8 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Alias } from "./Alias";
2import { ObjectLiteral } from "../common/ObjectLiteral";
3import { OrderByCondition } from "../find-options/OrderByCondition";
4import { JoinAttribute } from "./JoinAttribute";
5import { RelationIdAttribute } from "./relation-id/RelationIdAttribute";
6import { RelationCountAttribute } from "./relation-count/RelationCountAttribute";
7import { Connection } from "../connection/Connection";
8import { EntityMetadata } from "../metadata/EntityMetadata";
9import { SelectQuery } from "./SelectQuery";
10import { ColumnMetadata } from "../metadata/ColumnMetadata";
11import { RelationMetadata } from "../metadata/RelationMetadata";
12import { QueryBuilder } from "./QueryBuilder";
13import { SelectQueryBuilderOption } from "./SelectQueryBuilderOption";
15 * Contains all properties of the QueryBuilder that needs to be build a final query.
16 */
17export declare class QueryExpressionMap {
18 protected connection: Connection;
19 /**
20 * Indicates if QueryBuilder used to select entities and not a raw results.
21 */
22 queryEntity: boolean;
23 /**
24 * Main alias is a main selection object selected by QueryBuilder.
25 */
26 mainAlias?: Alias;
27 /**
28 * All aliases (including main alias) used in the query.
29 */
30 aliases: Alias[];
31 /**
32 * Represents query type. QueryBuilder is able to build SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE queries.
33 */
34 queryType: "select" | "update" | "delete" | "insert" | "relation";
35 /**
36 * Data needs to be SELECT-ed.
37 */
38 selects: SelectQuery[];
39 /**
40 * FROM-s to be selected.
41 */
42 /**
43 * If update query was used, it needs "update set" - properties which will be updated by this query.
44 * If insert query was used, it needs "insert set" - values that needs to be inserted.
45 */
46 valuesSet?: ObjectLiteral | ObjectLiteral[];
47 /**
48 * Optional returning (or output) clause for insert, update or delete queries.
49 */
50 returning: string | string[];
51 /**
52 * Extra returning columns to be added to the returning statement if driver supports it.
53 */
54 extraReturningColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
55 /**
56 * Optional on conflict statement used in insertion query in postgres.
57 */
58 onConflict: string;
59 /**
60 * Optional on ignore statement used in insertion query in databases.
61 */
62 onIgnore: string | boolean;
63 /**
64 * Optional on update statement used in insertion query in databases.
65 */
66 onUpdate: {
67 columns?: string;
68 conflict?: string;
69 overwrite?: string;
70 };
71 /**
72 * JOIN queries.
73 */
74 joinAttributes: JoinAttribute[];
75 /**
76 * RelationId queries.
77 */
78 relationIdAttributes: RelationIdAttribute[];
79 /**
80 * Relation count queries.
81 */
82 relationCountAttributes: RelationCountAttribute[];
83 /**
84 * WHERE queries.
85 */
86 wheres: {
87 type: "simple" | "and" | "or";
88 condition: string;
89 }[];
90 /**
91 * HAVING queries.
92 */
93 havings: {
94 type: "simple" | "and" | "or";
95 condition: string;
96 }[];
97 /**
98 * ORDER BY queries.
99 */
100 orderBys: OrderByCondition;
101 /**
102 * GROUP BY queries.
103 */
104 groupBys: string[];
105 /**
106 * LIMIT query.
107 */
108 limit?: number;
109 /**
110 * OFFSET query.
111 */
112 offset?: number;
113 /**
114 * Number of rows to skip of result using pagination.
115 */
116 skip?: number;
117 /**
118 * Number of rows to take using pagination.
119 */
120 take?: number;
121 /**
122 * Locking mode.
123 */
124 lockMode?: "optimistic" | "pessimistic_read" | "pessimistic_write" | "dirty_read";
125 /**
126 * Current version of the entity, used for locking.
127 */
128 lockVersion?: number | Date;
129 /**
130 * Parameters used to be escaped in final query.
