1 | import { Deserializer, Serializer } from "./serialization/index.js";
2 | import { Converter } from "./converter/index.js";
3 | import { Renderer } from "./output/renderer.js";
4 | import type { ProjectReflection } from "./models/index.js";
5 | import { Logger, type OptionsReader, AbstractComponent } from "./utils/index.js";
6 | import { Options } from "./utils/index.js";
7 | import type { TypeDocOptions } from "./utils/options/declaration.js";
8 | import { type DocumentationEntryPoint, EntryPointStrategy } from "./utils/entry-point.js";
9 | import { Internationalization } from "./internationalization/internationalization.js";
10 | import { FileRegistry } from "./models/FileRegistry.js";
11 | import { Outputs } from "./output/output.js";
12 | export declare function createAppForTesting(): Application;
13 | export interface ApplicationEvents {
14 | bootstrapEnd: [Application];
15 | reviveProject: [ProjectReflection];
16 | validateProject: [ProjectReflection];
17 | }
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39 | export declare class Application extends AbstractComponent<Application, ApplicationEvents> {
40 | |
41 |
42 |
43 | converter: Converter;
44 | outputs: Outputs;
45 | |
46 |
47 |
48 | renderer: Renderer;
49 | |
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51 |
52 | serializer: Serializer;
53 | |
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55 |
56 | deserializer: Deserializer;
57 | |
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59 |
60 | logger: Logger;
61 | |
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64 |
65 | internationalization: Internationalization;
66 | |
67 |
68 |
69 | i18n: import("./internationalization/internationalization.js").TranslationProxy;
70 | options: Options;
71 | files: FileRegistry;
72 |
73 | accessor lang: string;
74 |
75 | accessor skipErrorChecking: boolean;
76 |
77 | accessor entryPointStrategy: EntryPointStrategy;
78 |
79 | accessor entryPoints: string[];
80 | |
81 |
82 |
83 | static readonly VERSION: string;
84 | |
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86 |
87 |
88 | static readonly EVENT_BOOTSTRAP_END: "bootstrapEnd";
89 | |
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92 |
93 | static readonly EVENT_PROJECT_REVIVE: "reviveProject";
94 | |
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97 |
98 | static readonly EVENT_VALIDATE_PROJECT: "validateProject";
99 | |
100 |
101 |
102 | private constructor();
103 | /**
104 | * Initialize TypeDoc, loading plugins if applicable.
105 | */
106 | static bootstrapWithPlugins(options?: Partial<TypeDocOptions>, readers?: readonly OptionsReader[]): Promise<Application>;
107 | /**
108 | * Initialize TypeDoc without loading plugins.
109 | *
110 | * @example
111 | * Initialize the application with pretty-printing output disabled.
112 | * ```ts
113 | * const app = Application.bootstrap({ pretty: false });
114 | * ```
115 | *
116 | * @param options Options to set during initialization
117 | * @param readers Option readers to use to discover options from config files.
118 | */
119 | static bootstrap(options?: Partial<TypeDocOptions>, readers?: readonly OptionsReader[]): Promise<Application>;
120 | private _bootstrap;
121 | /** @internal */
122 | setOptions(options: Partial<TypeDocOptions>, reportErrors?: boolean): boolean;
123 | /**
124 | * Return the path to the TypeScript compiler.
125 | */
126 | getTypeScriptPath(): string;
127 | getTypeScriptVersion(): string;
128 | getEntryPoints(): DocumentationEntryPoint[] | undefined;
129 | /**
130 | * Gets the entry points to be documented according to the current `entryPoints` and `entryPointStrategy` options.
131 | * May return undefined if entry points fail to be expanded.
132 | */
133 | getDefinedEntryPoints(): DocumentationEntryPoint[] | undefined;
134 | /**
135 | * Run the converter for the given set of files and return the generated reflections.
136 | *
137 | * @returns An instance of ProjectReflection on success, undefined otherwise.
138 | */
139 | convert(): Promise<ProjectReflection | undefined>;
140 | convertAndWatch(success: (project: ProjectReflection) => Promise<void>): void;
141 | validate(project: ProjectReflection): void;
142 | /**
143 | * Render outputs selected with options for the specified project
144 | */
145 | generateOutputs(project: ProjectReflection): Promise<void>;
146 | /**
147 | * Render HTML for the given project
148 | */
149 | generateDocs(project: ProjectReflection, out: string): Promise<void>;
150 | /**
151 | * Write the reflections to a json file.
152 | *
153 | * @param out The path and file name of the target file.
154 | * @returns Whether the JSON file could be written successfully.
155 | */
156 | generateJson(project: ProjectReflection, out: string): Promise<void>;
157 | /**
158 | * Print the version number.
159 | */
160 | toString(): string;
161 | private _convertPackages;
162 | private _merge;
163 | }