1 | import type {Primitive} from './primitive';
2 | import type {Numeric} from './numeric';
3 | import type {IsNotFalse, IsPrimitive} from './internal';
4 | import type {IsNever} from './is-never';
5 |
6 | /**
7 | Returns a boolean for whether the given type `T` is the specified `LiteralType`.
8 |
9 | @link https://stackoverflow.com/a/52806744/10292952
10 |
11 | @example
12 | ```
13 | LiteralCheck<1, number>
14 | //=> true
15 |
16 | LiteralCheck<number, number>
17 | //=> false
18 |
19 | LiteralCheck<1, string>
20 | //=> false
21 | ```
22 | */
23 | type LiteralCheck<T, LiteralType extends Primitive> = (
24 | IsNever<T> extends false // Must be wider than `never`
25 | ? [T] extends [LiteralType & infer U] // Remove any branding
26 | ? [U] extends [LiteralType] // Must be narrower than `LiteralType`
27 | ? [LiteralType] extends [U] // Cannot be wider than `LiteralType`
28 | ? false
29 | : true
30 | : false
31 | : false
32 | : false
33 | );
34 |
35 | /**
36 | Returns a boolean for whether the given type `T` is one of the specified literal types in `LiteralUnionType`.
37 |
38 | @example
39 | ```
40 | LiteralChecks<1, Numeric>
41 | //=> true
42 |
43 | LiteralChecks<1n, Numeric>
44 | //=> true
45 |
46 | LiteralChecks<bigint, Numeric>
47 | //=> false
48 | ```
49 | */
50 | type LiteralChecks<T, LiteralUnionType> = (
51 | // Conditional type to force union distribution.
52 | // If `T` is none of the literal types in the union `LiteralUnionType`, then `LiteralCheck<T, LiteralType>` will evaluate to `false` for the whole union.
53 | // If `T` is one of the literal types in the union, it will evaluate to `boolean` (i.e. `true | false`)
54 | IsNotFalse<LiteralUnionType extends Primitive
55 | ? LiteralCheck<T, LiteralUnionType>
56 | : never
57 | >
58 | );
59 |
60 | /**
61 | Returns a boolean for whether the given type is a `string` [literal type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#literal-types).
62 |
63 | Useful for:
64 | - providing strongly-typed string manipulation functions
65 | - constraining strings to be a string literal
66 | - type utilities, such as when constructing parsers and ASTs
67 |
68 | @example
69 | ```
70 | import type {IsStringLiteral} from 'type-fest';
71 |
72 | type CapitalizedString<T extends string> = IsStringLiteral<T> extends true ? Capitalize<T> : string;
73 |
74 | // https://github.com/yankeeinlondon/native-dash/blob/master/src/capitalize.ts
75 | function capitalize<T extends Readonly<string>>(input: T): CapitalizedString<T> {
76 | return (input.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1)) as CapitalizedString<T>;
77 | }
78 |
79 | const output = capitalize('hello, world!');
80 | //=> 'Hello, world!'
81 | ```
82 |
83 | @category Type Guard
84 | @category Utilities
85 | */
86 | export type IsStringLiteral<T> = LiteralCheck<T, string>;
87 |
88 | /**
89 | Returns a boolean for whether the given type is a `number` or `bigint` [literal type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#literal-types).
90 |
91 | Useful for:
92 | - providing strongly-typed functions when given literal arguments
93 | - type utilities, such as when constructing parsers and ASTs
94 |
95 | @example
96 | ```
97 | import type {IsNumericLiteral} from 'type-fest';
98 |
99 | // https://github.com/inocan-group/inferred-types/blob/master/src/types/boolean-logic/EndsWith.ts
100 | type EndsWith<TValue, TEndsWith extends string> =
101 | TValue extends string
102 | ? IsStringLiteral<TEndsWith> extends true
103 | ? IsStringLiteral<TValue> extends true
104 | ? TValue extends `${string}${TEndsWith}`
105 | ? true
106 | : false
107 | : boolean
108 | : boolean
109 | : TValue extends number
110 | ? IsNumericLiteral<TValue> extends true
111 | ? EndsWith<`${TValue}`, TEndsWith>
112 | : false
113 | : false;
114 |
115 | function endsWith<Input extends string | number, End extends string>(input: Input, end: End) {
116 | return `${input}`.endsWith(end) as EndsWith<Input, End>;
117 | }
118 |
119 | endsWith('abc', 'c');
120 | //=> true
121 |
122 | endsWith(123456, '456');
123 | //=> true
124 |
125 | const end = '123' as string;
126 |
127 | endsWith('abc123', end);
128 | //=> boolean
129 | ```
130 |
131 | @category Type Guard
132 | @category Utilities
133 | */
134 | export type IsNumericLiteral<T> = LiteralChecks<T, Numeric>;
135 |
136 | /**
137 | Returns a boolean for whether the given type is a `true` or `false` [literal type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#literal-types).
