1 | # [![unified][logo]][site]
2 |
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9 | [![Chat][chat-badge]][chat]
10 |
11 | **unified** lets you inspect and transform content with plugins.
12 |
13 | ## Contents
14 |
15 | * [What is this?](#what-is-this)
16 | * [When should I use this?](#when-should-i-use-this)
17 | * [Install](#install)
18 | * [Use](#use)
19 | * [Overview](#overview)
20 | * [API](#api)
21 | * [`processor()`](#processor)
22 | * [`processor.compiler`](#processorcompiler)
23 | * [`processor.data([key[, value]])`](#processordatakey-value)
24 | * [`processor.freeze()`](#processorfreeze)
25 | * [`processor.parse(file)`](#processorparsefile)
26 | * [`processor.parser`](#processorparser)
27 | * [`processor.process(file[, done])`](#processorprocessfile-done)
28 | * [`processor.processSync(file)`](#processorprocesssyncfile)
29 | * [`processor.run(tree[, file][, done])`](#processorruntree-file-done)
30 | * [`processor.runSync(tree[, file])`](#processorrunsynctree-file)
31 | * [`processor.stringify(tree[, file])`](#processorstringifytree-file)
32 | * [`processor.use(plugin[, options])`](#processoruseplugin-options)
33 | * [`CompileResultMap`](#compileresultmap)
34 | * [`CompileResults`](#compileresults)
35 | * [`Compiler`](#compiler)
36 | * [`Data`](#data)
37 | * [`Parser`](#parser)
38 | * [`Pluggable`](#pluggable)
39 | * [`PluggableList`](#pluggablelist)
40 | * [`Plugin`](#plugin)
41 | * [`PluginTuple`](#plugintuple)
42 | * [`Preset`](#preset)
43 | * [`ProcessCallback`](#processcallback)
44 | * [`Processor`](#processor-1)
45 | * [`RunCallback`](#runcallback)
46 | * [`Settings`](#settings)
47 | * [`TransformCallback`](#transformcallback)
48 | * [`Transformer`](#transformer)
49 | * [Types](#types)
50 | * [Compatibility](#compatibility)
51 | * [Contribute](#contribute)
52 | * [Sponsor](#sponsor)
53 | * [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)
54 | * [License](#license)
55 |
56 | ## What is this?
57 |
58 | unified is two things:
59 |
60 | * **unified** is a collective of 500+ free and open source packages that work
61 | with content as structured data (ASTs)
62 | * `unified` (this project) is the core package, used in 1.3m+ projects on GH,
63 | to process content with plugins
64 |
65 | Several ecosystems are built on unified around different kinds of content.
66 | Notably, [remark][] (markdown), [rehype][] (HTML), and [retext][] (natural
67 | language).
68 | These ecosystems can be connected together.
69 |
70 | * for more about us, see [`unifiedjs.com`][site]
71 | * for updates, see [@unifiedjs][twitter] on Twitter
72 | * for questions, see [support][]
73 | * to help, see [contribute][] and [sponsor][] below
74 |
75 | ## When should I use this?
76 |
77 | In some cases, you are already using unified.
78 | For example, it’s used in MDX, Gatsby, Docusaurus, etc.
79 | In those cases, you don’t need to add `unified` yourself but you can include
80 | plugins into those projects.
81 |
82 | But the real fun (for some) is to get your hands dirty and work with syntax
83 | trees and build with it yourself.
84 | You can create those projects, or things like Prettier, or your own site
85 | generator.
86 | You can connect utilities together and make your own plugins that check for
87 | problems and transform from one thing to another.
88 |
89 | When you are dealing with one type of content (such as markdown), you can use
90 | the main package of that ecosystem instead (so `remark`).
91 | When you are dealing with different kinds of content (such as markdown and
92 | HTML), it’s recommended to use `unified` itself, and pick and choose the plugins
93 | you need.
94 |
95 | ## Install
96 |
97 | This package is [ESM only][esm].
98 | In Node.js (version 16+), install with [npm][]:
99 |
100 | ```sh
101 | npm install unified
102 | ```
103 |
104 | In Deno with [`esm.sh`][esmsh]:
105 |
106 | ```js
107 | import {unified} from 'https://esm.sh/unified@11'
108 | ```
109 |
110 | In browsers with [`esm.sh`][esmsh]:
111 |
112 | ```html
113 | <script type="module">
114 | import {unified} from 'https://esm.sh/unified@11?bundle'
115 | </script>
116 | ```
117 |
118 | ## Use
119 |
120 | ```js
121 | import rehypeDocument from 'rehype-document'
122 | import rehypeFormat from 'rehype-format'
123 | import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
124 | import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
125 | import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype'
126 | import {unified} from 'unified'
127 | import {reporter} from 'vfile-reporter'
128 |
129 | const file = await unified()
130 | .use(remarkParse)
131 | .use(remarkRehype)
132 | .use(rehypeDocument, {title: '👋🌍'})
133 | .use(rehypeFormat)
134 | .use(rehypeStringify)
135 | .process('# Hello world!')
