1 | # undici
2 |
3 | ![Node CI](https://github.com/mcollina/undici/workflows/Node%20CI/badge.svg) [![js-standard-style](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg?style=flat)](http://standardjs.com/) [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/undici.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/undici)
4 |
5 | A HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js.
6 |
7 | > Undici means eleven in Italian. 1.1 -> 11 -> Eleven -> Undici.
8 | It is also a Stranger Things reference.
9 |
10 |
11 | Picture of Eleven
12 | -->
13 |
14 | ## Install
15 |
16 | ```
17 | npm i undici
18 | ```
19 |
20 | ## Benchmarks
21 |
22 | Machine: AMD EPYC 7502P<br/>
23 |
24 | Node 15
25 | ```
26 | http - keepalive x 12,028 ops/sec ±2.60% (265 runs sampled)
27 | undici - pipeline x 31,321 ops/sec ±0.77% (276 runs sampled)
28 | undici - request x 36,612 ops/sec ±0.71% (277 runs sampled)
29 | undici - stream x 41,291 ops/sec ±0.90% (268 runs sampled)
30 | undici - dispatch x 47,319 ops/sec ±1.17% (263 runs sampled)
31 | ```
32 |
33 | The benchmark is a simple `hello world` [example](benchmarks/index.js) using a
34 | single unix socket with pipelining.
35 |
36 | ## API
37 |
38 | <a name='client'></a>
39 | ### `new undici.Client(url, opts)`
40 |
41 | A basic HTTP/1.1 client, mapped on top a single TCP/TLS connection. Pipelining is disabled
42 | by default.
43 |
44 | `url` can be a string or a [`URL`](https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#url_class_url) object.
45 | It should only include the protocol, hostname, and the port.
46 |
47 | Options:
48 |
49 | - `socketTimeout: Number`, the timeout after which a socket with active requests
50 | will time out. Monitors time between activity on a connected socket.
51 | Use `0` to disable it entirely. Default: `30e3` milliseconds (30s).
52 |
53 | - `socketPath: String|Null`, an IPC endpoint, either Unix domain socket or Windows named pipe.
54 | Default: `null`.
55 |
56 | - `idleTimeout: Number`, the timeout after which a socket without active requests
57 | will time out. Monitors time between activity on a connected socket.
58 | This value may be overriden by *keep-alive* hints from the server.
59 | Default: `4e3` milliseconds (4s).
60 |
61 | - `keepAlive: Boolean`, enable or disable keep alive connections.
62 | Default: `true`.
63 |
64 | - `keepAliveMaxTimeout: Number`, the maximum allowed `idleTimeout` when overriden by
65 | *keep-alive* hints from the server.
66 | Default: `600e3` milliseconds (10min).
67 |
68 | - `keepAliveTimeoutThreshold: Number`, a number subtracted from server *keep-alive* hints
69 | when overriding `idleTimeout` to account for timing inaccuries caused by e.g.
70 | transport latency.
71 | Default: `1e3` milliseconds (1s).
72 |
73 | - `pipelining: Number`, the amount of concurrent requests to be sent over the
74 | single TCP/TLS connection according to [RFC7230](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-6.3.2).
75 | Carefully consider your workload and environment before enabling concurrent requests
76 | as pipelining may reduce performance if used incorrectly. Pipelining is sensitive
77 | to network stack settings as well as head of line blocking caused by e.g. long running requests.
78 | Default: `1`.
79 |
80 | - `tls: Object|Null`, an options object which in the case of `https` will be passed to
81 | [`tls.connect`](https://nodejs.org/api/tls.html#tls_tls_connect_options_callback).
82 | Default: `null`.
83 |
84 | - `maxHeaderSize: Number`, the maximum length of request headers in bytes.
85 | Default: `16384` (16KiB).
86 |
87 | - `headersTimeout: Number`, the amount of time the parser will wait to receive the complete
88 | HTTP headers (Node 14 and above only).
89 | Default: `30e3` milliseconds (30s).
90 |
91 | <a name='request'></a>
92 | #### `client.request(opts[, callback(err, data)]): Promise|Void`
93 |
94 | Performs a HTTP request.
