1 | # typescript-json-schema
2 |
3 | [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/typescript-json-schema.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/typescript-json-schema) ![Test](https://github.com/YousefED/typescript-json-schema/workflows/Test/badge.svg)
4 |
5 | Generate json-schemas from your Typescript sources.
6 |
7 | ## Features
8 |
9 | - Compiles your Typescript program to get complete type information.
10 | - Translates required properties, extends, annotation keywords, property initializers as defaults. You can find examples for these features in the [api doc](https://github.com/YousefED/typescript-json-schema/tree/master/api.md) or the [test examples](https://github.com/YousefED/typescript-json-schema/tree/master/test/programs).
11 |
12 | ## Usage
13 |
14 | ### Command line
15 |
16 | - Install with `npm install typescript-json-schema -g`
17 | - Generate schema from a typescript type: `typescript-json-schema project/directory/tsconfig.json TYPE`
18 |
19 | To generate files for only _some_ types in `tsconfig.json` specify
20 | filenames or globs with the `--include` option. This is especially useful for large projects.
21 |
22 | In case no `tsconfig.json` is available for your project, you can directly specify the .ts files (this in this case we use some built-in compiler presets):
23 |
24 | - Generate schema from a typescript type: `typescript-json-schema "project/directory/**/*.ts" TYPE`
25 |
26 | The `TYPE` can either be a single, fully qualified type or `"*"` to generate the schema for all types.
27 |
28 | ```
29 | Usage: typescript-json-schema <path-to-typescript-files-or-tsconfig> <type>
30 |
31 | Options:
32 | --refs Create shared ref definitions. [boolean] [default: true]
33 | --aliasRefs Create shared ref definitions for the type aliases. [boolean] [default: false]
34 | --topRef Create a top-level ref definition. [boolean] [default: false]
35 | --titles Creates titles in the output schema. [boolean] [default: false]
36 | --defaultProps Create default properties definitions. [boolean] [default: false]
37 | --noExtraProps Disable additional properties in objects by default. [boolean] [default: false]
38 | --propOrder Create property order definitions. [boolean] [default: false]
39 | --required Create required array for non-optional properties. [boolean] [default: false]
40 | --strictNullChecks Make values non-nullable by default. [boolean] [default: false]
41 | --esModuleInterop Use esModuleInterop when loading typescript modules. [boolean] [default: false]
42 | --skipLibCheck Use skipLibCheck when loading typescript modules. [boolean] [default: false]
43 | --useTypeOfKeyword Use `typeOf` keyword (https://goo.gl/DC6sni) for functions. [boolean] [default: false]
44 | --out, -o The output file, defaults to using stdout
45 | --validationKeywords Provide additional validation keywords to include [array] [default: []]
46 | --include Further limit tsconfig to include only matching files [array] [default: []]
47 | --ignoreErrors Generate even if the program has errors. [boolean] [default: false]
48 | --excludePrivate Exclude private members from the schema [boolean] [default: false]
49 | --uniqueNames Use unique names for type symbols. [boolean] [default: false]
50 | --rejectDateType Rejects Date fields in type definitions. [boolean] [default: false]
51 | --id Set schema id. [string] [default: ""]
52 | --defaultNumberType Default number type. [choices: "number", "integer"] [default: "number"]
53 | --tsNodeRegister Use ts-node/register (needed for require typescript files). [boolean] [default: false]
54 | --constAsEnum Use enums with a single value when declaring constants. [boolean] [default: false]
55 | --experimentalDecorators Use experimentalDecorators when loading typescript modules.
56 | [boolean] [default: true]
57 | ```
58 |
59 | ### Programmatic use
60 |
61 | ```ts
62 | import { resolve } from "path";
63 |
64 | import * as TJS from "typescript-json-schema";
65 |
66 | // optionally pass argument to schema generator
67 | const settings: TJS.PartialArgs = {
68 | required: true,
69 | };
70 |
71 | // optionally pass ts compiler options
72 | const compilerOptions: TJS.CompilerOptions = {
73 | strictNullChecks: true,
74 | };
75 |
76 | // optionally pass a base path
77 | const basePath = "./my-dir";
78 |
79 | const program = TJS.getProgramFromFiles(
80 | [resolve("my-file.ts")],
81 | compilerOptions,
82 | basePath
83 | );
84 |
85 | // We can either get the schema for one file and one type...
86 | const schema = TJS.generateSchema(program, "MyType", settings);
87 |
88 | // ... or a generator that lets us incrementally get more schemas
89 |
90 | const generator = TJS.buildGenerator(program, settings);
91 |
92 | // generator can be also reused to speed up generating the schema if usecase allows:
93 | const schemaWithReusedGenerator = TJS.generateSchema(program, "MyType", settings, [], generator);
94 |
95 | // all symbols
96 | const symbols = generator.getUserSymbols();
97 |
98 | // Get symbols for different types from generator.
99 | generator.getSchemaForSymbol("MyType");
100 | generator.getSchemaForSymbol("AnotherType");
101 | ```
102 |
103 | ```ts
104 | // In larger projects type names may not be unique,
105 | // while unique names may be enabled.
106 | const settings: TJS.PartialArgs = {
107 | uniqueNames: true,
108 | };
109 |
110 | const generator = TJS.buildGenerator(program, settings);
111 |
112 | // A list of all types of a given name can then be retrieved.
113 | const symbolList = generator.getSymbols("MyType");
114 |
115 | // Choose the appropriate type, and continue with the symbol's unique name.
116 | generator.getSchemaForSymbol(symbolList[1].name);
117 |
118 | // Also it is possible to get a list of all symbols.
