1.23 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { GraphQLSchema } from "graphql";
2import { BuildContextOptions } from "./build-context";
3export interface SchemaGeneratorOptions extends BuildContextOptions {
4 /**
5 * Disable checking on build the correctness of a schema
6 */
7 skipCheck?: boolean;
9export declare abstract class SchemaGenerator {
10 private static objectTypesInfo;
11 private static inputTypesInfo;
12 private static interfaceTypesInfo;
13 private static enumTypesInfo;
14 private static unionTypesInfo;
15 static generateFromMetadata(options: SchemaGeneratorOptions): Promise<GraphQLSchema>;
16 static generateFromMetadataSync(options: SchemaGeneratorOptions): GraphQLSchema;
17 private static checkForErrors;
18 private static getDefaultValue;
19 private static buildTypesInfo;
20 private static buildRootQueryType;
21 private static buildRootMutationType;
22 private static buildRootSubscriptionType;
23 private static buildOtherTypes;
24 private static generateHandlerFields;
25 private static generateSubscriptionsFields;
26 private static generateHandlerArgs;
27 private static mapArgFields;
28 private static getGraphQLOutputType;
29 private static getGraphQLInputType;
30 private static getResolveTypeFunction;