95 |
96 | Options:
97 |
98 | * `path: String`
99 | * `method: String`
100 | * `opaque: Any`
101 | * `body: String|Buffer|Uint8Array|stream.Readable|Null`
102 | Default: `null`.
103 | * `headers: Object|Array|Null`, an object with header-value pairs or an array with header-value pairs bi-indexed (`['header1', 'value1', 'header2', 'value2']`).
104 | Default: `null`.
105 | * `signal: AbortSignal|EventEmitter|Null`
106 | Default: `null`.
107 | * `requestTimeout: Number`, the timeout after which a request will time out, in
108 | milliseconds. Monitors time between request being enqueued and receiving
109 | a response. Use `0` to disable it entirely.
110 | Default: `30e3` milliseconds (30s).
111 | * `idempotent: Boolean`, whether the requests can be safely retried or not.
112 | If `false` the request won't be sent until all preceeding
113 | requests in the pipeline has completed.
114 | Default: `true` if `method` is `HEAD` or `GET`.
115 |
116 | Headers are represented by an object like this:
117 |
118 | ```js
119 | {
120 | 'content-length': '123',
121 | 'content-type': 'text/plain',
122 | connection: 'keep-alive',
123 | host: 'mysite.com',
124 | accept: '*/*'
125 | }
126 | ```
127 |
128 | Or an array like this:
129 |
130 | ```js
131 | [
132 | 'content-length', '123',
133 | 'content-type', 'text/plain',
134 | 'connection', 'keep-alive',
135 | 'host', 'mysite.com',
136 | 'accept', '*/*'
137 | ]
138 | ```
139 |
140 | Keys are lowercased. Values are not modified.
141 | If you don't specify a `host` header, it will be derived from the `url` of the client instance.
142 |
143 | The `data` parameter in `callback` is defined as follow:
144 |
145 | * `statusCode: Number`
146 | * `opaque: Any`
147 | * `headers: Object`, an object where all keys have been lowercased.
148 | * `body: stream.Readable` response payload. A user **must**
149 | either fully consume or destroy the body unless there is an error, or no further requests
150 | will be processed.
151 |
152 | Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
153 |
154 | Example:
155 |
156 | ```js
157 | const { Client } = require('undici')
158 | const client = new Client(`http://localhost:3000`)
159 |
160 | client.request({
161 | path: '/',
162 | method: 'GET'
163 | }, function (err, data) {
164 | if (err) {
165 | // handle this in some way!
166 | return
167 | }
168 |
169 | const {
170 | statusCode,
171 | headers,
172 | body
173 | } = data
174 |
175 | console.log('response received', statusCode)
176 | console.log('headers', headers)
177 |
178 | body.setEncoding('utf8')
179 | body.on('data', console.log)
180 |
181 | client.close()
182 | })
183 | ```
184 |
185 | Non-idempotent requests will not be pipelined in order
186 | to avoid indirect failures.
187 |
188 | Idempotent requests will be automatically retried if
189 | they fail due to indirect failure from the request
190 | at the head of the pipeline. This does not apply to
191 | idempotent requests with a stream request body.
192 |
193 | ##### Aborting a request
194 |
195 | A request can may be aborted using either an `AbortController` or an `EventEmitter`.
196 | To use `AbortController` in Node.js versions earlier than 15, you will need to
197 | install a shim - `npm i abort-controller`.
198 |
199 | ```js
200 | const { Client } = require('undici')
201 |
202 | const client = new Client('http://localhost:3000')
203 | const abortController = new AbortController()
204 |
205 | client.request({
206 | path: '/',
207 | method: 'GET',
208 | signal: abortController.signal
209 | }, function (err, data) {
210 | console.log(err) // RequestAbortedError
211 | client.close()
212 | })
213 |
214 | abortController.abort()
215 | ```
216 |
217 | Alternatively, any `EventEmitter` that emits an `'abort'` event may be used as an abort controller:
218 |
219 | ```js
220 | const EventEmitter = require('events')
221 | const { Client } = require('undici')
222 |
223 | const client = new Client('http://localhost:3000')
224 | const ee = new EventEmitter()
225 |
226 | client.request({
227 | path: '/',
228 | method: 'GET',
229 | signal: ee
230 | }, function (err, data) {
231 | console.log(err) // RequestAbortedError
232 | client.close()
233 | })
234 |
235 | ee.emit('abort')
236 | ```
237 |
238 | Destroying the request or response body will have the same effect.