119 | const fullSymbolList = generator.getSymbols();
120 | ```
121 |
122 | `getSymbols('<SymbolName>')` and `getSymbols()` return an array of `SymbolRef`, which is of the following format:
123 |
124 | ```ts
125 | type SymbolRef = {
126 | name: string;
127 | typeName: string;
128 | fullyQualifiedName: string;
129 | symbol: ts.Symbol;
130 | };
131 | ```
132 |
133 | `getUserSymbols` and `getMainFileSymbols` return an array of `string`.
134 |
135 | ### Annotations
136 |
137 | The schema generator converts annotations to JSON schema properties.
138 |
139 | For example
140 |
141 | ```ts
142 | export interface Shape {
143 | /**
144 | * The size of the shape.
145 | *
146 | * @minimum 0
147 | * @TJS-type integer
148 | */
149 | size: number;
150 | }
151 | ```
152 |
153 | will be translated to
154 |
155 | ```json
156 | {
157 | "$ref": "#/definitions/Shape",
158 | "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
159 | "definitions": {
160 | "Shape": {
161 | "properties": {
162 | "size": {
163 | "description": "The size of the shape.",
164 | "minimum": 0,
165 | "type": "integer"
166 | }
167 | },
168 | "type": "object"
169 | }
170 | }
171 | }
172 | ```
173 |
174 | Note that we needed to use `@TJS-type` instead of just `@type` because of an [issue with the typescript compiler](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/13498).
175 |
176 | You can also override the type of array items, either listing each field in its own annotation or one
177 | annotation with the full JSON of the spec (for special cases). This replaces the item types that would
178 | have been inferred from the TypeScript type of the array elements.
179 |
180 | Example:
181 |
182 | ```ts
183 | export interface ShapesData {
184 | /**
185 | * Specify individual fields in items.
186 | *
187 | * @items.type integer
188 | * @items.minimum 0
189 | */
190 | sizes: number[];
191 |
192 | /**
193 | * Or specify a JSON spec:
194 | *
195 | * @items {"type":"string","format":"email"}
196 | */
197 | emails: string[];
198 | }
199 | ```
200 |
201 | Translation:
202 |
203 | ```json
204 | {
205 | "$ref": "#/definitions/ShapesData",
206 | "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
207 | "definitions": {
208 | "Shape": {
209 | "properties": {
210 | "sizes": {
211 | "description": "Specify individual fields in items.",
212 | "items": {
213 | "minimum": 0,
214 | "type": "integer"
215 | },
216 | "type": "array"
217 | },
218 | "emails": {
219 | "description": "Or specify a JSON spec:",
220 | "items": {
221 | "format": "email",
222 | "type": "string"
223 | },
224 | "type": "array"
225 | }
226 | },
227 | "type": "object"
228 | }
229 | }
230 | }
231 | ```
232 |
233 | This same syntax can be used for `contains` and `additionalProperties`.
234 |
235 | ### `integer` type alias
236 |
237 | If you create a type alias `integer` for `number` it will be mapped to the `integer` type in the generated JSON schema.
238 |
239 | Example:
240 |
241 | ```typescript
242 | type integer = number;
243 | interface MyObject {
244 | n: integer;
245 | }
246 | ```
247 |
248 | Note: this feature doesn't work for generic types & array types, it mainly works in very simple cases.
249 |
250 | ### `require` a variable from a file
251 |
252 | (for requiring typescript files is needed to set argument `tsNodeRegister` to true)
253 |
254 | When you want to import for example an object or an array into your property defined in annotation, you can use `require`.
255 |
256 | Example:
257 |
258 | ```ts
259 | export interface InnerData {
260 | age: number;
261 | name: string;
262 | free: boolean;
263 | }
264 |
265 | export interface UserData {
266 | /**
267 | * Specify required object
268 | *
269 | * @examples require("./example.ts").example
270 | */
271 | data: InnerData;
272 | }
273 | ```
274 |
275 | file `example.ts`
276 |
277 | ```ts
278 | export const example: InnerData[] = [{
279 | age: 30,
280 | name: "Ben",
281 | free: false
282 | }]
283 | ```
284 |
285 | Translation:
286 |
287 | ```json
288 | {
289 | "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
290 | "properties": {
291 | "data": {
292 | "description": "Specify required object",
293 | "examples": [
294 | {
295 | "age": 30,
296 | "name": "Ben",
297 | "free": false
298 | }
299 | ],
300 | "type": "object",
301 | "properties": {
302 | "age": { "type": "number" },
303 | "name": { "type": "string" },
304 | "free": { "type": "boolean" }
305 | },
306 | "required": ["age", "free", "name"]
307 | }
308 | },
309 | "required": ["data"],
310 | "type": "object"
311 | }
312 | ```
313 |
314 | Also you can use `require(".").example`, which will try to find exported variable with name 'example' in current file. Or you can use `require("./someFile.ts")`, which will try to use default exported variable from 'someFile.ts'.
315 |
316 | Note: For `examples` a required variable must be an array.
317 |
318 | ## Background
319 |
320 | Inspired and builds upon [Typson](https://github.com/lbovet/typson/), but typescript-json-schema is compatible with more recent Typescript versions. Also, since it uses the Typescript compiler internally, more advanced scenarios are possible. If you are looking for a library that uses the AST instead of the type hierarchy and therefore better support for type aliases, have a look at [vega/ts-json-schema-generator](https://github.com/vega/ts-json-schema-generator).
321 |
322 | ## Debugging
323 |
324 | `npm run debug -- test/programs/type-alias-single/main.ts --aliasRefs true MyString`
325 |
326 | And connect via the debugger protocol.