import type {Merge} from './merge';
Override existing properties of the given type. Similar to `Merge`, but enforces that the original type has the properties you want to override.
This is useful when you want to override existing properties with a different type and make sure that these properties really exist in the original.
type Foo = {
a: string
b: string
type Bar = OverrideProperties<Foo, {b: number}>
//=> {a: string, b: number}
type Baz = OverrideProperties<Foo, {c: number}>
// Error, type '{ c: number; }' does not satisfy the constraint '{ c: never; }'
type Fizz = OverrideProperties<Foo, {b: number; c: number}>
// Error, type '{ b: number; c: number; }' does not satisfy the constraint '{ b: number; c: never; }'
@category Object
export type OverrideProperties<
// This first bit where we use `Partial` is to enable autocomplete
// and the second bit with the mapped type is what enforces that we don't try
// to override properties that doesn't exist in the original type.
TOverride extends Partial<Record<keyof TOriginal, unknown>> & {
[Key in keyof TOverride]: Key extends keyof TOriginal
? TOverride[Key]
: never;
> = Merge<TOriginal, TOverride>;