239 |
240 | <a name='stream'></a>
241 | #### `client.stream(opts, factory(data)[, callback(err)]): Promise|Void`
242 |
243 | A faster version of [`request`][request].
244 |
245 | Unlike [`request`][request] this method expects `factory`
246 | to return a [`Writable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_writable) which the response will be
247 | written to. This improves performance by avoiding
248 | creating an intermediate [`Readable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_readable_streams) when the user
249 | expects to directly pipe the response body to a
250 | [`Writable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_writable).
251 |
252 | Options:
253 |
254 | * ... same as [`client.request(opts[, callback])`][request].
255 |
256 | The `data` parameter in `factory` is defined as follow:
257 |
258 | * `statusCode: Number`
259 | * `headers: Object`, an object where all keys have been lowercased.
260 | * `opaque: Any`
261 |
262 | The `data` parameter in `callback` is defined as follow:
263 |
264 | * `opaque: Any`
265 | * `trailers: Object`, an object where all keys have been lowercased.
266 |
267 | Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
268 |
269 | ```js
270 | const { Client } = require('undici')
271 | const client = new Client(`http://localhost:3000`)
272 | const fs = require('fs')
273 |
274 | client.stream({
275 | path: '/',
276 | method: 'GET',
277 | opaque: filename
278 | }, ({ statusCode, headers, opaque: filename }) => {
279 | console.log('response received', statusCode)
280 | console.log('headers', headers)
281 | return fs.createWriteStream(filename)
282 | }, (err) => {
283 | if (err) {
284 | console.error('failure', err)
285 | } else {
286 | console.log('success')
287 | }
288 | })
289 | ```
290 |
291 | `opaque` makes it possible to avoid creating a closure
292 | for the `factory` method:
293 |
294 | ```js
295 | function (req, res) {
296 | return client.stream({ ...opts, opaque: res }, proxy)
297 | }
298 | ```
299 |
300 | Instead of:
301 |
302 | ```js
303 | function (req, res) {
304 | return client.stream(opts, (data) => {
305 | // Creates closure to capture `res`.
306 | proxy({ ...data, opaque: res })
307 | }
308 | }
309 | ```
310 |
311 | <a name='pipeline'></a>
312 | #### `client.pipeline(opts, handler(data)): Duplex`
313 |
314 | For easy use with [`stream.pipeline`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_stream_pipeline_source_transforms_destination_callback).
315 |
316 | Options:
317 |
318 | * ... same as [`client.request(opts, callback)`][request].
319 | * `objectMode: Boolean`, `true` if the `handler` will return an object stream.
320 | Default: `false`
321 |
322 | The `data` parameter in `handler` is defined as follow:
323 |
324 | * `statusCode: Number`
325 | * `headers: Object`, an object where all keys have been lowercased.
326 | * `opaque: Any`
327 | * `body: stream.Readable` response payload. A user **must**
328 | either fully consume or destroy the body unless there is an error, or no further requests
329 | will be processed.
330 |
331 | `handler` should return a [`Readable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_readable) from which the result will be
332 | read. Usually it should just return the `body` argument unless
333 | some kind of transformation needs to be performed based on e.g.
334 | `headers` or `statusCode`.
335 |
336 | The `handler` should validate the response and save any
337 | required state. If there is an error it should be thrown.
338 |
339 | Returns a `Duplex` which writes to the request and reads from
340 | the response.
