15.3 kBJSONView Raw
2 "title": "TypeChecker",
3 "name": "typechecker",
4 "version": "9.3.0",
5 "license": "Artistic-2.0",
6 "description": "Utilities to get and check variable types (isString, isPlainObject, isRegExp, etc)",
7 "homepage": "https://github.com/bevry/typechecker",
8 "funding": "https://bevry.me/fund",
9 "repository": {
10 "type": "git",
11 "url": "https://github.com/bevry/typechecker.git"
12 },
13 "bugs": {
14 "url": "https://github.com/bevry/typechecker/issues"
15 },
16 "keywords": [
17 "array",
18 "assert",
19 "assertion",
20 "async",
21 "async function",
22 "async-function",
23 "asyncFunction",
24 "bool",
25 "boolean",
26 "browser",
27 "check",
28 "check-type",
29 "checking",
30 "class",
31 "class-identifier",
32 "class-instance",
33 "compare",
34 "conventional class",
35 "conventional-class",
36 "conventionalClass",
37 "date",
38 "define-type",
39 "deno",
40 "deno-edition",
41 "deno-entry",
42 "denoland",
43 "empty",
44 "empty array",
45 "empty keys",
46 "empty map",
47 "empty plain object",
48 "empty-array",
49 "empty-keys",
50 "empty-map",
51 "empty-plain-object",
52 "emptyArray",
53 "emptyKeys",
54 "emptyMap",
55 "emptyPlainObject",
56 "error",
57 "es2022",
58 "es5",
59 "function",
60 "get object type",
61 "get type",
62 "get-object-type",
63 "get-type",
64 "getObjectType",
65 "getType",
66 "instanceof",
67 "is",
68 "is arguments",
69 "is array",
70 "is async",
71 "is async function",
72 "is bool",
73 "is boolean",
74 "is class",
75 "is conventional class",
76 "is date",
77 "is empty array",
78 "is empty keys",
79 "is empty map",
80 "is empty plain object",
81 "is empty weak map",
82 "is error",
83 "is function",
84 "is map",
85 "is native class",
86 "is null",
87 "is nullish",
88 "is number",
89 "is object",
90 "is plain object",
91 "is regexp",
92 "is string",
93 "is sync",
94 "is sync function",
95 "is undefined",
96 "is weak map",
97 "is-arguments",
98 "is-array",
99 "is-async",
100 "is-async-function",
101 "is-bool",
102 "is-boolean",
103 "is-class",
104 "is-conventional-class",
105 "is-date",
106 "is-empty-array",
107 "is-empty-keys",
108 "is-empty-map",
109 "is-empty-plain-object",
110 "is-empty-weak-map",
111 "is-error",
112 "is-function",
113 "is-map",
114 "is-native-class",
115 "is-null",
116 "is-nullish",
117 "is-number",
118 "is-object",
119 "is-plain-obj",
120 "is-plain-object",
121 "is-regexp",
122 "is-string",
123 "is-sync",
124 "is-sync-function",
125 "is-undefined",
126 "is-weak-map",
127 "isArguments",
128 "isArray",
129 "isAsyncFunction",
130 "isBool",
131 "isBoolean",
132 "isClass",
133 "isConventionalClass",
134 "isDate",
135 "isEmptyArray",
136 "isEmptyKeys",
137 "isEmptyMap",
138 "isEmptyPlainObject",
139 "isEmptyWeakMap",
140 "isError",
141 "isFunction",
142 "isMap",
143 "isNativeClass",
144 "isNull",
145 "isNullish",
146 "isNumber",
147 "isObject",
148 "isRegExp",
149 "isString",
150 "isSync",
151 "isSyncFunction",
152 "isUndefined",
153 "isWeakMap",
154 "javascript",
155 "javascript-type",
156 "keys",
157 "kind",
158 "map",
159 "module",
160 "native",
161 "native class",
162 "native-class",
163 "nativeClass",
164 "node",
165 "null",
166 "number",
167 "object",
168 "plain",
169 "plain object",
170 "plain objects",
171 "plain-object",
172 "plain-objects",
173 "plainObject",
174 "primitive",
175 "primitive-types",
176 "pure",
177 "regex",
178 "regexp",
179 "regular expression",
180 "simple",
181 "string",
182 "sync",
183 "syncFunction",
184 "test",
185 "type",
186 "type-check",
187 "type-checker",
188 "type-checking",
189 "typechecker",
190 "typed",
191 "typeguards",
192 "typeof",
193 "types",
194 "typescript",
195 "undefined",
196 "util",
197 "utility",
198 "validate",
199 "validation",
200 "vanilla",
201 "verify",
202 "weak map",
203 "weak-map",
204 "weakMap",
205 "what-type"
206 ],
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212 "---",
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238 "discordServerInvite": "nQuXddV7VP",
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244 }
245 },
246 "author": "Benjamin Lupton <b@lupton.cc> (https://balupton.com) (https://github.com/balupton)",
247 "authors": [
248 "Benjamin Lupton <b@lupton.cc> (https://balupton.com) (https://github.com/balupton): Accelerating collaborative wisdom."
