1 | # Unexpected
2 |
3 | Extensible BDD assertion toolkit inspired by
4 | [expect.js](https://github.com/LearnBoost/expect.js)
5 |
6 | ```js
7 | expect(window.r, 'to be', undefined);
8 | expect({ a: 'b' }, 'to equal', { a: 'b' });
9 | expect(5, 'to be a', 'number');
10 | expect([], 'to be an', 'array');
11 | expect(window, 'not to be an', Image);
12 | ```
13 |
14 | [![NPM version](https://badge.fury.io/js/unexpected.png)](http://badge.fury.io/js/unexpected)
15 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sunesimonsen/unexpected.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sunesimonsen/unexpected)
16 | [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/sunesimonsen/unexpected/badge.png)](https://coveralls.io/r/sunesimonsen/unexpected)
17 | [![Dependency Status](https://david-dm.org/sunesimonsen/unexpected.png)](https://david-dm.org/sunesimonsen/unexpected)
18 |
19 | [Run the test in the browser](http://sunesimonsen.github.io/unexpected/test/tests.html)
20 |
21 | ## Features
22 |
23 | - Extensible
24 | - Fast
25 | - Provides really nice error messages
26 | - Helps you if you misspells assertions
27 | - Compatible with all test frameworks.
28 | - Node.JS ready (`require('unexpected')`).
29 | - Single global with no prototype extensions or shims.
30 | - Cross-browser: works on Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE6+,
31 | (IE6-IE8 with [es5-shim](https://github.com/es-shims/es5-shim)).
32 |
33 | ## How to use
34 |
35 | ### Node
36 |
37 | Install it with NPM or add it to your `package.json`:
38 |
39 | ```
40 | $ npm install unexpected
41 | ```
42 |
43 | Then:
44 |
45 | ```js
46 | var expect = require('unexpected');
47 | ```
48 |
49 | ### Browser
50 |
51 | Include `unexpected.js`.
52 |
53 | ```html
54 | <script src="unexpected.js"></script>
55 | ```
56 |
57 | this will expose the expect function under the following namespace:
58 |
59 | ```js
60 | var expect = weknowhow.expect;
61 | ```
62 |
63 | ### RequireJS
64 |
65 | Include the library with RequireJS the following way:
66 |
67 | ```js
68 | require.config({
69 | paths: {
70 | unexpected: 'path/to/unexpected'
71 | }
72 | });
73 |
74 | define(['unexpected'], function (expect) {
75 | // Your code
76 | });
77 | ```
78 |
79 | ## API
80 |
81 | ### to be ok
82 |
83 | asserts that the value is _truthy_
84 |
85 | **ok** / **truthy** / **falsy**: asserts that the value is _truthy_ or not
86 |
87 | ```js
88 | expect(1, 'to be ok');
89 | expect(true, 'to be ok');
90 | expect(true, 'not to be falsy');
91 | expect({}, 'to be truthy');
92 | expect(0, 'not to be ok');
93 | expect(0, 'to be falsy');
94 | expect(null, 'to be falsy');
95 | expect(undefined, 'to be falsy');
96 | ```
97 |
98 | **be**: asserts `===` equality
99 |
100 | ```js
101 | expect(obj, 'to be', obj);
102 | expect(obj, 'not to be', {});
103 | expect(1, 'to be', 1);
104 | expect(1, 'not to be', true);
105 | expect('1', 'not to be', 1);
106 | expect(null, 'not to be', undefined);
107 | expect(null, 'to be null');
108 | expect(0, 'not to be null');
109 | expect(undefined, 'not to be null');
110 | expect(true, 'to be true');
111 | expect(false, 'not to be true');
112 | expect(false, 'to be false');
113 | expect(true, 'not to be false');
114 | expect(undefined, 'to be undefined');
115 | expect(null, 'to be defined');
116 | expect(false, 'to be defined');
117 | expect({}, 'to be defined');
118 | ```
119 |
120 | **equal**: asserts deep equality that works with objects
121 |
122 | ```js
123 | expect({ a: 'b' }, 'to equal', { a: 'b' });
124 | expect(1, 'not to equal', '1');
125 | expect({ one: 1 }, 'not to equal', { one: '1' });
126 | expect(null, 'not to equal', '1');
127 | var now = new Date();
128 | expect(now, 'to equal', now);