341 |
342 | ```js
343 | const { Client } = require('undici')
344 | const client = new Client(`http://localhost:3000`)
345 | const fs = require('fs')
346 | const stream = require('stream')
347 |
348 | stream.pipeline(
349 | fs.createReadStream('source.raw'),
350 | client.pipeline({
351 | path: '/',
352 | method: 'PUT',
353 | }, ({ statusCode, headers, body }) => {
354 | if (statusCode !== 201) {
355 | throw new Error('invalid response')
356 | }
357 |
358 | if (isZipped(headers)) {
359 | return pipeline(body, unzip(), () => {})
360 | }
361 |
362 | return body
363 | }),
364 | fs.createWriteStream('response.raw'),
365 | (err) => {
366 | if (err) {
367 | console.error('failed')
368 | } else {
369 | console.log('succeeded')
370 | }
371 | }
372 | )
373 | ```
374 |
375 | <a name='upgrade'></a>
376 | #### `client.upgrade(opts[, callback(err, data)]): Promise|Void`
377 |
378 | Upgrade to a different protocol.
379 |
380 | Options:
381 |
382 | * `path: String`
383 | * `opaque: Any`
384 | * `method: String`
385 | Default: `GET`
386 | * `headers: Object|Null`, an object with header-value pairs.
387 | Default: `null`
388 | * `signal: AbortSignal|EventEmitter|Null`.
389 | Default: `null`
390 | * `requestTimeout: Number`, the timeout after which a request will time out, in
391 | milliseconds. Monitors time between request being enqueued and receiving
392 | a response. Use `0` to disable it entirely.
393 | Default: `30e3` milliseconds (30s).
394 | * `protocol: String`, a string of comma separated protocols, in descending preference order.
395 | Default: `Websocket`.
396 |
397 | The `data` parameter in `callback` is defined as follow:
398 |
399 | * `headers: Object`, an object where all keys have been lowercased.
400 | * `socket: Duplex`
401 | * `opaque`
402 |
403 | Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
404 |
405 | <a name='connect'></a>
406 | #### `client.connect(opts[, callback(err, data)]): Promise|Void`
407 |
408 | Starts two-way communications with the requested resource.
409 |
410 | Options:
411 |
412 | * `path: String`
413 | * `opaque: Any`
414 | * `headers: Object|Null`, an object with header-value pairs.
415 | Default: `null`
416 | * `signal: AbortSignal|EventEmitter|Null`.
417 | Default: `null`
418 | * `requestTimeout: Number`, the timeout after which a request will time out, in
419 | milliseconds. Monitors time between request being enqueued and receiving
420 | a response. Use `0` to disable it entirely.
421 | Default: `30e3` milliseconds (30s).
422 |
423 | The `data` parameter in `callback` is defined as follow:
424 |
425 | * `statusCode: Number`
426 | * `headers: Object`, an object where all keys have been lowercased.
427 | * `socket: Duplex`
428 | * `opaque: Any`
429 |
430 | Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
431 |
432 | <a name='dispatch'></a>
433 | #### `client.dispatch(opts, handler): Void`
434 |
435 | This is the low level API which all the preceeding APIs are implemented on top of.
436 |
437 | This API is expected to evolve through semver-major versions and is less stable
438 | than the preceeding higher level APIs. It is primarily intended for library developers
439 | who implement higher level APIs on top of this.
440 |
441 | Options:
442 |
443 | * `path: String`
444 | * `method: String`
445 | * `body: String|Buffer|Uint8Array|stream.Readable|Null`
446 | Default: `null`.
447 | * `headers: Object|Null`, an object with header-value pairs.
448 | Default: `null`.
449 | * `requestTimeout: Number`, the timeout after which a request will time out, in
450 | milliseconds. Monitors time between request being enqueued and receiving
451 | a response. Use `0` to disable it entirely.
452 | Default: `30e3` milliseconds (30s).
453 | * `idempotent: Boolean`, whether the requests can be safely retried or not.
454 | If `false` the request won't be sent until all preceeding
455 | requests in the pipeline has completed.
456 | Default: `true` if `method` is `HEAD` or `GET`.
457 |
458 | The `handler` parameter is defined as follow:
459 |
460 | * `onConnect(abort)`, invoked before request is dispatched on socket.
461 | May be invoked multiple times when a request is retried when the request at the head of the pipeline fails.
462 | * `abort(): Void`, abort request.
