Bundle your TypeScript library with no config, powered by esbuild
578 lines (549 loc) • 17.5 kB
import { BuildOptions, Metafile, Plugin as Plugin$1, Loader } from 'esbuild';
import { SourceMap as SourceMap$1, TreeshakingOptions, TreeshakingPreset, InputOption } from 'rollup';
import { RawSourceMap } from 'source-map';
type GeneratedColumn = number;
type SourcesIndex = number;
type SourceLine = number;
type SourceColumn = number;
type NamesIndex = number;
type SourceMapSegment = [GeneratedColumn] | [GeneratedColumn, SourcesIndex, SourceLine, SourceColumn] | [GeneratedColumn, SourcesIndex, SourceLine, SourceColumn, NamesIndex];
declare class TraceMap implements SourceMap {
version: SourceMapV3['version'];
file: SourceMapV3['file'];
names: SourceMapV3['names'];
sourceRoot: SourceMapV3['sourceRoot'];
sources: SourceMapV3['sources'];
sourcesContent: SourceMapV3['sourcesContent'];
ignoreList: SourceMapV3['ignoreList'];
resolvedSources: string[];
private _encoded;
private _decoded;
private _decodedMemo;
private _bySources;
private _bySourceMemos;
constructor(map: SourceMapInput, mapUrl?: string | null);
interface SourceMapV3 {
file?: string | null;
names: string[];
sourceRoot?: string;
sources: (string | null)[];
sourcesContent?: (string | null)[];
version: 3;
ignoreList?: number[];
interface EncodedSourceMap extends SourceMapV3 {
mappings: string;
interface DecodedSourceMap extends SourceMapV3 {
mappings: SourceMapSegment[][];
interface Section {
offset: {
line: number;
column: number;
map: EncodedSourceMap | DecodedSourceMap | SectionedSourceMap;
interface SectionedSourceMap {
file?: string | null;
sections: Section[];
version: 3;
type XInput = {
x_google_ignoreList?: SourceMapV3['ignoreList'];
type EncodedSourceMapXInput = EncodedSourceMap & XInput;
type DecodedSourceMapXInput = DecodedSourceMap & XInput;
type SectionedSourceMapXInput = Omit<SectionedSourceMap, 'sections'> & {
sections: SectionXInput[];
type SectionXInput = Omit<Section, 'map'> & {
map: SectionedSourceMapInput;
type SourceMapInput = string | EncodedSourceMapXInput | DecodedSourceMapXInput | TraceMap;
type SectionedSourceMapInput = SourceMapInput | SectionedSourceMapXInput;
declare abstract class SourceMap {
version: SourceMapV3['version'];
file: SourceMapV3['file'];
names: SourceMapV3['names'];
sourceRoot: SourceMapV3['sourceRoot'];
sources: SourceMapV3['sources'];
sourcesContent: SourceMapV3['sourcesContent'];
resolvedSources: SourceMapV3['sources'];
ignoreList: SourceMapV3['ignoreList'];
/// <reference lib="es2015" />
type ECMA = 5 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020;
type ConsoleProperty = keyof typeof console;
type DropConsoleOption = boolean | ConsoleProperty[];
interface ParseOptions {
bare_returns?: boolean;
/** @deprecated legacy option. Currently, all supported EcmaScript is valid to parse. */
ecma?: ECMA;
html5_comments?: boolean;
shebang?: boolean;
interface CompressOptions {
arguments?: boolean;
arrows?: boolean;
booleans_as_integers?: boolean;
booleans?: boolean;
collapse_vars?: boolean;
comparisons?: boolean;
computed_props?: boolean;
conditionals?: boolean;
dead_code?: boolean;
defaults?: boolean;
directives?: boolean;
drop_console?: DropConsoleOption;
drop_debugger?: boolean;
ecma?: ECMA;
evaluate?: boolean;
expression?: boolean;
global_defs?: object;
hoist_funs?: boolean;
hoist_props?: boolean;
hoist_vars?: boolean;
ie8?: boolean;
if_return?: boolean;
inline?: boolean | InlineFunctions;
join_vars?: boolean;
keep_classnames?: boolean | RegExp;
keep_fargs?: boolean;
keep_fnames?: boolean | RegExp;
keep_infinity?: boolean;
loops?: boolean;
module?: boolean;
negate_iife?: boolean;
passes?: number;
properties?: boolean;
pure_funcs?: string[];
pure_new?: boolean;
pure_getters?: boolean | 'strict';
reduce_funcs?: boolean;
reduce_vars?: boolean;
sequences?: boolean | number;
side_effects?: boolean;
switches?: boolean;
toplevel?: boolean;
top_retain?: null | string | string[] | RegExp;
typeofs?: boolean;
unsafe_arrows?: boolean;
unsafe?: boolean;
unsafe_comps?: boolean;
unsafe_Function?: boolean;
unsafe_math?: boolean;
unsafe_symbols?: boolean;
unsafe_methods?: boolean;
