1 | # typed-css-modules [![github actions](https://github.com/Quramy/typed-css-modules/workflows/build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/Quramy/typed-css-modules/actions) [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/typed-css-modules.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/js/typed-css-modules)
2 |
3 | Creates TypeScript definition files from [CSS Modules](https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules) .css files.
4 |
5 | If you have the following css,
6 |
7 | ```css
8 | /* styles.css */
9 |
10 | @value primary: red;
11 |
12 | .myClass {
13 | color: primary;
14 | }
15 | ```
16 |
17 | typed-css-modules creates the following .d.ts files from the above css:
18 |
19 | ```ts
20 | /* styles.css.d.ts */
21 | declare const styles: {
22 | readonly primary: string;
23 | readonly myClass: string;
24 | };
25 | export = styles;
26 | ```
27 |
28 | So, you can import CSS modules' class or variable into your TypeScript sources:
29 |
30 | ```ts
31 | /* app.ts */
32 | import styles from './styles.css';
33 | console.log(`<div class="${styles.myClass}"></div>`);
34 | console.log(`<div style="color: ${styles.primary}"></div>`);
35 | ```
36 |
37 | ## CLI
38 |
39 | ```sh
40 | npm install -g typed-css-modules
41 | ```
42 |
43 | And exec `tcm <input directory>` command.
44 | For example, if you have .css files under `src` directory, exec the following:
45 |
46 | ```sh
47 | tcm src
48 | ```
49 |
50 | Then, this creates `*.css.d.ts` files under the directory which has the original .css file.
51 |
52 | ```text
53 | (your project root)
54 | - src/
55 | | myStyle.css
56 | | myStyle.css.d.ts [created]
57 | ```
58 |
59 | #### output directory
60 |
61 | Use `-o` or `--outDir` option.
62 |
63 | For example:
64 |
65 | ```sh
66 | tcm -o dist src
67 | ```
68 |
69 | ```text
70 | (your project root)
71 | - src/
72 | | myStyle.css
73 | - dist/
74 | | myStyle.css.d.ts [created]
75 | ```
76 |
77 | #### file name pattern
78 |
79 | By default, this tool searches `**/*.css` files under `<input directory>`.
80 | If you can customize the glob pattern, you can use `--pattern` or `-p` option.
81 | Note the quotes around the glob to `-p` (they are required, so that your shell does not perform the expansion).
82 |
83 | ```sh
84 | tcm -p 'src/**/*.css' .
85 | ```
86 |
87 | #### watch
88 |
89 | With `-w` or `--watch`, this CLI watches files in the input directory.
90 |
91 | #### validating type files
92 |
93 | With `-l` or `--listDifferent`, list any files that are different than those that would be generated.
94 | If any are different, exit with a status code 1.
95 |
96 | #### camelize CSS token
97 |
98 | With `-c` or `--camelCase`, kebab-cased CSS classes(such as `.my-class {...}`) are exported as camelized TypeScript variable name(`export const myClass: string`).
99 |
100 | You can pass `--camelCase dashes` to only camelize dashes in the class name. Since version `0.27.1` in the
101 | webpack `css-loader`. This will keep upperCase class names intact, e.g.:
102 |
103 | ```css
104 | .SomeComponent {
105 | height: 10px;
106 | }
107 | ```
108 |
109 | becomes
110 |
111 | ```typescript
112 | declare const styles: {
113 | readonly SomeComponent: string;
114 | };
115 | export = styles;
116 | ```
117 |
118 | See also [webpack css-loader's camelCase option](https://github.com/webpack/css-loader#camelcase).
119 |
120 | #### named exports (enable tree shaking)
121 |
122 | With `-e` or `--namedExports`, types are exported as named exports as opposed to default exports.
123 | This enables support for the `namedExports` css-loader feature, required for webpack to tree shake the final CSS (learn more [here](https://webpack.js.org/loaders/css-loader/#namedexport)).
124 |
125 | Use this option in combination with https://webpack.js.org/loaders/css-loader/#namedexport and https://webpack.js.org/loaders/style-loader/#namedexport (if you use `style-loader`).
126 |
127 | When this option is enabled, the type definition changes to support named exports.
128 |
129 | _NOTE: this option enables camelcase by default._
130 |
131 | ```css
132 | .SomeComponent {
133 | height: 10px;
134 | }
135 | ```
136 |
137 | **Standard output:**
138 |
139 | ```typescript
140 | declare const styles: {
141 | readonly SomeComponent: string;
142 | };
143 | export = styles;
144 | ```
145 |
146 | **Named exports output:**
147 |
148 | ```typescript
149 | export const someComponent: string;
150 | ```
151 |
152 | #### arbitrary file extensions
153 |
154 | With `-a` or `--allowArbitraryExtensions`, output filenames will be compatible with the "arbitrary file extensions" feature that was introduce in TypeScript 5.0. See [the docs](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#allowArbitraryExtensions) for more info.
