1 | <div align="center">
2 |
3 | # typesafe-actions
4 |
5 | Typesafe utilities designed to reduce types **verbosity**
6 | and **complexity** in Redux Architecture.
7 |
8 | _This library is part of the [React & Redux TypeScript Guide](https://github.com/piotrwitek/react-redux-typescript-guide)_ ecosystem :book:
9 |
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14 |
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19 |
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21 |
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23 |
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25 |
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28 | </a>
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31 |
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36 | <br/><hr/>
37 |
38 | ## What's new?
39 |
40 | :tada: _Now updated to support **TypeScript v3.7**_ :tada:
41 |
42 | :warning: Library was recently updated to v5 :warning:
43 | <br/>*Current API Docs and Tutorial are outdated (from v4), so temporarily please use this issue as [v5.x.x API Docs](https://github.com/piotrwitek/typesafe-actions/issues/143).*
44 |
45 | <hr/><br/>
46 |
47 | </div>
48 |
49 | ### **Features**
50 | - Easily create completely typesafe [Actions](#action-creators-api) or even [Async Actions](#createasyncaction)
51 | - No boilerplate and completely typesafe [Reducers](#reducer-creators-api)
52 | - Game-changing [Helper Types](#type-helpers-api) for Redux
53 |
54 | ### **Playgrounds & Examples**
55 |
56 | - Todo-App playground: [Codesandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/github/piotrwitek/typesafe-actions/tree/master/codesandbox)
57 | - React, Redux, TypeScript - RealWorld App: [Github](https://github.com/piotrwitek/react-redux-typescript-realworld-app) | [Demo](https://react-redux-typescript-realworld-app.netlify.com/)
58 |
59 | ### **Goals**
60 |
61 | - **Secure and Minimal** - no third-party dependencies, according to `size-snapshot` (Minified: 3.48 KB, Gzipped: 1.03 KB), check also on [bundlephobia](https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=typesafe-actions)
62 | - **Optimized** - distribution packages bundled in 3 different formats (`cjs`, `esm` and `umd`) with separate bundles for dev & prod (same as `react`)
63 | - **Quality** - complete test-suite for an entire API surface containing regular runtime tests and extra type-tests to guarantee **type soundness** and to prevent regressions in the future TypeScript versions
64 | - **Performance** - integrated performance benchmarks to guarantee that the computational complexity of types are in check and there are no slow-downs when your application grow `npm run benchmark:XXX`
65 |
66 | ---
67 |
68 | ## Table of Contents
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 | - [Installation](#installation)
75 | - [Tutorial v4 (v5 is WIP #188)](#tutorial-v4-v5-is-wip-188)
76 | - [Constants](#constants)
77 | - [Actions](#actions)
78 | - [1. Basic actions](#1-basic-actions)
79 | - [2. FSA compliant actions](#2-fsa-compliant-actions)
80 | - [3. Custom actions (non-standard use-cases)](#3-custom-actions-non-standard-use-cases)
81 | - [Action Helpers](#action-helpers)
82 | - [Using action-creators instances instead of type-constants](#using-action-creators-instances-instead-of-type-constants)
83 | - [Using regular type-constants](#using-regular-type-constants)
84 | - [Reducers](#reducers)
85 | - [Extending internal types to enable type-free syntax with `createReducer`](#extending-internal-types-to-enable-type-free-syntax-with-createreducer)
86 | - [Using createReducer API with type-free syntax](#using-createreducer-api-with-type-free-syntax)
87 | - [Alternative usage with regular switch reducer](#alternative-usage-with-regular-switch-reducer)
88 | - [Async-Flows](#async-flows)
89 | - [With `redux-observable` epics](#with-redux-observable-epics)
90 | - [With `redux-saga` sagas](#with-redux-saga-sagas)
91 | - [API Docs v4 (v5 is WIP #189)](#api-docs-v4-v5-is-wip-189)
92 | - [Action-Creators API](#action-creators-api)
93 | - [`action`](#action)
94 | - [`createAction`](#createaction)
95 | - [`createStandardAction`](#createstandardaction)
96 | - [`createCustomAction`](#createcustomaction)
97 | - [`createAsyncAction`](#createasyncaction)
98 | - [Reducer-Creators API](#reducer-creators-api)
99 | - [`createReducer`](#createreducer)
100 | - [Action-Helpers API](#action-helpers-api)
101 | - [`getType`](#gettype)
102 | - [`isActionOf`](#isactionof)
103 | - [`isOfType`](#isoftype)
104 | - [Type-Helpers API](#type-helpers-api)
105 | - [`ActionType`](#actiontype)
106 | - [`StateType`](#statetype)
107 | - [Migration Guides](#migration-guides)
108 | - [`v4.x.x` to `v5.x.x`](#v4xx-to-v5xx)
109 | - [`v3.x.x` to `v4.x.x`](#v3xx-to-v4xx)
110 | - [`v2.x.x` to `v3.x.x`](#v2xx-to-v3xx)
111 | - [`v1.x.x` to `v2.x.x`](#v1xx-to-v2xx)
112 | - [Migrating from `redux-actions` to `typesafe-actions`](#migrating-from-redux-actions-to-typesafe-actions)
113 | - [Compatibility Notes](#compatibility-notes)
114 | - [Recipes](#recipes)
115 | - [Restrict Meta type in `action` creator](#restrict-meta-type-in-action-creator)
116 | - [Compare to others](#compare-to-others)
117 | - [`redux-actions`](#redux-actions)
118 | - [Motivation](#motivation)
119 | - [Contributing](#contributing)
120 | - [Funding Issues](#funding-issues)
121 | - [License](#license)
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 | <hr/>
126 |
127 | ## Installation
128 |
129 | ```bash
130 | # NPM
131 | npm install typesafe-actions
132 |
133 | # YARN
134 | yarn add typesafe-actions
135 | ```
136 |
137 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
138 |
139 | ---
140 |
141 | ## Tutorial v4 (v5 is WIP [#188](https://github.com/piotrwitek/typesafe-actions/issues/188))
142 |
143 | To showcase the flexibility and the power of the **type-safety** provided by this library, let's build the most common parts of a typical todo-app using a Redux architecture:
144 |
145 | > **WARNING**
146 | > Please make sure that you are familiar with the following concepts of programming languages to be able to follow along: [Type Inference](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/type-inference.html), [Control flow analysis](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/What%27s-new-in-TypeScript#control-flow-based-type-analysis), [Tagged union types](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/What%27s-new-in-TypeScript#tagged-union-types), [Generics](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/generics.html) and [Advanced Types](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html).
147 |
148 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
149 |
150 | ### Constants
151 |
153 | > When using `typesafe-actions` in your project you won't need to export and reuse **string constants**. It's because **action-creators** created by this library have static property with **action type** that you can easily access using **actions-helpers** and then use it in reducers, epics, sagas, and basically any other place. This will simplify your codebase and remove some boilerplate code associated with the usage of **string constants**. Check our `/codesandbox` application to learn some best-practices to create such codebase.
