1 | import { PropertiesFallback, PropertiesHyphenFallback, AtRule, SimplePseudos } from 'csstype';
2 |
3 | interface CSSCustomProperties {
4 | '--tw-bg-opacity'?: string;
5 | '--tw-text-opacity'?: string;
6 | '--tw-border-opacity'?: string;
7 | '--tw-divide-opacity'?: string;
8 | '--tw-placeholder-opacity'?: string;
9 | '--tw-shadow'?: string;
10 | '--tw-ring-inset'?: string;
11 | '--tw-ring-color'?: string;
12 | '--tw-ring-opacity'?: string;
13 | '--tw-ring-shadow'?: string;
14 | '--tw-ring-offset-color'?: string;
15 | '--tw-ring-offset-shadow'?: string;
16 | '--tw-ring-offset-width'?: string;
17 | '--tw-gradient-from'?: string;
18 | '--tw-gradient-to'?: string;
19 | '--tw-gradient-stops'?: string;
20 | '--tw-divide-y-reverse'?: string;
21 | '--tw-divide-x-reverse'?: string;
22 | '--tw-space-y-reverse'?: string;
23 | '--tw-space-x-reverse'?: string;
24 | '--tw-translate-x'?: string;
25 | '--tw-translate-y'?: string;
26 | '--tw-rotate'?: string;
27 | '--tw-skew-x'?: string;
28 | '--tw-skew-y'?: string;
29 | '--tw-scale-x'?: string;
30 | '--tw-scale-y'?: string;
31 | '--tw-ordinal'?: string;
32 | '--tw-slashed-zero'?: string;
33 | '--tw-numeric-figure'?: string;
34 | '--tw-numeric-spacing'?: string;
35 | '--tw-numeric-fraction'?: string;
36 | }
37 | interface CSSProperties extends PropertiesFallback<string, string>, PropertiesHyphenFallback<string, string>, CSSCustomProperties {
38 | }
39 | interface FontFace extends AtRule.FontFaceFallback<string, string>, AtRule.FontFaceHyphenFallback<string, string> {
40 | }
41 | interface CounterStyle extends AtRule.CounterStyleFallback<string, string>, AtRule.CounterStyleHyphenFallback<string, string> {
42 | }
43 |
44 | declare type Falsy = '' | 0 | -0 | false | null | undefined | void;
45 | declare type MaybeArray<T> = T | readonly T[];
46 |
47 | declare type MaybeObjInterpolationGeneric<T> = T[] | [TemplateStringsArray, ...T[]];
48 | declare type MaybeTokenInterpolation = MaybeObjInterpolationGeneric<Token>;
49 | interface TWCallable {
50 | (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: Token[]): string;
51 | (...tokens: Token[]): string;
52 | }
53 | interface TW extends TWCallable {
54 | theme: ThemeResolver;
55 | }
56 | interface Context {
57 |
58 | readonly tw: TWCallable;
59 |
60 | readonly theme: ThemeResolver;
61 |
62 | readonly tag: (key: string) => string;
63 | readonly css: (rule: Rule[] | string) => CSSRules;
64 | }
65 | interface Instance {
66 | readonly tw: TW;
67 | readonly setup: (options?: Configuration) => void;
68 | }
69 | declare type MaybeThunk<T> = T | ((context: Context) => T);
70 | interface Preflight {
71 | (preflight: CSSRules, context: Context): MaybeThunk<CSSRules | undefined | void>;
72 | }
73 | interface ThemeConfiguration extends Partial<Theme> {
74 | extend?: Partial<Theme>;
75 | }
76 | interface SheetConfig<T = unknown> {
77 | /**
78 | * Sets a cryptographic nonce (number used once) on the enclosing `<style>` tag when generating a page on demand.
