1 | import type {Words} from './words';
2 |
3 | /**
4 | CamelCase options.
5 |
6 | @see {@link CamelCase}
7 | */
8 | export type CamelCaseOptions = {
9 | /**
10 | Whether to preserved consecutive uppercase letter.
11 |
12 | @default true
13 | */
14 | preserveConsecutiveUppercase?: boolean;
15 | };
16 |
17 | /**
18 | Convert an array of words to camel-case.
19 | */
20 | type CamelCaseFromArray<
21 | Words extends string[],
22 | Options extends CamelCaseOptions,
23 | OutputString extends string = '',
24 | > = Words extends [
25 | infer FirstWord extends string,
26 | ...infer RemainingWords extends string[],
27 | ]
28 | ? Options['preserveConsecutiveUppercase'] extends true
29 | ? `${Capitalize<FirstWord>}${CamelCaseFromArray<RemainingWords, Options>}`
30 | : `${Capitalize<Lowercase<FirstWord>>}${CamelCaseFromArray<RemainingWords, Options>}`
31 | : OutputString;
32 |
33 | /**
34 | Convert a string literal to camel-case.
35 |
36 | This can be useful when, for example, converting some kebab-cased command-line flags or a snake-cased database result.
37 |
38 | By default, consecutive uppercase letter are preserved. See {@link CamelCaseOptions.preserveConsecutiveUppercase preserveConsecutiveUppercase} option to change this behaviour.
39 |
40 | @example
41 | ```
42 | import type {CamelCase} from 'type-fest';
43 |
44 | // Simple
45 |
46 | const someVariable: CamelCase<'foo-bar'> = 'fooBar';
47 |
48 | // Advanced
49 |
50 | type CamelCasedProperties<T> = {
51 | [K in keyof T as CamelCase<K>]: T[K]
52 | };
53 |
54 | interface RawOptions {
55 | 'dry-run': boolean;
56 | 'full_family_name': string;
57 | foo: number;
58 | BAR: string;
59 | QUZ_QUX: number;
60 | 'OTHER-FIELD': boolean;
61 | }
62 |
63 | const dbResult: CamelCasedProperties<RawOptions> = {
64 | dryRun: true,
65 | fullFamilyName: 'bar.js',
66 | foo: 123,
67 | bar: 'foo',
68 | quzQux: 6,
69 | otherField: false
70 | };
71 | ```
72 |
73 | @category Change case
74 | @category Template literal
75 | */
76 | export type CamelCase<Type, Options extends CamelCaseOptions = {preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true}> = Type extends string
77 | ? string extends Type
78 | ? Type
79 | : Uncapitalize<CamelCaseFromArray<Words<Type extends Uppercase<Type> ? Lowercase<Type> : Type>, Options>>
80 | : Type;