136 |
137 | console.error(reporter(file))
138 | console.log(String(file))
139 | ```
140 |
141 | Yields:
142 |
143 | ```txt
144 | no issues found
145 | ```
146 |
147 | ```html
148 | <!doctype html>
149 | <html lang="en">
150 | <head>
151 | <meta charset="utf-8">
152 | <title>👋🌍</title>
153 | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
154 | </head>
155 | <body>
156 | <h1>Hello world!</h1>
157 | </body>
158 | </html>
159 | ```
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 | <a name="description"></a>
164 |
165 | ## Overview
166 |
167 | `unified` is an interface for processing content with syntax trees.
168 | Syntax trees are a representation of content understandable to programs.
169 | Those programs, called *[plugins][api-plugin]*, take these trees and inspect and
170 | modify them.
171 | To get to the syntax tree from text, there is a *[parser][api-parser]*.
172 | To get from that back to text, there is a *[compiler][api-compiler]*.
173 | This is the *[process][api-process]* of a *processor*.
174 |
175 | ```ascii
176 | | ........................ process ........................... |
177 | | .......... parse ... | ... run ... | ... stringify ..........|
178 |
179 | +--------+ +----------+
180 | Input ->- | Parser | ->- Syntax Tree ->- | Compiler | ->- Output
181 | +--------+ | +----------+
182 | X
183 | |
184 | +--------------+
185 | | Transformers |
186 | +--------------+
187 | ```
188 |
189 | ###### Processors
190 |
191 | Processors process content.
192 | On its own, `unified` (the root processor) doesn’t work.
193 | It needs to be configured with plugins to work.
194 | For example:
195 |
196 | ```js
197 | const processor = unified()
198 | .use(remarkParse)
199 | .use(remarkRehype)
200 | .use(rehypeDocument, {title: '👋🌍'})
201 | .use(rehypeFormat)
202 | .use(rehypeStringify)
203 | ```
204 |
205 | That processor can do different things.
206 | It can:
207 |
208 | * …parse markdown (`parse`)
209 | * …turn parsed markdown into HTML and format the HTML (`run`)
210 | * …compile HTML (`stringify`)
211 | * …do all of the above (`process`)
212 |
213 | Every processor implements another processor.
214 | To create a processor, call another processor.
215 | The new processor is configured to work the same as its ancestor.
216 | But when the descendant processor is configured in the future it does not affect
217 | the ancestral processor.
218 |
219 | When processors are exposed from a module (for example, `unified` itself) they
220 | should not be configured directly, as that would change their behavior for all
221 | module users.
222 | Those processors are *[frozen][api-freeze]* and they should be called to create
223 | a new processor before they are used.
224 |
225 | ###### File
226 |
227 | When processing a document, metadata is gathered about that document.
228 | [`vfile`][vfile] is the file format that stores data, metadata, and messages
229 | about files for unified and plugins.
230 |
231 | There are several [utilities][vfile-utilities] for working with these files.
232 |
233 | ###### Syntax tree
234 |
235 | The syntax trees used in unified are [unist][] nodes.
236 | A tree represents a whole document and each [node][] is a plain JavaScript
237 | object with a `type` field.
238 | The semantics of nodes and the format of syntax trees is defined by other
239 | projects:
240 |
241 | * [esast][] — JavaScript
242 | * [hast][] — HTML
243 | * [mdast][] — markdown
244 | * [nlcst][] — natural language
245 | * [xast][] — XML
246 |
247 | There are many utilities for working with trees listed in each aforementioned
248 | project and maintained in the [`syntax-tree`][syntax-tree] organization.
249 | These utilities are a level lower than unified itself and are building blocks
250 | that can be used to make plugins.
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 | <a name="list-of-processors"></a>
255 |
256 | ###### Ecosystems
257 |
258 | Around each syntax tree is an ecosystem that focusses on that particular kind
259 | of content.
260 | At their core, they parse text to a tree and compile that tree back to text.
261 | They also provide plugins that work with the syntax tree, without requiring
262 | that the end user has knowledge about that tree.
263 |
264 | * [rehype][] (hast) — HTML
265 | * [remark][] (mdast) — markdown
266 | * [retext][] (nlcst) — natural language
267 |
268 | <a name="list-of-plugins"></a>
269 |
270 | ###### Plugins
271 |
272 | Each aforementioned ecosystem comes with a large set of plugins that you can
273 | pick and choose from to do all kinds of things.
274 |
275 | * [List of remark plugins][remark-plugins] ·
276 | [`remarkjs/awesome-remark`][awesome-remark] ·
277 | [`remark-plugin` topic][topic-remark-plugin]
278 | * [List of rehype plugins][rehype-plugins] ·
279 | [`rehypejs/awesome-rehype`][awesome-rehype] ·
280 | [`rehype-plugin` topic][topic-rehype-plugin]
281 | * [List of retext plugins][retext-plugins] ·
282 | [`retextjs/awesome-retext`][awesome-retext] ·
283 | [`retext-plugin` topic][topic-retext-plugin]
284 |
285 | There are also a few plugins that work in any ecosystem:
286 |
287 | * [`unified-diff`](https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified-diff)
288 | — ignore unrelated messages in GitHub Actions and Travis
289 | * [`unified-infer-git-meta`](https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified-infer-git-meta)
290 | — infer metadata of a document from Git
291 | * [`unified-message-control`](https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified-message-control)
292 | — enable, disable, and ignore messages from content
293 |
294 | ###### Configuration
295 |
296 | Processors are configured with [plugins][api-plugin] or with the
297 | [`data`][api-data] method.