154 |
155 | **Limitations of TypeScript when working with string constants** - when using **string constants** as action `type` property, please make sure to use **simple string literal assignment with const**. This limitation is coming from the type-system, because all the **dynamic string operations** (e.g. string concatenation, template strings and also object used as a map) will widen the literal type to its super-type, `string`. As a result this will break contextual typing for **action** object in reducer cases.
156 |
157 | ```ts
158 | // Example file: './constants.ts'
159 |
160 | // WARNING: Incorrect usage
161 | export const ADD = prefix + 'ADD'; // => string
162 | export const ADD = `${prefix}/ADD`; // => string
163 | export default {
164 | ADD: '@prefix/ADD', // => string
165 | }
166 |
167 | // Correct usage
168 | export const ADD = '@prefix/ADD'; // => '@prefix/ADD'
169 | export const TOGGLE = '@prefix/TOGGLE'; // => '@prefix/TOGGLE'
170 | export default ({
171 | ADD: '@prefix/ADD', // => '@prefix/ADD'
172 | } as const) // working in TS v3.4 and above => https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/pull/29510
173 | ```
174 |
175 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
176 |
177 | ### Actions
178 |
179 | Different projects have different needs, and conventions vary across teams, and this is why `typesafe-actions` was designed with flexibility in mind. It provides three different major styles so you can choose whichever would be the best fit for your team.
180 |
181 | #### 1. Basic actions
182 | `action` and `createAction` are creators that can create **actions** with predefined properties ({ type, payload, meta }). This make them concise but also opinionated.
183 |
184 | Important property is that resulting **action-creator** will have a variadic number of arguments and preserve their semantic names `(id, title, amount, etc...)`.
185 |
186 | This two creators are very similar and the only real difference is that `action` **WILL NOT WORK** with **action-helpers**.
187 |
188 | ```ts
189 | import { action, createAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
190 |
191 | export const add = (title: string) => action('todos/ADD', { id: cuid(), title, completed: false });
192 | // add: (title: string) => { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: { id: string, title: string, completed: boolean; }; }
193 |
194 | export const add = createAction('todos/ADD', action => {
195 | // Note: "action" callback does not need "type" parameter
196 | return (title: string) => action({ id: cuid(), title, completed: false });
197 | });
198 | // add: (title: string) => { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: { id: string, title: string, completed: boolean; }; }
199 | ```
200 |
201 | #### 2. FSA compliant actions
202 | This style is aligned with [Flux Standard Action](https://github.com/redux-utilities/flux-standard-action), so your **action** object shape is constrained to `({ type, payload, meta, error })`. It is using **generic type arguments** for `meta` and `payload` to simplify creation of type-safe action-creators.
203 |
204 | It is important to notice that in the resulting **action-creator** arguments are also constrained to the predefined: `(payload, meta)`, making it the most opinionated creator.
205 |
206 | > **TIP**: This creator is the most compatible with `redux-actions` in case you are migrating.
207 |
208 | ```ts
209 | import { createStandardAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
210 |
211 | export const toggle = createStandardAction('todos/TOGGLE')<string>();
212 | // toggle: (payload: string) => { type: "todos/TOGGLE"; payload: string; }
213 |
214 | export const add = createStandardAction('todos/ADD').map(
215 | (title: string) => ({
216 | payload: { id: cuid(), title, completed: false },
217 | })
218 | );
219 | // add: (payload: string) => { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: { id: string, title: string, completed: boolean; }; }
220 | ```
221 |
222 | #### 3. Custom actions (non-standard use-cases)
223 |
224 | This approach will give us the most flexibility of all creators, providing a variadic number of named parameters and custom properties on **action** object to fit all the custom use-cases.
225 |
226 | ```ts
227 | import { createCustomAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
228 |
229 | const add = createCustomAction('todos/ADD', type => {
230 | return (title: string) => ({ type, id: cuid(), title, completed: false });
231 | });
232 | // add: (title: string) => { type: "todos/ADD"; id: string; title: string; completed: boolean; }
233 | ```
234 |
235 | > **TIP**: For more examples please check the [API Docs](#table-of-contents).
236 |
238 | > Common approach is to create a `RootAction` in the central point of your redux store - it will represent all possible action types in your application. You can even merge it with third-party action types as shown below to make your model complete.
239 |
240 | ```ts
241 | // types.d.ts
242 | // example of including `react-router` actions in `RootAction`
243 | import { RouterAction, LocationChangeAction } from 'react-router-redux';
244 | import { TodosAction } from '../features/todos';
245 |
246 | type ReactRouterAction = RouterAction | LocationChangeAction;
247 |
248 | export type RootAction =
249 | | ReactRouterAction
250 | | TodosAction;
251 | ```
252 |
253 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
254 |
255 | ### Action Helpers
256 |
257 | Now I want to show you **action-helpers** and explain their use-cases. We're going to implement a side-effect responsible for showing a success toast when user adds a new todo.
258 |
259 | Important thing to notice is that all these helpers are acting as a **type-guard** so they'll narrow **tagged union type** (`RootAction`) to a specific action type that we want.
260 |
261 | #### Using action-creators instances instead of type-constants
262 |
263 | Instead of **type-constants** we can use **action-creators** instance to match specific actions in reducers and epics cases. It works by adding a static property on **action-creator** instance which contains the `type` string.
264 |
265 | The most common one is `getType`, which is useful for regular reducer switch cases:
266 |
267 | ```ts
268 | switch (action.type) {
269 | case getType(todos.add):
270 | // below action type is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
271 | return [...state, action.payload];
272 | ...
273 | ```
274 |
275 | Then we have the `isActionOf` helper which accept **action-creator** as first parameter matching actions with corresponding type passed as second parameter (it's a curried function).
276 |
277 | ```ts
278 | // epics.ts
279 | import { isActionOf } from 'typesafe-actions';
280 |
281 | import { add } from './actions';
282 |
283 | const addTodoToast: Epic<RootAction, RootAction, RootState, Services> = (action$, state$, { toastService }) =>
284 | action$.pipe(
285 | filter(isActionOf(add)),
286 | tap(action => { // here action type is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
287 | toastService.success(...);
288 | })
289 | ...
290 |
291 | // Works with multiple actions! (with type-safety up to 5)
292 | action$.pipe(
293 | filter(isActionOf([add, toggle])) // here action type is narrowed to a smaller union:
294 | // { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/TOGGLE"; payload: string; }
295 | ```
296 |
297 | #### Using regular type-constants
298 | Alternatively if your team prefers to use regular **type-constants** you can still do that.