79 | *
80 | * Useful for enforcing a [Content Security Policy (CSP)](https:
81 | */
82 | nonce?: string;
83 |
84 | target?: T;
85 | }
86 | interface Sheet<T = unknown> {
87 | readonly target: T;
88 | insert: (rule: string, index: number) => void;
89 | init?: SheetInit;
90 | }
91 | declare type SheetInitCallback<T = unknown> = (value?: T | undefined) => T;
92 | interface SheetInit {
93 | |
94 |
95 |
96 | <T>(callback: SheetInitCallback<T>): T;
97 | }
98 | declare type Prefixer = (property: string, value: string, important?: boolean) => string;
99 | declare type Hasher = (value: string) => string;
100 | declare type DarkMode = 'media' | 'class' | false;
101 | interface Configuration {
102 | |
103 |
104 |
105 | darkMode?: DarkMode;
106 | theme?: ThemeConfiguration;
107 | plugins?: Record<string, Plugin | undefined>;
108 | |
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 | variants?: Record<string, string>;
116 | |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 | nonce?: string;
122 |
123 | sheet?: Sheet;
124 |
125 | preflight?: Preflight | boolean | CSSRules;
126 |
127 | prefix?: Prefixer | boolean;
128 | hash?: Hasher | boolean;
129 | mode?: Mode | 'strict' | 'warn' | 'silent';
130 | |
131 |
132 |
133 | important?: boolean;
134 | }
135 | declare type ReportInfo = {
136 | id: 'LATE_SETUP_CALL';
137 | } | {
139 | rule: string;
140 | } | {
142 | key: string | undefined;
143 | } | {
144 | id: 'INJECT_CSS_ERROR';
145 | error: Error;
146 | css: string;
147 | };
148 | interface Mode {
149 |
150 | unknown: <Section extends keyof Theme>(section: Section, key: string[] | undefined, optional: boolean, context: Context) => ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]> | undefined | void;
151 | |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 | report(info: ReportInfo, context: Context): void;
159 | }
160 | declare type Plugin = string | CSSRules | DirectiveHandler;
161 | interface DirectiveHandler {
162 | |
163 |
164 |
165 | (parameters: string[], context: Context, id: string): InlineDirective | CSSRules | string | Falsy;
166 | }
167 | interface Rule {
168 | |
169 |
170 |
171 | v: string[];
172 | |
173 |
174 |
175 | d: string | InlineDirective;
176 |
177 | n: boolean | undefined;
178 |
179 | i: boolean | undefined;
180 | |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 | $: string;
188 | }
189 | interface Directive<T> {
190 |
191 | (context: Context): T;
192 |
193 | (params: string[], context: Context): T;
194 | }
195 | interface InlineDirective {
196 | (context: Context): CSSRules | string | Falsy | TypescriptCompat;
197 | }
198 | interface TokenGrouping extends Record<string, Token> {
199 | }
200 | declare type TypescriptCompat = boolean | number;
201 | declare type Token = Token[] | TokenGrouping | InlineDirective | string | Falsy | TypescriptCompat;
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 | declare type CSSSimplePseudos = {
207 | [K in SimplePseudos as `&${string & K}`]?: CSSRulesThunk | MaybeArray<CSSRules>;
208 | };
209 | interface CSSPseudos extends CSSSimplePseudos {
210 | '&:nth-child(2n)'?: CSSRules;
211 | '&:nth-child(odd)'?: CSSRules;
212 | }
213 | declare type CSSAtMedia = Record<string, MaybeArray<CSSRules>>;
214 | declare type CSSAtSupports = Record<string, MaybeArray<CSSRules>>;
215 | declare type CSSAtKeyframes = Record<string, CSSProperties | ((context: Context) => CSSProperties)>;
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 | interface CSSRules {
236 | '@import'?: CSSRulesThunk<MaybeArray<string>> | MaybeArray<string>;
237 | '@font-face'?: CSSRulesThunk<MaybeArray<FontFace>> | MaybeArray<FontFace>;
238 | '@keyframes'?: CSSRulesThunk<CSSAtKeyframes> | CSSAtKeyframes;
239 | '@apply'?: MaybeArray<string | Falsy | TypescriptCompat>;
240 | '@global'?: CSSRulesThunk<MaybeArray<CSSRules>> | MaybeArray<CSSRules>;
241 | ':global'?: CSSRulesThunk<MaybeArray<CSSRules>> | MaybeArray<CSSRules>;
