1 | import type {BuiltIns} from './internal';
2 |
3 | /**
4 | Create a deep version of another type where all optional keys are set to also accept `undefined`.
5 |
6 | Note: This is only needed when the [`exactOptionalPropertyTypes`](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#exactOptionalPropertyTypes) TSConfig setting is enabled.
7 |
8 | Use-cases:
9 | - When `exactOptionalPropertyTypes` is enabled, an object like `{a: undefined}` is not assignable to the type `{a?: number}`. You can use `UndefinedOnPartialDeep<{a?: number}>` to make it assignable.
10 |
11 | @example
12 | ```
13 | import type {UndefinedOnPartialDeep} from 'type-fest';
14 |
15 | interface Settings {
16 | optionA: string;
17 | optionB?: number;
18 | subOption: {
19 | subOptionA: boolean;
20 | subOptionB?: boolean;
21 | }
22 | };
23 |
24 | const testSettingsA: Settings = {
25 | optionA: 'foo',
26 | optionB: undefined, // TypeScript error if `exactOptionalPropertyTypes` is true.
27 | subOption: {
28 | subOptionA: true,
29 | subOptionB: undefined, // TypeScript error if `exactOptionalPropertyTypes` is true
30 | },
31 | };
32 |
33 | const testSettingsB: UndefinedOnPartialDeep<Settings> = {
34 | optionA: 'foo',
35 | optionB: undefined, // 👉 `optionB` can be set to undefined now.
36 | subOption: {
37 | subOptionA: true,
38 | subOptionB: undefined, // 👉 `subOptionB` can be set to undefined now.
39 | },
40 | };
41 | ```
42 | */
43 | export type UndefinedOnPartialDeep<T> =
44 | // Handle built-in type and function
45 | T extends BuiltIns | Function
46 | ? T
47 | // Handle tuple and array
48 | : T extends readonly unknown[]
49 | ? UndefinedOnPartialList<T>
50 | // Handle map and readonly map
51 | : T extends Map<infer K, infer V>
52 | ? Map<K, UndefinedOnPartialDeep<V>>
53 | : T extends ReadonlyMap<infer K, infer V>
54 | ? ReadonlyMap<K, UndefinedOnPartialDeep<V>>
55 | // Handle set and readonly set
56 | : T extends Set<infer K>
57 | ? Set<UndefinedOnPartialDeep<K>>
58 | : T extends ReadonlySet<infer K>
59 | ? ReadonlySet<UndefinedOnPartialDeep<K>>
60 | // Handle object
61 | : T extends Record<any, any>
62 | ? {
63 | [KeyType in keyof T]: undefined extends T[KeyType]
64 | ? UndefinedOnPartialDeep<T[KeyType]> | undefined
65 | : UndefinedOnPartialDeep<T[KeyType]>
66 | }
67 | : T; // If T is not builtins / function / array / map / set / object, return T
68 |
69 | // Handle tuples and arrays
70 | type UndefinedOnPartialList<T extends readonly unknown[]> = T extends []
71 | ? []
72 | : T extends [infer F, ...infer R]
73 | ? [UndefinedOnPartialDeep<F>, ...UndefinedOnPartialDeep<R>]
74 | : T extends readonly [infer F, ...infer R]
75 | ? readonly [UndefinedOnPartialDeep<F>, ...UndefinedOnPartialDeep<R>]
76 | : T extends Array<infer F>
77 | ? Array<UndefinedOnPartialDeep<F>>
78 | : T extends ReadonlyArray<infer F>
79 | ? ReadonlyArray<UndefinedOnPartialDeep<F>>
80 | : never;