129 | expect(now, 'to equal', new Date(now.getTime()));
130 | expect({ now: now }, 'to equal', { now: now });
131 | ```
132 |
133 | **canonical**: asserts that an object has its properties defined in sorted order at all levels
134 |
135 | ```js
136 | expect({ a: 123, b: 456 }, 'to be canonical');
137 | expect([456, { a: 123 }], 'to be canonical');
138 | ```
139 |
140 | **a** / **an**: asserts `typeof` with support for `array` type and `instanceof`
141 |
142 | ```js
143 | expect(5, 'to be a', 'number');
144 | expect(5, 'to be a number');
145 |
146 | expect('abc', 'to be a', 'string');
147 | expect('abc', 'to be a string');
148 | expect('', 'to be an empty string');
149 | expect('abc', 'to be a non-empty string');
150 |
151 | expect([], 'to be an', 'array');
152 | expect([], 'to be an array');
153 | expect([], 'to be an', Array);
154 | expect([], 'to be an empty array');
155 | expect([123], 'to be a non-empty array');
156 |
157 | expect({foo: 123}, 'to be an', 'object');
158 | expect({foo: 123}, 'to be an object');
159 | expect({foo: 123}, 'to be a non-empty object');
160 | expect({}, 'to be an empty object');
161 |
162 | expect(null, 'not to be an', 'object');
163 | expect(null, 'not to be an object');
164 |
165 | expect(true, 'to be a', 'boolean');
166 | expect(true, 'to be a boolean');
167 |
168 | expect(expect, 'to be a', 'function');
169 | expect(expect, 'to be a function');
170 | ```
171 |
172 | **NaN**: asserts that the value is `NaN`
173 |
174 | ```js
175 | expect(NaN, 'to be NaN');
176 | expect(2, 'not to be NaN');
177 | ```
178 |
179 | **close to**: asserts that the difference between two numbers is <= epsilon
180 |
181 | ```js
182 | expect(1.5, 'to be close to', 1.500001, 1e-5);
183 | expect(1.5, 'not to be close to', 1.499, 1e-4);
184 | ```
185 |
186 | epsilon defaults to 1e-9 if omitted:
187 |
188 | ```js
189 | expect(1.5, 'to be close to', 1.5000000001);
190 | ```
191 |
192 | **match**: asserts `String` regular expression match
193 |
194 | ```js
195 | expect('test', 'to match', /.*st/);
196 | expect('test', 'not to match', /foo/);
197 | expect(null, 'not to match', /foo/);
198 | ```
199 |
200 | **contain**: asserts indexOf for an array or string
201 |
202 | ```js
203 | expect([1, 2], 'to contain', 1);
204 | expect('hello world', 'to contain', 'world');
205 | ```
206 |
207 | **length**: asserts array `.length`
208 |
209 | ```js
210 | expect([], 'to have length', 0);
211 | expect([1,2,3], 'to have length', 3);
212 | expect([1,2,3], 'not to have length', 4);
213 | ```
214 |
215 | **empty**: asserts that an array or array-like object (identified by the presence of a `length` property) is empty
216 |
217 | ```js
218 | expect([], 'to be empty');
219 | expect('', 'to be empty');
220 | expect({ my: 'object' }, 'not to be empty');
221 | expect([1,2,3], 'not to be empty');
222 | expect({ length: 0, duck: 'typing' }, 'to be empty');
223 | ```
224 |
225 | **property**: asserts presence of an own property (and value optionally)
226 |
227 | ```js
228 | expect([1, 2], 'to have property', 'length');
229 | expect([1, 2], 'to have property', 'length', 2);
230 | expect({a: 'b'}, 'to have property', 'a');
231 | expect({a: 'b'}, 'to have property', 'a', 'b');
232 | expect({a: 'b'}, 'to have property', 'toString');
233 | expect({a: 'b'}, 'to have own property', 'a');
234 | expect(Object.create({a: 'b'}), 'not to have own property', 'a');
235 | ```
236 |
237 | **properties**: assert presence of properties in an object (and value optionally)
238 |
239 | ```js
240 | expect({ a: 'a', b: { c: 'c' }, d: 'd' }, 'to have properties', ['a', 'b']);
241 | expect({ a: 'a', b: { c: 'c' }, d: 'd' }, 'to have own properties', ['a', 'b']);
242 | expect({ a: 'a', b: { c: 'c' }, d: 'd' }, 'not to have properties', ['k', 'l']);
