10.5 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { RelationType } from "./types/RelationTypes";
2import { EntityMetadata } from "./EntityMetadata";
3import { ForeignKeyMetadata } from "./ForeignKeyMetadata";
4import { ObjectLiteral } from "../common/ObjectLiteral";
5import { ColumnMetadata } from "./ColumnMetadata";
6import { EmbeddedMetadata } from "./EmbeddedMetadata";
7import { RelationMetadataArgs } from "../metadata-args/RelationMetadataArgs";
8import { DeferrableType } from "./types/DeferrableType";
9import { OnUpdateType } from "./types/OnUpdateType";
10import { OnDeleteType } from "./types/OnDeleteType";
11import { PropertyTypeFactory } from "./types/PropertyTypeInFunction";
13 * Contains all information about some entity's relation.
14 */
15export declare class RelationMetadata {
16 /**
17 * Entity metadata of the entity where this relation is placed.
18 *
19 * For example for @ManyToMany(type => Category) in Post, entityMetadata will be metadata of Post entity.
20 */
21 entityMetadata: EntityMetadata;
22 /**
23 * Entity metadata of the entity that is targeted by this relation.
24 *
25 * For example for @ManyToMany(type => Category) in Post, inverseEntityMetadata will be metadata of Category entity.
26 */
27 inverseEntityMetadata: EntityMetadata;
28 /**
29 * Entity metadata of the junction table.
30 * Junction tables have their own entity metadata objects.
31 * Defined only for many-to-many relations.
32 */
33 junctionEntityMetadata?: EntityMetadata;
34 /**
35 * Embedded metadata where this relation is.
36 * If this relation is not in embed then this property value is undefined.
37 */
38 embeddedMetadata?: EmbeddedMetadata;
39 /**
40 * Relation type, e.g. is it one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one or many-to-many.
41 */
42 relationType: RelationType;
43 /**
44 * Target entity to which this relation is applied.
45 * Target IS NOT equal to entityMetadata.target, because relation
46 *
47 * For example for @ManyToMany(type => Category) in Post, target will be Post.
48 * If @ManyToMany(type => Category) is in Counters which is embedded into Post, target will be Counters.
49 * If @ManyToMany(type => Category) is in abstract class BaseUser which Post extends, target will be BaseUser.
50 * Target can be string if its defined in entity schema instead of class.
51 */
52 target: Function | string;
53 /**
54 * Target's property name to which relation decorator is applied.
55 */
56 propertyName: string;
57 /**
58 * Gets full path to this column property (including relation name).
59 * Full path is relevant when column is used in embeds (one or multiple nested).
60 * For example it will return "counters.subcounters.likes".
61 * If property is not in embeds then it returns just property name of the column.
62 */
63 propertyPath: string;
64 /**
65 * Indicates if this is a parent (can be only many-to-one relation) relation in the tree tables.
66 */
67 isTreeParent: boolean;
68 /**
69 * Indicates if this is a children (can be only one-to-many relation) relation in the tree tables.
70 */
71 isTreeChildren: boolean;
72 /**
73 * Indicates if this relation's column is a primary key.
74 * Can be used only for many-to-one and owner one-to-one relations.
75 */
76 isPrimary: boolean;
77 /**
78 * Indicates if this relation is lazily loaded.
79 */
80 isLazy: boolean;
81 /**
82 * Indicates if this relation is eagerly loaded.
83 */
84 isEager: boolean;
85 /**
86 * Indicates if persistence is enabled for the relation.
87 * By default its enabled, but if you want to avoid any changes in the relation to be reflected in the database you can disable it.
88 * If its disabled you can only change a relation from inverse side of a relation or using relation query builder functionality.
89 * This is useful for performance optimization since its disabling avoid multiple extra queries during entity save.
90 */
91 persistenceEnabled: boolean;
92 /**
93 * If set to true then related objects are allowed to be inserted to the database.
94 */
95 isCascadeInsert: boolean;
96 /**
97 * If set to true then related objects are allowed to be updated in the database.
98 */
99 isCascadeUpdate: boolean;
100 /**
101 * If set to true then related objects are allowed to be remove from the database.
102 */
103 isCascadeRemove: boolean;
104 /**
105 * Indicates if relation column value can be nullable or not.
106 */
107 isNullable: boolean;
108 /**
109 * What to do with a relation on deletion of the row containing a foreign key.
110 */
111 onDelete?: OnDeleteType;
112 /**
113 * What to do with a relation on update of the row containing a foreign key.
114 */
115 onUpdate?: OnUpdateType;
116 /**
117 * What to do with a relation on update of the row containing a foreign key.
118 */
119 deferrable?: DeferrableType;
120 /**
121 * Gets the property's type to which this relation is applied.
122 *
123 * For example for @ManyToMany(type => Category) in Post, target will be Category.
124 */
125 type: Function | string;
126 /**
127 * Indicates if this side is an owner of this relation.
128 */
129 isOwning: boolean;
130 /**
131 * Checks if this relation's type is "one-to-one".
