1 | import type {IsFloat} from './is-float';
2 | import type {IsInteger} from './is-integer';
3 |
4 | export type Numeric = number | bigint;
5 |
6 | export type Zero = 0 | 0n;
7 |
8 | /**
9 | Matches the hidden `Infinity` type.
10 |
11 | Please upvote [this issue](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/32277) if you want to have this type as a built-in in TypeScript.
12 |
13 | @see NegativeInfinity
14 |
15 | @category Numeric
16 | */
17 | // See https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/31752
18 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision
19 | export type PositiveInfinity = 1e999;
20 |
21 | /**
22 | Matches the hidden `-Infinity` type.
23 |
24 | Please upvote [this issue](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/32277) if you want to have this type as a built-in in TypeScript.
25 |
26 | @see PositiveInfinity
27 |
28 | @category Numeric
29 | */
30 | // See https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/31752
31 | // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision
32 | export type NegativeInfinity = -1e999;
33 |
34 | /**
35 | A finite `number`.
36 | You can't pass a `bigint` as they are already guaranteed to be finite.
37 |
38 | Use-case: Validating and documenting parameters.
39 |
40 | Note: This can't detect `NaN`, please upvote [this issue](https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/28682) if you want to have this type as a built-in in TypeScript.
41 |
42 | @example
43 | ```
44 | import type {Finite} from 'type-fest';
45 |
46 | declare function setScore<T extends number>(length: Finite<T>): void;
47 | ```
48 |
49 | @category Numeric
50 | */
51 | export type Finite<T extends number> = T extends PositiveInfinity | NegativeInfinity ? never : T;
52 |
53 | /**
54 | A `number` that is an integer.
55 |
56 | Use-case: Validating and documenting parameters.
57 |
58 | @example
59 | ```
60 | type Integer = Integer<1>;
61 | //=> 1
62 |
63 | type IntegerWithDecimal = Integer<1.0>;
64 | //=> 1
65 |
66 | type NegativeInteger = Integer<-1>;
67 | //=> -1
68 |
69 | type Float = Integer<1.5>;
70 | //=> never
71 |
72 | // Supports non-decimal numbers
73 |
74 | type OctalInteger: Integer<0o10>;
75 | //=> 0o10
76 |
77 | type BinaryInteger: Integer<0b10>;
78 | //=> 0b10
79 |
80 | type HexadecimalInteger: Integer<0x10>;
81 | //=> 0x10
82 | ```
83 |
84 | @example
85 | ```
86 | import type {Integer} from 'type-fest';
87 |
88 | declare function setYear<T extends number>(length: Integer<T>): void;
89 | ```
90 |
91 | @see NegativeInteger
92 | @see NonNegativeInteger
93 |
94 | @category Numeric
95 | */
96 | // `${bigint}` is a type that matches a valid bigint literal without the `n` (ex. 1, 0b1, 0o1, 0x1)
97 | // Because T is a number and not a string we can effectively use this to filter out any numbers containing decimal points
98 | export type Integer<T> =
99 | T extends unknown // To distributive type
100 | ? IsInteger<T> extends true ? T : never
101 | : never; // Never happens
102 |
103 | /**
104 | A `number` that is not an integer.
105 |
106 | Use-case: Validating and documenting parameters.
107 |
108 | It does not accept `Infinity`.
109 |
110 | @example
111 | ```
112 | import type {Float} from 'type-fest';
113 |
114 | declare function setPercentage<T extends number>(length: Float<T>): void;
115 | ```
116 |
117 | @see Integer
118 |
119 | @category Numeric
120 | */
121 | export type Float<T> =
122 | T extends unknown // To distributive type
123 | ? IsFloat<T> extends true ? T : never
124 | : never; // Never happens
125 |
126 | /**
127 | A negative (`-∞ < x < 0`) `number` that is not an integer.
128 | Equivalent to `Negative<Float<T>>`.
129 |
130 | Use-case: Validating and documenting parameters.
131 |
132 | @see Negative
133 | @see Float
134 |
135 | @category Numeric
136 | */
137 | export type NegativeFloat<T extends number> = Negative<Float<T>>;
138 |
139 | /**
140 | A negative `number`/`bigint` (`-∞ < x < 0`)
141 |
142 | Use-case: Validating and documenting parameters.
143 |
144 | @see NegativeInteger
145 | @see NonNegative
146 |
147 | @category Numeric
148 | */
149 | export type Negative<T extends Numeric> = T extends Zero ? never : `${T}` extends `-${string}` ? T : never;
150 |
151 | /**
152 | A negative (`-∞ < x < 0`) `number` that is an integer.
153 | Equivalent to `Negative<Integer<T>>`.
154 |
155 | You can't pass a `bigint` as they are already guaranteed to be integers, instead use `Negative<T>`.
156 |
157 | Use-case: Validating and documenting parameters.
158 |
159 | @see Negative
160 | @see Integer
161 |
162 | @category Numeric
163 | */
164 | export type NegativeInteger<T extends number> = Negative<Integer<T>>;
165 |
166 | /**
167 | A non-negative `number`/`bigint` (`0 <= x < ∞`).
168 |
169 | Use-case: Validating and documenting parameters.
170 |
171 | @see NonNegativeInteger
172 | @see Negative
173 |
174 | @example
175 | ```
176 | import type {NonNegative} from 'type-fest';
177 |
178 | declare function setLength<T extends number>(length: NonNegative<T>): void;
179 | ```
180 |
181 | @category Numeric
182 | */
183 | export type NonNegative<T extends Numeric> = T extends Zero ? T : Negative<T> extends never ? T : never;
184 |
185 | /**
186 | A non-negative (`0 <= x < ∞`) `number` that is an integer.
187 | Equivalent to `NonNegative<Integer<T>>`.
188 |
189 | You can't pass a `bigint` as they are already guaranteed to be integers, instead use `NonNegative<T>`.
190 |
191 | Use-case: Validating and documenting parameters.
192 |
193 | @see NonNegative
194 | @see Integer
195 |
196 | @example
197 | ```
198 | import type {NonNegativeInteger} from 'type-fest';
199 |
200 | declare function setLength<T extends number>(length: NonNegativeInteger<T>): void;
201 | ```
202 |
203 | @category Numeric
204 | */
205 | export type NonNegativeInteger<T extends number> = NonNegative<Integer<T>>;
206 |
207 | /**
208 | Returns a boolean for whether the given number is a negative number.
209 |
210 | @see Negative
211 |
212 | @example
213 | ```
214 | import type {IsNegative} from 'type-fest';
215 |
216 | type ShouldBeFalse = IsNegative<1>;
217 | type ShouldBeTrue = IsNegative<-1>;
218 | ```
219 |
220 | @category Numeric
221 | */
222 | export type IsNegative<T extends Numeric> = T extends Negative<T> ? true : false;