155 |
156 | In essence, the `*.css.d.ts` extension now becomes `*.d.css.ts` so that you can import CSS modules in projects using ESM module resolution.
157 |
158 | ## API
159 |
160 | ```sh
161 | npm install typed-css-modules
162 | ```
163 |
164 | ```js
165 | import DtsCreator from 'typed-css-modules';
166 | let creator = new DtsCreator();
167 | creator.create('src/style.css').then(content => {
168 | console.log(content.tokens); // ['myClass']
169 | console.log(content.formatted); // 'export const myClass: string;'
170 | content.writeFile(); // writes this content to "src/style.css.d.ts"
171 | });
172 | ```
173 |
174 | ### class DtsCreator
175 |
176 | DtsCreator instance processes the input CSS and creates TypeScript definition contents.
177 |
178 | #### `new DtsCreator(option)`
179 |
180 | You can set the following options:
181 |
182 | - `option.rootDir`: Project root directory(default: `process.cwd()`).
183 | - `option.searchDir`: Directory which includes target `*.css` files(default: `'./'`).
184 | - `option.outDir`: Output directory(default: `option.searchDir`).
185 | - `option.camelCase`: Camelize CSS class tokens.
186 | - `option.namedExports`: Use named exports as opposed to default exports to enable tree shaking. Requires `import * as style from './file.module.css';` (default: `false`)
187 | - `option.allowArbitraryExtensions`: Output filenames that will be compatible with the "arbitrary file extensions" TypeScript feature
188 | - `option.EOL`: EOL (end of line) for the generated `d.ts` files. Possible values `'\n'` or `'\r\n'`(default: `os.EOL`).
189 |
190 | #### `create(filepath, contents) => Promise(dtsContent)`
191 |
192 | Returns `DtsContent` instance.
193 |
194 | - `filepath`: path of target .css file.
195 | - `contents`(optional): the CSS content of the `filepath`. If set, DtsCreator uses the contents instead of the original contents of the `filepath`.
196 |
197 | ### class DtsContent
198 |
199 | DtsContent instance has `*.d.ts` content, final output path, and function to write the file.
200 |
201 | #### `writeFile(postprocessor) => Promise(dtsContent)`
202 |
203 | Writes the DtsContent instance's content to a file. Returns the DtsContent instance.
204 |
205 | - `postprocessor` (optional): a function that takes the formatted definition string and returns a modified string that will be the final content written to the file.
206 |
207 | You could use this, for example, to pass generated definitions through a formatter like Prettier, or to add a comment to the top of generated files:
208 |
209 | ```js
210 | dtsContent.writeFile(definition => `// Generated automatically, do not edit\n${definition}`);
211 | ```
212 |
213 | #### `tokens`
214 |
215 | An array of tokens is retrieved from the input CSS file.
216 | e.g. `['myClass']`
217 |
218 | #### `contents`
219 |
220 | An array of TypeScript definition expressions.
221 | e.g. `['export const myClass: string;']`.
222 |
223 | #### `formatted`
224 |
225 | A string of TypeScript definition expressions.
226 |
227 | e.g.
228 |
229 | ```ts
230 | export const myClass: string;
231 | ```
232 |
233 | #### `messageList`
234 |
235 | An array of messages. The messages contain invalid token information.
236 | e.g. `['my-class is not valid TypeScript variable name.']`.
237 |
238 | #### `outputFilePath`
239 |
240 | Final output file path.
241 |
242 | ## Remarks
243 |
244 | If your input CSS file has the following class names, these invalid tokens are not written to output `.d.ts` file.
245 |
246 | ```css
247 | /* TypeScript reserved word */
248 | .while {
249 | color: red;
250 | }
251 |
252 | /* invalid TypeScript variable */
253 | /* If camelCase option is set, this token will be converted to 'myClass' */
254 | .my-class {
255 | color: red;
256 | }
257 |
258 | /* it's ok */
259 | .myClass {
260 | color: red;
261 | }
262 | ```
263 |
264 | ## Example
265 |
266 | There is a minimum example in this repository `example` folder. Clone this repository and run `cd example; npm i; npm start`.
267 |
268 | Or please see [https://github.com/Quramy/typescript-css-modules-demo](https://github.com/Quramy/typescript-css-modules-demo). It's a working demonstration of CSS Modules with React and TypeScript.
269 |
270 | ## License
271 |
272 | This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt.