1 | # `typescript-plugin-styled-components`
2 |
3 | This is a TypeScript transformer that improves development experience of [`styled-components`](https://www.styled-components.com/).
4 |
5 | The main purpose is to provide compile-time information of creates styled components, such as names of these components, for the run-time, allowing to operate with proper names of such the components.
6 |
7 | The plugin was mostly inspired by great Babel's plugin [`babel-plugin-styled-components`](https://github.com/styled-components/babel-plugin-styled-components) and partially provides similar functionality for TypeScript users.
8 |
9 | If you like it, consider [![Buy me a coffee](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/assets/img/custom_images/yellow_img.png)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/igorbek)
10 |
11 | Note: This transformer will be useful to you only when you are transpiling your TS code using actual TS compiler, like `tsc` `ts-loader` or `awesome-typescript-loader`. If your TS code is transpiled using [`babel-plugin-transform-typescript`](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-transform-typescript), you should use [`babel-plugin-styled-components`](https://github.com/styled-components/babel-plugin-styled-components) instead.
12 |
13 | # Installation
14 |
15 | The following command adds the packages to the project as a development-time dependency:
16 |
17 | <pre><code><strong>yarn</strong> add <em>typescript-plugin-styled-components</em> --dev</code></pre>
18 |
19 | # Documentation
20 |
21 | - [Integration with `Webpack`](#Integration-with-Webpack)
22 | - [`awesome-typescript-loader`](#awesome-typescript-loader)
23 | - [`ts-loader`](#ts-loader)
24 | - [Forked process configuration](#Forked-process-configuration)
25 | - [Integration with `Rollup`](#Integration-with-Rollup)
26 | - [TypeScript compiler (CLI)](#TypeScript-compiler-CLI)
27 | - [`ttypescript` compiler](#ttypescript-compiler)
28 | - [API](#API)
29 | - [`createTransformer`](#createTransformer)
30 | - [`Options`](#Options)
31 | - [Notes](#Notes)
32 |
33 | # Integration with `Webpack`
34 |
35 | This section describes how to integrate the plugin into the build/bundling process driven by [**Webpack**](https://webpack.js.org/) and its TypeScript loaders.
36 |
37 | There are two popular TypeScript loaders that support specifying custom transformers:
38 |
39 | - [**awesome-typescript-loader**](https://github.com/s-panferov/awesome-typescript-loader), supports custom transformers since v3.1.3
40 | - [**ts-loader**](https://github.com/TypeStrong/ts-loader), supports custom transformers since v2.2.0
41 |
42 | Both loaders use the same setting `getCustomTransformers` which is an optional function that returns `{ before?: Transformer[], after?: Transformer[] }`.
43 | In order to inject the transformer into compilation, add it to `before` transformers array, like: `{ before: [styledComponentsTransformer] }`.
44 |
45 | ## `awesome-typescript-loader`
46 |
47 | In the `webpack.config.js` file in the section where **awesome-typescript-loader** is configured as a loader:
48 |
49 | ```js
50 | // 1. import default from the plugin module
51 | const createStyledComponentsTransformer = require('typescript-plugin-styled-components').default;
52 |
53 | // 2. create a transformer;
54 | // the factory additionally accepts an options object which described below
55 | const styledComponentsTransformer = createStyledComponentsTransformer();
56 |
57 | // 3. add getCustomTransformer method to the loader config
58 | var config = {
59 | ...
60 | module: {
61 | rules: [
62 | {
63 | test: /\.tsx?$/,
64 | loader: 'awesome-typescript-loader',
65 | options: {
66 | ... // other loader's options
67 | getCustomTransformers: () => ({ before: [styledComponentsTransformer] })
68 | }
69 | }
70 | ]
71 | }
72 | ...
73 | };
74 | ```
75 |
76 | Please note, that in the development mode, `awesome-typescript-loader` uses multiple separate processes to speed up compilation. In that mode the above configuration cannot work because functions, which `getCustomTransformers` is, are not transferrable between processes.
77 | To solve this please refer to [Forked process configuration](#forked-process-configuration) section.
78 |
79 | ## `ts-loader`
80 |
81 | In the `webpack.config.js` file in the section where **ts-loader** is configured as a loader:
82 |
83 | ```js
84 | // 1. import default from the plugin module
85 | const createStyledComponentsTransformer = require('typescript-plugin-styled-components').default;
86 |
87 | // 2. create a transformer;
88 | // the factory additionally accepts an options object which described below
89 | const styledComponentsTransformer = createStyledComponentsTransformer();
90 |
91 | // 3. add getCustomTransformer method to the loader config
92 | var config = {
93 | ...