299 |
300 | We have an equivalent helper (`isOfType`) which accept **type-constants** as parameter providing the same functionality.
301 |
302 | ```ts
303 | // epics.ts
304 | import { isOfType } from 'typesafe-actions';
305 |
306 | import { ADD } from './constants';
307 |
308 | const addTodoToast: Epic<RootAction, RootAction, RootState, Services> = (action$, state$, { toastService }) =>
309 | action$.pipe(
310 | filter(isOfType(ADD)),
311 | tap(action => { // here action type is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
312 | ...
313 |
314 | // Works with multiple actions! (with type-safety up to 5)
315 | action$.pipe(
316 | filter(isOfType([ADD, TOGGLE])) // here action type is narrowed to a smaller union:
317 | // { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/TOGGLE"; payload: string; }
318 | ```
319 |
320 | > **TIP:** you can use action-helpers with other types of conditional statements.
321 |
322 | ```ts
323 | import { isActionOf, isOfType } from 'typesafe-actions';
324 |
325 | if (isActionOf(actions.add, action)) {
326 | // here action is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
327 | }
328 | // or with type constants
329 | if (isOfType(types.ADD, action)) {
330 | // here action is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
331 | }
332 | ```
333 |
334 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
335 |
336 | ### Reducers
337 |
338 | #### Extending internal types to enable type-free syntax with `createReducer`
339 |
340 | We can extend internal types of `typesafe-actions` module with `RootAction` definition of our application so that you don't need to pass generic type arguments with `createReducer` API:
341 |
342 | ```ts
343 | // types.d.ts
344 | import { StateType, ActionType } from 'typesafe-actions';
345 |
346 | export type RootAction = ActionType<typeof import('./actions').default>;
347 |
348 | declare module 'typesafe-actions' {
349 | interface Types {
350 | RootAction: RootAction;
351 | }
352 | }
353 |
354 | // now you can use
355 | createReducer(...)
356 | // instead of
357 | createReducer<State, Action>(...)
358 | ```
359 |
360 | #### Using createReducer API with type-free syntax
361 |
362 | We can prevent a lot of boilerplate code and type errors using this powerfull and completely typesafe API.
363 |
364 | Using handleAction chain API:
365 | ```ts
366 | // using action-creators
367 | const counterReducer = createReducer(0)
368 | // state and action type is automatically inferred and return type is validated to be exact type
369 | .handleAction(add, (state, action) => state + action.payload)
370 | .handleAction(add, ... // <= error is shown on duplicated or invalid actions
371 | .handleAction(increment, (state, _) => state + 1)
372 | .handleAction(... // <= error is shown when all actions are handled
373 |
374 | // or handle multiple actions using array
375 | .handleAction([add, increment], (state, action) =>
376 | state + (action.type === 'ADD' ? action.payload : 1)
377 | );
378 |
379 | // all the same scenarios are working when using type-constants
380 | const counterReducer = createReducer(0)
381 | .handleAction('ADD', (state, action) => state + action.payload)
382 | .handleAction('INCREMENT', (state, _) => state + 1);
383 |
384 | counterReducer(0, add(4)); // => 4
385 | counterReducer(0, increment()); // => 1
386 | ```
387 |
388 | #### Alternative usage with regular switch reducer
389 |
390 | First we need to start by generating a **tagged union type** of actions (`TodosAction`). It's very easy to do by using `ActionType` **type-helper**.
391 |
392 | ```ts
393 | import { ActionType } from 'typesafe-actions';
394 |
395 | import * as todos from './actions';
396 | export type TodosAction = ActionType<typeof todos>;
397 | ```
398 |
399 | Now we define a regular reducer function by annotating `state` and `action` arguments with their respective types (`TodosAction` for action type).
400 |
401 | ```ts
402 | export default (state: Todo[] = [], action: TodosAction) => {
403 | ```
404 |
405 | Now in the switch cases we can use the `type` property of action to narrowing the union type of `TodosAction` to an action that is corresponding to that type.
406 |
407 | ```ts
408 | switch (action.type) {
409 | case getType(add):
410 | // below action type is narrowed to: { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
411 | return [...state, action.payload];
412 | ...
413 | ```
414 |
415 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
416 |
417 | ### Async-Flows
418 |
419 | #### With `redux-observable` epics
420 |
421 | To handle an async-flow of http request lets implement an `epic`. The `epic` will call a remote API using an injected `todosApi` client, which will return a Promise that we'll need to handle by using three different actions that correspond to triggering, success and failure.
422 |
423 | To help us simplify the creation process of necessary action-creators, we'll use `createAsyncAction` function providing us with a nice common interface object `{ request: ... , success: ... , failure: ... }` that will nicely fit with the functional API of `RxJS`.
424 | This will mitigate **redux verbosity** and greatly reduce the maintenance cost of type annotations for **actions** and **action-creators** that would otherwise be written explicitly.
425 |
426 | ```ts
427 | // actions.ts
428 | import { createAsyncAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
429 |
430 | const fetchTodosAsync = createAsyncAction(
435 | )<string, Todo[], Error, string>();
436 |
437 | // epics.ts
438 | import { fetchTodosAsync } from './actions';
439 |
440 | const fetchTodosFlow: Epic<RootAction, RootAction, RootState, Services> = (action$, state$, { todosApi }) =>
441 | action$.pipe(
442 | filter(isActionOf(fetchTodosAsync.request)),
443 | switchMap(action =>
444 | from(todosApi.getAll(action.payload)).pipe(
445 | map(fetchTodosAsync.success),
446 | catchError((message: string) => of(fetchTodosAsync.failure(message))),
447 | takeUntil(action$.pipe(filter(isActionOf(fetchTodosAsync.cancel)))),
448 | )
449 | );
450 | ```
451 |
452 | #### With `redux-saga` sagas
453 | With sagas it's not possible to achieve the same degree of type-safety as with epics because of limitations coming from `redux-saga` API design.