242 |
243 | [key: string]: CSSRuleValue;
244 | }
245 | declare type CSSRuleValue = CSSAtMedia | CSSAtSupports | CSSAtKeyframes | CSSRulesThunk | MaybeArray<CSSProperties | CSSRules | FontFace | string | Falsy | TypescriptCompat>;
246 | interface CSSRulesThunk<Value = CSSRuleValue> {
247 | (context: Context): Value;
248 | }
249 |
250 | interface ThemeResolver {
251 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(section: Section): Record<string, ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>;
252 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(keypath: `${Section}.${string}`): ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]> | undefined;
253 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(keypath: `${Section}.${string}`, defaultValue: NonNullable<ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>): NonNullable<ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>;
254 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(section: Section, key: string | string[]): ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]> | undefined;
255 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(section: Section, key: string | string[], defaultValue: NonNullable<ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>): NonNullable<ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>;
256 | }
257 | interface ThemeHelper {
258 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(section: Section): (context: Context) => Record<string, ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>;
259 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(keypath: `${Section}.${string}`): (context: Context) => ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]> | undefined;
260 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(keypath: `${Section}.${string}`, defaultValue: NonNullable<ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>): (context: Context) => NonNullable<ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>;
261 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(section: Section, key: string | string[]): (context: Context) => ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]> | undefined;
262 | <Section extends keyof Theme>(section: Section, key: string | string[], defaultValue: NonNullable<ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>): (context: Context) => NonNullable<ThemeSectionType<Theme[Section]>>;
263 | }
264 | declare type Unwrap<T> = T extends string[] ? string : T extends Record<string, infer R> ? R : T;
265 | declare type ThemeSectionType<T> = T extends ThemeSection<infer R> ? Unwrap<R> : Exclude<T, ThemeSectionResolver<T>>;
266 | interface ThemeSectionResolverContext {
267 | |
268 |
269 |
270 | readonly negative: (records: Record<string, string | undefined>) => Record<string, string | undefined>;
271 | readonly breakpoints: (records: Record<string, ThemeScreen | undefined>) => Record<string, string | undefined>;
272 | }
273 | declare type ThemeSectionRecord<T = string> = Record<string, T | undefined>;
274 | declare type ThemeSectionResolver<T = string> = (theme: ThemeResolver, context: ThemeSectionResolverContext) => ThemeSectionRecord<T>;
275 | declare type ThemeSection<T = string> = ThemeSectionRecord<T> | ThemeSectionResolver<T>;
276 | interface ThemeContainer {
277 | screens?: Record<string, string | undefined>;
278 | center?: boolean;
279 | padding?: string | Record<string, string | undefined>;
280 | }
281 | declare type ThemeScreenValue = string | {
282 | raw: string;
283 | } | {
284 | min: string;
285 | max?: string;
286 | } | {
287 | min?: string;
288 | max: string;
289 | };
290 | declare type ThemeScreen = MaybeArray<ThemeScreenValue>;
291 | interface ThemeColorObject extends Record<string, ThemeColor> {
292 | }
293 | declare type ThemeColor = string | ThemeColorObject;
294 | declare type ThemeFontSize = string | [size: string, lineHeight: string] | [size: string, options: {
295 | lineHeight?: string;
296 | letterSpacing?: string;
297 | }];
298 | declare type ThemeOutline = [outline: string, offset: string] | string[];
299 | interface Theme {
300 | colors: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
301 | spacing: ThemeSection;
302 | durations: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
303 | screens: ThemeSection<ThemeScreen>;
304 | animation: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
305 | backdropBlur: ThemeSection;
306 | backdropBrightness: ThemeSection;
307 | backdropContrast: ThemeSection;
308 | backdropGrayscale: ThemeSection;
309 | backdropHueRotate: ThemeSection;
310 | backdropInvert: ThemeSection;
311 | backdropOpacity: ThemeSection;
312 | backdropSaturate: ThemeSection;
313 | backdropSepia: ThemeSection;
314 | backgroundColor: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
315 | backgroundImage: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
316 | backgroundOpacity: ThemeSection;
317 | backgroundPosition: ThemeSection;
318 | backgroundSize: ThemeSection;
319 | blur: ThemeSection;
320 | borderColor: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
321 | borderOpacity: ThemeSection;
322 | borderRadius: ThemeSection;
323 | borderWidth: ThemeSection;
324 | boxShadow: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
325 | brightness: ThemeSection;
326 | container: ThemeContainer | ThemeSectionResolver<ThemeContainer>;
327 | contrast: ThemeSection;
328 | cursor: ThemeSection;
329 | divideColor: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
330 | divideOpacity: ThemeSection;
331 | divideWidth: ThemeSection;
332 | dropShadow: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
333 | fill: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
334 | flex: ThemeSection;
335 | flexGrow: ThemeSection<number>;
336 | flexShrink: ThemeSection<number>;
337 | fontFamily: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
338 | fontSize: ThemeSection<ThemeFontSize>;
339 | fontWeight: ThemeSection;
340 | gap: ThemeSection;
341 | gradientColorStops: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
342 | grayscale: ThemeSection;
343 | gridAutoColumns: ThemeSection;
344 | gridAutoRows: ThemeSection;
345 | gridColumn: ThemeSection;
346 | gridColumnEnd: ThemeSection;
347 | gridColumnStart: ThemeSection;
348 | gridRow: ThemeSection;
349 | gridRowEnd: ThemeSection;
350 | gridRowStart: ThemeSection;
351 | gridTemplateColumns: ThemeSection;
352 | gridTemplateRows: ThemeSection;
353 | height: ThemeSection;
354 | hueRotate: ThemeSection;
355 | inset: ThemeSection;
356 | invert: ThemeSection;
357 | keyframes: ThemeSection<Record<string, CSSProperties>>;
358 | letterSpacing: ThemeSection;
359 | lineHeight: ThemeSection;
360 | listStyleType: ThemeSection;
361 | margin: ThemeSection;
362 | maxHeight: ThemeSection;
363 | maxWidth: ThemeSection;
364 | minHeight: ThemeSection;
365 | minWidth: ThemeSection;
366 | objectPosition: ThemeSection;
367 | opacity: ThemeSection;
368 | order: ThemeSection;
369 | outline: ThemeSection<ThemeOutline>;
370 | padding: ThemeSection;
371 | placeholderColor: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
372 | placeholderOpacity: ThemeSection;
373 | ringColor: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
374 | ringOffsetColor: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
375 | ringOffsetWidth: ThemeSection;
376 | ringOpacity: ThemeSection;
377 | ringWidth: ThemeSection;
378 | rotate: ThemeSection;
379 | saturate: ThemeSection;
380 | scale: ThemeSection;
381 | sepia: ThemeSection;
382 | skew: ThemeSection;
383 | space: ThemeSection;
384 | stroke: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
385 | strokeWidth: ThemeSection;
386 | textColor: ThemeSection<ThemeColor>;
387 | textOpacity: ThemeSection;
388 | transformOrigin: ThemeSection;
