 | });
73 | }
74 | }
75 |
76 | class ClassDeclarationHelper {
77 | constructor(private node: ts.ClassDeclaration) {}
78 |
79 | public get cohesionScore(): number {
80 | const { fieldNames, methods } = this;
81 |
82 |
83 |
84 |
85 | if (methods.length === 0) {
86 | return 1.0;
87 | }
88 | const numFields = fieldNames.length;
89 | if (numFields === 0) {
90 | return 0.0;
91 | }
92 | const methodScores = methods.map(method => {
93 | const used = this.numberOfFieldsUsedByMethod(fieldNames, method);
94 | return used / numFields;
95 | });
96 | const sumScores = methodScores.reduce((total, current) => total + current, 0);
97 | return sumScores / methods.length;
98 |
99 | }
100 |
101 | private get fieldNames(): string[] {
102 | const parameterNames: string[] = this.constructorParameterNames;
103 | const instanceFields: string[] = this.instanceFieldNames;
104 | return [...parameterNames, ...instanceFields];
105 | }
106 |
107 | private get methods(): ts.MethodDeclaration[] {
108 | return <ts.MethodDeclaration[]>this.node.members.filter(
109 | (classElement: ts.ClassElement): boolean => {
110 | switch (classElement.kind) {
111 | case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
112 | case ts.SyntaxKind.GetAccessor:
113 | case ts.SyntaxKind.SetAccessor:
114 | return !AstUtils.isStatic(classElement);
115 | default:
116 | return false;
117 | }
118 | }
119 | );
120 | }
121 |
122 | private numberOfFieldsUsedByMethod(fieldNames: string[], method: ts.MethodDeclaration): number {
123 | const fields = ClassDeclarationHelper.fieldsUsedByMethod(method);
124 | return fieldNames.reduce((count, fieldName) => {
125 | if (fields[fieldName]) {
126 | return count + 1;
127 | }
128 | return count;
129 | }, 0);
130 | }
131 |
132 | private get constructorParameterNames(): string[] {
133 | return this.constructorParameters.map(param => param.name.getText());
134 | }
135 |
136 | private get constructorParameters(): ts.ParameterDeclaration[] {
137 | const ctor: ts.ConstructorDeclaration = this.constructorDeclaration;
138 | if (ctor) {
139 | return ctor.parameters.filter(
140 | (param: ts.ParameterDeclaration): boolean => {
141 | return (
142 | AstUtils.hasModifier(param.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword) ||
143 | AstUtils.hasModifier(param.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword) ||
144 | AstUtils.hasModifier(param.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword) ||
145 | AstUtils.hasModifier(param.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword)
146 | );
147 | }
148 | );
149 | }
150 | return [];
151 | }
152 |
153 | private get constructorDeclaration(): ts.ConstructorDeclaration | undefined {
154 | return <ts.ConstructorDeclaration>(
155 | this.node.members.find((element: ts.ClassElement): boolean => element.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor)
156 | );
157 | }
158 |
159 | private get instanceFieldNames(): string[] {
160 | return this.instanceFields.map(param => param.name.getText());
161 | }
162 |
163 | private get instanceFields(): ts.PropertyDeclaration[] {
164 | return <ts.PropertyDeclaration[]>(
165 | this.node.members.filter((classElement: ts.ClassElement): boolean => classElement.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration)
166 | );
167 | }
168 |
169 | private static fieldsUsedByMethod(method: ts.MethodDeclaration): FieldsUsageMap {
170 | const walker = new ClassMethodWalker();
171 | walker.walk(method);
172 | return walker.fieldsUsed;
173 | }
174 |
175 | public get extendsSomething(): boolean {
176 | return Utils.exists(
177 | this.node.heritageClauses,
178 | (clause: ts.HeritageClause): boolean => {
179 | return clause.token === ts.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword;
180 | }
181 | );
182 | }
183 |
184 | public get name() {
185 | return this.node.name == null ? '<unknown>' : this.node.name.text;
186 | }
187 | }
188 |
189 | class ClassMethodWalker extends Lint.SyntaxWalker {
190 | public fieldsUsed: FieldsUsageMap = {};
191 |
192 | protected visitPropertyAccessExpression(node: ts.PropertyAccessExpression): void {
193 | const isOnThis = node.expression.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword;
194 | if (isOnThis) {
195 | const field = node.name.text;
196 |
197 | this.fieldsUsed[field] = true;
198 | }
199 | super.visitPropertyAccessExpression(node);
200 | }
201 | }
202 |
203 | interface FieldsUsageMap {
204 | [field: string]: boolean;
205 | }