243 | expect({ a: 'a', b: { c: 'c' }, d: 'd' }, 'to have properties', {
244 | a: 'a',
245 | b: { c: 'c' }
246 | });
247 | expect([ 'a', { c: 'c' }, 'd' ], 'to have properties', {
248 | 1: { c: 'c' }
249 | 2: 'd',
250 | });
251 | ```
252 |
253 | **key** / **keys**: asserts the presence of a key. Supports the `only` modifier
254 |
255 | ```js
256 | expect({ a: 'b' }, 'to have key', 'a');
257 | expect({ a: 'b' }, 'not to have key', 'b');
258 | expect({ a: 'b', c: 'd' }, 'to not only have key', 'a');
259 | expect({ a: 'b', c: 'd' }, 'to only have keys', 'a', 'c');
260 | expect({ a: 'b', c: 'd' }, 'to only have keys', ['a', 'c']);
261 | expect({ a: 'b', c: 'd', e: 'f' }, 'to not only have keys', ['a', 'c']);
262 | ```
263 |
264 | **throw exception** / **throw error** / **throw**: asserts that the `Function` throws or not when called
265 |
266 | ```js
267 | expect(fn, 'to throw exception');
268 | expect(fn, 'to throw');
269 | expect(fn, 'to throw exception', function (e) { // get the exception object
270 | expect(e, 'to be a', SyntaxError);
271 | });
272 | expect(fn, 'to throw exception', /matches the exception message/);
273 | expect(fn, 'to throw error', 'matches the exact exception message');
274 | expect(fn2, 'not to throw error');
275 | ```
276 |
277 | **arity**: asserts that the `Function` takes the given number of arguments
278 |
279 | ```js
280 | expect(Math.max, 'to have arity', 2);
281 | ```
282 |
283 | **finite/infinite**: asserts a finite or infinite number
284 |
285 | ```js
286 | expect(123, 'to be finite');
287 | expect(Infinity, 'not to be finite');
288 | expect(Infinity, 'to be infinite');
289 | ```
290 |
291 | **within**: asserts a number within a range
292 |
293 | ```js
294 | expect(0, 'to be within', 0, 4);
295 | expect(1, 'to be within', 0, 4);
296 | expect(4, 'to be within', 0, 4);
297 | expect(-1, 'not to be within', 0, 4);
298 | expect(5, 'not to be within', 0, 4);
299 | ```
300 |
301 | **greater than** / **above**: asserts `>`
302 |
303 | ```js
304 | expect(3, 'to be greater than', 2);
305 | expect(1, 'to be above', 0);
306 | expect(4, 'to be >', 3);
307 | expect(4, '>', 3);
308 | ```
309 |
310 | **greater than or equal to**: asserts `>`
311 |
312 | ```js
313 | expect(3, 'to be greater than or equal to', 2);
314 | expect(3, 'to be >=', 3);
315 | expect(3, '>=', 3);
316 | ```
317 |
318 | **less than** / **below**: asserts `<`
319 |
320 | ```js
321 | expect(0, 'to be less than', 4);
322 | expect(0, 'to be below', 1);
323 | expect(3, 'to be <', 4);
324 | expect(3, '<', 4);
325 | ```
326 |
327 | **less than or equal to**: asserts `>`
328 |
329 | ```js
330 | expect(0, 'to be less than or equal to', 4);
331 | expect(4, 'to be <=', 4);
332 | expect(3, '<=', 4);
333 | ```
334 |
335 | **positive**: assert that a number is positive
336 |
337 | ```js
338 | expect(3, 'to be positive');
339 | ```
340 |
341 | **negative**: assert that a number is negative
342 |
343 | ```js
344 | expect(-1, 'to be negative');
345 | ```
346 |
347 | **fail**: explicitly forces failure.
348 |
349 | ```js
350 | expect.fail()
351 | expect.fail('Custom failure message')
352 | expect.fail('{0} was expected to be {1}', 0, 'zero');
353 | ```
354 |
355 | I case you want to rethrow an error, you should always use
356 | `expect.fail`, as it ensures that the error message will be correct
357 | for the different error modes.
358 |
359 | ```js
360 | var error = new Error('throw me');
361 | expect.fail(new Error(error));
362 | ```
363 |
364 | When you want to build a completely custom output, you can call
365 | `expect.fail` with a callback and receive a
366 | [magicpen](https://github.com/sunesimonsen/magicpen) instance that the
367 | output can be written to.
