1 | import { MarkdownPageEvent } from '../events';
2 | import { MarkdownTheme } from '../theme';
3 | import { MarkdownRenderer, PackageMetaData } from '../types';
4 | import { Internationalization, Options, Reflection } from 'typedoc';
5 |
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30 | export declare class MarkdownThemeContext {
31 | |
32 |
33 |
34 | private theme;
35 | |
36 |
37 |
38 | readonly page: MarkdownPageEvent<Reflection>;
39 | |
40 |
41 |
42 | readonly options: Options;
43 | internationalization: Internationalization.Internationalization;
44 | i18n: Internationalization.TranslationProxy;
45 | |
46 |
47 |
48 | constructor(
49 | |
50 |
51 |
52 | theme: MarkdownTheme,
53 | |
54 |
55 |
56 | page: MarkdownPageEvent<Reflection>,
57 | |
58 |
59 |
60 | options: Options);
61 | /**
62 | * Holds meta data for individual packages (if entryPointStrategy equals `packages`).
63 | *
64 | * This is required for generating package specific documentation.
65 | */
66 | private packagesMetaData;
67 | /**
68 | * Then `templates` namespace holds the main templates for the theme and are mapped to single pages and configured in the MarkdownTheme.
69 | *
70 | * All templates return a string that is passed back to the renderer. Internally templates call partials and helpers.
71 | *
72 | * @group Resources
73 | */
74 | templates: {
75 | document: (page: MarkdownPageEvent<import("typedoc").DocumentReflection>) => string;
76 | project: (page: MarkdownPageEvent<import("typedoc").ProjectReflection>) => string;
77 | readme: (page: MarkdownPageEvent<import("typedoc").ProjectReflection>) => string;
78 | reflection: (page: MarkdownPageEvent<import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection>) => string;
79 | };
80 | |
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98 | partials: {
99 | comment: (model: import("typedoc").Comment, options?: {
100 | headingLevel?: number | undefined;
101 | showSummary?: boolean | undefined;
102 | showTags?: boolean | undefined;
103 | showReturns?: boolean | undefined;
104 | isTableColumn?: boolean | undefined;
105 | }) => string;
106 | body: (model: import("typedoc").ContainerReflection, options: {
107 | headingLevel: number;
108 | }) => string;
109 | categories: (model: import("typedoc").ReflectionCategory[], options: {
110 | headingLevel: number;
111 | }) => string;
112 | groups: (model: import("typedoc").ReflectionGroup[], options: {
113 | headingLevel: number;
114 | kind: import("typedoc").ReflectionKind;
115 | }) => string;
116 | members: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection[], options: {
117 | headingLevel: number;
118 | }) => string;
119 | accessor: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection, options: {
120 | headingLevel: number;
121 | }) => string;
122 | constructor: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection, options: {
123 | headingLevel: number;
124 | }) => string;
125 | memberContainer: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection, options: {
126 | headingLevel: number;
127 | nested?: boolean | undefined;
128 | }) => string;
129 | declaration: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection, options?: {
130 | headingLevel: number;
131 | nested?: boolean | undefined;
132 | }) => string;
133 | declarationTitle: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection) => string;
134 | documents: (model: import("typedoc").ProjectReflection | import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection | import("typedoc").ContainerReflection, options: {
135 | headingLevel: number;
136 | }) => string;
137 | enumMembersTable: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection[]) => string;
138 | hierarchy: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationHierarchy, options: {
139 | headingLevel: number;
140 | }) => string;
141 | indexSignature: (model: import("typedoc").SignatureReflection) => string;
142 | inheritance: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection | import("typedoc").SignatureReflection, options: {
143 | headingLevel: number;
144 | }) => string;
145 | memberTitle: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection) => string;
146 | memberWithGroups: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection, options: {
147 | headingLevel: number;
148 | }) => string;
149 | parametersList: (model: import("typedoc").ParameterReflection[]) => string;
150 | parametersTable: (model: import("typedoc").ParameterReflection[]) => string;
151 | propertiesTable: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection[], options?: {
152 | isEventProps: boolean;
153 | } | undefined) => string;
154 | referenceMember: (model: import("typedoc").ReferenceReflection) => string;
155 | reflectionIndex: (model: import("typedoc").ProjectReflection | import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection, options: {
156 | headingLevel: number;
157 | }) => string;
158 | signature: (model: import("typedoc").SignatureReflection, options: {
159 | headingLevel: number;
160 | nested?: boolean | undefined;
161 | accessor?: string | undefined;
162 | multipleSignatures?: boolean | undefined;
163 | }) => string;
164 | signatureParameters: (model: import("typedoc").ParameterReflection[]) => string;
165 | signatureReturns: (model: import("typedoc").SignatureReflection, options: {
166 | headingLevel: number;
167 | }) => string;
168 | signatureTitle: (model: import("typedoc").SignatureReflection, options?: {
169 | accessor?: string | undefined;
170 | includeType?: boolean | undefined;
171 | } | undefined) => string;
172 | signatures: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection, options: {
173 | headingLevel: number;
174 | nested?: boolean | undefined;
175 | }) => string;
176 | sources: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection | import("typedoc").SignatureReflection, options: {