389 | transitionDelay: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
390 | transitionDuration: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
391 | transitionProperty: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
392 | transitionTimingFunction: ThemeSection<string | string[]>;
393 | translate: ThemeSection;
394 | width: ThemeSection;
395 | zIndex: ThemeSection;
396 | }
397 |
398 | declare type InterpolateKind = `theme(${keyof Theme})` | `range(${number},${number},${number})` | `string` | `number` | `nonzero`;
399 | declare type Interpolate<Kind extends InterpolateKind> = `{{${Kind}}}`;
400 | declare type FromTheme<Section extends keyof Theme> = Interpolate<`theme(${Section})`>;
401 | declare type NonEmptyString = Interpolate<'string'>;
402 | declare type Range<From extends number, To extends number, Step extends number = 1> = Interpolate<`range(${From},${To},${Step})`>;
403 | declare type Negatable<Value extends string> = Value | `-${Value}`;
404 | declare type SimplePseudoClasses = 'active' | 'any-link' | 'autofill' | 'checked' | 'default' | 'disabled' | 'empty' | 'enabled' | 'first-child' | 'first-of-type' | 'focus' | 'focus-visible' | 'focus-within' | 'future' | 'hover' | 'in-range' | 'indeterminate' | 'invalid' | 'last-child' | 'last-of-type' | 'link' | 'local-link' | 'only-child' | 'only-of-type' | 'optional' | 'out-of-range' | 'past' | 'paused' | 'placeholder-shown' | 'playing' | 'read-only' | 'read-write' | 'required' | 'target' | 'target-within' | 'user-invalid' | 'valid' | 'visited';
405 | declare type SimplePseudoElements = 'after' | 'before' | 'cue' | 'cue-region' | 'file-selector-button' | 'first-letter' | 'first-line' | 'marker' | 'placeholder' | 'selection' | 'target-text';
406 | declare type CoreVariants = 'dark' | 'sticky' | 'motion-reduce' | 'motion-safe' | 'first' | 'last' | 'even' | 'odd' | 'children' | 'siblings' | 'sibling' | 'override';
407 | declare type Empty = never | '' | 'DEFAULT';
408 | declare type Join<Prefix extends string | never, Suffix extends string | never, Separator extends string = '-'> = Suffix extends Empty ? Prefix extends Empty ? never : Prefix : Prefix extends Empty ? Suffix : Prefix extends Suffix ? never : Suffix extends `-${infer S}` ? `-${Prefix}${Separator}${S}` : `${Prefix}${Separator}${Suffix}`;
409 | declare type Corners = 't' | 'r' | 'b' | 'l' | 'tl' | 'tr' | 'bl' | 'br';
410 | declare type Edges = 'x' | 'y' | 't' | 'r' | 'b' | 'l' | 'tl' | 'tr' | 'tb' | 'bl' | 'br' | 'lr';
411 | declare type BorderStyle = 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'dotted' | 'double' | 'none';
412 | declare type GlobalValue = 'inherit' | 'initial' | 'unset';
413 | declare type BlendMode = 'normal' | 'multiply' | 'screen' | 'overlay' | 'darken' | 'lighten' | 'color-dodge' | 'color-burn' | 'hard-light' | 'soft-light' | 'difference' | 'exclusion' | 'hue' | 'saturation' | 'color' | 'luminosity';
414 | interface CorePlugins {
415 | group: '' | NonEmptyString;
416 | container: '';
417 | decoration: 'slice' | 'clone' | GlobalValue;
418 | box: 'border' | 'content';
419 | block: '';
420 | inline: '' | 'block' | 'flex' | 'grid' | 'table';
421 | flow: 'root';
422 | contents: '';
423 | hidden: '';
424 | float: 'right' | 'left' | 'none';
425 | clear: 'right' | 'left' | 'both' | 'none';
426 | isolate: '';
427 | isolation: 'auto' | 'isolate' | GlobalValue;
428 | object: 'contain' | 'cover' | 'fill' | 'none' | 'scale-down' | Join<'' | 'left' | 'right' | 'center', '' | 'bottom' | 'top' | 'center'> | FromTheme<'objectPosition'>;
429 | overflow: Join<'' | 'x' | 'y', 'auto' | 'hidden' | 'visible' | 'scroll'> | 'ellipsis' | 'clip';
430 | overscroll: Join<'' | 'x' | 'y', 'auto' | 'contain' | 'none'>;
431 | static: '';
432 | fixed: '';
433 | absolute: '';
434 | relative: '';
435 | sticky: '';
436 | inset: Negatable<Join<'' | 'x' | 'y', FromTheme<'inset'>>>;
437 | top: Negatable<FromTheme<'inset'>>;