298 | Most plugins also accept configuration through options.
299 | See each plugin’s readme for more info.
300 |
301 | ###### Integrations
302 |
303 | unified can integrate with the file system through
304 | [`unified-engine`][unified-engine].
305 | CLI apps can be created with [`unified-args`][unified-args], Gulp plugins with
306 | [`unified-engine-gulp`][unified-engine-gulp], and language servers with
307 | [`unified-language-server`][unified-language-server].
308 | A streaming interface can be created with [`unified-stream`][unified-stream].
309 |
310 | ###### Programming interface
311 |
312 | The [API][] provided by `unified` allows multiple files to be processed and
313 | gives access to metadata (such as lint messages):
314 |
315 | ```js
316 | import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
317 | import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
318 | import remarkPresetLintMarkdownStyleGuide from 'remark-preset-lint-markdown-style-guide'
319 | import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype'
320 | import remarkRetext from 'remark-retext'
321 | import retextEnglish from 'retext-english'
322 | import retextEquality from 'retext-equality'
323 | import {unified} from 'unified'
324 | import {reporter} from 'vfile-reporter'
325 |
326 | const file = await unified()
327 | .use(remarkParse)
328 | .use(remarkPresetLintMarkdownStyleGuide)
329 | .use(remarkRetext, unified().use(retextEnglish).use(retextEquality))
330 | .use(remarkRehype)
331 | .use(rehypeStringify)
332 | .process('*Emphasis* and _stress_, you guys!')
333 |
334 | console.error(reporter(file))
335 | console.log(String(file))
336 | ```
337 |
338 | Yields:
339 |
340 | ```txt
341 | 1:16-1:24 warning Emphasis should use `*` as a marker emphasis-marker remark-lint
342 | 1:30-1:34 warning `guys` may be insensitive, use `people`, `persons`, `folks` instead gals-man retext-equality
343 |
344 | ⚠ 2 warnings
345 | ```
346 |
347 | ```html
348 | <p><em>Emphasis</em> and <em>stress</em>, you guys!</p>
349 | ```
350 |
351 |
352 |
353 | <a name="processing-between-syntaxes"></a>
354 |
355 | ###### Transforming between ecosystems
356 |
357 | Ecosystems can be combined in two modes.
358 |
359 | **Bridge** mode transforms the tree from one format (*origin*) to another
360 | (*destination*).
361 | A different processor runs on the destination tree.
362 | Afterwards, the original processor continues with the origin tree.
363 |
364 | **Mutate** mode also transforms the syntax tree from one format to another.
365 | But the original processor continues transforming the destination tree.
366 |
367 | In the previous example (“Programming interface”), `remark-retext` is used in
368 | bridge mode: the origin syntax tree is kept after retext is done; whereas
369 | `remark-rehype` is used in mutate mode: it sets a new syntax tree and discards
370 | the origin tree.
371 |
372 | The following plugins lets you combine ecosystems:
373 |
374 | * [`remark-retext`][remark-retext] — turn markdown into natural language
375 | * [`remark-rehype`][remark-rehype] — turn markdown into HTML
376 | * [`rehype-retext`][rehype-retext] — turn HTML into natural language
377 | * [`rehype-remark`][rehype-remark] — turn HTML into markdown
378 |
379 | ## API
380 |
381 | This package exports the identifier `unified` (the root `processor`).
382 | There is no default export.
383 |
384 | ### `processor()`
385 |
386 | Create a new processor.
387 |
388 | ###### Returns
389 |
390 | New *[unfrozen][api-freeze]* processor ([`processor`][api-processor]).
391 |
392 | This processor is configured to work the same as its ancestor.
393 | When the descendant processor is configured in the future it does not affect
394 | the ancestral processor.
395 |
396 | ###### Example
397 |
398 | This example shows how a new processor can be created (from `remark`) and linked
399 | to **stdin**(4) and **stdout**(4).
400 |
401 | ```js
402 | import process from 'node:process'
403 | import concatStream from 'concat-stream'
404 | import {remark} from 'remark'
405 |
406 | process.stdin.pipe(
407 | concatStream(function (buf) {
408 | process.stdout.write(String(remark().processSync(buf)))
409 | })
410 | )
411 | ```
412 |
413 | ### `processor.compiler`
414 |
415 | Compiler to use ([`Compiler`][api-compiler], optional).
416 |
417 | ### `processor.data([key[, value]])`
418 |
419 | Configure the processor with info available to all plugins.
420 | Information is stored in an object.
421 |
422 | Typically, options can be given to a specific plugin, but sometimes it makes
423 | sense to have information shared with several plugins.
424 | For example, a list of HTML elements that are self-closing, which is needed
425 | during all [phases][overview].
426 |
427 | > 👉 **Note**: setting information cannot occur on *[frozen][api-freeze]*
428 | > processors.