unsafe_proto?: boolean;
unsafe_regexp?: boolean;
unsafe_undefined?: boolean;
unused?: boolean;
declare enum InlineFunctions {
Disabled = 0,
SimpleFunctions = 1,
WithArguments = 2,
WithArgumentsAndVariables = 3
interface MangleOptions {
eval?: boolean;
keep_classnames?: boolean | RegExp;
keep_fnames?: boolean | RegExp;
module?: boolean;
nth_identifier?: SimpleIdentifierMangler | WeightedIdentifierMangler;
properties?: boolean | ManglePropertiesOptions;
reserved?: string[];
safari10?: boolean;
toplevel?: boolean;
* An identifier mangler for which the output is invariant with respect to the source code.
interface SimpleIdentifierMangler {
* Obtains the nth most favored (usually shortest) identifier to rename a variable to.
* The mangler will increment n and retry until the return value is not in use in scope, and is not a reserved word.
* This function is expected to be stable; Evaluating get(n) === get(n) should always return true.
* @param n The ordinal of the identifier.
get(n: number): string;
* An identifier mangler that leverages character frequency analysis to determine identifier precedence.
interface WeightedIdentifierMangler extends SimpleIdentifierMangler {
* Modifies the internal weighting of the input characters by the specified delta.
* Will be invoked on the entire printed AST, and then deduct mangleable identifiers.
* @param chars The characters to modify the weighting of.
* @param delta The numeric weight to add to the characters.
consider(chars: string, delta: number): number;
* Resets character weights.
reset(): void;
* Sorts identifiers by character frequency, in preparation for calls to get(n).
sort(): void;
interface ManglePropertiesOptions {
builtins?: boolean;
debug?: boolean;
keep_quoted?: boolean | 'strict';
nth_identifier?: SimpleIdentifierMangler | WeightedIdentifierMangler;
regex?: RegExp | string;
reserved?: string[];
interface FormatOptions {
ascii_only?: boolean;
/** @deprecated Not implemented anymore */
beautify?: boolean;
braces?: boolean;
comments?: boolean | 'all' | 'some' | RegExp | ( (node: any, comment: {
value: string,
type: 'comment1' | 'comment2' | 'comment3' | 'comment4',
pos: number,
line: number,
col: number,
}) => boolean );
ecma?: ECMA;
ie8?: boolean;
keep_numbers?: boolean;
indent_level?: number;
indent_start?: number;
inline_script?: boolean;
keep_quoted_props?: boolean;
max_line_len?: number | false;
preamble?: string;
preserve_annotations?: boolean;
quote_keys?: boolean;
quote_style?: OutputQuoteStyle;
safari10?: boolean;
semicolons?: boolean;
shebang?: boolean;
shorthand?: boolean;
source_map?: SourceMapOptions;
webkit?: boolean;
width?: number;
wrap_iife?: boolean;
wrap_func_args?: boolean;
declare enum OutputQuoteStyle {
PreferDouble = 0,
AlwaysSingle = 1,
AlwaysDouble = 2,
AlwaysOriginal = 3
interface MinifyOptions {
compress?: boolean | CompressOptions;
ecma?: ECMA;
enclose?: boolean | string;
ie8?: boolean;
keep_classnames?: boolean | RegExp;
keep_fnames?: boolean | RegExp;
mangle?: boolean | MangleOptions;
module?: boolean;
nameCache?: object;
format?: FormatOptions;
/** @deprecated */
output?: FormatOptions;
parse?: ParseOptions;
safari10?: boolean;
sourceMap?: boolean | SourceMapOptions;
toplevel?: boolean;
interface SourceMapOptions {
/** Source map object, 'inline' or source map file content */
content?: SectionedSourceMapInput | string;
includeSources?: boolean;
filename?: string;
root?: string;
asObject?: boolean;
url?: string | 'inline';
type Prettify<Type> = Type extends Function ? Type : Extract<{
[Key in keyof Type]: Type[Key];
}, Type>;
type MarkRequired<Type, Keys extends keyof Type> = Type extends Type ? Prettify<Type & Required<Omit<Type, Exclude<keyof Type, Keys>>>> : never;
type Logger = ReturnType<typeof createLogger>;
declare const createLogger: (name?: string) => {
setName(_name: string): void;
success(label: string, ...args: any[]): void;
info(label: string, ...args: any[]): void;
error(label: string, ...args: any[]): void;
warn(label: string, ...args: any[]): void;
log(label: string, type: "info" | "success" | "error" | "warn", ...data: unknown[]): void;
type ChunkInfo = {