454 |
455 | Typescript issues:
456 | - [Typescript does not currently infer types resulting from a `yield` statement](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2983) so you have to manually assert the type e.g. `const response: Todo[] = yield call(...`
457 |
458 | *Here is the latest recommendation although it's not fully optimal. If you managed to cook something better, please open an issue to share your finding with us.*
459 |
460 | ```ts
461 | import { createAsyncAction, createReducer } from 'typesafe-actions';
462 | import { put, call, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effetcs';
463 |
464 | // Create the set of async actions
465 | const fetchTodosAsync = createAsyncAction(
469 | )<string, Todo[], Error>();
470 |
471 | // Handle request saga
472 | function* addTodoSaga(action: ReturnType<typeof fetchTodosAsync.request>): Generator {
473 | try {
474 | const response: Todo[] = yield call(todosApi.getAll, action.payload);
475 |
476 | yield put(fetchTodosAsync.success(response));
477 | } catch (err) {
478 | yield put(fetchTodosAsync.failure(err));
479 | }
480 | }
481 |
482 | // Main saga
483 | function* mainSaga() {
484 | yield all([
485 | takeEvery(fetchTodosAsync.request, addTodoSaga),
486 | ]);
487 | }
488 |
489 | // Handle success reducer
490 | export const todoReducer = createReducer({})
491 | .handleAction(fetchTodosAsync.success, (state, action) => ({ ...state, todos: action.payload }));
492 | ```
493 |
494 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
495 |
496 | ---
497 |
498 | ## API Docs v4 (v5 is WIP [#189](https://github.com/piotrwitek/typesafe-actions/issues/189))
499 |
500 | ### Action-Creators API
501 |
502 | #### `action`
503 |
504 | _Simple **action factory function** to simplify creation of type-safe actions._
505 |
506 | > **WARNING**:
507 | > This approach will **NOT WORK** with **action-helpers** (such as `getType` and `isActionOf`) because it is creating **action objects** while all the other creator functions are returning **enhanced action-creators**.
508 |
509 | ```ts
510 | action(type, payload?, meta?, error?)
511 | ```
512 |
513 | Examples:
514 | [> Advanced Usage Examples](src/action.spec.ts)
515 |
516 | ```ts
517 | const increment = () => action('INCREMENT');
518 | // { type: 'INCREMENT'; }
519 |
520 | const createUser = (id: number, name: string) =>
521 | action('CREATE_USER', { id, name });
522 | // { type: 'CREATE_USER'; payload: { id: number; name: string }; }
523 |
524 | const getUsers = (params?: string) =>
525 | action('GET_USERS', undefined, params);
526 | // { type: 'GET_USERS'; meta: string | undefined; }
527 | ```
528 |
529 | > **TIP**: Starting from TypeScript v3.4 you can achieve similar results using new `as const` operator.
530 |
531 | ```ts
532 | const increment = () => ({ type: 'INCREMENT' } as const);
533 | ```
534 |
535 | #### `createAction`
536 |
537 | _Create an enhanced action-creator with unlimited number of arguments._
538 | - Resulting action-creator will preserve semantic names of their arguments `(id, title, amount, etc...)`.
539 | - Returned action object have predefined properties `({ type, payload, meta })`
540 |
541 | ```ts
542 | createAction(type)
543 | createAction(type, actionCallback => {
544 | return (namedArg1, namedArg2, ...namedArgN) => actionCallback(payload?, meta?)
545 | })
546 | ```
547 | > **TIP**: Injected `actionCallback` argument is similar to `action` API but doesn't need the "type" parameter
548 |
549 | Examples:
550 | [> Advanced Usage Examples](src/create-action.spec.ts)
551 |
552 | ```ts
553 | import { createAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
554 |
555 | // - with type only
556 | const increment = createAction('INCREMENT');
557 | dispatch(increment());
558 | // { type: 'INCREMENT' };
559 |
560 | // - with type and payload
561 | const add = createAction('ADD', action => {
562 | return (amount: number) => action(amount);
563 | });
564 | dispatch(add(10));
565 | // { type: 'ADD', payload: number }
566 |
567 | // - with type and meta
568 | const getTodos = createAction('GET_TODOS', action => {
569 | return (params: Params) => action(undefined, params);
570 | });
571 | dispatch(getTodos('some_meta'));
572 | // { type: 'GET_TODOS', meta: Params }
573 |
574 | // - and finally with type, payload and meta
575 | const getTodo = createAction('GET_TODO', action => {
576 | return (id: string, meta: string) => action(id, meta);
577 | });
578 | dispatch(getTodo('some_id', 'some_meta'));
579 | // { type: 'GET_TODO', payload: string, meta: string }
580 | ```
581 |
582 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
583 |
584 | #### `createStandardAction`
585 |
586 | _Create an enhanced action-creator compatible with [Flux Standard Action](https://github.com/redux-utilities/flux-standard-action) to reduce boilerplate and enforce convention._
587 | - Resulting action-creator have predefined arguments `(payload, meta)`
588 | - Returned action object have predefined properties `({ type, payload, meta, error })`
589 | - But it also contains a `.map()` method that allow to map `(payload, meta)` arguments to a custom action object `({ customProp1, customProp2, ...customPropN })`
590 |
591 | ```ts
592 | createStandardAction(type)()
593 | createStandardAction(type)<TPayload, TMeta?>()
594 | createStandardAction(type).map((payload, meta) => ({ customProp1, customProp2, ...customPropN }))
595 | ```
596 |
597 | > **TIP**: Using `undefined` as generic type parameter you can make the action-creator function require NO parameters.
598 |
599 | Examples:
600 | [> Advanced Usage Examples](src/create-standard-action.spec.ts)
601 |
602 | ```ts
603 | import { createStandardAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
604 |
605 | // Very concise with use of generic type arguments
606 | // - with type only
607 | const increment = createStandardAction('INCREMENT')();
608 | const increment = createStandardAction('INCREMENT')<undefined>();
609 | increment(); // { type: 'INCREMENT' } (no parameters are required)
610 |
611 |
612 | // - with type and payload
613 | const add = createStandardAction('ADD')<number>();
614 | add(10); // { type: 'ADD', payload: number }
615 |
616 | // - with type and meta
617 | const getData = createStandardAction('GET_DATA')<undefined, string>();
618 | getData(undefined, 'meta'); // { type: 'GET_DATA', meta: string }
619 |
620 | // - and finally with type, payload and meta
621 | const getData = createStandardAction('GET_DATA')<number, string>();
622 | getData(1, 'meta'); // { type: 'GET_DATA', payload: number, meta: string }
623 |
624 | // Can map payload and meta arguments to a custom action object
625 | const notify = createStandardAction('NOTIFY').map(
626 | (payload: string, meta: Meta) => ({
627 | from: meta.username,
628 | message: `${username}: ${payload}`,
629 | messageType: meta.type,
630 | datetime: new Date(),
631 | })
632 | );
633 |
634 | dispatch(notify('Hello!', { username: 'Piotr', type: 'announcement' }));
635 | // { type: 'NOTIFY', from: string, message: string, messageType: MessageType, datetime: Date }
636 | ```
637 |
638 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
639 |
640 | #### `createCustomAction`
641 |
642 | _Create an enhanced action-creator with unlimited number of arguments and custom properties on action object._
643 | - Resulting action-creator will preserve semantic names of their arguments `(id, title, amount, etc...)`.