132 */
133 isOneToOne: boolean;
134 /**
135 * Checks if this relation is owner side of the "one-to-one" relation.
136 * Owner side means this side of relation has a join column in the table.
137 */
138 isOneToOneOwner: boolean;
139 /**
140 * Checks if this relation has a join column (e.g. is it many-to-one or one-to-one owner side).
141 */
142 isWithJoinColumn: boolean;
143 /**
144 * Checks if this relation is NOT owner side of the "one-to-one" relation.
145 * NOT owner side means this side of relation does not have a join column in the table.
146 */
147 isOneToOneNotOwner: boolean;
148 /**
149 * Checks if this relation's type is "one-to-many".
150 */
151 isOneToMany: boolean;
152 /**
153 * Checks if this relation's type is "many-to-one".
154 */
155 isManyToOne: boolean;
156 /**
157 * Checks if this relation's type is "many-to-many".
158 */
159 isManyToMany: boolean;
160 /**
161 * Checks if this relation's type is "many-to-many", and is owner side of the relationship.
162 * Owner side means this side of relation has a join table.
163 */
164 isManyToManyOwner: boolean;
165 /**
166 * Checks if this relation's type is "many-to-many", and is NOT owner side of the relationship.
167 * Not owner side means this side of relation does not have a join table.
168 */
169 isManyToManyNotOwner: boolean;
170 /**
171 * Gets the property path of the inverse side of the relation.
172 */
173 inverseSidePropertyPath: string;
174 /**
175 * Inverse side of the relation set by user.
176 *
177 * Inverse side set in the relation can be either string - property name of the column on inverse side,
178 * either can be a function that accepts a map of properties with the object and returns one of them.
179 * Second approach is used to achieve type-safety.
180 */
181 givenInverseSidePropertyFactory: PropertyTypeFactory<any>;
182 /**
183 * Gets the relation metadata of the inverse side of this relation.
184 */
185 inverseRelation?: RelationMetadata;
186 /**
187 * Join table name.
188 */
189 joinTableName: string;
190 /**
191 * Foreign keys created for this relation.
192 */
193 foreignKeys: ForeignKeyMetadata[];
194 /**
195 * Join table columns.
196 * Join columns can be obtained only from owner side of the relation.
197 * From non-owner side of the relation join columns will be empty.
198 * If this relation is a many-to-one/one-to-one then it takes join columns from the current entity.
199 * If this relation is many-to-many then it takes all owner join columns from the junction entity.
200 */
201 joinColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
202 /**
203 * Inverse join table columns.
204 * Inverse join columns are supported only for many-to-many relations
205 * and can be obtained only from owner side of the relation.
206 * From non-owner side of the relation join columns will be undefined.
207 */
208 inverseJoinColumns: ColumnMetadata[];
209 constructor(options: {
210 entityMetadata: EntityMetadata;
211 embeddedMetadata?: EmbeddedMetadata;
212 args: RelationMetadataArgs;
213 });
214 /**
215 * Creates join column ids map from the given related entity ids array.
216 */
217 getRelationIdMap(entity: ObjectLiteral): ObjectLiteral | undefined;
218 /**
219 * Ensures that given object is an entity id map.
220 * If given id is an object then it means its already id map.
221 * If given id isn't an object then it means its a value of the id column
222 * and it creates a new id map with this value and name of the primary column.
223 */
224 ensureRelationIdMap(id: any): ObjectLiteral;
225 /**
226 * Extracts column value from the given entity.
227 * If column is in embedded (or recursive embedded) it extracts its value from there.
228 */
229 getEntityValue(entity: ObjectLiteral, getLazyRelationsPromiseValue?: boolean): any | undefined;
230 /**
231 * Sets given entity's relation's value.
232 * Using of this method helps to set entity relation's value of the lazy and non-lazy relations.
233 *
234 * If merge is set to true, it merges given value into currently
235 */
236 setEntityValue(entity: ObjectLiteral, value: any): void;
237 /**
238 * Creates entity id map from the given entity ids array.
239 */
240 createValueMap(value: any): any;
241 /**
242 * Builds some depend relation metadata properties.
243 * This builder method should be used only after embedded metadata tree was build.
244 */
245 build(): void;
246 /**
247 * Registers given foreign keys in the relation.
248 * This builder method should be used to register foreign key in the relation.
249 */
250 registerForeignKeys(...foreignKeys: ForeignKeyMetadata[]): void;
251 /**
252 * Registers a given junction entity metadata.
253 * This builder method can be called after junction entity metadata for the many-to-many relation was created.
254 */
255 registerJunctionEntityMetadata(junctionEntityMetadata: EntityMetadata): void;
256 /**
257 * Builds inverse side property path based on given inverse side property factory.
258 * This builder method should be used only after properties map of the inverse entity metadata was build.
259 */
260 buildInverseSidePropertyPath(): string;
261 /**
262 * Builds relation's property path based on its embedded tree.
263 */
264 buildPropertyPath(): string;