1 | # typescript-memoize
2 |
3 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/typescript-memoize)
4 | [](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/darrylhodgins/typescript-memoize/master/LICENSE)
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6 |
7 | A memoize decorator for Typescript.
8 |
9 | ## Installation
10 |
11 | ```
12 | npm install --save typescript-memoize
13 | ```
14 |
15 | ## Usage:
16 |
17 | ```typescript
18 | @Memoize(hashFunction?: (...args: any[]) => any)
19 | ```
20 |
21 | You can use it in four ways:
22 |
23 | * Memoize a `get` accessor,
24 | * Memoize a method which takes no parameters,
25 | * Memoize a method which varies based on its first parameter only,
26 | * Memoize a method which varies based on some combination of parameters
27 |
28 | You can call memoized methods *within* the same class, too. This could be useful if you want to memoize the return value for an entire data set, and also a filtered or mapped version of that same set.
29 |
30 | ## Memoize a `get` accessor, or a method which takes no parameters
31 |
32 | These both work the same way. Subsequent calls to a memoized method without parameters, or to a `get` accessor, always return the same value.
33 |
34 | I generally consider it an anti-pattern for a call to a `get` accessor to trigger an expensive operation. Simply adding `Memoize()` to a `get` allows for seamless lazy-loading.
35 |
36 | ```typescript
37 | import {Memoize,MemoizeExpiring} from 'typescript-memoize';
38 |
39 | class SimpleFoo {
40 |
41 | // Memoize a method without parameters
42 | @Memoize()
43 | public getAllTheData() {
44 | // do some expensive operation to get data
45 | return data;
46 | }
47 |
48 | // Memoize a method and expire the value after some time in milliseconds
49 | @MemoizeExpiring(5000)
50 | public getDataForSomeTime() {
51 | // do some expensive operation to get data
52 | return data;
53 | }
54 |
55 | // Memoize a getter
56 | @Memoize()
57 | public get someValue() {
58 | // do some expensive operation to calculate value
59 | return value;
60 | }
61 |
62 | }
63 | ```
64 |
65 | And then we call them from somewhere else in our code:
66 |
67 | ```typescript
68 | let simpleFoo = new SimpleFoo();
69 |
70 | // Memoizes a calculated value and returns it:
71 | let methodVal1 = simpleFoo.getAllTheData();
72 |
73 | // Returns memoized value
74 | let methodVal2 = simpleFoo.getAllTheData();
75 |
76 | // Memoizes (lazy-loads) a calculated value and returns it:
77 | let getterVal1 = simpleFoo.someValue;
78 |
79 | // Returns memoized value
80 | let getterVal2 = simpleFoo.someValue;
81 |
82 | ```
83 |
84 | ## Memoize a method which varies based on its first parameter only
85 |
86 | Subsequent calls to this style of memoized method will always return the same value.
87 |
88 | I'm not really sure why anyone would use this approach to memoize a method with *more* than one parameter, but it's possible.
89 |
90 | ```typescript
91 | import {Memoize} from 'typescript-memoize';
92 |
93 | class ComplicatedFoo {
94 |
95 | // Memoize a method without parameters (just like the first example)
96 | @Memoize()
97 | public getAllTheData() {
98 | // do some expensive operation to get data
99 | return data;
100 | }
101 |
102 | // Memoize a method with one parameter
103 | @Memoize()
104 | public getSomeOfTheData(id: number) {
105 | let allTheData = this.getAllTheData(); // if you want to!