644 | - Returned action object have custom properties `({ type, customProp1, customProp2, ...customPropN })`
645 |
646 | ```ts
647 | createCustomAction(type, type => {
648 | return (namedArg1, namedArg2, ...namedArgN) => ({ type, customProp1, customProp2, ...customPropN })
649 | })
650 | ```
651 |
652 | Examples:
653 | [> Advanced Usage Examples](src/create-action-with-type.spec.ts)
654 |
655 | ```ts
656 | import { createCustomAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
657 |
658 | const add = createCustomAction('CUSTOM', type => {
659 | return (first: number, second: number) => ({ type, customProp1: first, customProp2: second });
660 | });
661 |
662 | dispatch(add(1));
663 | // { type: "CUSTOM"; customProp1: number; customProp2: number; }
664 | ```
665 |
666 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
667 |
668 | #### `createAsyncAction`
669 |
670 | _Create an object containing three enhanced action-creators to simplify handling of async flows (e.g. network request - request/success/failure)._
671 |
672 | ```ts
673 | createAsyncAction(
674 | requestType, successType, failureType, cancelType?
675 | )<TRequestPayload, TSuccessPayload, TFailurePayload, TCancelPayload?>()
676 | ```
677 |
678 | ##### `AsyncActionCreator`
679 |
680 | ```ts
681 | type AsyncActionCreator<
682 | [TRequestType, TRequestPayload],
683 | [TSuccessType, TSuccessPayload],
684 | [TFailureType, TFailurePayload],
685 | [TCancelType, TCancelPayload]?
686 | > = {
687 | request: StandardActionCreator<TRequestType, TRequestPayload>,
688 | success: StandardActionCreator<TSuccessType, TSuccessPayload>,
689 | failure: StandardActionCreator<TFailureType, TFailurePayload>,
690 | cancel?: StandardActionCreator<TCancelType, TCancelPayload>,
691 | }
692 | ```
693 |
694 | > **TIP**: Using `undefined` as generic type parameter you can make the action-creator function require NO parameters.
695 |
696 | Examples:
697 | [> Advanced Usage Examples](src/create-async-action.spec.ts)
698 |
699 | ```ts
700 | import { createAsyncAction, AsyncActionCreator } from 'typesafe-actions';
701 |
702 | const fetchUsersAsync = createAsyncAction(
706 | )<string, User[], Error>();
707 |
708 | dispatch(fetchUsersAsync.request(params));
709 |
710 | dispatch(fetchUsersAsync.success(response));
711 |
712 | dispatch(fetchUsersAsync.failure(err));
713 |
714 | const fn = (
715 | a: AsyncActionCreator<
716 | ['FETCH_USERS_REQUEST', string],
717 | ['FETCH_USERS_SUCCESS', User[]],
718 | ['FETCH_USERS_FAILURE', Error]
719 | >
720 | ) => a;
721 | fn(fetchUsersAsync);
722 |
723 | // There is 4th optional argument to declare cancel action
724 | const fetchUsersAsync = createAsyncAction(
729 | )<string, User[], Error, string>();
730 |
731 | dispatch(fetchUsersAsync.cancel('reason'));
732 |
733 | const fn = (
734 | a: AsyncActionCreator<
735 | ['FETCH_USERS_REQUEST', string],
736 | ['FETCH_USERS_SUCCESS', User[]],
737 | ['FETCH_USERS_FAILURE', Error],
738 | ['FETCH_USERS_CANCEL', string]
739 | >
740 | ) => a;
741 | fn(fetchUsersAsync);
742 | ```
743 |
744 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
745 |
746 | ---
747 |
748 | ### Reducer-Creators API
749 |
750 | #### `createReducer`
751 |
752 | _Create a typesafe reducer_
753 |
754 | ```ts
755 | createReducer<TState, TRootAction>(initialState, handlersMap?)
756 | // or
757 | createReducer<TState, TRootAction>(initialState)
758 | .handleAction(actionCreator, reducer)
759 | .handleAction([actionCreator1, actionCreator2, ...actionCreatorN], reducer)
760 | .handleType(type, reducer)
761 | .handleType([type1, type2, ...typeN], reducer)
762 | ```
763 |
764 | Examples:
765 | [> Advanced Usage Examples](src/create-reducer.spec.ts)
766 |
767 | > **TIP:** You can use reducer API with a **type-free** syntax by [Extending internal types](#extending-internal-types-to-enable-type-free-syntax-with-createreducer), otherwise you'll have to pass generic type arguments like in below examples
768 | ```ts
769 | // type-free syntax doesn't require generic type arguments
770 | const counterReducer = createReducer(0, {
771 | ADD: (state, action) => state + action.payload,
772 | [getType(increment)]: (state, _) => state + 1,
773 | })
774 | ```
775 |
776 | **Object map style:**
777 | ```ts
778 | import { createReducer, getType } from 'typesafe-actions'
779 |
780 | type State = number;
781 | type Action = { type: 'ADD', payload: number } | { type: 'INCREMENT' };
782 |
783 | const counterReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0, {
784 | ADD: (state, action) => state + action.payload,
785 | [getType(increment)]: (state, _) => state + 1,
786 | })
787 | ```
788 |
789 | **Chain API style:**
790 | ```ts
791 | // using action-creators
792 | const counterReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0)
793 | .handleAction(add, (state, action) => state + action.payload)
794 | .handleAction(increment, (state, _) => state + 1)
795 |
796 | // handle multiple actions by using array
797 | .handleAction([add, increment], (state, action) =>
798 | state + (action.type === 'ADD' ? action.payload : 1)
799 | );
800 |
801 | // all the same scenarios are working when using type-constants
802 | const counterReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0)
803 | .handleType('ADD', (state, action) => state + action.payload)
804 | .handleType('INCREMENT', (state, _) => state + 1);
805 | ```
806 |
807 | **Extend or compose reducers - every operation is completely typesafe:**
808 | ```ts
809 | const newCounterReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0)
810 | .handleAction('SUBTRACT', (state, action) => state - action.payload)
811 | .handleAction('DECREMENT', (state, _) => state - 1);
812 |
813 | const bigReducer = createReducer<State, Action>(0, {
814 | ...counterReducer.handlers, // typesafe
815 | ...newCounterReducer.handlers, // typesafe
816 | SUBTRACT: decrementReducer.handlers.DECREMENT, // <= error, wrong type
817 | })
818 | ```
819 |
820 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
821 |
822 | ---
823 |
824 | ### Action-Helpers API
825 |
826 | #### `getType`
827 |
828 | _Get the **type** property value (narrowed to literal type) of given enhanced action-creator._
829 |
830 | ```ts
831 | getType(actionCreator)
832 | ```
833 |
834 | [> Advanced Usage Examples](src/get-type.spec.ts)
835 |
836 | Examples:
837 | ```ts
838 | import { getType, createStandardAction } from 'typesafe-actions';
839 |
840 | const add = createStandardAction('ADD')<number>();
841 |
842 | // In switch reducer
843 | switch (action.type) {
844 | case getType(add):
845 | // action type is { type: "ADD"; payload: number; }
846 | return state + action.payload;
847 |
848 | default:
849 | return state;
850 | }
851 |
852 | // or with conditional statements
853 | if (action.type === getType(add)) {
854 | // action type is { type: "ADD"; payload: number; }
855 | }
856 | ```
857 |
858 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
859 |
860 | #### `isActionOf`
861 |
862 | _Check if action is an instance of given enhanced action-creator(s)
863 | (it will narrow action type to a type of given action-creator(s))_
864 |
865 |
866 | > **WARNING**: Regular action creators and [action](#action) will not work with this helper
867 |
868 | ```ts
869 | // can be used as a binary function
870 | isActionOf(actionCreator, action)
871 | // or as a curried function
872 | isActionOf(actionCreator)(action)
873 | // also accepts an array
874 | isActionOf([actionCreator1, actionCreator2, ...actionCreatorN], action)
875 | // with its curried equivalent
876 | isActionOf([actionCreator1, actionCreator2, ...actionCreatorN])(action)
877 | ```
878 |
879 | Examples:
880 | [> Advanced Usage Examples](src/is-action-of.spec.ts)
881 |
882 | ```ts
883 | import { addTodo, removeTodo } from './todos-actions';
884 |
885 | // Works with any filter type function (`Array.prototype.filter`, lodash, ramda, rxjs, etc.)
