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1{"version":3,"sources":["../../src/query-builder/WhereExpression.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"","file":"WhereExpression.js","sourcesContent":["import {ObjectLiteral} from \"../common/ObjectLiteral\";\nimport {Brackets} from \"./Brackets\";\n\n/**\n * Query Builders can implement this interface to support where expression\n */\nexport interface WhereExpression {\n\n /**\n * Sets WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * If you had previously WHERE expression defined,\n * calling this function will override previously set WHERE conditions.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n where(where: string, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Sets WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * If you had previously WHERE expression defined,\n * calling this function will override previously set WHERE conditions.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n where(where: Brackets, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Sets WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * If you had previously WHERE expression defined,\n * calling this function will override previously set WHERE conditions.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n where(where: ObjectLiteral, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Sets WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * If you had previously WHERE expression defined,\n * calling this function will override previously set WHERE conditions.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n where(where: ObjectLiteral[], parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Sets WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * If you had previously WHERE expression defined,\n * calling this function will override previously set WHERE conditions.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n where(subQuery: (qb: this) => string, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Adds new AND WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n andWhere(where: string, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Adds new AND WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n andWhere(where: Brackets, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Adds new AND WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n andWhere(subQuery: (qb: this) => string, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Adds new OR WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n orWhere(where: string, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Adds new OR WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n orWhere(where: Brackets, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Adds new OR WHERE condition in the query builder.\n * Additionally you can add parameters used in where expression.\n */\n orWhere(subQuery: (qb: this) => string, parameters?: ObjectLiteral): this;\n\n /**\n * Adds new AND WHERE with conditions for the given ids.\n *\n * Ids are mixed.\n * It means if you have single primary key you can pass a simple id values, for example [1, 2, 3].\n * If you have multiple primary keys you need to pass object with property names and values specified,\n * for example [{ firstId: 1, secondId: 2 }, { firstId: 2, secondId: 3 }, ...]\n */\n whereInIds(ids: any|any[]): this;\n\n /**\n * Adds new AND WHERE with conditions for the given ids.\n *\n * Ids are mixed.\n * It means if you have single primary key you can pass a simple id values, for example [1, 2, 3].\n * If you have multiple primary keys you need to pass object with property names and values specified,\n * for example [{ firstId: 1, secondId: 2 }, { firstId: 2, secondId: 3 }, ...]\n */\n andWhereInIds(ids: any|any[]): this;\n\n /**\n * Adds new OR WHERE with conditions for the given ids.\n *\n * Ids are mixed.\n * It means if you have single primary key you can pass a simple id values, for example [1, 2, 3].\n * If you have multiple primary keys you need to pass object with property names and values specified,\n * for example [{ firstId: 1, secondId: 2 }, { firstId: 2, secondId: 3 }, ...]\n */\n orWhereInIds(ids: any|any[]): this;\n\n\n}"],"sourceRoot":".."}
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