1 | /// <reference types="node" />
2 | import * as fs from 'fs';
3 | import type { Umzug } from './umzug';
4 | export type FileLockerOptions = {
5 | path: string;
6 | fs?: typeof fs;
7 | };
8 | /**
9 | * Simple locker using the filesystem. Only one lock can be held per file. An error will be thrown if the
10 | * lock file already exists.
11 | *
12 | * @example
13 | * const umzug = new Umzug({ ... })
14 | * FileLocker.attach(umzug, { path: 'path/to/lockfile' })
15 | *
16 | * @docs
17 | * To wait for the lock to be free instead of throwing, you could extend it (the below example uses `setInterval`,
18 | * but depending on your use-case, you may want to use a library with retry/backoff):
19 | *
20 | * @example
21 | * class WaitingFileLocker extends FileLocker {
22 | * async getLock() {
23 | * return new Promise(resolve => setInterval(
24 | * () => super.getLock().then(resolve).catch(),
25 | * 500,
26 | * )
27 | * }
28 | * }
29 | *
30 | * const locker = new WaitingFileLocker({ path: 'path/to/lockfile' })
31 | * locker.attachTo(umzug)
32 | */
33 | export declare class FileLocker {
34 | private readonly lockFile;
35 | private readonly fs;
36 | constructor(params: FileLockerOptions);
37 | /** Attach `beforeAll` and `afterAll` events to an umzug instance which use the specified filepath */
38 | static attach(umzug: Umzug, params: FileLockerOptions): void;
39 | /** Attach lock handlers to `beforeCommand` and `afterCommand` events on an umzug instance */
40 | attachTo(umzug: Umzug): void;
41 | private readFile;
42 | private writeFile;
43 | private removeFile;
44 | getLock(): Promise<void>;
45 | releaseLock(): Promise<void>;
46 | }