886 | // - single action
887 | [action1, action2, ...actionN]
888 | .filter(isActionOf(addTodo)) // only actions with type `ADD` will pass
889 | .map((action) => {
890 | // action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
891 | ...
892 |
893 | // - multiple actions
894 | [action1, action2, ...actionN]
895 | .filter(isActionOf([addTodo, removeTodo])) // only actions with type `ADD` or 'REMOVE' will pass
896 | .do((action) => {
897 | // action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/REMOVE"; payload: Todo; }
898 | ...
899 |
900 | // With conditional statements
901 | // - single action
902 | if(isActionOf(addTodo, action)) {
903 | return iAcceptOnlyTodoType(action.payload);
904 | // action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
905 | }
906 | // - multiple actions
907 | if(isActionOf([addTodo, removeTodo], action)) {
908 | return iAcceptOnlyTodoType(action.payload);
909 | // action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/REMOVE"; payload: Todo; }
910 | }
911 | ```
912 |
913 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
914 |
915 | #### `isOfType`
916 |
917 | _Check if action type property is equal given type-constant(s)
918 | (it will narrow action type to a type of given action-creator(s))_
919 |
920 | ```ts
921 | // can be used as a binary function
922 | isOfType(type, action)
923 | // or as curried function
924 | isOfType(type)(action)
925 | // also accepts an array
926 | isOfType([type1, type2, ...typeN], action)
927 | // with its curried equivalent
928 | isOfType([type1, type2, ...typeN])(action)
929 | ```
930 |
931 | Examples:
932 | [> Advanced Usage Examples](src/is-of-type.spec.ts)
933 |
934 | ```ts
935 | import { ADD, REMOVE } from './todos-types';
936 |
937 | // Works with any filter type function (`Array.prototype.filter`, lodash, ramda, rxjs, etc.)
938 | // - single action
939 | [action1, action2, ...actionN]
940 | .filter(isOfType(ADD)) // only actions with type `ADD` will pass
941 | .map((action) => {
942 | // action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
943 | ...
944 |
945 | // - multiple actions
946 | [action1, action2, ...actionN]
947 | .filter(isOfType([ADD, REMOVE])) // only actions with type `ADD` or 'REMOVE' will pass
948 | .do((action) => {
949 | // action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/REMOVE"; payload: Todo; }
950 | ...
951 |
952 | // With conditional statements
953 | // - single action
954 | if(isOfType(ADD, action)) {
955 | return iAcceptOnlyTodoType(action.payload);
956 | // action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; }
957 | }
958 | // - multiple actions
959 | if(isOfType([ADD, REMOVE], action)) {
960 | return iAcceptOnlyTodoType(action.payload);
961 | // action type is { type: "todos/ADD"; payload: Todo; } | { type: "todos/REMOVE"; payload: Todo; }
962 | }
963 | ```
964 |
965 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
966 |
967 | ---
968 |
969 | ### Type-Helpers API
970 | Below helper functions are very flexible generalizations, works great with nested structures and will cover numerous different use-cases.
971 |
972 | #### `ActionType`
973 |
974 | _Powerful type-helper that will infer union type from **import * as ...** or **action-creator map** object._
975 |
976 | ```ts
977 | import { ActionType } from 'typesafe-actions';
978 |
979 | // with "import * as ..."
980 | import * as todos from './actions';
981 | export type TodosAction = ActionType<typeof todos>;
982 | // TodosAction: { type: 'action1' } | { type: 'action2' } | { type: 'action3' }
983 |
984 | // with nested action-creator map case
985 | const actions = {
986 | action1: createAction('action1'),
987 | nested: {
988 | action2: createAction('action2'),
989 | moreNested: {
990 | action3: createAction('action3'),
991 | },
992 | },
993 | };
994 | export type RootAction = ActionType<typeof actions>;
995 | // RootAction: { type: 'action1' } | { type: 'action2' } | { type: 'action3' }
996 | ```
997 |
998 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
999 |
1000 | #### `StateType`
1001 |
1002 | _Powerful type helper that will infer state object type from **reducer function** and **nested/combined reducers**._
1003 |
1004 | > **WARNING**: working with redux@4+ types
1005 |
1006 | ```ts
1007 | import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
1008 | import { StateType } from 'typesafe-actions';
1009 |
1010 | // with reducer function
1011 | const todosReducer = (state: Todo[] = [], action: TodosAction) => {
1012 | switch (action.type) {
1013 | case getType(todos.add):
1014 | return [...state, action.payload];
1015 | ...
1016 | export type TodosState = StateType<typeof todosReducer>;
1017 |
1018 | // with nested/combined reducers
1019 | const rootReducer = combineReducers({
1020 | router: routerReducer,
1021 | counters: countersReducer,
1022 | });
1023 | export type RootState = StateType<typeof rootReducer>;
1024 | ```
1025 |
1026 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
1027 |
1028 | ---
1029 |
1030 | ## Migration Guides
1031 |
1032 | ### `v4.x.x` to `v5.x.x`
1033 |
1034 | **Breaking changes:**
1035 |
1036 | 1. In `v5` all the deprecated `v4` creator functions are available under `deprecated` named import to help with incremental migration.
1037 | ```ts
1038 | // before
1039 | import { createAction, createStandardAction, createCustomAction } from "typesafe-actions"
1040 |
1041 | // after
1042 | import { deprecated } from "typesafe-actions"
1043 | const { createAction, createStandardAction, createCustomAction } = deprecated;
1044 | ```
1045 |
1046 | 2. `createStandardAction` was renamed to `createAction` and `.map` method was removed in favor of simpler `redux-actions` style API.