368 |
369 | ```js
370 | expect.fail(function (output) {
371 | 'You have been a very bad boy!'.split(/ /).forEach(function (word, index) {
372 | if (index > 0) { output.sp(); }
373 | var style = index % 2 === 0 ? 'cyan' : 'magenta';
374 | output[style](word);
375 | });
376 | });
377 | ```
378 |
379 | <img src="./images/fail-custom.png" alt="Custom error output using expect.fail">
380 |
381 | **array whose items satisfy**: will run an assertion function for each items in an array
382 |
383 | ```js
384 | expect([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'to be an array whose items satisfy', function (item, index) {
385 | expect(item, 'to be a number');
386 | });
387 |
388 | expect([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'to be an array whose items satisfy', 'to be a number');
389 |
390 | expect([[1], [2]], 'to be an array whose items satisfy',
391 | 'to be an array whose items satisfy', 'to be a number');
392 |
393 | expect([[], []], 'to be a non-empty array whose items satisfy', function (item) {
394 | expect(item, 'to be an empty array');
395 | });
396 | ```
397 |
398 | Using this assertion result in very detailed error reporting as shown in the below example:
399 |
400 | ```js
401 | expect([[0, 1, 2], [4, '5', 6], [7, 8, '9']],
402 | 'to be an array whose items satisfy', function (arr) {
403 | expect(arr, 'to be an array whose items satisfy', function (item) {
404 | expect(item, 'to be a number');
405 | });
406 | });
407 | ```
408 |
409 | will output:
410 |
411 | ```
412 | failed expectation in [ [ 0, 1, 2 ], [ 4, '5', 6 ], [ 7, 8, '9' ] ]:
413 | 1: failed expectation in [ 4, '5', 6 ]:
414 | 1: expected '5' to be a number
415 | 2: failed expectation in [ 7, 8, '9' ]:
416 | 2: expected '9' to be a number
417 | ```
418 |
419 | **satisfy**: match against a spec
420 |
421 | All properties and nested objects mentioned in the right-hand side object are
422 | required to be present. Primitive values are compared with `to equal` semantics:
423 |
424 | ```js
425 | expect({ hey: { there: true } }, 'to satisfy', { hey: {} });
426 | ```
427 |
428 | To disallow additional properties in the subject, use `to exhaustively satisfy`:
429 |
430 | ```js
431 | expect({ hey: { there: true } }, 'to exhaustively satisfy', { hey: { there: true } });
432 | ```
433 |
434 | Regular expressions and functions in the right-hand side object will be run
435 | against the corresponding values in the subject:
436 |
437 | ```js
438 | expect({ bar: 'quux', baz: true }, 'to satisfy', { bar: /QU*X/i });
439 | ```
440 |
441 | Can be combined with `expect.it` to create complex specifications that delegate to
442 | existing assertions:
443 |
444 | ```js
445 | expect({foo: 123, bar: 'bar', baz: 'bogus', qux: 42}, 'to satisfy', {
446 | foo: expect.it('to be a number').and('to be greater than', 10),
447 | baz: expect.it('not to match', /^boh/),
448 | qux: expect.it('to be a string')
449 | .and('not to be empty')
450 | .or('to be a number')
451 | .and('to be positive')
452 | });
453 | ```
454 |
455 | **map whose keys satisfy**: will run an assertion function for each key in a map
456 |
457 |
458 | ```js
459 | expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3 },
460 | 'to be a map whose keys satisfy', function (key) {
461 | expect(key, 'to match', /^[a-z]{3}$/);
462 | });
463 |
464 | expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3 },
465 | 'to be a map whose keys satisfy',
466 | 'to match', /^[a-z]{3}$/);
467 | ```
468 |
469 | Using this assertion result in very detailed error reporting as shown in the below example:
470 |
471 | ```js
472 | expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3, quux: 4 },
473 | 'to be a map whose keys satisfy', function (key) {
474 | expect(key, 'to have length', 3);
475 | });
476 | ```
477 |
478 | will output:
479 |
480 | ```
481 | failed expectation on keys foo, bar, baz, qux, quux:
482 | quux: expected 'quux' to have length 3
483 | ```
484 |
485 | **map whose values satisfy**: will run an assertion function for each value in a map
486 |
487 | ```js
488 | expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3 },
489 | 'to be a map whose values satisfy', function (value) {
490 | expect(value, 'to be a number');
491 | });
492 |
493 | expect({ foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2, qux: 3 },
494 | 'to be a map whose values satisfy',
495 | 'to be a number');
496 | ```
497 |
498 | Using this assertion result in very detailed error reporting as shown in the below example:
499 |
500 | ```js
501 | expect({ foo: [0, 1, 2], bar: [4, '5', 6], baz: [7, 8, '9'] },
502 | 'to be a map whose values satisfy', function (arr) {
503 | expect(arr, 'to be an array whose items satisfy', function (item) {
504 | expect(item, 'to be a number');
505 | });
506 | });
507 | ```
508 |
509 | will output:
510 |
511 | ```
512 | failed expectation in
513 | {
514 | foo: [ 0, 1, 2 ],
515 | bar: [ 4, '5', 6 ],
516 | baz: [ 7, 8, '9' ]
517 | }:
518 | bar: failed expectation in [ 4, '5', 6 ]:
519 | 1: expected '5' to be a number
520 | baz: failed expectation in [ 7, 8, '9' ]:
521 | 2: expected '9' to be a number
522 | ```
523 |
524 | ## Extending Unexpected with new assertions
525 |
526 | ### expect.clone()
527 |
528 | Before extending the `expect` instance with new assertions it is
529 | usually a good idea to clone it, so you don't change the global
530 | instance. You do that by calling the `clone` method on `expect`.