438 | right: Negatable<FromTheme<'inset'>>;
439 | bottom: Negatable<FromTheme<'inset'>>;
440 | left: Negatable<FromTheme<'inset'>>;
441 | visible: '';
442 | invisible: '';
443 | z: Negatable<FromTheme<'zIndex'>>;
444 | flex: '' | 'nowrap' | Join<'row' | 'col' | 'wrap', '' | 'reverse'> | Join<'grow', '' | '0' | FromTheme<'flexGrow'> | Interpolate<'number'>> | Join<'shrink', '' | '0' | FromTheme<'flexShrink'> | Interpolate<'number'>> | FromTheme<'flex'>;
445 | order: FromTheme<'order'>;
446 | grid: '' | Join<'cols', 'none' | Range<1, 12> | Interpolate<'nonzero'> | FromTheme<'gridTemplateColumns'>> | Join<'rows', 'none' | Range<1, 6> | Interpolate<'nonzero'> | FromTheme<'gridTemplateRows'>> | Join<'flow', Join<'row' | 'col', '' | 'dense'> | 'dense'>;
447 | col: Join<'span', Range<1, 12> | Interpolate<'nonzero'>> | Join<'start', 'auto' | Range<1, 13> | Interpolate<'nonzero'> | FromTheme<'gridColumnStart'>> | Join<'end', 'auto' | Range<1, 13> | Interpolate<'nonzero'> | FromTheme<'gridColumnEnd'>> | FromTheme<'gridColumn'>;
448 | row: Join<'span', Range<1, 12> | Interpolate<'nonzero'>> | Join<'start', 'auto' | Range<1, 13> | Interpolate<'nonzero'> | FromTheme<'gridRowStart'>> | Join<'end', 'auto' | Range<1, 13> | Interpolate<'nonzero'> | FromTheme<'gridRowEnd'>> | FromTheme<'gridRow'>;
449 | auto: Join<'cols', 'auto' | FromTheme<'gridAutoColumns'>> | Join<'rows', 'auto' | FromTheme<'gridAutoRows'>>;
450 | gap: Join<'' | 'x' | 'y', FromTheme<'gap'>>;
451 | justify: 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'between' | 'around' | 'evenly' | Join<'items' | 'self', 'auto' | 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'stretch'>;
452 | content: 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'between' | 'around' | 'evenly';
453 | items: 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'baseline' | 'stretch';
454 | self: 'auto' | 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'stretch';
455 | place: Join<'content', 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'between' | 'around' | 'evenly' | 'stretch'> | Join<'items' | 'self', 'auto' | 'start' | 'end' | 'center' | 'stretch'>;
456 | p: FromTheme<'padding'>;
457 | py: FromTheme<'padding'>;
458 | px: FromTheme<'padding'>;
459 | pt: FromTheme<'padding'>;
460 | pr: FromTheme<'padding'>;
461 | pb: FromTheme<'padding'>;
462 | pl: FromTheme<'padding'>;
463 | m: Negatable<FromTheme<'margin'>>;
464 | my: Negatable<FromTheme<'margin'>>;
465 | mx: Negatable<FromTheme<'margin'>>;
466 | mt: Negatable<FromTheme<'margin'>>;
467 | mr: Negatable<FromTheme<'margin'>>;
468 | mb: Negatable<FromTheme<'margin'>>;
469 | ml: Negatable<FromTheme<'margin'>>;
470 | space: Negatable<Join<'x' | 'y', FromTheme<'space'>>> | Join<'x' | 'y', 'reverse'>;
471 | w: FromTheme<'width'>;
472 | min: Join<'w', FromTheme<'minWidth'>> | Join<'h', FromTheme<'minHeight'>>;
473 | max: Join<'w', FromTheme<'maxWidth'>> | Join<'h', FromTheme<'maxHeight'>>;
474 | h: FromTheme<'height'>;
475 | font: FromTheme<'fontFamily'> | FromTheme<'fontWeight'> | 'italic' | 'not-italic';
476 | text: FromTheme<'fontSize'> | 'left' | 'right' | 'center' | 'justify' | FromTheme<'textColor'> | Join<'opacity', FromTheme<'textOpacity'>> | 'underline' | 'no-underline' | 'line-through' | 'uppercase' | 'lowercase' | 'capitalize' | 'normal-case';
477 | antialiased: '';
478 | 'subpixel-antialiased': '';
479 | italic: '';
480 | 'not-italic': '';
481 | 'normal-nums': '';
482 | ordinal: '';
483 | 'slashed-zero': '';
484 | 'lining-nums': '';
485 | 'oldstyle-nums': '';
486 | 'proportional-nums': '';
487 | 'tabular-nums': '';
488 | 'diagonal-fractions': '';
489 | 'stacked-fractions': '';
490 | tracking: FromTheme<'letterSpacing'>;
491 | leading: FromTheme<'lineHeight'>;
492 | list: 'item' | 'inside' | 'outside' | 'none' | 'disc' | 'circle' | 'sqaure' | 'decimal' | 'decimal-leading-zero' | Join<'lower' | 'upper', 'roman' | 'greek' | 'alpha' | 'latin'> | FromTheme<'listStyleType'>;
