3.66 kBJSONView Raw
2 // This file is published in the npm package, so projects using typescript-assistant can extend their rules from it.
3 "extends": [
4 "tslint:latest",
5 "./tslint-enabled-microsoft-rules.json",
6 "./tslint-sonarts-rules.json"
7 ],
8 "rules": {
9 // Disabled due to errors:
10 "align": false, // Rule is fixed, fixer/formatter is broken.
12 // Standard tslint rules adjustments to AFAS requirements:
13 "ban-types": {
14 "options": [
15 [ "Object", "Avoid using the `Object` type. Did you mean `object`?" ],
16 [ "Boolean", "Avoid using the `Boolean` type. Did you mean `boolean`?" ],
17 [ "Number", "Avoid using the `Number` type. Did you mean `number`?" ],
18 [ "String", "Avoid using the `String` type. Did you mean `string`?" ],
19 [ "Symbol", "Avoid using the `Symbol` type. Did you mean `symbol`?" ]
20 ]
21 },
22 "max-line-length": [
23 true,
24 {
25 "limit": 160,
26 "ignore-pattern": "^x?it\\("
27 }
28 ],
29 "object-literal-key-quotes": [
30 true,
31 "as-needed"
32 ],
33 "only-arrow-functions": [
34 true,
35 "allow-declarations",
36 "allow-named-functions"
37 ],
38 "prefer-for-of": true,
39 "trailing-comma": [
40 true,
41 {
42 "multiline": "never",
43 "singleline": "never"
44 }
45 ],
46 "triple-equals": true,
47 "quotemark": [
48 true,
49 "single",
50 "avoid-escape"
51 ],
52 "whitespace": [
53 true,
54 "check-branch",
55 "check-decl",
56 "check-operator",
57 "check-module",
58 "check-separator",
59 "check-type"
60 ], // No "check-typecast".
61 "use-default-type-parameter": true,
62 "one-variable-per-declaration": [true, "ignore-for-loop"],
64 // Disabled standard rules.
65 "array-type": false,
66 "arrow-parens": false,
67 "ban-comma-operator": false,
68 "completed-docs": false,
69 "cyclomatic-complexity": false,
70 "file-header": false,
71 "interface-name": false,
72 "match-default-export-name": false,
73 "max-file-line-count": false,
74 "newline-before-return": false,
75 "no-angle-bracket-type-assertion": false,
76 "no-any": false,
77 "no-duplicate-imports": false, // Problems when creating stubs and importing Interfaces
78 "no-empty-interface": false,
79 "no-floating-promises": true,
80 "no-implicit-dependencies": false, // TSA holds several of the dependencies for dependent projects, conflicting with this rule.
81 "no-magic-numbers": false,
82 "no-non-null-assertion": false,
83 "no-object-literal-type-assertion": false,
84 "no-sparse-arrays": false,
85 "no-string-literal": false,
86 "no-submodule-imports": false,
87 "no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper": false, // does not add value
88 "no-unsafe-any": false,
89 "no-unused-expression": false,
90 "no-use-before-declare": false,
91 "no-void-expression": [
92 true,
93 "ignore-arrow-function-shorthand"
94 ],
95 "object-literal-shorthand": false,
96 "object-literal-sort-keys": false,
97 "ordered-imports": false,
98 "prefer-conditional-expression": false,
99 "prefer-const": false,
100 "prefer-object-spread": false,
101 "promise-function-async": false,
102 "strict-boolean-expressions": false,
103 "switch-default": false,
104 "typedef": false,
105 "unified-signatures": false,
107 // Enabled non-standard rules.
108 "file-name-casing": [
109 true,
110 "kebab-case"
111 ],
112 "linebreak-style": [true, "LF"],
113 "no-default-export": true,
114 "no-inferrable-types": true,
115 "no-invalid-this": true,
116 "no-mergeable-namespace": true,
117 "no-null-keyword": true,
118 "restrict-plus-operands": true,
119 "prefer-template": true,
120 "prefer-method-signature": true
121 }