1 | /**
2 | Extracts the type of the last element of an array.
3 |
4 | Use-case: Defining the return type of functions that extract the last element of an array, for example [`lodash.last`](https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#last).
5 |
6 | @example
7 | ```
8 | import type {LastArrayElement} from 'type-fest';
9 |
10 | declare function lastOf<V extends readonly any[]>(array: V): LastArrayElement<V>;
11 |
12 | const array = ['foo', 2];
13 |
14 | typeof lastOf(array);
15 | //=> number
16 |
17 | const array = ['foo', 2] as const;
18 |
19 | typeof lastOf(array);
20 | //=> 2
21 | ```
22 |
23 | @category Array
24 | @category Template literal
25 | */
26 | export type LastArrayElement<Elements extends readonly unknown[], ElementBeforeTailingSpreadElement = never> =
27 | // If the last element of an array is a spread element, the `LastArrayElement` result should be `'the type of the element before the spread element' | 'the type of the spread element'`.
28 | Elements extends readonly []
29 | ? ElementBeforeTailingSpreadElement
30 | : Elements extends readonly [...infer U, infer V]
31 | ? V
32 | : Elements extends readonly [infer U, ...infer V]
33 | // If we return `V[number] | U` directly, it would be wrong for `[[string, boolean, object, ...number[]]`.
34 | // So we need to recurse type `V` and carry over the type of the element before the spread element.
35 | ? LastArrayElement<V, U>
36 | : Elements extends ReadonlyArray<infer U>
37 | ? U | ElementBeforeTailingSpreadElement
38 | : never;