type: 'chunk';
code: string;
map?: string | RawSourceMap | null;
path: string;
* Sets the file mode
mode?: number;
entryPoint?: string;
exports?: string[];
imports?: Metafile['outputs'][string]['imports'];
type RenderChunk = (this: PluginContext, code: string, chunkInfo: ChunkInfo) => MaybePromise<{
code: string;
map?: object | string | SourceMap$1 | null;
} | undefined | null | void>;
type BuildStart = (this: PluginContext) => MaybePromise<void>;
type BuildEnd = (this: PluginContext, ctx: {
writtenFiles: WrittenFile[];
}) => MaybePromise<void>;
type ModifyEsbuildOptions = (this: PluginContext, options: BuildOptions) => void;
type Plugin = {
name: string;
esbuildOptions?: ModifyEsbuildOptions;
buildStart?: BuildStart;
renderChunk?: RenderChunk;
buildEnd?: BuildEnd;
type PluginContext = {
format: Format;
splitting?: boolean;
options: NormalizedOptions;
logger: Logger;
type WrittenFile = {
readonly name: string;
readonly size: number;
type TreeshakingStrategy = boolean | TreeshakingOptions | TreeshakingPreset;
type Format = 'cjs' | 'esm' | 'iife';
type ContextForOutPathGeneration = {
options: NormalizedOptions;
format: Format;
/** "type" field in project's package.json */
pkgType?: string;
type OutExtensionObject = {
js?: string;
dts?: string;
type OutExtensionFactory = (ctx: ContextForOutPathGeneration) => OutExtensionObject;
type DtsConfig = {
entry?: InputOption;
/** Resolve external types used in dts files from node_modules */
resolve?: boolean | (string | RegExp)[];
/** Emit declaration files only */
only?: boolean;
/** Insert at the top of each output .d.ts file */
banner?: string;
/** Insert at the bottom */
footer?: string;
* Overrides `compilerOptions`
* This option takes higher priority than `compilerOptions` in tsconfig.json
compilerOptions?: any;
type ExperimentalDtsConfig = {
entry?: InputOption;
* Overrides `compilerOptions`
* This option takes higher priority than `compilerOptions` in tsconfig.json
compilerOptions?: any;
type BannerOrFooter = {
js?: string;
css?: string;
} | ((ctx: {
format: Format;
}) => {
js?: string;
css?: string;
} | undefined);
type BrowserTarget = 'chrome' | 'deno' | 'edge' | 'firefox' | 'hermes' | 'ie' | 'ios' | 'node' | 'opera' | 'rhino' | 'safari';
type BrowserTargetWithVersion = `${BrowserTarget}${number}` | `${BrowserTarget}${number}.${number}` | `${BrowserTarget}${number}.${number}.${number}`;
type EsTarget = 'es3' | 'es5' | 'es6' | 'es2015' | 'es2016' | 'es2017' | 'es2018' | 'es2019' | 'es2020' | 'es2021' | 'es2022' | 'es2023' | 'es2024' | 'esnext';
type Target = BrowserTarget | BrowserTargetWithVersion | EsTarget | (string & {});
type Entry = string[] | Record<string, string>;
* The options available in tsup.config.ts
* Not all of them are available from CLI flags
type Options = {
/** Optional config name to show in CLI output */
name?: string;
* @deprecated Use `entry` instead
entryPoints?: Entry;
entry?: Entry;
* Output different formats to different folder instead of using different extensions
legacyOutput?: boolean;
* Compile target
* default to `node16`
target?: Target | Target[];
minify?: boolean | 'terser';
terserOptions?: MinifyOptions;
minifyWhitespace?: boolean;
minifyIdentifiers?: boolean;
minifySyntax?: boolean;
keepNames?: boolean;
watch?: boolean | string | (string | boolean)[];
ignoreWatch?: string[] | string;
onSuccess?: string | (() => Promise<void | undefined | (() => void | Promise<void>)>);
jsxFactory?: string;
jsxFragment?: string;
outDir?: string;
outExtension?: OutExtensionFactory;
format?: Format[] | Format;
globalName?: string;
env?: {
[k: string]: string;
define?: {
[k: string]: string;
dts?: boolean | string | DtsConfig;
experimentalDts?: boolean | string | ExperimentalDtsConfig;
sourcemap?: boolean | 'inline';
/** Always bundle modules matching given patterns */
noExternal?: (string | RegExp)[];
/** Don't bundle these modules */
external?: (string | RegExp)[];
* Replace `process.env.NODE_ENV` with `production` or `development`
* `production` when the bundled is minified, `development` otherwise
replaceNodeEnv?: boolean;
* Code splitting
* Default to `true` for ESM, `false` for CJS.
* You can set it to `true` explicitly, and may want to disable code splitting sometimes: [`#255`](https://github.com/egoist/tsup/issues/255)
splitting?: boolean;
* Clean output directory before each build
clean?: boolean | string[];
esbuildPlugins?: Plugin$1[];
esbuildOptions?: (options: BuildOptions, context: {
format: Format;
}) => void;
* Suppress non-error logs (excluding "onSuccess" process output)
silent?: boolean;
* Skip node_modules bundling
* Will still bundle modules matching the `noExternal` option
skipNodeModulesBundle?: boolean;
* @see https://esbuild.github.io/api/#pure
pure?: string | string[];
* Disable bundling, default to true
bundle?: boolean;
* This option allows you to automatically replace a global variable with an import from another file.
* @see https://esbuild.github.io/api/#inject
inject?: string[];
* Emit esbuild metafile
* @see https://esbuild.github.io/api/#metafile
metafile?: boolean;
footer?: BannerOrFooter;
banner?: BannerOrFooter;
* Target platform
* @default `node`
platform?: 'node' | 'browser' | 'neutral';
* Esbuild loader option
loader?: Record<string, Loader>;
* Disable config file with `false`
* Or pass a custom config filename
config?: boolean | string;
* Use a custom tsconfig
tsconfig?: string;
* Inject CSS as style tags to document head
* @default {false}
injectStyle?: boolean | ((css: string, fileId: string) => string | Promise<string>);
* Inject cjs and esm shims if needed
* @default false
shims?: boolean;
* TSUP plugins
* @experimental
* @alpha
plugins?: Plugin[];
* By default esbuild already does treeshaking
* But this option allow you to perform additional treeshaking with Rollup
* This can result in smaller bundle size
treeshake?: TreeshakingStrategy;
* Copy the files inside `publicDir` to output directory
publicDir?: string | boolean;
killSignal?: KILL_SIGNAL;
* Interop default within `module.exports` in cjs
* @default false
cjsInterop?: boolean;
* Remove `node:` protocol from imports
* The default value will be flipped to `false` in the next major release
* @default true
removeNodeProtocol?: boolean;
interface NormalizedExperimentalDtsConfig {
entry: {
[entryAlias: string]: string;
compilerOptions?: any;
type NormalizedOptions = Omit<MarkRequired<Options, 'entry' | 'outDir'>, 'dts' | 'experimentalDts' | 'format'> & {
dts?: DtsConfig;
experimentalDts?: NormalizedExperimentalDtsConfig;
tsconfigResolvePaths: Record<string, string[]>;
tsconfigDecoratorMetadata?: boolean;
format: Format[];
type MaybePromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
declare const defineConfig: (options: Options | Options[] | ((
/** The options derived from CLI flags */
overrideOptions: Options) => MaybePromise<Options | Options[]>)) => Options | Options[] | ((overrideOptions: Options) => MaybePromise<Options | Options[]>);
declare function build(_options: Options): Promise<void>;
export { type Format, type NormalizedOptions, type Options, build, defineConfig };