94 | module: {
95 | rules: [
96 | {
97 | test: /\.tsx?$/,
98 | loader: 'ts-loader',
99 | options: {
100 | ... // other loader's options
101 | getCustomTransformers: () => ({ before: [styledComponentsTransformer] })
102 | }
103 | }
104 | ]
105 | }
106 | ...
107 | };
108 | ```
109 |
110 | Please note, when `awesome-typescript-loader` is used with `HappyPack` or `thread-loader`, they use multiple separate processes to speed up compilation. In that mode the above configuration cannot work because functions, which `getCustomTransformers` is, are not transferrable between processes.
111 | To solve this please refer to [Forked process configuration](#forked-process-configuration) section.
112 |
113 | ## Forked process configuration
114 |
115 | To configure the transformer for development mode in `awesome-typescript-loader` or `ts-loader` with `HappyPack` or `thread-loader`, you need to make `getCustomTransformers` a resolvable module name instead of the function. Since the configuration is very similar, here's an example:
116 |
117 | ### 1. Move `styledComponentsTransformer` into a separate file
118 |
119 | Let's assume it is in the same folder as your `webpack.config` and has name `webpack.ts-transformers.js`:
120 | ```js
121 | // 1. import default from the plugin module
122 | const createStyledComponentsTransformer = require('typescript-plugin-styled-components').default;
123 |
124 | // 2. create a transformer;
125 | // the factory additionally accepts an options object which described below
126 | const styledComponentsTransformer = createStyledComponentsTransformer();
127 |
128 | // 3. create getCustomTransformer function
129 | const getCustomTransformers = () => ({ before: [styledComponentsTransformer] });
130 |
131 | // 4. export getCustomTransformers
132 | module.exports = getCustomTransformers;
133 | ```
134 |
135 | ### 2. Change the loader's options to point to that file instead of explicit function
136 |
137 | ```diff
138 | -const createStyledComponentsTransformer = require('typescript-plugin-styled-components').default;
139 | -const styledComponentsTransformer = createStyledComponentsTransformer();
140 |
141 | options: {
142 | ... // other loader's options
143 | - getCustomTransformers: () => ({ before: [styledComponentsTransformer] })
144 | + getCustomTransformers: path.join(__dirname, './webpack.ts-transformers.js')
145 | }
146 | ```
147 |
148 | # Integration with `Rollup`
149 |
150 | This section describes how to integrate the plugin into the build/bundling process driven by [**Rollup**](https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/) and its TypeScript loader - [**rollup-plugin-typescript2**](https://github.com/Igorbek/typescript-plugin-styled-components).
151 |
152 | In the `rollup.config.js` file in the section where **rollup-plugin-typescript2** is configured as a loader:
153 |
154 | ```js
155 | // 1. import default from the plugin module
156 | const createStyledComponentsTransformer = require('typescript-plugin-styled-components').default;
157 |
158 | // 2. create a transformer;
159 | // the factory additionally accepts an options object which described below
160 | const styledComponentsTransformer = createStyledComponentsTransformer();
161 |
162 | // 3. add getCustomTransformer method to the loader config
163 | var config = {
164 | ...
165 | plugins: [
166 | rollupTypescript({
167 | ...
168 | transformers: [
169 | () => ({
170 | before: [styledComponentsTransformer],
171 | }),
172 | ],
173 | }),
174 | ...
175 | ],
176 | ...
177 | };
178 | ```
179 |
180 | # TypeScript compiler (CLI)
181 |
182 | TypeScript command line compiler tool (`tsc`) does not support using of pluggable modules and transformers.
183 | For that reason there are other tools created that do support pluggable transformers. See [`ttypescript` compiler](#ttypescript-compiler) section.
184 |
185 | # `ttypescript` compiler
186 |
187 | The [`ttypescript` compiler](https://github.com/cevek/ttypescript) is a CLI tool that allows to use TypeScript compiler with pluggable transformers.
188 | To use the transformer with that tool you can configure it by updating `tsconfig.json` the following way:
189 |
190 | ```js
191 | {
192 | "compilerOptions": {
193 | "plugins": [
194 | {
195 | "transform": "typescript-plugin-styled-components",
196 | "type": "config",
197 |
198 | // other typescript-plugin-styled-components options can be added here
199 | "minify": true,
200 | "ssr": true
201 | }
202 | ]
203 | }
204 | }
205 | ```
206 |
207 | # API
208 |
209 | ## `createTransformer`
210 |
211 | ```ts
212 | function createTransformer(options?: Partial<Options>): TransformerFactory<SourceFile>;
213 | ```
214 |
215 | A factory that creates an instance of a TypeScript transformer (which is a factory itself).