531 | Adding new assertions to the clone will not affect the original
532 | instance.
533 |
534 | ### expect.addAssertion([typeName, ...], [pattern, ...], handler)
535 |
536 | Signature:
537 |
538 | ```js
539 | expect.addAssertion(pattern, handler);
540 | expect.addAssertion([pattern, ...]], handler);
541 | expect.addAssertion(typeName, pattern, handler);
542 | expect.addAssertion(typeName, [pattern, ...], handler);
543 | expect.addAssertion([typeName, ...], pattern, handler);
544 | expect.addAssertion([typeName, ...], [pattern, ...], handler);
545 | ```
546 |
547 | New assertions can be added to Unexpected to following way.
548 |
549 | ```js
550 | expect.addAssertion('array', '[not] to be (sorted|ordered)', function(expect, subject, cmp) {
551 | expect(subject, '[not] to equal', [].concat(subject).sort(cmp));
552 | });
553 |
554 | ```
555 |
556 | The above assertion definition makes the following expects possible:
557 |
558 | ```js
559 | expect([1,2,3], 'to be sorted');
560 | expect([1,2,3], 'to be ordered');
561 | expect([2,1,3], 'not to be sorted');
562 | expect([2,1,3], 'not to be ordered');
563 | expect([3,2,1], 'to be sorted', function (x, y) { return y - x; });
564 | ```
565 |
566 | Let's dissect the different parts of the custom assertion we just
567 | introduced.
568 |
569 | The first parameter to `addAssertion` is a string or an array
570 | specifying which types the assertion should be defined on. In this
571 | case the assertion in only defined for arrays. In case the type is not
572 | specified the assertion will be defined for the type `any`, and would
573 | be applicable any type. See the `Extending Unexpected with new types`
574 | section for more information about the type system in Unexpected.
575 |
576 | The second parameter to `addAssertion` is a string or an array stating
577 | the patterns this assertion should match. A pattern has the following
578 | syntax. A word in square brackets represents a flag that can either be
579 | there or not. If the flag is present `this.flags[flag]` will contain
580 | the value `true`. In this case `not` is a flag. When a flag it present
581 | in a nested `expect` it will be inserted if the flag is present;
582 | otherwise it will be removed. Text that is in parentheses with
583 | vertical bars between them are treated as alternative texts that can
584 | be used. In this case you can write _ordered_ as an alternative to
585 | _sorted_.
586 |
587 | The last parameter to `addAssertion` is function that will be called
588 | when `expect` is invoked with an expectation matching the type and
589 | pattern of the assertion.
590 |
591 | So in this case, when `expect` is called the following way:
592 |
593 | ```js
594 | expect([3,2,1], 'to be sorted', reverse);
595 | ```
596 |
597 | The handler to our assertion will be called with the values the
598 | following way, where the _not_ flag in the nested expect will be
599 | removed:
600 |
601 | ```js
602 | expect.addAssertion('[not] to be (sorted|ordered)', function(expect, [3,2,1], reverse){
603 | expect([3,2,1], '[not] to equal', [].concat([3,2,1]).sort(reverse));
604 | });
605 | ```
606 |
607 | #### Controlling the output of nested expects
608 |
609 | When a call to `expect` fails inside your assertion the standard error
610 | message for the custom assertion will be used. In the case of our
611 | _sorted_ assertion the output will be something along the lines:
612 |
613 | ```
614 | expected [ 4, 3, 1, 2 ] to be sorted
615 | ```
616 |
617 | We can control the output of the nested expects by using the `this.errorMode`
618 | flag.
