4.66 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.resolvePathAndUpdateNode = void 0;
4const general_utils_1 = require("./general-utils");
5const ts_helpers_1 = require("./ts-helpers");
6const resolve_module_name_1 = require("./resolve-module-name");
7/* ****************************************************************************************************************** */
8// region: Node Updater Utility
9/* ****************************************************************************************************************** */
11 * Gets proper path and calls updaterFn to get the new node if it should be updated
12 */
13function resolvePathAndUpdateNode(context, node, moduleName, updaterFn) {
14 const { sourceFile, tsInstance, factory } = context;
15 const { normalizePath } = tsInstance;
16 /* Handle JSDoc statement tags */
17 const tags = getStatementTags();
18 // Skip if @no-transform-path specified
19 if (tags.shouldSkip)
20 return node;
21 // Accommodate direct override via @transform-path tag
22 if (tags.overridePath) {
23 const transformedPath = !(0, general_utils_1.isURL)(tags.overridePath)
24 ? (0, general_utils_1.maybeAddRelativeLocalPrefix)(normalizePath(tags.overridePath))
25 : tags.overridePath;
26 return updaterFn(factory.createStringLiteral(transformedPath));
27 }
28 /* Resolve Module */
29 // Skip if no paths match found
30 if (!(0, ts_helpers_1.isModulePathsMatch)(context, moduleName))
31 return node;
32 const res = (0, resolve_module_name_1.resolveModuleName)(context, moduleName);
33 if (!res)
34 return node;
35 const { outputPath, resolvedPath } = res;
36 /* Skip if matches exclusion */
37 if (context.excludeMatchers)
38 for (const matcher of context.excludeMatchers)
39 if (matcher.match(outputPath) || (resolvedPath && matcher.match(resolvedPath)))
40 return node;
41 return updaterFn(factory.createStringLiteral(outputPath));
42 /* ********************************************************* *
43 * Helpers
44 * ********************************************************* */
45 function getStatementTags() {
46 var _a;
47 let targetNode = tsInstance.isStatement(node)
48 ? node
49 : (_a = tsInstance.findAncestor(node, tsInstance.isStatement)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : node;
50 targetNode = tsInstance.getOriginalNode(targetNode);
51 let jsDocTags;
52 try {
53 jsDocTags = tsInstance.getJSDocTags(targetNode);
54 }
55 catch (_b) { }
56 const commentTags = new Map();
57 try {
58 const trivia = targetNode.getFullText(sourceFile).slice(0, targetNode.getLeadingTriviaWidth(sourceFile));
59 const regex = /^\s*\/\/\/?\s*@(transform-path|no-transform-path)(?:[^\S\r\n](.+?))?$/gim;
60 for (let match = regex.exec(trivia); match; match = regex.exec(trivia))
61 commentTags.set(match[1], match[2]);
62 }
63 catch (_c) { }
64 const overridePath = findTag("transform-path");
65 const shouldSkip = findTag("no-transform-path");
66 return {
67 overridePath: typeof overridePath === "string" ? overridePath : void 0,
68 shouldSkip: !!shouldSkip,
69 };
70 function findTag(expected) {
71 if (commentTags.has(expected))
72 return commentTags.get(expected) || true;
73 if (!(jsDocTags === null || jsDocTags === void 0 ? void 0 : jsDocTags.length))
74 return void 0;
75 for (const tag of jsDocTags) {
76 const tagName = tag.tagName.text.toLowerCase();
77 if (tagName === expected)
78 return typeof tag.comment === "string" ? tag.comment : true;
79 /* The following handles older TS which splits tags at first hyphens */
80 if (typeof tag.comment !== "string" || tag.comment[0] !== "-")
81 continue;
82 const dashPos = expected.indexOf("-");
83 if (dashPos < 0)
84 return void 0;
85 if (tagName === expected.slice(0, dashPos)) {
86 const comment = tag.comment;
87 const choppedCommentTagName = comment.slice(0, expected.length - dashPos);
88 return choppedCommentTagName === expected.slice(dashPos)
89 ? comment.slice(choppedCommentTagName.length + 1).trim() || true
90 : void 0;
91 }
92 }
93 }
94 }
96exports.resolvePathAndUpdateNode = resolvePathAndUpdateNode;
97// endregion
98//# sourceMappingURL=resolve-path-update-node.js.map
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