429 | > Call the processor first to create a new unfrozen processor.
430 |
431 | > 👉 **Note**: to register custom data in TypeScript, augment the
432 | > [`Data`][api-data] interface.
433 |
434 | ###### Signatures
435 |
436 | * `processor = processor.data(key, value)`
437 | * `processor = processor.data(dataset)`
438 | * `value = processor.data(key)`
439 | * `dataset = processor.data()`
440 |
441 | ###### Parameters
442 |
443 | * `key` ([`keyof Data`][api-data], optional) — field to get
444 | * `value` ([`Data[key]`][api-data]) — value to set
445 | * `values` ([`Data`][api-data]) — values to set
446 |
447 | ###### Returns
448 |
449 | The current processor when setting ([`processor`][api-processor]), the value at
450 | `key` when getting ([`Data[key]`][api-data]), or the entire dataset when
451 | getting without key ([`Data`][api-data]).
452 |
453 | ###### Example
454 |
455 | This example show how to get and set info:
456 |
457 | ```js
458 | import {unified} from 'unified'
459 |
460 | const processor = unified().data('alpha', 'bravo')
461 |
462 | processor.data('alpha') // => 'bravo'
463 |
464 | processor.data() // => {alpha: 'bravo'}
465 |
466 | processor.data({charlie: 'delta'})
467 |
468 | processor.data() // => {charlie: 'delta'}
469 | ```
470 |
471 | ### `processor.freeze()`
472 |
473 | Freeze a processor.
474 |
475 | Frozen processors are meant to be extended and not to be configured directly.
476 |
477 | When a processor is frozen it cannot be unfrozen.
478 | New processors working the same way can be created by calling the processor.
479 |
480 | It’s possible to freeze processors explicitly by calling `.freeze()`.
481 | Processors freeze automatically when `.parse()`, `.run()`, `.runSync()`,
482 | `.stringify()`, `.process()`, or `.processSync()` are called.
483 |
484 | ###### Returns
485 |
486 | The current processor ([`processor`][api-processor]).
487 |
488 | ###### Example
489 |
490 | This example, `index.js`, shows how `rehype` prevents extensions to itself:
491 |
492 | ```js
493 | import rehypeParse from 'rehype-parse'
494 | import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
495 | import {unified} from 'unified'
496 |
497 | export const rehype = unified().use(rehypeParse).use(rehypeStringify).freeze()
498 | ```
499 |
500 | That processor can be used and configured like so:
501 |
502 | ```js
503 | import {rehype} from 'rehype'
504 | import rehypeFormat from 'rehype-format'
505 | // …
506 |
507 | rehype()
508 | .use(rehypeFormat)
509 | // …
510 | ```
511 |
512 | A similar looking example is broken as operates on the frozen interface.
513 | If this behavior was allowed it would result in unexpected behavior so an error
514 | is thrown.
515 | **This is not valid**:
516 |
517 | ```js
518 | import {rehype} from 'rehype'
519 | import rehypeFormat from 'rehype-format'
520 | // …
521 |
522 | rehype
523 | .use(rehypeFormat)
524 | // …
525 | ```
526 |
527 | Yields:
528 |
529 | ```txt
530 | ~/node_modules/unified/index.js:426
531 | throw new Error(
532 | ^
533 |
534 | Error: Cannot call `use` on a frozen processor.
535 | Create a new processor first, by calling it: use `processor()` instead of `processor`.
536 | at assertUnfrozen (~/node_modules/unified/index.js:426:11)
537 | at Function.use (~/node_modules/unified/index.js:165:5)
538 | …
539 | ```
540 |
541 | ### `processor.parse(file)`
542 |
543 | Parse text to a syntax tree.
544 |
545 | > 👉 **Note**: `parse` freezes the processor if not already
546 | > *[frozen][api-freeze]*.
547 |
548 | > 👉 **Note**: `parse` performs the [parse phase][overview], not the run phase
549 | > or other phases.
550 |
551 | ###### Parameters
552 |
553 | * `file` ([`Compatible`][vfile-compatible]) — file to parse; typically
554 | `string` or [`VFile`][vfile]; any value accepted as `x` in `new VFile(x)`
555 |
556 | ###### Returns
557 |
558 | Syntax tree representing `file` ([`Node`][node]).
559 |
560 | ###### Example
561 |
562 | This example shows how `parse` can be used to create a tree from a file.
563 |
564 | ```js
565 | import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
566 | import {unified} from 'unified'
567 |
568 | const tree = unified().use(remarkParse).parse('# Hello world!')
569 |
570 | console.log(tree)
571 | ```
572 |
573 | Yields:
574 |
575 | ```js
576 | {
577 | type: 'root',
578 | children: [
579 | {type: 'heading', depth: 1, children: [Array], position: [Object]}
580 | ],
581 | position: {
582 | start: {line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0},
583 | end: {line: 1, column: 15, offset: 14}
584 | }
585 | }
586 | ```
587 |
588 | ### `processor.parser`
589 |
590 | Parser to use ([`Parser`][api-parser], optional).