619 |
620 | ```js
621 | expect.addAssertion('[not] to be (sorted|ordered)', function(expect, subject, cmp) {
622 | this.errorMode = 'bubble';
623 | expect(subject, '[not] to equal', [].concat(subject).sort(cmp));
624 | });
625 |
626 | ```
627 |
628 | This will change the error output to:
629 |
630 | ```
631 | expected [ 4, 3, 1, 2 ] to equal [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
632 | ```
633 |
634 | If we change the error mode to _nested_, we get the following:
635 |
636 | ```
637 | expected [ 4, 3, 1, 2 ] to be sorted
638 | expected [ 4, 3, 1, 2 ] to equal [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
639 | ```
640 |
641 | The best resource for learning more about custom assertions is to look
642 | at how the predefined assertions are build:
643 |
644 | [lib/assertions.js](https://github.com/sunesimonsen/unexpected/blob/master/lib/assertions.js)
645 |
646 | ## Types
647 |
648 | Unexpected comes with a type system that is used to explain how
649 | different types are compared, diffed, inspected and is also used to
650 | limit the scope of assertions.
651 |
652 | The following types are provided by out of the box by Unexpected:
653 | `any`, `arguments`, `array`, `arrayLike`, `binaryArray`, `boolean`,
654 | `Buffer`, `date`, `Error`, `function`, `null`, `number`, `object`,
655 | `regexp`, `string`, `undefined`.
656 |
657 | ### expect.addType(typeDefinition)
658 |
659 | Unexpected can be extended with knowledge about new types by calling
660 | the `addType` method with a type definition. The type definition must
661 | implement the required parts of the following interface:
662 |
663 | Required members:
664 |
665 | * __name__: `String` - the name of the type.
666 | * __identify__: `boolean function(value)` - a function deciding if the type
667 | should be used for the given value.
668 |
669 | Optional members:
670 |
671 | * __base__: `String` - the name of the base type. Defaults to `any`.
672 | * __equal__: `boolean function(a, b, equal)` -
673 | a function capable of comparing two values of this type for
674 | equality. If not specified it is inherited from the base type.
675 | * __inspect__: `function(value, depth, output, inspect)` -
676 | a function capable of inspecting a value of this type. If not
677 | specified it is inherited from the base type.
678 | * __diff__: `comparison function(actual, expected, output, diff, inspect)` -
679 | a function producing a comparison between two values of this
680 | type. If not specified it is inherited from the base type.
681 |
682 | #### Example
683 |
684 | Adding new types to the system is best explained by an example. Let's
685 | say we wanted to add first class support for a `Person` type:
686 |
687 | ```js
688 | function Person(name, age) {
689 | this.name = name;
690 | this.age = age;
691 | }
692 | ```
693 |
694 | We start out by creating a basic type for handling `Person`
695 | instances. The name of the type should be `Person` and it should
696 | inherit from the build in `object` type. Furthermore we add an
697 | `identify` method that will recognize `Person` instances.
698 |
699 | ```js
700 | expect.addType({
701 | name: 'Person',
702 | base: 'object',
703 | identify: function (value) {
704 | return value instanceof Person;
705 | }
706 | });
707 | ```
708 |
709 | When you specify a base type, you inherit the optional members you
710 | didn't implement. In this case we inherited the methods `equal`,
711 | `inspect` and `diff` from the `object` type.
712 |
713 | Imagine that we make a failing expectation on a person instance:
714 |
715 | ```js
716 | expect(new Person('John Doe', 42), 'to equal', new Person('Jane Doe', 24));
717 | ```
718 |
719 | the result is the following output:
720 |
721 | <img src="./images/addType-basic.png" alt="Failed expectation of basic type">
722 |
723 | That is already quite helpful, but the output misses the information
724 | that it is `Person` instances we are comparing. We can fix that by
725 | implementing an `inspect` method on the type.