131 */
132 parameters: ObjectLiteral;
133 /**
134 * Indicates if alias, table names and column names will be ecaped by driver, or not.
135 *
136 * todo: rename to isQuotingDisabled, also think if it should be named "escaping"
137 */
138 disableEscaping: boolean;
139 /**
140 * Indicates if virtual columns should be included in entity result.
141 *
142 * todo: what to do with it? is it properly used? what about persistence?
143 */
144 enableRelationIdValues: boolean;
145 /**
146 * Extra where condition appended to the end of original where conditions with AND keyword.
147 * Original condition will be wrapped into brackets.
148 */
149 extraAppendedAndWhereCondition: string;
150 /**
151 * Indicates if query builder creates a subquery.
152 */
153 subQuery: boolean;
154 /**
155 * If QueryBuilder was created in a subquery mode then its parent QueryBuilder (who created subquery) will be stored here.
156 */
157 parentQueryBuilder: QueryBuilder<any>;
158 /**
159 * Indicates if property names are prefixed with alias names during property replacement.
160 * By default this is enabled, however we need this because aliases are not supported in UPDATE and DELETE queries,
161 * but user can use them in WHERE expressions.
162 */
163 aliasNamePrefixingEnabled: boolean;
164 /**
165 * Indicates if query result cache is enabled or not.
166 */
167 cache: boolean;
168 /**
169 * Time in milliseconds in which cache will expire.
170 * If not set then global caching time will be used.
171 */
172 cacheDuration: number;
173 /**
174 * Cache id.
175 * Used to identifier your cache queries.
176 */
177 cacheId: string;
178 /**
179 * Options that define QueryBuilder behaviour.
180 */
181 options: SelectQueryBuilderOption[];
182 /**
183 * Property path of relation to work with.
184 * Used in relational query builder.
185 */
186 relationPropertyPath: string;
187 /**
188 * Entity (target) which relations will be updated.
189 */
190 of: any | any[];
191 /**
192 * List of columns where data should be inserted.
193 * Used in INSERT query.
194 */
195 insertColumns: string[];
196 /**
197 * Used if user wants to update or delete a specific entities.
198 */
199 whereEntities: ObjectLiteral[];
200 /**
201 * Indicates if entity must be updated after insertion / updation.
202 * This may produce extra query or use RETURNING / OUTPUT statement (depend on database).
203 */
204 updateEntity: boolean;
205 /**
206 * Indicates if listeners and subscribers must be called before and after query execution.
207 */
208 callListeners: boolean;
209 /**
210 * Indicates if query must be wrapped into transaction.
211 */
212 useTransaction: boolean;
213 /**
214 * Extra parameters.
215 * Used in InsertQueryBuilder to avoid default parameters mechanizm and execute high performance insertions.
216 */
217 nativeParameters: ObjectLiteral;
218 constructor(connection: Connection);
219 /**
220 * Get all ORDER BY queries - if order by is specified by user then it uses them,
221 * otherwise it uses default entity order by if it was set.
222 */
223 readonly allOrderBys: OrderByCondition;
224 /**
225 * Creates a main alias and adds it to the current expression map.
226 */
227 setMainAlias(alias: Alias): Alias;
228 /**
229 * Creates a new alias and adds it to the current expression map.
230 */
231 createAlias(options: {
232 type: "from" | "select" | "join" | "other";
233 name?: string;
234 target?: Function | string;
235 tablePath?: string;
236 subQuery?: string;
237 metadata?: EntityMetadata;
238 }): Alias;
239 /**
240 * Finds alias with the given name.
241 * If alias was not found it throw an exception.
242 */
243 findAliasByName(aliasName: string): Alias;
244 findColumnByAliasExpression(aliasExpression: string): ColumnMetadata | undefined;
245 /**
246 * Gets relation metadata of the relation this query builder works with.
247 *
248 * todo: add proper exceptions
249 */
250 readonly relationMetadata: RelationMetadata;
251 /**
252 * Copies all properties of the current QueryExpressionMap into a new one.
253 * Useful when QueryBuilder needs to create a copy of itself.
254 */
255 clone(): QueryExpressionMap;