216 |
217 | It allows to optionally pass options that allow to tweak transformer's behavior. See `Options` for details.
218 |
219 | ## `Options`
220 |
221 | ```ts
222 | interface Options {
223 | getDisplayName(filename: string, bindingName: string | undefined): string | undefined;
224 | identifiers: CustomStyledIdentifiers;
225 | ssr: boolean;
226 | displayName: boolean;
227 | minify: boolean;
228 | componentIdPrefix: string;
229 | }
230 | ```
231 |
232 | ### `getDisplayName`
233 |
234 | This method is used to determine component display name from filename and its binding name.
235 |
236 | `filename` is the file name, relative to the project base directory, of the file where the styled component defined.
237 |
238 | `bindingName` is the name that is used in the source code to bind the component. It can be `null` if the component was not bound or assigned.
239 |
240 | Default strategy is to use `bindingName` if it's defined and use inference algorithm from `filename` otherwise.
241 |
242 | Sample:
243 | ```js
244 | function getStyledComponentDisplay(filename, bindingName) {
245 | return bindingName || makePascalCase(filename);
246 | }
247 | ```
248 |
249 | ### `ssr`
250 |
251 | By adding a unique identifier to every styled component, this plugin avoids checksum mismatches
252 | due to different class generation on the client and on the server.
253 |
254 | This option allows to disable component id generation by setting it to `false`.
255 |
256 | Default value is `true` which means that component id is being injected.
257 |
258 | ### `displayName`
259 |
260 | This option enhances the attached CSS class name on each component with richer output
261 | to help identify your components in the DOM without React DevTools.
262 |
263 | It also adds allows you to see the component's `displayName` in React DevTools.
264 |
265 | To disable `displayName` generation set this option to `false`
266 |
267 | Default value is `true` which means that display name is being injected.
268 |
269 | ### `minify`
270 |
271 | The option allows to turn on minification of inline styles used in styled components.
272 | It is similar to [`babel-plugin-styled-components`](https://github.com/styled-components/babel-plugin-styled-components)'s same option.
273 | The minification is not exactly the same and may produce slightly different results.
274 |
275 | :warning: **Warning**: The minification is an experimental feature, please use with care.
276 |
277 | Default value is `false` which means the minification is not being performed.
278 |
279 | ### `componentIdPrefix`
280 |
281 | To avoid colisions when running more than one insance of typescript-plugin-styled-components at a time, you can add a componentIdPrefix by providing an arbitrary string to this option.
282 |
283 | Default value is `''` which means that no namespacing will happen.
284 |
285 | ### `identifiers`
286 |
287 | This option allows to customize identifiers used by `styled-components` API functions.
288 |
289 | > **Warning**. By providing custom identifiers, predefined ones are not added automatically.
290 | > Make sure you add standard APIs in case you meant to use them.
291 |
292 | ```ts
293 | interface CustomStyledIdentifiers {
294 | styled: string[];
295 | attrs: string[];
296 | keyframes: string[];
297 | css: string[];
298 | createGlobalStyle: string[];
299 | extend: string[];
300 | }
301 | ```
302 |
303 | - `styled` - list of identifiers of `styled` API (default `['styled']`)
304 | - `attrs` - list of identifiers of `attrs` API (default `['attrs']`)
305 | - `keyframes` - list of identifiers of `keyframes` API (default `['keyframes']`)
306 | - `css` - list of identifiers of `css` API (default `['css']`)
307 | - `createGlobalStyle` - list of identifiers of `createGlobalStyle` API (default `['createGlobalStyle']`)
308 | - `extend` - list of identifiers of `extend` API (default `[]`). Note this API has been deprecated in `styled-components` so starting from `1.5` this option by default has empty set, which means it does not recognize this API by default.
309 |
310 | Example
311 |
312 | ```ts
313 | const styledComponentsTransformer = createStyledComponentsTransformer({
314 | identifiers: {
315 | styled: ['styled', 'typedStyled'] // typedStyled is an additional identifier of styled API
316 | }
317 | });
318 | ```
319 |
320 | # Notes
321 |
322 | Technically, `typescript-plugin-styled-components` is not a TypeScript plugin, since it is only exposed as a TypeScript transformer.