6.56 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
3 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
6const path_1 = __importDefault(require("path"));
7const typescript_1 = __importDefault(require("typescript"));
8const types_1 = require("./types");
9const visitor_1 = require("./visitor");
10const harmony_1 = require("./harmony");
11const minimatch_1 = require("minimatch");
12const ts_helpers_1 = require("./utils/ts-helpers");
13/* ****************************************************************************************************************** */
14// region: Helpers
15/* ****************************************************************************************************************** */
16function getTsProperties(args) {
17 var _a, _b;
18 let tsInstance;
19 let fileNames;
20 let compilerOptions;
21 let runMode;
22 let tsNodeState;
23 const { 0: program, 2: extras, 3: manualTransformOptions } = args;
24 tsInstance = (_a = extras === null || extras === void 0 ? void 0 : extras.ts) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : typescript_1.default;
25 if (program)
26 compilerOptions = program.getCompilerOptions();
27 const tsNodeProps = (0, ts_helpers_1.getTsNodeRegistrationProperties)(tsInstance);
28 /* Determine RunMode & Setup */
29 // Note: ts-node passes a Program with the paths property stripped, so we do some comparison to determine if it's the caller
30 const isTsNode = tsNodeProps && (!program || compilerOptions.configFilePath === tsNodeProps.compilerOptions.configFilePath);
31 // RunMode: Program
32 if (program && !isTsNode) {
33 runMode = types_1.RunMode.Program;
34 compilerOptions = compilerOptions;
35 }
36 // RunMode: Manual
37 else if (manualTransformOptions) {
38 runMode = types_1.RunMode.Manual;
39 fileNames = manualTransformOptions.fileNames;
40 compilerOptions = manualTransformOptions.compilerOptions;
41 }
42 // RunMode: TsNode
43 else if (isTsNode) {
44 fileNames = tsNodeProps.fileNames;
45 runMode = types_1.RunMode.TsNode;
46 tsNodeState =
47 !program ||
48 (fileNames.length > 1 && (program === null || program === void 0 ? void 0 : program.getRootFileNames().length) === 1) ||
49 (!compilerOptions.paths && tsNodeProps.compilerOptions.paths)
50 ? types_1.TsNodeState.Stripped
51 : types_1.TsNodeState.Full;
52 compilerOptions =
53 tsNodeState === types_1.TsNodeState.Full
54 ? compilerOptions
55 : Object.assign(Object.assign({}, ((_b = program === null || program === void 0 ? void 0 : program.getCompilerOptions()) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {})), tsNodeProps.compilerOptions);
56 }
57 else {
58 throw new Error(`Cannot transform without a Program, ts-node instance, or manual parameters supplied. ` +
59 `Make sure you're using ts-patch or ts-node with transpileOnly.`);
60 }
61 return { tsInstance, compilerOptions, fileNames, runMode, tsNodeState };
63// endregion
64/* ****************************************************************************************************************** */
65// region: Transformer
66/* ****************************************************************************************************************** */
67function transformer(program, pluginConfig, transformerExtras,
69 * Supply if manually transforming with compiler API via 'transformNodes' / 'transformModule'
70 */
71manualTransformOptions) {
72 return (transformationContext) => {
73 var _a, _b, _c;
74 // prettier-ignore
75 const { tsInstance, compilerOptions, fileNames, runMode, tsNodeState } = getTsProperties([program, pluginConfig, transformerExtras, manualTransformOptions]);
76 const rootDirs = (_a = compilerOptions.rootDirs) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.filter(path_1.default.isAbsolute);
77 const config = pluginConfig !== null && pluginConfig !== void 0 ? pluginConfig : {};
78 const getCanonicalFileName = tsInstance.createGetCanonicalFileName(tsInstance.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames);
79 /* Add supplements for various run modes */
80 let emitHost = transformationContext.getEmitHost();
81 if (!emitHost || tsNodeState === types_1.TsNodeState.Stripped) {
82 if (!fileNames)
83 throw new Error(`No EmitHost found and could not determine files to be processed. Please file an issue with a reproduction!`);
84 emitHost = (0, ts_helpers_1.createSyntheticEmitHost)(compilerOptions, tsInstance, getCanonicalFileName, fileNames);
85 }
86 /* Create Visitor Context */
87 const { configFile, paths } = compilerOptions;
88 const { tryParsePatterns } = tsInstance;
89 const [tsVersionMajor, tsVersionMinor] = tsInstance.versionMajorMinor.split(".").map((v) => +v);
90 const tsTransformPathsContext = {
91 compilerOptions,
92 config,
93 elisionMap: new Map(),
94 tsFactory: transformationContext.factory,
95 program,
96 rootDirs,
97 transformationContext,
98 tsInstance,
99 tsVersionMajor,
100 tsVersionMinor,
101 emitHost,
102 runMode,
103 tsNodeState,
104 excludeMatchers: (_b = config.exclude) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.map((globPattern) => new minimatch_1.Minimatch(globPattern, { matchBase: true })),
105 outputFileNamesCache: new Map(),
106 // Get paths patterns appropriate for TS compiler version
107 pathsPatterns: paths &&
108 (tryParsePatterns
109 ? ((_c = configFile === null || configFile === void 0 ? void 0 : configFile.configFileSpecs) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.pathPatterns) || tryParsePatterns(paths)
110 : tsInstance.getOwnKeys(paths)),
111 };
112 return (sourceFile) => {
113 const visitorContext = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, tsTransformPathsContext), { sourceFile, isDeclarationFile: sourceFile.isDeclarationFile, originalSourceFile: tsInstance.getOriginalSourceFile(sourceFile), getVisitor() {
114 return visitor_1.nodeVisitor.bind(this);
115 }, factory: (0, harmony_1.createHarmonyFactory)(tsTransformPathsContext) });
116 return tsInstance.visitEachChild(sourceFile, visitorContext.getVisitor(), transformationContext);
117 };
118 };
120exports.default = transformer;
121// endregion
122//# sourceMappingURL=transformer.js.map
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