591 |
592 | ### `processor.process(file[, done])`
593 |
594 | Process the given file as configured on the processor.
595 |
596 | > 👉 **Note**: `process` freezes the processor if not already
597 | > *[frozen][api-freeze]*.
598 |
599 | > 👉 **Note**: `process` performs the [parse, run, and stringify
600 | > phases][overview].
601 |
602 | ###### Signatures
603 |
604 | * `processor.process(file, done)`
605 | * `Promise<VFile> = processor.process(file?)`
606 |
607 | ###### Parameters
608 |
609 | * `file` ([`Compatible`][vfile-compatible], optional) — file; typically
610 | `string` or [`VFile`][vfile]; any value accepted as `x` in `new VFile(x)`
611 | * `done` ([`ProcessCallback`][api-process-callback], optional) — callback
612 |
613 | ###### Returns
614 |
615 | Nothing if `done` is given (`undefined`).
616 | Otherwise a promise, rejected with a fatal error or resolved with the
617 | processed file ([`Promise<VFile>`][vfile]).
618 |
619 | The parsed, transformed, and compiled value is available at `file.value` (see
620 | note).
621 |
622 | > 👉 **Note**: unified typically compiles by serializing: most
623 | > compilers return `string` (or `Uint8Array`).
624 | > Some compilers, such as the one configured with
625 | > [`rehype-react`][rehype-react], return other values (in this case, a React
626 | > tree).
627 | > If you’re using a compiler that doesn’t serialize, expect different result
628 | > values.
629 | >
630 | > To register custom results in TypeScript, add them to
631 | > [`CompileResultMap`][api-compile-result-map].
632 |
633 | ###### Example
634 |
635 | This example shows how `process` can be used to process a file:
636 |
637 | ```js
638 | import rehypeDocument from 'rehype-document'
639 | import rehypeFormat from 'rehype-format'
640 | import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
641 | import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
642 | import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype'
643 | import {unified} from 'unified'
644 |
645 | const file = await unified()
646 | .use(remarkParse)
647 | .use(remarkRehype)
648 | .use(rehypeDocument, {title: '👋🌍'})
649 | .use(rehypeFormat)
650 | .use(rehypeStringify)
651 | .process('# Hello world!')
652 |
653 | console.log(String(file))
654 | ```
655 |
656 | Yields:
657 |
658 | ```html
659 | <!doctype html>
660 | <html lang="en">
661 | <head>
662 | <meta charset="utf-8">
663 | <title>👋🌍</title>
664 | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
665 | </head>
666 | <body>
667 | <h1>Hello world!</h1>
668 | </body>
669 | </html>
670 | ```
671 |
672 | ### `processor.processSync(file)`
673 |
674 | Process the given file as configured on the processor.
675 |
676 | An error is thrown if asynchronous transforms are configured.
677 |
678 | > 👉 **Note**: `processSync` freezes the processor if not already
679 | > *[frozen][api-freeze]*.
680 |
681 | > 👉 **Note**: `processSync` performs the [parse, run, and stringify
682 | > phases][overview].
683 |
684 | ###### Parameters
685 |
686 | * `file` ([`Compatible`][vfile-compatible], optional) — file; typically
687 | `string` or [`VFile`][vfile]; any value accepted as `x` in `new VFile(x)`
688 |
689 | ###### Returns
690 |
691 | The processed file ([`VFile`][vfile]).
692 |
693 | The parsed, transformed, and compiled value is available at `file.value` (see
694 | note).
695 |
696 | > 👉 **Note**: unified typically compiles by serializing: most
697 | > compilers return `string` (or `Uint8Array`).
698 | > Some compilers, such as the one configured with
699 | > [`rehype-react`][rehype-react], return other values (in this case, a React
700 | > tree).
701 | > If you’re using a compiler that doesn’t serialize, expect different result
702 | > values.
703 | >
704 | > To register custom results in TypeScript, add them to
705 | > [`CompileResultMap`][api-compile-result-map].
706 |
707 | ###### Example
708 |
709 | This example shows how `processSync` can be used to process a file, if all
710 | transformers are synchronous.
711 |
712 | ```js
713 | import rehypeDocument from 'rehype-document'
714 | import rehypeFormat from 'rehype-format'
715 | import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
716 | import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
717 | import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype'
718 | import {unified} from 'unified'
719 |
720 | const processor = unified()
721 | .use(remarkParse)
722 | .use(remarkRehype)
723 | .use(rehypeDocument, {title: '👋🌍'})
724 | .use(rehypeFormat)
725 | .use(rehypeStringify)
726 |
727 | console.log(String(processor.processSync('# Hello world!')))
728 | ```
729 |
730 | Yields:
731 |
732 | ```html
733 | <!doctype html>
734 | <html lang="en">
735 | <head>
736 | <meta charset="utf-8">
737 | <title>👋🌍</title>
738 | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
739 | </head>
740 | <body>
741 | <h1>Hello world!</h1>
742 | </body>
743 | </html>
744 | ```
745 |
746 | ### `processor.run(tree[, file][, done])`
747 |
748 | Run *[transformers][api-transformer]* on a syntax tree.
