1 | import type {IsEqual} from './is-equal';
2 | import type {ConditionalExcept} from './conditional-except';
3 | import type {ConditionalSimplifyDeep} from './conditional-simplify';
4 | import type {UnknownRecord} from './unknown-record';
5 | import type {EmptyObject} from './empty-object';
6 | import type {IsPlainObject} from './internal';
7 |
8 | /**
9 | Used to mark properties that should be excluded.
10 | */
11 | declare const conditionalPickDeepSymbol: unique symbol;
12 |
13 | /**
14 | Assert the condition according to the {@link ConditionalPickDeepOptions.condition|condition} option.
15 | */
16 | type AssertCondition<Type, Condition, Options extends ConditionalPickDeepOptions> = Options['condition'] extends 'equality'
17 | ? IsEqual<Type, Condition>
18 | : Type extends Condition
19 | ? true
20 | : false;
21 |
22 | /**
23 | ConditionalPickDeep options.
24 |
25 | @see ConditionalPickDeep
26 | */
27 | export type ConditionalPickDeepOptions = {
28 | /**
29 | The condition assertion mode.
30 |
31 | @default 'extends'
32 | */
33 | condition?: 'extends' | 'equality';
34 | };
35 |
36 | /**
37 | Pick keys recursively from the shape that matches the given condition.
38 |
39 | @see ConditionalPick
40 |
41 | @example
42 | ```
43 | import type {ConditionalPickDeep} from 'type-fest';
44 |
45 | interface Example {
46 | a: string;
47 | b: string | boolean;
48 | c: {
49 | d: string;
50 | e: {
51 | f?: string;
52 | g?: boolean;
53 | h: string | boolean;
54 | i: boolean | bigint;
55 | };
56 | j: boolean;
57 | };
58 | }
59 |
60 | type StringPick = ConditionalPickDeep<Example, string>;
61 | //=> {a: string; c: {d: string}}
62 |
63 | type StringPickOptional = ConditionalPickDeep<Example, string | undefined>;
64 | //=> {a: string; c: {d: string; e: {f?: string}}}
65 |
66 | type StringPickOptionalOnly = ConditionalPickDeep<Example, string | undefined, {condition: 'equality'}>;
67 | //=> {c: {e: {f?: string}}}
68 |
69 | type BooleanPick = ConditionalPickDeep<Example, boolean | undefined>;
70 | //=> {c: {e: {g?: boolean}; j: boolean}}
71 |
72 | type NumberPick = ConditionalPickDeep<Example, number>;
73 | //=> {}
74 |
75 | type StringOrBooleanPick = ConditionalPickDeep<Example, string | boolean>;
76 | //=> {
77 | // a: string;
78 | // b: string | boolean;
79 | // c: {
80 | // d: string;
81 | // e: {
82 | // h: string | boolean
83 | // };
84 | // j: boolean;
85 | // };
86 | // }
87 |
88 | type StringOrBooleanPickOnly = ConditionalPickDeep<Example, string | boolean, {condition: 'equality'}>;
89 | //=> {b: string | boolean; c: {e: {h: string | boolean}}}
90 | ```
91 |
92 | @category Object
93 | */
94 | export type ConditionalPickDeep<
95 | Type,
96 | Condition,
97 | Options extends ConditionalPickDeepOptions = {},
98 | > = ConditionalSimplifyDeep<ConditionalExcept<{
99 | [Key in keyof Type]: AssertCondition<Type[Key], Condition, Options> extends true
100 | ? Type[Key]
101 | : IsPlainObject<Type[Key]> extends true
102 | ? ConditionalPickDeep<Type[Key], Condition, Options>
103 | : typeof conditionalPickDeepSymbol;
104 | }, (typeof conditionalPickDeepSymbol | undefined) | EmptyObject>, never, UnknownRecord>;