5.15 kBPlain TextView Raw
1// Defaults as of jshint edition 2011-04-16
4 // If the scan should stop on first error.
5 "passfail": false,
6 // Maximum errors before stopping.
7 "maxerr": 50,
10 // Predefined globals
12 // If the standard browser globals should be predefined.
13 "browser": false,
14 // If the Node.js environment globals should be predefined.
15 "node": false,
16 // If the Rhino environment globals should be predefined.
17 "rhino": false,
18 // If CouchDB globals should be predefined.
19 "couch": false,
20 // If the Windows Scripting Host environment globals should be predefined.
21 "wsh": false,
23 // If jQuery globals should be predefined.
24 "jquery": false,
25 // If Prototype and Scriptaculous globals should be predefined.
26 "prototypejs": false,
27 // If MooTools globals should be predefined.
28 "mootools": false,
29 // If Dojo Toolkit globals should be predefined.
30 "dojo": false,
32 // Custom predefined globals.
33 "predef": ["process", "module", "exports", "require", "Buffer", "define"],
35 // Development
37 // If debugger statements should be allowed.
38 "debug": false,
39 // If logging globals should be predefined (console, alert, etc.).
40 "devel": false,
43 // Legacy JS environments
45 // If we should warn about reserved words as property names etc
46 "es3": true,
49 // ECMAScript 5
51 // If ES5 syntax should be allowed.
52 "es5": false,
53 // Require the "use strict"; pragma.
54 "strict": false,
55 // If global "use strict"; should be allowed (also enables strict).
56 "globalstrict": false,
59 // The Good Parts
61 // If automatic semicolon insertion should be tolerated.
62 "asi": false,
63 // If line breaks should not be checked, e.g. `return [\n] x`.
64 "laxbreak": false,
65 // If bitwise operators (&, |, ^, etc.) should not be allowed.
66 "bitwise": false,
67 // If assignments inside if, for and while should be allowed. Usually
68 // conditions and loops are for comparison, not assignments.
69 "boss": false,
70 // If curly braces around all blocks should be required.
71 "curly": false,
72 // If === should be required.
73 "eqeqeq": true,
74 // If == null comparisons should be tolerated.
75 "eqnull": false,
76 // If eval should be allowed.
77 "evil": false,
78 // If ExpressionStatement should be allowed as Programs.
79 "expr": false,
80 // If `for in` loops must filter with `hasOwnPrototype`.
81 "forin": false,
82 // If immediate invocations must be wrapped in parens, e.g.
83 // `( function(){}() );`.
84 "immed": true,
85 // If use before define should not be tolerated.
86 "latedef": false,
87 // If functions should be allowed to be defined within loops.
88 "loopfunc": true,
89 // If arguments.caller and arguments.callee should be disallowed.
90 "noarg": false,
91 // If the . should not be allowed in regexp literals.
92 "regexp": false,
93 // If unescaped first/last dash (-) inside brackets should be tolerated.
94 "regexdash": false,
95 // If script-targeted URLs should be tolerated.
96 "scripturl": false,
97 // If variable shadowing should be tolerated.
98 "shadow": false,
99 // If `new function () { ... };` and `new Object;` should be tolerated.
100 "supernew": false,
101 // If variables should be declared before used.
102 "undef": true,
103 // If variables defined but not used are checked.
104 "unused": "vars",
105 // If `this` inside a non-constructor function is valid.
106 "validthis": false,
107 // If smarttabs should be tolerated
108 // (http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SmartTabs).
109 "smarttabs": false,
110 // If the `__proto__` property should be allowed.
111 "proto": false,
112 // If one case switch statements should be allowed.
113 "onecase": false,
114 // If non-standard (but widely adopted) globals should be predefined.
115 "nonstandard": false,
116 // Allow multiline strings.
117 "multistr": false,
118 // If line breaks should not be checked around commas.
119 "laxcomma": false,
120 // If semicolons may be ommitted for the trailing statements inside of a
121 // one-line blocks.
122 "lastsemic": false,
123 // If the `__iterator__` property should be allowed.
124 "iterator": false,
125 // If only function scope should be used for scope tests.
126 "funcscope": false,
127 // If es.next specific syntax should be allowed.
128 "esnext": false,
131 // Style preferences
133 // If constructor names must be capitalized.
134 "newcap": true,
135 // If empty blocks should be disallowed.
136 "noempty": false,
137 // If using `new` for side-effects should be disallowed.
138 "nonew": false,
139 // If names should be checked for leading or trailing underscores
140 // (object._attribute would be disallowed).
141 "nomen": false,
142 // If only one var statement per function should be allowed.
143 "onevar": false,
144 // If increment and decrement (`++` and `--`) should not be allowed.
145 "plusplus": true,
146 // If square bracket syntax for property access is tolerated.
147 "sub": true,
148 // If trailing whitespace rules apply.
149 "trailing": true,
150 // If strict whitespace rules apply.
151 "white": true,
152 // Specify indentation.
153 "indent": 4