749 |
750 | > 👉 **Note**: `run` freezes the processor if not already
751 | > *[frozen][api-freeze]*.
752 |
753 | > 👉 **Note**: `run` performs the [run phase][overview], not other phases.
754 |
755 | ###### Signatures
756 |
757 | * `processor.run(tree, done)`
758 | * `processor.run(tree, file, done)`
759 | * `Promise<Node> = processor.run(tree, file?)`
760 |
761 | ###### Parameters
762 |
763 | * `tree` ([`Node`][node]) — tree to transform and inspect
764 | * `file` ([`Compatible`][vfile-compatible], optional) — file associated
765 | with `node`; any value accepted as `x` in `new VFile(x)`
766 | * `done` ([`RunCallback`][api-run-callback], optional) — callback
767 |
768 | ###### Returns
769 |
770 | Nothing if `done` is given (`undefined`).
771 | Otherwise, a promise rejected with a fatal error or resolved with the
772 | transformed tree ([`Promise<Node>`][node]).
773 |
774 | ###### Example
775 |
776 | This example shows how `run` can be used to transform a tree:
777 |
778 | ```js
779 | import remarkReferenceLinks from 'remark-reference-links'
780 | import {unified} from 'unified'
781 | import {u} from 'unist-builder'
782 |
783 | const tree = u('root', [
784 | u('paragraph', [
785 | u('link', {href: 'https://example.com'}, [u('text', 'Example Domain')])
786 | ])
787 | ])
788 |
789 | const changedTree = await unified().use(remarkReferenceLinks).run(tree)
790 |
791 | console.log(changedTree)
792 | ```
793 |
794 | Yields:
795 |
796 | ```js
797 | {
798 | type: 'root',
799 | children: [
800 | {type: 'paragraph', children: [Array]},
801 | {type: 'definition', identifier: '1', title: '', url: undefined}
802 | ]
803 | }
804 | ```
805 |
806 | ### `processor.runSync(tree[, file])`
807 |
808 | Run *[transformers][api-transformer]* on a syntax tree.
809 |
810 | An error is thrown if asynchronous transforms are configured.
811 |
812 | > 👉 **Note**: `runSync` freezes the processor if not already
813 | > *[frozen][api-freeze]*.
814 |
815 | > 👉 **Note**: `runSync` performs the [run phase][overview], not other phases.
816 |
817 | ###### Parameters
818 |
819 | * `tree` ([`Node`][node]) — tree to transform and inspect
820 | * `file` ([`Compatible`][vfile-compatible], optional) — file associated
821 | with `node`; any value accepted as `x` in `new VFile(x)`
822 |
823 | ###### Returns
824 |
825 | Transformed tree ([`Node`][node]).
826 |
827 | ### `processor.stringify(tree[, file])`
828 |
829 | Compile a syntax tree.
830 |
831 | > 👉 **Note**: `stringify` freezes the processor if not already
832 | > *[frozen][api-freeze]*.
833 |
834 | > 👉 **Note**: `stringify` performs the [stringify phase][overview], not the run
835 | > phase or other phases.
836 |
837 | ###### Parameters
838 |
839 | * `tree` ([`Node`][node]) — tree to compile
840 | * `file` ([`Compatible`][vfile-compatible], optional) — file associated
841 | with `node`; any value accepted as `x` in `new VFile(x)`
842 |
843 | ###### Returns
844 |
845 | Textual representation of the tree (`Uint8Array` or `string`, see note).
846 |
847 | > 👉 **Note**: unified typically compiles by serializing: most compilers
848 | > return `string` (or `Uint8Array`).
849 | > Some compilers, such as the one configured with
850 | > [`rehype-react`][rehype-react], return other values (in this case, a
851 | > React tree).
852 | > If you’re using a compiler that doesn’t serialize, expect different
853 | > result values.
854 | >
855 | > To register custom results in TypeScript, add them to
856 | > [`CompileResultMap`][api-compile-result-map].
857 |
858 | ###### Example
859 |
860 | This example shows how `stringify` can be used to serialize a syntax tree:
861 |
862 | ```js
863 | import {h} from 'hastscript'
864 | import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
865 | import {unified} from 'unified'
866 |
867 | const tree = h('h1', 'Hello world!')
868 |
869 | const document = unified().use(rehypeStringify).stringify(tree)
870 |
871 | console.log(document)
872 | ```
873 |
874 | Yields:
875 |
876 | ```html
877 | <h1>Hello world!</h1>
878 | ```
879 |
880 | ### `processor.use(plugin[, options])`
881 |
882 | Configure the processor to use a plugin, a list of usable values, or a preset.
883 |
884 | If the processor is already using a plugin, the previous plugin configuration
885 | is changed based on the options that are passed in.
886 | In other words, the plugin is not added a second time.
887 |
888 | > 👉 **Note**: `use` cannot be called on [*frozen*][api-freeze] processors.
889 | > Call the processor first to create a new unfrozen processor.