493 | placeholder: FromTheme<'placeholderColor'> | Join<'opacity', FromTheme<'placeholderOpacity'>>;
494 | underline: '';
495 | 'no-underline': '';
496 | 'line-through': '';
497 | uppercase: '';
498 | lowercase: '';
499 | capitalize: '';
500 | 'normal-case': '';
501 | truncate: '';
502 | align: 'baseline' | 'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom' | 'text-top' | 'text-bottom' | 'sub' | 'super';
503 | whitespace: 'normal' | 'nowrap' | 'pre' | 'pre-wrap' | 'pre-line' | 'break-spaces';
504 | break: 'normal' | 'words' | 'all';
505 | bg: 'fixed' | 'local' | 'scroll' | Join<'clip', 'border' | 'padding' | 'content' | 'text'> | FromTheme<'backgroundColor'> | Join<'opacity', FromTheme<'backgroundOpacity'>> | Join<'' | 'left' | 'right' | 'center', '' | 'bottom' | 'top' | 'center'> | FromTheme<'backgroundPosition'> | 'no-repeat' | Join<'repeat', '' | 'x' | 'y' | 'round' | 'space'> | Join<'gradient-to', Corners> | FromTheme<'backgroundImage'> | FromTheme<'backgroundSize'>;
506 | from: FromTheme<'gradientColorStops'>;
507 | via: FromTheme<'gradientColorStops'>;
508 | to: FromTheme<'gradientColorStops'>;
509 | rounded: Join<'' | Corners, FromTheme<'borderRadius'>>;
510 | border: Join<'' | Edges, FromTheme<'borderWidth'>> | FromTheme<'borderColor'> | Join<'opacity', FromTheme<'borderOpacity'>> | BorderStyle | 'collapse' | 'separate';
511 | divide: Join<'x' | 'y', 'reverse' | FromTheme<'divideWidth'>> | FromTheme<'divideColor'> | Join<'opacity', FromTheme<'divideOpacity'>> | BorderStyle;
512 | ring: 'inset' | FromTheme<'ringWidth'> | FromTheme<'ringColor'> | Join<'opacity', FromTheme<'ringOpacity'>> | Join<'offset', FromTheme<'ringOffsetWidth'> | FromTheme<'ringOffsetColor'>>;
513 | shadow: FromTheme<'boxShadow'>;
514 | opacity: FromTheme<'opacity'>;
515 | table: '' | 'caption' | 'cell' | 'column' | Join<'column' | 'footer' | 'header' | 'row', 'group'> | 'row' | 'auto' | 'fixed';
516 | transition: FromTheme<'transitionProperty'>;
517 | duration: FromTheme<'durations'>;
518 | ease: FromTheme<'transitionTimingFunction'>;
519 | delay: FromTheme<'transitionDelay'>;
520 | animate: FromTheme<'animation'>;
521 | transform: '' | 'gpu' | 'none';
522 | origin: 'center' | Join<'' | 'top' | 'bottom', '' | 'right' | 'left'>;
523 | rotate: Negatable<FromTheme<'rotate'>>;
524 | scale: Join<'' | 'x' | 'y', FromTheme<'scale'>>;
525 | skew: Negatable<Join<'' | 'x' | 'y', FromTheme<'skew'>>>;
526 | translate: Negatable<Join<'' | 'x' | 'y', FromTheme<'translate'>>>;
527 | appearance: 'none' | 'auto' | 'menulist-button' | 'textfield';
528 | cursor: FromTheme<'cursor'> | 'auto' | 'default' | 'pointer' | 'wait' | 'text' | 'move' | 'help' | 'not-allowed' | 'none' | 'context-menu' | 'progress' | 'cell' | 'crosshair' | 'vertical-text' | 'alias' | 'copy' | 'no-drop' | 'e-resize' | 'n-resize' | 'ne-resize' | 'nw-resize' | 's-resize' | 'se-resize' | 'sw-resize' | 'w-resize' | 'ew-resize' | 'ns-resize' | 'nesw-resize' | 'nwse-resize' | 'col-resize' | 'row-resize' | 'all-scroll' | 'zoom-in' | 'zoom-out' | 'grab' | 'grabbing';
529 | outline: FromTheme<'outline'>;
530 | 'pointer-events': 'auto' | 'none';
531 | resize: 'none' | 'x' | 'y' | '';
532 | select: 'none' | 'auto' | 'text' | 'contain' | 'all';
533 | fill: FromTheme<'fill'>;
534 | stroke: FromTheme<'stroke'> | FromTheme<'strokeWidth'>;
535 | 'sr-only': '';
536 | 'not-sr-only': '';
537 | filter: '' | 'none';
538 | blur: FromTheme<'blur'>;
539 | brightness: FromTheme<'brightness'>;
540 | contrast: FromTheme<'contrast'>;
541 | grayscale: FromTheme<'grayscale'>;
542 | 'hue-rotate': Negatable<FromTheme<'hueRotate'>>;
543 | invert: FromTheme<'invert'>;
544 | saturate: FromTheme<'saturate'>;
545 | sepia: FromTheme<'sepia'>;
546 | 'drop-shadow': FromTheme<'dropShadow'>;