463 | * `onUpgrade(statusCode, headers, socket): Void`, invoked when request is upgraded either due to a `Upgrade` header or `CONNECT` method.
464 | * `statusCode: Number`
465 | * `headers: Array|Null`
466 | * `socket: Duplex`
467 | * `onHeaders(statusCode, headers, resume): Boolean`, invoked when statusCode and headers have been received.
468 | May be invoked multiple times due to 1xx informational headers.
469 | * `statusCode: Number`
470 | * `headers: Array|Null`, an array of key-value pairs. Keys are not automatically lowercased.
471 | * `resume(): Void`, resume `onData` after returning `false`.
472 | * `onData(chunk): Boolean`, invoked when response payload data is received.
473 | * `chunk: Buffer`
474 | * `onComplete(trailers): Void`, invoked when response payload and trailers have been received and the request has completed.
475 | * `trailers: Array|Null`
476 | * `onError(err): Void`, invoked when an error has occured.
477 | * `err: Error`
478 |
479 | The caller is responsible for handling the `body` argument, in terms of `'error'` events and `destroy()`:ing up until
480 | the `onConnect` handler has been invoked.
481 |
482 | <a name='close'></a>
483 | #### `client.close([callback]): Promise|Void`
484 |
485 | Closes the client and gracefully waits for enqueued requests to
486 | complete before invoking the callback.
487 |
488 | Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
489 |
490 | <a name='destroy'></a>
491 | #### `client.destroy([err][, callback]): Promise|Void`
492 |
493 | Destroy the client abruptly with the given `err`. All the pending and running
494 | requests will be asynchronously aborted and error. Waits until socket is closed
495 | before invoking the callback. Since this operation is asynchronously dispatched
496 | there might still be some progress on dispatched requests.
497 |
498 | Returns a promise if no callback is provided.
499 |
500 | #### `client.pipelining: Number`
501 |
502 | Property to get and set the pipelining factor.
503 |
504 | #### `client.pending: Number`
505 |
506 | Number of queued requests.
507 |
508 | #### `client.running: Number`
509 |
510 | Number of inflight requests.
511 |
512 | #### `client.size: Number`
513 |
514 | Number of pending and running requests.
515 |
516 | #### `client.connected: Boolean`
517 |
518 | True if the client has an active connection. The client will lazily
519 | create a connection when it receives a request and will destroy it
520 | if there is no activity for the duration of the `timeout` value.
521 |
522 | #### `client.busy: Boolean`
523 |
524 | True if pipeline is saturated or blocked. Indicicates whether dispatching
525 | further requests is meaningful.
526 |
527 | #### `client.closed: Boolean`
528 |
529 | True after `client.close()` has been called.
530 |
531 | #### `client.destroyed: Boolean`
532 |
533 | True after `client.destroyed()` has been called or `client.close()` has been
534 | called and the client shutdown has completed.
535 |
536 | #### Events
537 |
538 | * `'drain'`, emitted when pipeline is no longer fully
539 | saturated.
540 |
541 | * `'connect'`, emitted when a socket has been created and
542 | connected. The client will connect once `client.size > 0`.
543 |
544 | * `'disconnect'`, emitted when socket has disconnected. The
545 | first argument of the event is the error which caused the
546 | socket to disconnect. The client will reconnect if or once
547 | `client.size > 0`.
548 |
549 | <a name='pool'></a>
550 | ### `new undici.Pool(url, opts)`
551 |
552 | A pool of [`Client`][] connected to the same upstream target.
553 |
554 | Options:
555 |
556 | * ... same as [`Client`][].
557 | * `connections`, the number of clients to create.
558 | Default `10`.
559 |
560 | `Pool` does not guarantee that requests are dispatched in
561 | order of invocation.
562 |
563 | #### `pool.request(opts[, callback]): Promise|Void`
564 |
565 | Calls [`client.request(opts, callback)`][request] on one of the clients.
566 |
567 | #### `pool.stream(opts, factory[, callback]): Promise|Void`
568 |
569 | Calls [`client.stream(opts, factory, callback)`][stream] on one of the clients.
