1 | declare const invariantBrand: unique symbol;
2 |
3 | /**
4 | Create an [invariant type](https://basarat.gitbook.io/typescript/type-system/type-compatibility#footnote-invariance), which is a type that does not accept supertypes and subtypes.
5 |
6 | Use-case:
7 | - Prevent runtime errors that may occur due to assigning subtypes to supertypes.
8 | - Improve type signature of object methods like [`Object.keys()` or `Object.entries()`](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/pull/12253#issuecomment-263132208) by sealing the object type.
9 |
10 | @example
11 | ```
12 | import type {InvariantOf} from 'type-fest';
13 |
14 | class Animal {
15 | constructor(public name: string){}
16 | }
17 |
18 | class Cat extends Animal {
19 | meow() {}
20 | }
21 |
22 | let animalArray: Animal[] = [animal];
23 | let catArray: Cat[] = [cat];
24 |
25 | animalArray = catArray; // Okay if covariant
26 | animalArray.push(new Animal('another animal')); // Pushed an animal into catArray
27 | catArray.forEach(c => c.meow()); // Allowed but, error at runtime
28 |
29 | let invariantAnimalArray: InvariantOf<Animal>[] = [animal] as InvariantOf<Animal>[];
30 | let invariantCatArray: InvariantOf<Cat>[] = [cat] as InvariantOf<Cat>[];
31 |
32 | invariantAnimalArray = invariantCatArray; // Error: Type 'InvariantOf<Cat>[]' is not assignable to type 'InvariantOf<Animal>[]'.
33 | ```
34 |
35 | @example
36 | ```
37 | import type {InvariantOf} from 'type-fest';
38 |
39 | // In covariance (default)
40 |
41 | interface FooBar {
42 | foo: number;
43 | bar: string
44 | }
45 |
46 | interface FooBarBaz extends FooBar {
47 | baz: boolean
48 | }
49 |
50 | declare const fooBar: FooBar
51 | declare const fooBarBaz: FooBarBaz
52 |
53 | function keyOfFooBar(fooBar: FooBar) {
54 | return Object.keys(fooBar) as (keyof FooBar)[]
55 | }
56 |
57 | keyOfFooBar(fooBar) //=> (keyof FooBar)[]
58 | keyOfFooBar(fooBarBaz) //=> (keyof FooBar)[] but, (keyof FooBarBaz)[] at runtime
59 |
60 | // In invariance
61 |
62 | export function invariantOf<Type>(value: Type): InvariantOf<Type> {
63 | return value as InvariantOf<Type>;
64 | }
65 |
66 | function keyOfInvariantFooBar(fooBar: InvariantOf<FooBar>) {
67 | return Object.keys(fooBar) as (keyof FooBar)[]
68 | }
69 |
70 | keyOfInvariantFooBar(invariantOf(fooBar)); // (keyof FooBar)[]
71 | keyOfInvariantFooBar(invariantOf(fooBarBaz)); // Error: Argument of type 'InvariantOf<FooBarBaz>' is not assignable to parameter of type 'InvariantOf<FooBar>'.
72 | ```
73 |
74 | @category Type
75 | */
76 | export type InvariantOf<Type> = Type & {[invariantBrand]: (_: Type) => Type};