249 ],
250 "maintainers": [
251 "Benjamin Lupton <b@lupton.cc> (https://balupton.com) (https://github.com/balupton): Accelerating collaborative wisdom."
252 ],
253 "contributors": [
254 "Benjamin Lupton <b@lupton.cc> (https://balupton.com) (https://github.com/balupton)",
255 "Joe Gesualdo <joegesualdo@gmail.com> (https://joe.fun) (https://github.com/joegesualdo)",
256 "Matt Bierner (https://mattbierner.com) (https://github.com/mjbvz)",
257 "Sean Fridman <mail@seanfridman.com> (https://seanfridman.com) (https://github.com/sfrdmn)"
258 ],
259 "sponsors": [
260 "Andrew Nesbitt (https://nesbitt.io) (https://github.com/andrew): Software engineer and researcher",
261 "Balsa <hello@balsa.com> (https://balsa.com) (https://github.com/balsa): We're Balsa, and we're building tools for builders.",
262 "Codecov <hello-codecov@sentry.io> (https://codecov.io/) (https://github.com/codecov): Empower developers with tools to improve code quality and testing.",
263 "Poonacha Medappa (https://poonachamedappa.com) (https://github.com/km-Poonacha)",
264 "Rob Morris <rob@prismatik.com.au> (https://github.com/Rob-Morris)",
265 "Sentry (https://sentry.io) (https://github.com/getsentry): Real-time crash reporting for your web apps, mobile apps, and games.",
266 "Syntax <scott@syntax.fm> (https://syntax.fm) (https://github.com/syntaxfm): Syntax Podcast"
267 ],
268 "donors": [
269 "Andrew Nesbitt (https://nesbitt.io) (https://github.com/andrew)",
270 "Balsa <hello@balsa.com> (https://balsa.com) (https://github.com/balsa)",
271 "Chad (https://opencollective.com/chad8)",
272 "Codecov <hello-codecov@sentry.io> (https://codecov.io/) (https://github.com/codecov)",
273 "entroniq (https://gitlab.com/entroniq) (https://thanks.dev/d/gl/entroniq)",
274 "Jean-Luc Geering (https://github.com/jlgeering) (https://opencollective.com/jlgeering) (https://twitter.com/jlgeering)",
275 "Michael Duane Mooring (https://bevry.me) (https://github.com/mikeumus) (https://opencollective.com/mikeumus) (https://twitter.com/mikeumus)",
276 "Mohammed Shah <shah@idk.uno> (https://github.com/smashah) (https://thanks.dev/d/gh/smashah) (https://twitter.com/smashah)",
277 "Poonacha Medappa (https://poonachamedappa.com) (https://github.com/km-Poonacha)",
278 "Rob Morris <rob@prismatik.com.au> (https://github.com/Rob-Morris)",
279 "Sentry (https://sentry.io) (https://github.com/getsentry)",
280 "ServieJS (https://github.com/serviejs) (https://thanks.dev/d/gh/serviejs)",
281 "Skunk Team (https://skunk.team) (https://github.com/skunkteam)",
282 "Syntax <scott@syntax.fm> (https://syntax.fm) (https://github.com/syntaxfm)"
283 ],
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286 },
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288 {
289 "description": "TypeScript source code with Import for modules",
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292 "tags": [
293 "source",
294 "typescript",
295 "import"
296 ],
297 "engines": false
298 },
299 {
300 "description": "TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for web browsers with Import for modules",
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313 {
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356 }
357 },
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377 ],
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381 }
382 }
383 ],
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