1 | {
2 | "name": "tsparticles-engine",
3 | "version": "2.12.0",
4 | "description": "Easily create highly customizable particle, confetti and fireworks animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available also for React, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Riot.js, Inferno.",
5 | "homepage": "https://particles.js.org",
6 | "scripts": {
7 | "install": "node ./scripts/install.js"
8 | },
9 | "repository": {
10 | "type": "git",
11 | "url": "git+https://github.com/matteobruni/tsparticles.git",
12 | "directory": "engine"
13 | },
14 | "keywords": [
15 | "front-end",
16 | "frontend",
17 | "tsparticles",
18 | "particles.js",
19 | "particlesjs",
20 | "particles",
21 | "particle",
22 | "canvas",
23 | "jsparticles",
24 | "xparticles",
25 | "particles-js",
26 | "particles-bg",
27 | "particles-bg-vue",
28 | "particles-ts",
29 | "particles.ts",
30 | "react-particles-js",
31 | "react-particles.js",
32 | "react-particles",
33 | "react",
34 | "reactjs",
35 | "vue-particles",
36 | "ngx-particles",
37 | "angular-particles",
38 | "particleground",
39 | "vue",
40 | "vuejs",
41 | "preact",
42 | "preactjs",
43 | "jquery",
44 | "angularjs",
45 | "angular",
46 | "typescript",
47 | "javascript",
48 | "animation",
49 | "web",
50 | "html5",
51 | "web-design",
52 | "webdesign",
53 | "css",
54 | "html",
55 | "css3",
56 | "animated",
57 | "background",
58 | "confetti",
59 | "canvas",
60 | "fireworks",
61 | "fireworks-js",
62 | "confetti-js",
63 | "confettijs",
64 | "fireworksjs",
65 | "canvas-confetti"
66 | ],
67 | "author": "Matteo Bruni <matteo.bruni@me.com>",
68 | "license": "MIT",
69 | "bugs": {
70 | "url": "https://github.com/matteobruni/tsparticles/issues"
71 | },
72 | "funding": [
73 | {
74 | "type": "github",
75 | "url": "https://github.com/sponsors/matteobruni"
76 | },
77 | {
78 | "type": "github",
79 | "url": "https://github.com/sponsors/tsparticles"
80 | },
81 | {
82 | "type": "buymeacoffee",
83 | "url": "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/matteobruni"
84 | }
85 | ],
86 | "main": "cjs/index.js",
87 | "module": "esm/index.js",
88 | "jsdelivr": "tsparticles.engine.min.js",
89 | "unpkg": "tsparticles.engine.min.js",
90 | "types": "types/index.d.ts",
91 | "sideEffects": false,
92 | "exports": {
93 | ".": {
94 | "types": "./types/index.d.ts",
95 | "import": "./esm/index.js",
96 | "require": "./cjs/index.js",
97 | "umd": "./umd/index.js",
98 | "default": "./cjs/index.js"
99 | },
100 | "./package.json": "./package.json"
101 | }
102 | }