138 |
139 | Useful for:
140 | - providing strongly-typed functions when given literal arguments
141 | - type utilities, such as when constructing parsers and ASTs
142 |
143 | @example
144 | ```
145 | import type {IsBooleanLiteral} from 'type-fest';
146 |
147 | const id = 123;
148 |
149 | type GetId<AsString extends boolean> =
150 | IsBooleanLiteral<AsString> extends true
151 | ? AsString extends true
152 | ? `${typeof id}`
153 | : typeof id
154 | : number | string;
155 |
156 | function getId<AsString extends boolean = false>(options?: {asString: AsString}) {
157 | return (options?.asString ? `${id}` : id) as GetId<AsString>;
158 | }
159 |
160 | const numberId = getId();
161 | //=> 123
162 |
163 | const stringId = getId({asString: true});
164 | //=> '123'
165 |
166 | declare const runtimeBoolean: boolean;
167 | const eitherId = getId({asString: runtimeBoolean});
168 | //=> number | string
169 | ```
170 |
171 | @category Type Guard
172 | @category Utilities
173 | */
174 | export type IsBooleanLiteral<T> = LiteralCheck<T, boolean>;
175 |
176 | /**
177 | Returns a boolean for whether the given type is a `symbol` [literal type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#literal-types).
178 |
179 | Useful for:
180 | - providing strongly-typed functions when given literal arguments
181 | - type utilities, such as when constructing parsers and ASTs
182 |
183 | @example
184 | ```
185 | import type {IsSymbolLiteral} from 'type-fest';
186 |
187 | type Get<Obj extends Record<symbol, number>, Key extends keyof Obj> =
188 | IsSymbolLiteral<Key> extends true
189 | ? Obj[Key]
190 | : number;
191 |
192 | function get<Obj extends Record<symbol, number>, Key extends keyof Obj>(o: Obj, key: Key) {
193 | return o[key] as Get<Obj, Key>;
194 | }
195 |
196 | const symbolLiteral = Symbol('literal');
197 | const symbolValue: symbol = Symbol('value');
198 |
199 | get({[symbolLiteral]: 1} as const, symbolLiteral);
200 | //=> 1
201 |
202 | get({[symbolValue]: 1} as const, symbolValue);
203 | //=> number
204 | ```
205 |
206 | @category Type Guard
207 | @category Utilities
208 | */
209 | export type IsSymbolLiteral<T> = LiteralCheck<T, symbol>;
210 |
211 | /** Helper type for `IsLiteral`. */
212 | type IsLiteralUnion<T> =
213 | | IsStringLiteral<T>
214 | | IsNumericLiteral<T>
215 | | IsBooleanLiteral<T>
216 | | IsSymbolLiteral<T>;
217 |
218 | /**
219 | Returns a boolean for whether the given type is a [literal type](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/everyday-types.html#literal-types).
220 |
221 | Useful for:
222 | - providing strongly-typed functions when given literal arguments
223 | - type utilities, such as when constructing parsers and ASTs
224 |
225 | @example
226 | ```
227 | import type {IsLiteral} from 'type-fest';
228 |
229 | // https://github.com/inocan-group/inferred-types/blob/master/src/types/string-literals/StripLeading.ts
230 | export type StripLeading<A, B> =
231 | A extends string
232 | ? B extends string
233 | ? IsLiteral<A> extends true
234 | ? string extends B ? never : A extends `${B & string}${infer After}` ? After : A
235 | : string
236 | : A
237 | : A;
238 |
239 | function stripLeading<Input extends string, Strip extends string>(input: Input, strip: Strip) {
240 | return input.replace(`^${strip}`, '') as StripLeading<Input, Strip>;
241 | }
242 |
243 | stripLeading('abc123', 'abc');
244 | //=> '123'
245 |
246 | const str = 'abc123' as string;
247 |
248 | stripLeading(str, 'abc');
249 | //=> string
250 | ```
251 |
252 | @category Type Guard
253 | @category Utilities
254 | */
255 | export type IsLiteral<T> =
256 | IsPrimitive<T> extends true
257 | ? IsNotFalse<IsLiteralUnion<T>>
258 | : false;