726 |
727 | ```js
728 | expect.addType({
729 | name: 'Person',
730 | base: 'object',
731 | identify: function (value) {
732 | return value instanceof Person;
733 | },
734 | inspect: function (person, depth, output, inspect) {
735 | output.text('new Person(')
736 | .append(inspect(person.name, depth))
737 | .text(', ')
738 | .append(inspect(person.age, depth))
739 | .text(')');
740 | }
741 | });
742 | ```
743 |
744 | Now we get the following output:
745 |
746 | <img src="./images/addType-inspect.png" alt="Failed expectation of type with inspect defined">
747 |
748 | That is a bit better, let me explain how it works. The `inspect`
749 | method is called with the value to be inspected, the depth this type
750 | should be inspected with, an output the inspected value should be
751 | written to and an inspect function that can be used to recursively
752 | inspect members. The output is an instance of
753 | [magicpen](https://github.com/sunesimonsen/magicpen) extended with a
754 | number of [styles](https://github.com/sunesimonsen/unexpected/blob/master/lib/styles.js).
755 |
756 | We write `new Person(` without styling, then we append the inspected
757 | `name`, write a `, `, inspect the `age` and finish with the closing
758 | parenthesis. When `inspect` is called without a depth parameter it
759 | defaults to `depth-1`. Values inspected with depth zero will be
760 | inspected as `...`. In this case we always want the name so we forward the
761 | same depth to the `inspect` function.
762 |
763 | Let's say we wanted persons only to be compared by name and not by
764 | age. Then we need to override the `equal` method:
765 |
766 | ```js
767 | expect.addType({
768 | name: 'Person',
769 | base: 'object',
770 | identify: function (value) {
771 | return value instanceof Person;
772 | },
773 | inspect: function (person, depth, output, inspect) {
774 | output.text('new Person(')
775 | .append(inspect(person.name, depth))
776 | .text(', ')
777 | .append(inspect(person.age, depth))
778 | .text(')');
779 | },
780 | equal: function (a, b, equal) {
781 | return a === b || equal(a.name, b.name);
782 | }
783 | });
784 | ```
785 |
786 | This will produce the same output as above, but that means the diff if
787 | wrong. It states that the age should be changed. We can fix that the
788 | following way:
789 |
790 | ```js
791 | expect.addType({
792 | name: 'Person',
793 | base: 'object',
794 | identify: function (value) {
795 | return value instanceof Person;
796 | },
797 | inspect: function (person, depth, output, inspect) {
798 | output.text('new Person(')
799 | .append(inspect(person.name, depth))
800 | .text(', ')
801 | .append(inspect(person.age, depth))
802 | .text(')');
803 | },
804 | equal: function (a, b, equal) {
805 | return a === b || equal(a.name, b.name);
806 | },
807 | diff: function (actual, expected, output, diff, inspect) {
808 | return this.baseType.diff({name: actual.name}, {name: expected.name});
809 | }
810 | });
811 | ```
812 |
813 | <img src="./images/addType-diff.png" alt="Failed expectation of type with diff defined">
814 |
815 | The above `diff` method just calls the `diff` method on the base type
816 | with objects that only contain the name. The `object` diff will take
817 | care of all the hard work. We could also have called the `diff`
818 | function we got as an argument, but that will go off detecting the
819 | types of the parameters, therefore it is faster to call `diff` method
820 | on the base directly when you know it is the one you need.
821 |
822 | You could also do something really custom as seen below:
823 |
824 | ```js
825 | expect.addType({
826 | name: 'Person',
827 | base: 'object',
828 | identify: function (value) {
829 | return value instanceof Person;
830 | },
831 | inspect: function (person, depth, output, inspect) {
832 | output.text('new Person(')
833 | .append(inspect(person.name, depth))
834 | .text(', ')
835 | .append(inspect(person.age, depth))
836 | .text(')');
837 | },
838 | equal: function (a, b, equal) {
839 | return a === b || equal(a.name, b.name);
840 | },
841 | diff: function (actual, expected, output, diff, inspect) {
842 | var nameDiff = diff(actual.name, expected.name);
843 |
844 | output.text('new Person(')
845 | .nl()
846 | .indentLines();
847 |
848 | if (nameDiff && nameDiff.inline) {
849 | output.append(nameDiff.diff);
850 | } else {
851 | output.i().append(inspect(actual.name)).text(',').sp()
852 | .annotationBlock(function () {
853 | this.error('should be ').append(inspect(expected.name));
854 | if (nameDiff) {
855 | this.nl().append(nameDiff.diff);
856 | }
857 | })
858 | .nl();
859 | }
860 |
861 | output.i().append(inspect(actual.age))
862 | .outdentLines()
863 | .nl()
864 | .text(')');
865 |
866 | return {
867 | inline: false,
868 | diff: output
869 | };
870 | }
871 | });
872 | ```
873 |
874 | That would produce the following output.
