1 | [![banner](https://particles.js.org/images/banner2.png)](https://particles.js.org)
2 |
3 | # tsParticles Full Bundle
4 |
5 | [![jsDelivr](https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/tsparticles/badge)](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/tsparticles) [![npmjs](https://badge.fury.io/js/tsparticles.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tsparticles) [![npmjs](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/tsparticles)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tsparticles) [![GitHub Sponsors](https://img.shields.io/github/sponsors/matteobruni)](https://github.com/sponsors/matteobruni)
6 |
7 | [tsParticles](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles) full bundle loads all the v1 features to
8 | a `@tsparticles/engine` instance.
9 |
10 | **Included Packages**
11 |
12 | - [@tsparticles/slim (and all its dependencies)](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/bundles/slim)
13 | - [@tsparticles/interaction-external-trail](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/interactions/external/trail)
14 | - [@tsparticles/plugin-absorbers](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/plugins/absorbers)
15 | - [@tsparticles/plugin-emitters](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/plugins/emitters)
16 | - [@tsparticles/shape-text](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/shapes/text)
17 | - [@tsparticles/updater-destroy](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/updaters/destroy)
18 | - [@tsparticles/updater-roll](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/updaters/roll)
19 | - [@tsparticles/updater-tilt](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/updaters/tilt)
20 | - [@tsparticles/updater-twinkle](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/updaters/twinkle)
21 | - [@tsparticles/updater-wobble](https://github.com/tsparticles/tsparticles/tree/main/updaters/wobble)
22 |
23 | ## How to use it
24 |
25 | ### CDN / Vanilla JS / jQuery
26 |
27 | The CDN/Vanilla version JS has two different files:
28 |
29 | - One is a bundle file with all the scripts included in a single file
30 | - One is a file including just the `loadFull` function to load the tsParticles full preset, all dependencies must be
31 | included manually
32 |
33 | #### Bundle
34 |
35 | Including the `tsparticles.bundle.min.js` file will work exactly like `v1`, you can start using the `tsParticles`
36 | instance in the same way.
37 |
38 | This is the easiest usage, since it's a single file with the same `v1` features.
39 |
40 | All new features will be added as external packages, this bundle is recommended for migrating from `v1` easily.
41 |
42 | #### Not Bundle
43 |
44 | This installation requires more work since all dependencies must be included in the page. Some lines above are all
45 | specified in the **Included Packages** section.
46 |
47 | A note about `@tsparticles/slim` can be made: it's not mandatory to include all of its dependencies, the slim bundle file
48 | is enough, and if this is done the `@tsparticles/engine` is not needed, since it's already bundled in the slim bundle.
49 |
50 | ### Usage
51 |
52 | Once the scripts are loaded you can set up `tsParticles` like this:
53 |
54 | ```javascript
55 | (async () => {
56 | await loadFull(tsParticles);
57 |
58 | await tsParticles.load({
59 | id: "tsparticles",
60 | options: {
61 | /* options */
62 | },
63 | });
64 | })();
65 | ```
66 |
67 | ### React.js / Preact / Inferno
68 |
69 | _The syntax for `React.js`, `Preact` and `Inferno` is the same_.
70 |
71 | This sample uses the class component syntax, but you can use hooks as well (if the library supports it).
72 |
73 | _Class Components_
74 |
75 | ```typescript jsx
76 | import React from "react";
77 | import Particles from "react-particles";
78 | import type { Engine } from "@tsparticles/engine";
79 | import { loadFull } from "tsparticles";
80 |
81 | export class ParticlesContainer extends PureComponent<unknown> {
82 | // this customizes the component tsParticles installation
83 | async customInit(engine: Engine): Promise<void> {
84 | // this adds the bundle to tsParticles
85 | await loadFull(engine);
86 | }
87 |
88 | render() {
89 | const options = {
90 | /* custom options */
91 | };
92 |
93 | return <Particles options={options} init={this.customInit} />;
94 | }
95 | }
96 | ```
97 |
98 | _Hooks / Functional Components_
99 |
100 | ```typescript jsx
101 | import React, { useCallback } from "react";
102 | import Particles from "react-particles";
103 | import type { Engine } from "@tsparticles/engine";
104 | import { loadFull } from "tsparticles";
105 |
106 | export function ParticlesContainer(props: unknown) {
107 | // this customizes the component tsParticles installation
108 | const customInit = useCallback(async (engine: Engine) => {
109 | // this adds the bundle to tsParticles
110 | await loadFull(engine);
111 | });
112 |
113 | const options = {
114 | /* custom options */
115 | };
116 |
117 | return <Particles options={options} init={this.customInit} />;
118 | }
119 | ```
120 |
121 | ### Vue (2.x and 3.x)
122 |
123 | _The syntax for `Vue.js 2.x` and `3.x` is the same_
124 |
125 | ```vue
126 | <Particles id="tsparticles" :particlesInit="particlesInit" :options="options" />
127 | ```
128 |
129 | ```js
130 | const options = {
131 | /* custom options */
132 | };
133 |
134 | async function particlesInit(engine: Engine): Promise<void> {
135 | await loadFull(engine);
136 | }
137 | ```
138 |
139 | ### Angular
140 |
141 | ```html
142 | <ng-particles [id]="id" [options]="options" [particlesInit]="particlesInit"></ng-particles>
143 | ```
144 |
145 | ```ts
146 | const options = {
147 | /* custom options */
148 | };
149 |
150 | async function particlesInit(engine: Engine): Promise<void> {
151 | await loadFull(engine);
152 | }
153 | ```
154 |
155 | ### Svelte
156 |
157 | ```sveltehtml
158 |
159 | <Particles
160 | id="tsparticles"
161 | options={options}
162 | particlesInit={particlesInit}
163 | />
164 | ```
165 |
166 | ```js
167 | let options = {
168 | /* custom options */
169 | };
170 |
171 | let particlesInit = async (engine) => {
172 | await loadFull(engine);
173 | };
174 | ```