1047 | ```ts
1048 | // before
1049 | const withMappedPayloadAndMeta = createStandardAction(
1051 | ).map(({ username, message }: Notification) => ({
1052 | payload: `${username}: ${message}`,
1053 | meta: { username, message },
1054 | }));
1055 |
1056 | // after
1057 | const withMappedPayloadAndMeta = createAction(
1059 | ({ username, message }: Notification) => `${username}: ${message}`, // payload creator
1060 | ({ username, message }: Notification) => ({ username, message }) // meta creator
1061 | )();
1062 | ```
1063 |
1064 | 3. `v4` version of `createAction` was removed. I suggest to refactor to use a new `createAction` as in point `2`, which was simplified and extended to support `redux-actions` style API.
1065 | ```ts
1066 | // before
1067 | const withPayloadAndMeta = createAction('CREATE_ACTION', resolve => {
1068 | return (id: number, token: string) => resolve(id, token);
1069 | });
1070 |
1071 | // after
1072 | const withPayloadAndMeta = createAction(
1074 | (id: number, token: string) => id, // payload creator
1075 | (id: number, token: string) => token // meta creator
1076 | })();
1077 | ```
1078 |
1079 | 4. `createCustomAction` - API was greatly simplified, now it's used like this:
1080 | ```ts
1081 | // before
1082 | const add = createCustomAction('CUSTOM', type => {
1083 | return (first: number, second: number) => ({ type, customProp1: first, customProp2: second });
1084 | });
1085 |
1086 | // after
1087 | const add = createCustomAction(
1088 | 'CUSTOM',
1089 | (first: number, second: number) => ({ customProp1: first, customProp2: second })
1090 | );
1091 | ```
1092 |
1093 | 5. `AsyncActionCreator` should be just renamed to `AsyncActionCreatorBuilder`.
1094 | ```ts
1095 | // before
1096 | import { AsyncActionCreator } from "typesafe-actions"
1097 |
1098 | //after
1099 | import { AsyncActionCreatorBuilder } from "typesafe-actions"
1100 | ```
1101 |
1102 | ### `v3.x.x` to `v4.x.x`
1103 |
1104 | **No breaking changes!**
1105 |
1106 | ### `v2.x.x` to `v3.x.x`
1107 |
1108 | Minimal supported TypeScript `v3.1+`.
1109 |
1110 | ### `v1.x.x` to `v2.x.x`
1111 |
1112 | **Breaking changes:**
1113 |
1114 | 1. `createAction`
1115 | - In `v2` we provide a `createActionDeprecated` function compatible with `v1` `createAction` to help with incremental migration.
1116 |
1117 | ```ts
1118 | // in v1 we created action-creator like this:
1119 | const getTodo = createAction('GET_TODO',
1120 | (id: string, meta: string) => ({
1121 | type: 'GET_TODO',
1122 | payload: id,
1123 | meta: meta,
1124 | })
1125 | );
1126 |
1127 | getTodo('some_id', 'some_meta'); // { type: 'GET_TODO', payload: 'some_id', meta: 'some_meta' }
1128 |
1129 | // in v2 we offer few different options - please choose your preference
1130 | const getTodoNoHelpers = (id: string, meta: string) => action('GET_TODO', id, meta);
1131 |
1132 | const getTodoWithHelpers = createAction('GET_TODO', action => {
1133 | return (id: string, meta: string) => action(id, meta);
1134 | });
1135 |
1136 | const getTodoFSA = createStandardAction('GET_TODO')<string, string>();
1137 |
1138 | const getTodoCustom = createStandardAction('GET_TODO').map(
1139 | ({ id, meta }: { id: string; meta: string; }) => ({
1140 | payload: id,
1141 | meta,
1142 | })
1143 | );
1144 | ```
1145 |
1146 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
1147 |
1148 | ### Migrating from `redux-actions` to `typesafe-actions`
1149 |
1150 | - createAction(s)
1151 |
1152 | ```ts
1153 | createAction(type, payloadCreator, metaCreator) => createStandardAction(type)() || createStandardAction(type).map(payloadMetaCreator)
1154 |
1155 | createActions() => // COMING SOON!
1156 | ```
1157 |
1158 | - handleAction(s)
1159 |
1160 | ```ts
1161 | handleAction(type, reducer, initialState) => createReducer(initialState).handleAction(type, reducer)
1162 |
1163 | handleActions(reducerMap, initialState) => createReducer(initialState, reducerMap)
1164 | ```
1165 |
1166 | > TIP: If migrating from JS -> TS, you can swap out action-creators from `redux-actions` with action-creators from `typesafe-actions` in your `handleActions` handlers. This works because the action-creators from `typesafe-actions` provide the same `toString` method implementation used by `redux-actions` to match actions to the correct reducer.
1167 |
1168 | - combineActions
1169 |
1170 | Not needed because each function in the API accept single value or array of values for action types or action creators.
1171 |
1172 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
1173 |
1174 | ---
1175 |
1176 | ## Compatibility Notes
1177 |
1178 | **TypeScript support**
1179 |
1180 | - `5.X.X` - TypeScript v3.2+
1181 | - `4.X.X` - TypeScript v3.2+
1182 | - `3.X.X` - TypeScript v3.2+
1183 | - `2.X.X` - TypeScript v2.9+
1184 | - `1.X.X` - TypeScript v2.7+
1185 |
1186 | **Browser support**
1187 |
1188 | It's compatible with all modern browsers.
1189 |
1190 | For older browsers support (e.g. IE <= 11) and some mobile devices you need to provide the following polyfills:
1191 | - [Object.assign](https://developer.mozilla.org/pl/docs/Web/JavaScript/Referencje/Obiekty/Object/assign#Polyfill)
1192 | - [Array.prototype.includes](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/includes)
1193 |
1194 | **Recommended polyfill for IE**
1195 |
1196 | To provide the best compatibility please include a popular polyfill package in your application, such as `core-js` or `react-app-polyfill` for `create-react-app`.
1197 | Please check the `React` guidelines to learn how to do that: [LINK](https://reactjs.org/docs/javascript-environment-requirements.html)
1198 | A polyfill fo IE11 is included in our `/codesandbox` application.
1199 |
1200 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
1201 |
1202 | ---
1203 |
1204 | ## Recipes
1205 |
1206 | ### Restrict Meta type in `action` creator
1207 | Using this recipe you can create an action creator with restricted Meta type with exact object shape.
1208 |
1209 | ```tsx
1210 | export type MetaType = {
1211 | analytics?: {
1212 | eventName: string;
1213 | };
1214 | };
1215 |
1216 | export const actionWithRestrictedMeta = <T extends string, P>(
1217 | type: T,
1218 | payload: P,
1219 | meta: MetaType
1220 | ) => action(type, payload, meta);
1221 |
1222 | export const validAction = (payload: string) =>
1223 | actionWithRestrictedMeta('type', payload, { analytics: { eventName: 'success' } }); // OK!