875 |
876 | <img src="./images/addType-improved-diff.png" alt="Failed expectation of type with an improved diff">
877 |
878 | This is a rather complicated example and I wont go though the details,
879 | but I would like to comment on the `inline` flag. When we diff objects
880 | against each other, the values of the keys will be diffed against each
881 | other. That means diffs are inserted into the containing
882 | structure. You can control this behavior using the `inline` flag. If
883 | the child diff is inline, it means that it will be appended directly
884 | into the parent; otherwise the diff will be inserted in an annotation
885 | block. The outputs below shows the contrast between setting the
886 | `Person` diff to inline or not.
887 |
888 | <img src="./images/addType-inline-diff.png" alt="Person diff inlining is on">
889 |
890 | <img src="./images/addType-inline-false-diff.png" alt="Person diff inlining is off">
891 |
892 | Now that we have implemented a type, we can start adding assertions to
893 | it. These assertions will only work on this type or types inheriting
894 | from the type.
895 |
896 | ```js
897 | expect.addAssertion('Person', 'to be above legal age', function (expect, subject) {
898 | expect(subject.age, 'to be greater than or equal to', 18);
899 | });
900 |
901 | expect(new Person('Jane Doe', 24), 'to be above legal age');
902 | ```
903 |
904 | Because `Person` inherits from `object` you can use all assertion
905 | defined for `object` or any of it's ancestors. Here is an example:
906 |
907 | ```js
908 | expect(new Person('Jane Doe', 24), 'to have keys', 'name', 'age');
909 | expect(new Person('Jane Doe', 24), 'to satisfy', {
910 | name: expect.it('to be a string').and('not to be empty'),
911 | age: expect.it('to be a number').and('not to be negative')
912 | });
913 | ```
914 |
915 | The best resource for learning more about custom types is to look at
916 | how the predefined types are build:
917 |
918 | [lib/types.js](https://github.com/sunesimonsen/unexpected/blob/master/lib/types.js)
919 |
920 | ## Plugins - expect.installPlugin(plugin)
921 |
922 | Unexpected plugins are objects that adhere to the following interface:
923 |
924 | ```js
925 | {
926 | name: <plugin name>,
927 | dependencies: <an optional list of dependencies>,
928 | installInto: <a function that will update the given expect instance>
929 | }
930 | ```
931 |
932 | The name of the plugin should be the same at the NPM package name.
933 |
934 | A plugin can require a list of other plugins to be installed prior to
935 | installation of the plugin. If the dependency list is not fulfilled
936 | the installation will fail. The idea is that you manage your plugin
937 | versions using NPM. If you install a plugin that is already installed
938 | nothing will happen.
939 |
940 | The `installInto` function receives an instance of unexpected and uses
941 | uses the `addAssertion` method to add new custom assertions instance.
942 |
943 | ```js
944 | expect.installPlugin(require('unexpected-sinon'));
945 | ```
946 |
947 | See the
948 | [unexpected-sinon](https://github.com/sunesimonsen/unexpected-sinon) or
949 | [unexpected-knockout](https://github.com/sunesimonsen/unexpected-knockout)
950 | plugins as examples of how to create a plugin.
951 |
952 | ### expect.toString()
953 |
954 | Prints all registered assertions to the console.
955 |
956 | ```js
957 | console.log(expect.toString());
958 | ```
959 |
960 | ## Using Unexpected with a test framework
961 |
962 | For example, if you create a test suite with
963 | [mocha](http://github.com/visionmedia/mocha).
964 |
965 | Let's say we wanted to test the following program:
966 |
967 | **math.js**
968 |
969 | ```js
970 | function add (a, b) { return a + b; };
971 | ```
972 |
973 | Our test file would look like this:
974 |
975 | ```js
976 | describe('math.js', function () {
977 | describe('add', function () {
978 | it('is a function', function () {
979 | expect(add, 'to be a', 'function');
980 | });
981 |
982 | it('does addition on numbers', function () {
983 | expect(add(1, 3), 'to be', 4);
984 | });
985 | });
986 | });
987 | ```
988 |
989 | If a certain expectation fails, an exception will be raised which gets captured
990 | and shown/processed by the test runner.
991 |
992 | ## Development
993 |
994 | [Everything you need to know to contribute to unexpected.](Development.md)
995 |
996 | ## License
997 |
998 | MIT, see the `LICENSE` file for details
999 |
1000 | ### Credits
1001 |
1002 | Heavily borrows from [expect.js](https://github.com/LearnBoost/expect.js) by
1003 | Guillermo Rauch - MIT.