177 | headingLevel: number;
178 | }) => string;
179 | member: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection, options: {
180 | headingLevel: number;
181 | nested?: boolean | undefined;
182 | }) => string;
183 | typeAndParent: (model: import("typedoc").ArrayType | import("typedoc").ReferenceType) => string;
184 | typeArguments: (model: import("typedoc").SomeType[], options?: {
185 | forceCollapse?: boolean | undefined;
186 | } | undefined) => string;
187 | typeDeclaration: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection, options: {
188 | headingLevel: number;
189 | }) => string;
190 | typeDeclarationList: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection[], options: {
191 | headingLevel: number;
192 | }) => string;
193 | typeDeclarationTable: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection[], options: {
194 | kind?: import("typedoc").ReflectionKind | undefined;
195 | }) => string;
196 | typeParametersList: (model: import("typedoc").TypeParameterReflection[]) => string;
197 | typeParametersTable: (model: import("typedoc").TypeParameterReflection[]) => string;
198 | breadcrumbs: () => string;
199 | footer: () => string;
200 | header: () => string;
201 | packagesIndex: (model: import("typedoc").ProjectReflection) => string;
202 | pageTitle: () => string;
203 | arrayType: (model: import("typedoc").ArrayType) => string;
204 | conditionalType: (model: import("typedoc").ConditionalType) => string;
205 | indexAccessType: (model: import("typedoc").IndexedAccessType) => string;
206 | inferredType: (model: import("typedoc").InferredType) => string;
207 | intersectionType: (model: import("typedoc").IntersectionType) => string;
208 | intrinsicType: (model: import("typedoc").IntrinsicType) => string;
209 | literalType: (model: import("typedoc").LiteralType) => string;
210 | namedTupleType: (model: import("typedoc").NamedTupleMember) => string;
211 | queryType: (model: import("typedoc").QueryType) => string;
212 | referenceType: (model: import("typedoc").ReferenceType) => string;
213 | declarationType: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection) => string;
214 | functionType: (model: import("typedoc").SignatureReflection[], options?: {
215 | forceParameterType: boolean;
216 | } | undefined) => string;
217 | reflectionType: (model: import("typedoc").ReflectionType, options?: {
218 | forceCollapse?: boolean | undefined;
219 | } | undefined) => string;
220 | someType: (model?: import("typedoc").SomeType | undefined) => string;
221 | tupleType: (model: import("typedoc").TupleType) => string;
222 | typeOperatorType: (model: import("typedoc").TypeOperatorType) => string;
223 | unionType: (model: import("typedoc").UnionType) => string;
224 | unknownType: (model: import("typedoc").UnknownType) => string;
225 | };
226 | /**
227 | * The `helpers` namespace holds the helpers for the theme and are smaller utility functions that return snippets or text or other data transformations.
228 | *
229 | * Please note that partials:
230 | *
231 | * - Take a `model` param (that references a specific TypeDoc model) and an `options` param if required.
232 | * - Can reference other helpers but should not reference partials.
233 | * - Can return strings or other models.
234 | *
235 | * @group Resources
236 | */
237 | helpers: {
238 | getAngleBracket: (bracket: "<" | ">") => string;
239 | getCommentParts: (model: import("typedoc").CommentDisplayPart[]) => string;
240 | getDeclarationType: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection) => import("typedoc").SomeType | undefined;
241 | getDescriptionForComment: (comment: import("typedoc").Comment) => string | null;
242 | getFlattenedDeclarations: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection[], options?: {
243 | includeSignatures: boolean;
244 | } | undefined) => import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection[];
245 | getGroupIndexList: (children: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection[] | import("typedoc").DocumentReflection[]) => string;
246 | getGroupIndexTable: (children: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection[] | import("typedoc").DocumentReflection[]) => string;
247 | getGroupIndex: (group: import("typedoc").ReflectionCategory | import("typedoc").ReflectionGroup) => any;
248 | getHierarchyType: (model: import("typedoc").SomeType, options?: {
249 | isTarget: boolean;
250 | } | undefined) => string;
251 | getKeyword: (model: import("typedoc").ReflectionKind) => string;
252 | getModifier: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection) => string | null;
253 | getParameterDefaultValue: (model: import("typedoc").ParameterReflection) => string;
254 | getProjectName: (stringWithPlaceholders: string, page: MarkdownPageEvent<Reflection>) => string;
255 | getPropertyDefaultValue: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection) => string | null;
256 | getReflectionFlags: (reflectionFlags: import("typedoc").ReflectionFlags) => string;
257 | getReturnType: (model?: import("typedoc").SomeType | undefined) => string;
258 | isGroupKind: (model: import("typedoc").DeclarationReflection | import("typedoc").SignatureReflection) => boolean;
259 | useTableFormat: (key: "properties" | "parameters" | "enums" | "typeDeclarations" | "propertyMembers", reflectionKind?: import("typedoc").ReflectionKind | undefined) => boolean;
260 | };
261 | |
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 | getPackageMetaData(packageName: string): PackageMetaData | undefined;
269 | |
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 | getRelativeUrl(url: string, ignorePublicPath?: boolean): string;
278 | |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 | hook: MarkdownRenderer['markdownHooks']['emit'];
284 | }