4 | "sourcesContent": ["/* eslint-env node */\n// ^^^^ This comment is need to prevent browser bundles of this file\n\n/**\n * [[include:src/shim/server/README.md]]\n *\n * @packageDocumentation\n * @module twind/shim/server\n */\n\nimport htmlparser2Tokenizer from 'htmlparser2/lib/Tokenizer'\n\n// htmlparser2 has no esm bundle =>\n// a little dance to work around different cjs loaders\nconst Tokenizer =\n ((htmlparser2Tokenizer as unknown) as typeof import('htmlparser2/lib/Tokenizer')).default ||\n htmlparser2Tokenizer\n\nimport type { TW } from 'twind'\nimport { tw as defaultTW } from 'twind'\n\nexport * from 'twind'\nexport * from 'twind/sheets'\n\n/**\n * Options for {@link shim}.\n */\nexport interface ShimOptions {\n /**\n * Custom {@link twind.tw | tw} instance to use (default: {@link twind.tw}).\n */\n tw?: TW\n}\n\nconst noop = () => undefined\n\n/**\n * Shim the passed html.\n *\n * 1. tokenize the markup and process element classes with either the\n * {@link twind.tw | default/global tw} instance or a {@link ShimOptions.tw | custom} instance\n * 2. populate the provided sheet with the generated rules\n * 3. output the HTML markup with the final element classes\n\n * @param markup the html to shim\n * @param options to use\n * @return the HTML markup with the final element classes\n */\nexport const shim = (markup: string, options: TW | ShimOptions = {}): string => {\n const { tw = defaultTW } = typeof options == 'function' ? { tw: options } : options\n\n let lastAttribName = ''\n let lastChunkStart = 0\n const chunks: string[] = []\n\n const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(\n {\n decodeEntities: false,\n xmlMode: false,\n },\n {\n onattribend: noop,\n onattribdata: (value) => {\n if (lastAttribName == 'class') {\n const currentIndex = tokenizer.getAbsoluteIndex()\n const startIndex = currentIndex - value.length\n const parsedClassNames = tw(value)\n\n // We only need to shift things around if we need to actually change the markup\n if (parsedClassNames !== value) {\n // We've hit another mutation boundary\n chunks.push(markup.slice(lastChunkStart, startIndex))\n chunks.push(parsedClassNames)\n lastChunkStart = currentIndex\n }\n }\n // This may not be strictly necessary\n lastAttribName = ''\n },\n onattribname: (name) => {\n lastAttribName = name\n },\n oncdata: noop,\n onclosetag: noop,\n oncomment: noop,\n ondeclaration: noop,\n onend: noop,\n onerror: noop,\n onopentagend: noop,\n onopentagname: noop,\n onprocessinginstruction: noop,\n onselfclosingtag: noop,\n ontext: noop,\n },\n )\n\n tokenizer.end(markup)\n\n // Avoid unnecessary array operations and string concatenation if we never\n // needed to slice and dice things.\n if (!chunks.length) {\n return markup\n }\n\n // Combine the current set of chunks with the tail-end of the input\n return chunks.join('') + markup.slice(lastChunkStart || 0, markup.length)\n}\n"],