890 |
891 | ###### Signatures
892 |
893 | * `processor.use(preset?)`
894 | * `processor.use(list)`
895 | * `processor.use(plugin[, ...parameters])`
896 |
897 | ###### Parameters
898 |
899 | * `preset` ([`Preset`][api-preset]) — plugins and settings
900 | * `list` ([`PluggableList`][api-pluggable-list]) — list of usable things
901 | * `plugin` ([`Plugin`][api-plugin]) — plugin
902 | * `parameters` (`Array<unknown>`) — configuration for `plugin`, typically a
903 | single options object
904 |
905 | ###### Returns
906 |
907 | Current processor ([`processor`][api-processor]).
908 |
909 | ###### Example
910 |
911 | There are many ways to pass plugins to `.use()`.
912 | This example gives an overview:
913 |
914 | ```js
915 | import {unified} from 'unified'
916 |
917 | unified()
918 | // Plugin with options:
919 | .use(pluginA, {x: true, y: true})
920 | // Passing the same plugin again merges configuration (to `{x: true, y: false, z: true}`):
921 | .use(pluginA, {y: false, z: true})
922 | // Plugins:
923 | .use([pluginB, pluginC])
924 | // Two plugins, the second with options:
925 | .use([pluginD, [pluginE, {}]])
926 | // Preset with plugins and settings:
927 | .use({plugins: [pluginF, [pluginG, {}]], settings: {position: false}})
928 | // Settings only:
929 | .use({settings: {position: false}})
930 | ```
931 |
932 | ### `CompileResultMap`
933 |
934 | Interface of known results from compilers (TypeScript type).
935 |
936 | Normally, compilers result in text ([`Value`][vfile-value] of `vfile`).
937 | When you compile to something else, such as a React node (as in,
938 | `rehype-react`), you can augment this interface to include that type.
939 |
940 | ```ts
941 | import type {ReactNode} from 'somewhere'
942 |
943 | declare module 'unified' {
944 | interface CompileResultMap {
945 | // Register a new result (value is used, key should match it).
946 | ReactNode: ReactNode
947 | }
948 | }
949 |
950 | export {} // You may not need this, but it makes sure the file is a module.
951 | ```
952 |
953 | Use [`CompileResults`][api-compile-results] to access the values.
954 |
955 | ###### Type
956 |
957 | ```ts
958 | interface CompileResultMap {
959 | // Note: if `Value` from `VFile` is changed, this should too.
960 | Uint8Array: Uint8Array
961 | string: string
962 | }
963 | ```
964 |
965 | ### `CompileResults`
966 |
967 | Acceptable results from compilers (TypeScript type).
968 |
969 | To register custom results, add them to
970 | [`CompileResultMap`][api-compile-result-map].
971 |
972 | ###### Type
973 |
974 | ```ts
975 | type CompileResults = CompileResultMap[keyof CompileResultMap]
976 | ```
977 |
978 | ### `Compiler`
979 |
980 | A **compiler** handles the compiling of a syntax tree to something else
981 | (in most cases, text) (TypeScript type).
982 |
983 | It is used in the stringify phase and called with a [`Node`][node]
984 | and [`VFile`][vfile] representation of the document to compile.
985 | It should return the textual representation of the given tree (typically
986 | `string`).
987 |
988 | > 👉 **Note**: unified typically compiles by serializing: most compilers
989 | > return `string` (or `Uint8Array`).
990 | > Some compilers, such as the one configured with
991 | > [`rehype-react`][rehype-react], return other values (in this case, a
992 | > React tree).
993 | > If you’re using a compiler that doesn’t serialize, expect different
994 | > result values.
995 | >
996 | > To register custom results in TypeScript, add them to
997 | > [`CompileResultMap`][api-compile-result-map].
998 |
999 | ###### Type
1000 |
1001 | ```ts
1002 | type Compiler<
1003 | Tree extends Node = Node,
1004 | Result extends CompileResults = CompileResults
1005 | > = (tree: Tree, file: VFile) => Result
1006 | ```
1007 |
1008 | ### `Data`
1009 |
1010 | Interface of known data that can be supported by all plugins (TypeScript type).
1011 |
1012 | Typically, options can be given to a specific plugin, but sometimes it makes
1013 | sense to have information shared with several plugins.
1014 | For example, a list of HTML elements that are self-closing, which is needed
1015 | during all phases.
1016 |
1017 | To type this, do something like:
1018 |
1019 | ```ts
1020 | declare module 'unified' {
1021 | interface Data {
1022 | htmlVoidElements?: Array<string> | undefined
1023 | }
1024 | }
1025 |
1026 | export {} // You may not need this, but it makes sure the file is a module.
1027 | ```
1028 |
1029 | ###### Type
1030 |
1031 | ```ts
1032 | interface Data {
1033 | settings?: Settings | undefined
1034 | }
1035 | ```
1036 |
1037 | See [`Settings`][api-settings] for more info.
1038 |
1039 | ### `Parser`
1040 |
1041 | A **parser** handles the parsing of text to a syntax tree (TypeScript type).
1042 |
1043 | It is used in the parse phase and is called with a `string` and
1044 | [`VFile`][vfile] of the document to parse.
1045 | It must return the syntax tree representation of the given file
1046 | ([`Node`][node]).