1224 |
1225 | export const invalidAction = (payload: string) =>
1226 | actionWithRestrictedMeta('type', payload, { analytics: { excessProp: 'no way!' } }); // Error
1227 | // Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'excessProp' does not exist in type '{ eventName: string; }
1228 | ```
1229 |
1230 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
1231 |
1232 | ---
1233 |
1234 | ## Compare to others
1235 |
1236 | Here you can find out a detailed comparison of `typesafe-actions` to other solutions.
1237 |
1238 | ### `redux-actions`
1239 | Lets compare the 3 most common variants of action-creators (with type only, with payload and with payload + meta)
1240 |
1241 | Note: tested with "@types/redux-actions": "2.2.3"
1242 |
1243 | **- with type only (no payload)**
1244 |
1245 | ##### redux-actions
1246 | ```ts
1247 | const notify1 = createAction('NOTIFY');
1248 | // resulting type:
1249 | // () => {
1250 | // type: string;
1251 | // payload: void | undefined;
1252 | // error: boolean | undefined;
1253 | // }
1254 | ```
1255 |
1256 | > with `redux-actions` you can notice the redundant nullable `payload` property and literal type of `type` property is lost (discrimination of union type would not be possible)
1257 |
1258 | ##### typesafe-actions
1259 | ```ts
1260 | const notify1 = () => action('NOTIFY');
1261 | // resulting type:
1262 | // () => {
1263 | // type: "NOTIFY";
1264 | // }
1265 | ```
1266 |
1267 | > with `typesafe-actions` there is no excess nullable types and no excess properties and the action "type" property is containing a literal type
1268 |
1269 | **- with payload**
1270 |
1271 | ##### redux-actions
1272 | ```ts
1273 | const notify2 = createAction('NOTIFY',
1274 | (username: string, message?: string) => ({
1275 | message: `${username}: ${message || 'Empty!'}`,
1276 | })
1277 | );
1278 | // resulting type:
1279 | // (t1: string) => {
1280 | // type: string;
1281 | // payload: { message: string; } | undefined;
1282 | // error: boolean | undefined;
1283 | // }
1284 | ```
1285 |
1286 | > first the optional `message` parameter is lost, `username` semantic argument name is changed to some generic `t1`, `type` property is widened once again and `payload` is nullable because of broken inference
1287 |
1288 | ##### typesafe-actions
1289 | ```ts
1290 | const notify2 = (username: string, message?: string) => action(
1291 | 'NOTIFY',
1292 | { message: `${username}: ${message || 'Empty!'}` },
1293 | );
1294 | // resulting type:
1295 | // (username: string, message?: string | undefined) => {
1296 | // type: "NOTIFY";
1297 | // payload: { message: string; };
1298 | // }
1299 | ```
1300 |
1301 | > `typesafe-actions` infer very precise resulting type, notice working optional parameters and semantic argument names are preserved which is really important for great intellisense experience
1302 |
1303 | **- with payload and meta**
1304 |
1305 | ##### redux-actions
1306 | ```ts
1307 | const notify3 = createAction('NOTIFY',
1308 | (username: string, message?: string) => (
1309 | { message: `${username}: ${message || 'Empty!'}` }
1310 | ),
1311 | (username: string, message?: string) => (
1312 | { username, message }
1313 | )
1314 | );
1315 | // resulting type:
1316 | // (...args: any[]) => {
1317 | // type: string;
1318 | // payload: { message: string; } | undefined;
1319 | // meta: { username: string; message: string | undefined; };
1320 | // error: boolean | undefined;
1321 | // }
1322 | ```
1323 |
1324 | > this time we got a completely broken arguments arity with no type-safety because of `any` type with all the earlier issues
1325 |
1326 | ##### typesafe-actions
1327 | ```ts
1328 | /**
1329 | * typesafe-actions
1330 | */
1331 | const notify3 = (username: string, message?: string) => action(
1332 | 'NOTIFY',
1333 | { message: `${username}: ${message || 'Empty!'}` },
1334 | { username, message },
1335 | );
1336 | // resulting type:
1337 | // (username: string, message?: string | undefined) => {
1338 | // type: "NOTIFY";
1339 | // payload: { message: string; };
1340 | // meta: { username: string; message: string | undefined; };
1341 | // }
1342 | ```
1343 |
1344 | > `typesafe-actions` never fail to `any` type, even with this advanced scenario all types are correct and provide complete type-safety and excellent developer experience
1345 |
1346 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
1347 |
1348 | ---
1349 |
1350 | ## Motivation
1351 |
1352 | When I started to combine Redux with TypeScript, I was trying to use [redux-actions](https://redux-actions.js.org/) to reduce the maintainability cost and boilerplate of **action-creators**. Unfortunately, the results were intimidating: incorrect type signatures and broken type-inference cascading throughout the entire code-base [(click here for a detailed comparison)](#redux-actions).
1353 |
1354 | Existing solutions in the wild have been either **too verbose because of redundant type annotations** (hard to maintain) or **used classes** (hinders readability and requires using the **new** keyword 😱)
1355 |
1356 | **So I created `typesafe-actions` to address all of the above pain points.**
1357 |
1358 | The core idea was to design an API that would mostly use the power of TypeScript **type-inference** 💪 to lift the "maintainability burden" of type annotations. In addition, I wanted to make it "look and feel" as close as possible to the idiomatic JavaScript ❤️ , so we don't have to write the redundant type annotations that which will create additional noise in your code.
1359 |
1360 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
1361 |
1362 | ---
1363 |
1364 | ## Contributing
1365 |
1366 | You can help make this project better by contributing. If you're planning to contribute please make sure to check our contributing guide: [CONTRIBUTING.md](/CONTRIBUTING.md)
1367 |
1368 | [⇧ back to top](#table-of-contents)
1369 |
1370 | ---
1371 |
1372 | ## Funding Issues
1373 |
1374 | You can also help by funding issues.
1375 | Issues like bug fixes or feature requests can be very quickly resolved when funded through the IssueHunt platform.
1376 |
1377 | I highly recommend to add a bounty to the issue that you're waiting for to increase priority and attract contributors willing to work on it.
1378 |
1379 | [![Let's fund issues in this repository](https://issuehunt.io/static/embed/issuehunt-button-v1.svg)](https://issuehunt.io/repos/110746954)
1380 |
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1382 |
1383 | ---
1384 |
1385 | ## License
1386 |
1387 | [MIT License](/LICENSE)
1388 |
1389 | Copyright (c) 2017 Piotr Witek <piotrek.witek@gmail.com> (http://piotrwitek.github.io)