570 |
571 | #### `pool.pipeline(opts, handler): Duplex`
572 |
573 | Calls [`client.pipeline(opts, handler)`][pipeline] on one of the clients.
574 |
575 | #### `pool.upgrade(opts[, callback]): Promise|Void`
576 |
577 | Calls [`client.upgrade(opts, callback)`][upgrade] on one of the clients.
578 |
579 | #### `pool.connect(opts[, callback]): Promise|Void`
580 |
581 | Calls [`client.connect(opts, callback)`][connect] on one of the clients.
582 |
583 | #### `pool.dispatch(opts, handler): Void`
584 |
585 | Calls [`client.dispatch(opts, handler)`][dispatch] on one of the clients.
586 |
587 | #### `pool.close([callback]): Promise|Void`
588 |
589 | Calls [`client.close(callback)`](#close) on all the clients.
590 |
591 | #### `pool.destroy([err][, callback]): Promise|Void`
592 |
593 | Calls [`client.destroy(err, callback)`](#destroy) on all the clients.
594 |
595 | <a name='errors'></a>
596 | ### `undici.errors`
597 |
598 | Undici exposes a variety of error objects that you can use to enhance your error handling.
599 | You can find all the error objects inside the `errors` key.
600 |
601 | ```js
602 | const { errors } = require('undici')
603 | ```
604 |
605 | | Error | Error Codes | Description |
606 | | -----------------------------|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|
607 | | `InvalidArgumentError` | `UND_ERR_INVALID_ARG` | passed an invalid argument. |
608 | | `InvalidReturnValueError` | `UND_ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE` | returned an invalid value. |
609 | | `SocketTimeoutError` | `UND_ERR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT` | a socket exceeds the `socketTimeout` option. |
610 | | `RequestTimeoutError` | `UND_ERR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT` | a request exceeds the `requestTimeout` option. |
611 | | `RequestAbortedError` | `UND_ERR_ABORTED` | the request has been aborted by the user |
612 | | `ClientDestroyedError` | `UND_ERR_DESTROYED` | trying to use a destroyed client. |
613 | | `ClientClosedError` | `UND_ERR_CLOSED` | trying to use a closed client. |
614 | | `SocketError` | `UND_ERR_SOCKET` | there is an error with the socket. |
615 | | `NotSupportedError` | `UND_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` | encountered unsupported functionality. |
616 | | `ContentLengthMismatchError` | `UND_ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH`| body does not match content-length header |
617 | | `InformationalError` | `UND_ERR_INFO` | expected error with reason |
618 | | `TrailerMismatchError` | `UND_ERR_TRAILER_MISMATCH` | trailers did not match specification |
619 |
620 | ## Specification Compliance
621 |
622 | This section documents parts of the HTTP/1.1 specification which Undici does
623 | not support or does not fully implement.
624 |
625 | #### Expect
626 |
627 | Undici does not support the `Expect` request header field. The request
628 | body is always immediately sent and the `100 Continue` response will be
629 | ignored.
630 |
631 | Refs: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.1.1
632 |
633 | ### Pipelining
634 |
635 | Uncidi will only use pipelining if configured with a `pipelining` factor
636 | greater than `1`.
637 |
638 | Undici always assumes that connections are persistent and will immediatly
639 | pipeline requests, without checking whether the connection is persistent.
640 | Hence, automatic fallback to HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 without pipelining is
641 | not supported.
642 |
643 | Undici will immediately pipeline when retrying requests afters a failed
644 | connection. However, Undici will not retry the first remaining requests in
645 | the prior pipeline and instead error the corresponding callback/promise/stream.
646 |
647 | Refs: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-<br/>
648 | Refs: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-6.3.2
649 |
650 | ## Collaborators
651 |
652 | * [__Robert Nagy__](https://github.com/ronag), <https://www.npmjs.com/~ronag>
653 |
654 | ## License
655 |
656 | MIT
657 |
658 | [`Client`]: #client
659 | [request]: #request
660 | [stream]: #stream
661 | [pipeline]: #pipeline
662 | [upgrade]: #upgrade
663 | [connect]: #connect
664 | [dispatch]: #dispatch