547 | backdrop: Join<'filter', '' | 'none'> | Join<'blur', FromTheme<'backdropBlur'>> | Join<'brightness', FromTheme<'backdropBrightness'>> | Join<'contrast', FromTheme<'backdropContrast'>> | Join<'grayscale', FromTheme<'backdropGrayscale'>> | Join<'hue-rotate', Negatable<FromTheme<'backdropHueRotate'>>> | Join<'invert', FromTheme<'backdropInvert'>> | Join<'opacity', FromTheme<'backdropOpacity'>> | Join<'saturate', FromTheme<'backdropSaturate'>> | Join<'sepia', FromTheme<'backdropSepia'>>;
548 | 'mix-blend': BlendMode;
549 | 'bg-blend': BlendMode;
550 | }
551 | declare type ToString<T> = T extends string ? T : T extends number ? `${T}` : never;
552 | declare type JoinFromObject<T, Separator extends string = '-'> = {
553 | [P in keyof T]: Join<ToString<P>, ToString<T[P]>, Separator>;
554 | }[keyof T];
555 |
556 | interface Variants {
557 | }
558 |
559 | interface Plugins {
560 | }
561 | declare type CoreCompletionTokens = `${FromTheme<'screens'>}:` | `${'' | 'not-'}${SimplePseudoClasses}:` | `${Join<'group', '' | Interpolate<'string'>>}-${SimplePseudoClasses}:` | `${SimplePseudoElements}::` | `${CoreVariants}:` | JoinFromObject<CorePlugins>;
562 | declare type UserCompletionTokens = {
563 | [K in keyof Variants]: `${ToString<K>}:`;
564 | }[keyof Variants] | JoinFromObject<Plugins>;
565 | declare type CompletionTokens = CoreCompletionTokens | UserCompletionTokens;
566 |
567 | interface Apply {
568 | (strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolations: Token[]): Directive<CSSRules>;
569 | (...tokens: Token[]): Directive<CSSRules>;
570 | }
571 | declare const apply: Apply;
572 |
573 | declare const tw: TW;
574 | declare const setup: (options?: Configuration | undefined) => void;
575 |
576 |
577 |
578 |
579 |
580 |
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 | declare const directive: <Data, T>(factory: (data: Data, context: Context) => MaybeThunk<T>, data: Data) => Directive<T>;
586 |
587 | declare const expandGroups: (classNames: string) => string;
588 |
589 | declare const create: (config?: Configuration | undefined) => Instance;
590 |
591 | declare const mode: (report: (message: string) => void) => Mode;
592 | declare const warn: Mode;
593 | declare const strict: Mode;
594 | declare const silent: Mode;
595 |
596 | declare const noprefix: Prefixer;
597 | declare const autoprefix: Prefixer;
598 |
599 |
600 |
601 |
602 | declare const cssomSheet: ({ nonce, target, }?: SheetConfig<CSSStyleSheet>) => Sheet<CSSStyleSheet>;
603 |
604 |
605 |
606 | declare const voidSheet: () => Sheet<null>;
607 |
608 | declare const theme: ThemeHelper;
609 |
610 | declare const cyrb32: Hasher;
611 |
612 | export { Apply, BlendMode, BorderStyle, CSSAtKeyframes, CSSAtMedia, CSSAtSupports, CSSCustomProperties, CSSProperties, CSSPseudos, CSSRuleValue, CSSRules, CSSRulesThunk, CSSSimplePseudos, CompletionTokens, Configuration, Context, CoreCompletionTokens, CorePlugins, CoreVariants, Corners, CounterStyle, DarkMode, Directive, DirectiveHandler, Edges, Empty, Falsy, FontFace, FromTheme, GlobalValue, Hasher, InlineDirective, Instance, Interpolate, InterpolateKind, Join, JoinFromObject, MaybeArray, MaybeObjInterpolationGeneric, MaybeThunk, MaybeTokenInterpolation, Mode, Negatable, NonEmptyString, Plugin, Plugins, Prefixer, Preflight, Range, ReportInfo, Rule, Sheet, SheetConfig, SheetInit, SheetInitCallback, SimplePseudoClasses, SimplePseudoElements, TW, TWCallable, Theme, ThemeColor, ThemeColorObject, ThemeConfiguration, ThemeContainer, ThemeFontSize, ThemeHelper, ThemeOutline, ThemeResolver, ThemeScreen, ThemeScreenValue, ThemeSection, ThemeSectionRecord, ThemeSectionResolver, ThemeSectionResolverContext, ThemeSectionType, ToString, Token, TokenGrouping, TypescriptCompat, Unwrap, UserCompletionTokens, Variants, apply, autoprefix, create, cssomSheet, directive, expandGroups, cyrb32 as hash, mode, noprefix, setup, silent, strict, theme, tw, voidSheet, warn };
613 |
614 |
\ | No newline at end of file |