106 | // do some expensive operation to get data
107 | return data;
108 | }
109 |
110 | // Memoize a method with multiple parameters
111 | // Only the first parameter will be used for memoization
112 | @Memoize()
113 | public getGreeting(name: string, planet: string) {
114 | return 'Hello, ' + name + '! Welcome to ' + planet;
115 | }
116 |
117 | }
118 | ```
119 |
120 | We call these methods from somewhere else in our code:
121 |
122 | ```typescript
123 | let complicatedFoo = new ComplicatedFoo();
124 |
125 | // Returns calculated value and memoizes it:
126 | let oneParam1 = complicatedFoo.getSomeOfTheData();
127 |
128 | // Returns memoized value
129 | let oneParam2 = complicatedFoo.getSomeOfTheData();
130 |
131 | // Memoizes a calculated value and returns it:
132 | // 'Hello, Darryl! Welcome to Earth'
133 | let greeterVal1 = complicatedFoo.getGreeting('Darryl', 'Earth');
134 |
135 | // Ignores the second parameter, and returns memoized value
136 | // 'Hello, Darryl! Welcome to Earth'
137 | let greeterVal2 = complicatedFoo.getGreeting('Darryl', 'Mars');
138 | ```
139 |
140 | ## Memoize a method which varies based on some combination of parameters
141 |
142 | Pass in a `hashFunction` which takes the same parameters as your target method, to memoize values based on all parameters, or some other custom logic
143 |
144 | ```typescript
145 | import {Memoize} from 'typescript-memoize';
146 |
147 | class MoreComplicatedFoo {
148 |
149 | // Memoize a method with multiple parameters
150 | // Memoize will remember values based on keys like: 'name;planet'
151 | @Memoize((name: string, planet: string) => {
152 | return name + ';' + planet;
153 | })
154 | public getBetterGreeting(name: string, planet: string) {
155 | return 'Hello, ' + name + '! Welcome to ' + planet;
156 | }
157 |
158 | // Memoize based on some other logic
159 | @Memoize(() => {
160 | return new Date();
161 | })
162 | public memoryLeak(greeting: string) {
163 | return greeting + '!!!!!';
164 | }
165 |
166 | // Memoize also accepts parameters via a single object argument
167 | @Memoize({
168 | expiring: 10000, // milliseconds
169 | hashFunction: (name: string, planet: string) => {
170 | return name + ';' + planet;
171 | }
172 | })
173 | public getSameBetterGreeting(name: string, planet: string) {
174 | return 'Hello, ' + name + '! Welcome to ' + planet;
175 | }
176 |
177 | }
178 | ```
179 |
180 | We call these methods from somewhere else in our code. By now you should be getting the idea:
181 |
182 | ```typescript
183 | let moreComplicatedFoo = new MoreComplicatedFoo();
184 |
185 | // 'Hello, Darryl! Welcome to Earth'
186 | let greeterVal1 = moreComplicatedFoo.getBetterGreeting('Darryl', 'Earth');
187 |
188 | // 'Hello, Darryl! Welcome to Mars'
189 | let greeterVal2 = moreComplicatedFoo.getBetterGreeting('Darryl', 'Mars');
190 |
191 | // Fill up the computer with useless greetings:
192 | let greeting = moreComplicatedFoo.memoryLeak('Hello');
193 |
194 | ```
195 |
196 | ## Memoize accepts one or more "tag" strings that allow the cache to be invalidated on command
197 |
198 | Passing an array with one or more "tag" strings these will allow you to later clear the cache of results associated with methods or the `get`accessors using the `clear()` function.
199 |
200 | The `clear()` function also requires an array of "tag" strings.
201 |
202 | ```typescript
203 | import {Memoize} from 'typescript-memoize';
204 |
205 | class ClearableFoo {
206 |
207 | // Memoize accepts tags
208 | @Memoize({ tags: ["foo", "bar"] })
209 | public getClearableGreeting(name: string, planet: string) {
210 | return 'Hello, ' + name + '! Welcome to ' + planet;
211 | }
212 |
213 |
214 | // Memoize accepts tags
215 | @Memoize({ tags: ["bar"] })
216 | public getClearableSum(a: number, b: number) {
217 | return a + b;
218 | }
219 |
220 | }
221 | ```
222 |
223 | We call these methods from somewhere else in our code.
224 |
225 | ```typescript
226 | import {clear} from 'typescript-memoize';
227 |
228 | let clearableFoo = new ClearableFoo();
229 |
230 | // 'Hello, Darryl! Welcome to Earth'
231 | let greeterVal1 = clearableFoo.getClearableGreeting('Darryl', 'Earth');
232 |
233 | // Ignores the second parameter, and returns memoized value
234 | // 'Hello, Darryl! Welcome to Earth'
235 | let greeterVal2 = clearableFoo.getClearableGreeting('Darryl', 'Mars');
236 |
237 | // '3'
238 | let sum1 = clearableFoo.getClearableSum(2, 1);
239 |
240 | // Ignores the second parameter, and returns memoized value
241 | // '3'
242 | let sum2 = clearableFoo.getClearableSum(2, 2);
243 |
244 | clear(["foo"]);
245 |
246 | // The memoized values are cleared, return a new value
247 | // 'Hello, Darryl! Welcome to Mars'
248 | let greeterVal3 = clearableFoo.getClearableGreeting('Darryl', 'Mars');
249 |
250 |
251 | // The memoized value is not associated with 'foo' tag, returns memoized value
252 | // '3'
253 | let sum3 = clearableFoo.getClearableSum(2, 2);
254 |
255 | clear(["bar"]);
256 |
257 | // The memoized values are cleared, return a new value
258 | // 'Hello, Darryl! Welcome to Earth'
259 | let greeterVal4 = clearableFoo.getClearableGreeting('Darryl', 'Earth');
260 |
261 |
262 | // The memoized values are cleared, return a new value
263 | // '4'
264 | let sum4 = clearableFoo.getClearableSum(2, 2);
265 |
266 | ```