1 | /**
2 | Create a deep version of another object type where property values are recursively replaced into a given value type.
3 |
4 | Use-cases:
5 | - Form validation: Define how each field should be validated.
6 | - Form settings: Define configuration for input fields.
7 | - Parsing: Define types that specify special behavior for specific fields.
8 |
9 | @example
10 | ```
11 | import type {Schema} from 'type-fest';
12 |
13 | interface User {
14 | id: string;
15 | name: {
16 | firstname: string;
17 | lastname: string;
18 | };
19 | created: Date;
20 | active: boolean;
21 | passwordHash: string;
22 | attributes: ['Foo', 'Bar']
23 | }
24 |
25 | type UserMask = Schema<User, 'mask' | 'hide' | 'show'>;
26 |
27 | const userMaskSettings: UserMask = {
28 | id: 'show',
29 | name: {
30 | firstname: 'show',
31 | lastname: 'mask',
32 | },
33 | created: 'show',
34 | active: 'show',
35 | passwordHash: 'hide',
36 | attributes: ['mask', 'show']
37 | }
38 | ```
39 |
40 | @category Object
41 | */
42 | export type Schema<ObjectType, ValueType, Options extends SchemaOptions = {}> = ObjectType extends string
43 | ? ValueType
44 | : ObjectType extends Map<unknown, unknown>
45 | ? ValueType
46 | : ObjectType extends Set<unknown>
47 | ? ValueType
48 | : ObjectType extends ReadonlyMap<unknown, unknown>
49 | ? ValueType
50 | : ObjectType extends ReadonlySet<unknown>
51 | ? ValueType
52 | : ObjectType extends Array<infer U>
53 | ? Options['recurseIntoArrays'] extends false | undefined
54 | ? ValueType
55 | : Array<Schema<U, ValueType>>
56 | : ObjectType extends (...arguments_: unknown[]) => unknown
57 | ? ValueType
58 | : ObjectType extends Date
59 | ? ValueType
60 | : ObjectType extends Function
61 | ? ValueType
62 | : ObjectType extends RegExp
63 | ? ValueType
64 | : ObjectType extends object
65 | ? SchemaObject<ObjectType, ValueType, Options>
66 | : ValueType;
67 |
68 | /**
69 | Same as `Schema`, but accepts only `object`s as inputs. Internal helper for `Schema`.
70 | */
71 | type SchemaObject<
72 | ObjectType extends object,
73 | K,
74 | Options extends SchemaOptions,
75 | > = {
76 | [KeyType in keyof ObjectType]: ObjectType[KeyType] extends
77 | | readonly unknown[]
78 | | unknown[]
79 | ? Options['recurseIntoArrays'] extends false | undefined
80 | ? K
81 | : Schema<ObjectType[KeyType], K, Options>
82 | : Schema<ObjectType[KeyType], K, Options> | K;
83 | };
84 |
85 | /**
86 | @see Schema
87 | */
88 | export type SchemaOptions = {
89 | /**
90 | By default, this affects elements in array and tuple types. You can change this by passing `{recurseIntoArrays: false}` as the third type argument:
91 | - If `recurseIntoArrays` is set to `true` (default), array elements will be recursively processed as well.
92 | - If `recurseIntoArrays` is set to `false`, arrays will not be recursively processed, and the entire array will be replaced with the given value type.
93 |
94 | @example
95 | ```
96 | type UserMask = Schema<User, 'mask' | 'hide' | 'show', {recurseIntoArrays: false}>;
97 |
98 | const userMaskSettings: UserMask = {
99 | id: 'show',
100 | name: {
101 | firstname: 'show',
102 | lastname: 'mask',
103 | },
104 | created: 'show',
105 | active: 'show',
106 | passwordHash: 'hide',
107 | attributes: 'hide'
108 | }
109 | ```
110 |
111 | @default true
112 | */
113 | readonly recurseIntoArrays?: boolean | undefined;
114 | };