1047 |
1048 | ###### Type
1049 |
1050 | ```ts
1051 | type Parser<Tree extends Node = Node> = (document: string, file: VFile) => Tree
1052 | ```
1053 |
1054 | ### `Pluggable`
1055 |
1056 | Union of the different ways to add plugins and settings (TypeScript type).
1057 |
1058 | ###### Type
1059 |
1060 | ```ts
1061 | type Pluggable =
1062 | | Plugin<Array<any>, any, any>
1063 | | PluginTuple<Array<any>, any, any>
1064 | | Preset
1065 | ```
1066 |
1067 | See [`Plugin`][api-plugin], [`PluginTuple`][api-plugin-tuple],
1068 | and [`Preset`][api-preset] for more info.
1069 |
1070 | ### `PluggableList`
1071 |
1072 | List of plugins and presets (TypeScript type).
1073 |
1074 | ###### Type
1075 |
1076 | ```ts
1077 | type PluggableList = Array<Pluggable>
1078 | ```
1079 |
1080 | See [`Pluggable`][api-pluggable] for more info.
1081 |
1082 | ### `Plugin`
1083 |
1084 | Single plugin (TypeScript type).
1085 |
1086 | Plugins configure the processors they are applied on in the following ways:
1087 |
1088 | * they change the processor, such as the parser, the compiler, or by
1089 | configuring data
1090 | * they specify how to handle trees and files
1091 |
1092 | In practice, they are functions that can receive options and configure the
1093 | processor (`this`).
1094 |
1095 | > 👉 **Note**: plugins are called when the processor is *frozen*, not when they
1096 | > are applied.
1097 |
1098 | ###### Type
1099 |
1100 | ```ts
1101 | type Plugin<
1102 | PluginParameters extends unknown[] = [],
1103 | Input extends Node | string | undefined = Node,
1104 | Output = Input
1105 | > = (
1106 | this: Processor,
1107 | ...parameters: PluginParameters
1108 | ) => Input extends string // Parser.
1109 | ? Output extends Node | undefined
1110 | ? undefined | void
1111 | : never
1112 | : Output extends CompileResults // Compiler.
1113 | ? Input extends Node | undefined
1114 | ? undefined | void
1115 | : never
1116 | : // Inspect/transform.
1117 | | Transformer<
1118 | Input extends Node ? Input : Node,
1119 | Output extends Node ? Output : Node
1120 | >
1121 | | undefined
1122 | | void
1123 | ```
1124 |
1125 | See [`Transformer`][api-transformer] for more info.
1126 |
1127 | ###### Example
1128 |
1129 | `move.js`:
1130 |
1131 | ```js
1132 | /**
1133 | * @typedef Options
1134 | * Configuration (required).
1135 | * @property {string} extname
1136 | * File extension to use (must start with `.`).
1137 | */
1138 |
1139 | /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[Options]>} */
1140 | export function move(options) {
1141 | if (!options || !options.extname) {
1142 | throw new Error('Missing `options.extname`')
1143 | }
1144 |
1145 | return function (_, file) {
1146 | if (file.extname && file.extname !== options.extname) {
1147 | file.extname = options.extname
1148 | }
1149 | }
1150 | }
1151 | ```
1152 |
1153 | `example.md`:
1154 |
1155 | ```markdown
1156 | # Hello, world!
1157 | ```
1158 |
1159 | `example.js`:
1160 |
1161 | ```js
1162 | import rehypeStringify from 'rehype-stringify'
1163 | import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
1164 | import remarkRehype from 'remark-rehype'
1165 | import {read, write} from 'to-vfile'
1166 | import {unified} from 'unified'
1167 | import {reporter} from 'vfile-reporter'
1168 | import {move} from './move.js'
1169 |
1170 | const file = await unified()
1171 | .use(remarkParse)
1172 | .use(remarkRehype)
1173 | .use(move, {extname: '.html'})
1174 | .use(rehypeStringify)
1175 | .process(await read('example.md'))
1176 |
1177 | console.error(reporter(file))
1178 | await write(file) // Written to `example.html`.
1179 | ```
1180 |
1181 | Yields:
1182 |
1183 | ```txt
1184 | example.md: no issues found
1185 | ```
1186 |
1187 | …and in `example.html`:
1188 |
1189 | ```html
1190 | <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
1191 | ```
1192 |
1193 | ### `PluginTuple`
1194 |
1195 | Tuple of a plugin and its configuration (TypeScript type).
1196 |
1197 | The first item is a plugin, the rest are its parameters.
1198 |
1199 | ###### Type
1200 |
1201 | ```ts
1202 | type PluginTuple<
1203 | TupleParameters extends unknown[] = [],
1204 | Input extends Node | string | undefined = undefined,
1205 | Output = undefined
1206 | > = [
1207 | plugin: Plugin<TupleParameters, Input, Output>,
1208 | ...parameters: TupleParameters
1209 | ]
1210 | ```
1211 |
1212 | See [`Plugin`][api-plugin] for more info.
1213 |
1214 | ### `Preset`
1215 |
1216 | Sharable configuration (TypeScript type).
1217 |
1218 | They can contain plugins and settings.
1219 |
1220 | ###### Fields
1221 |
1222 | * `plugins` ([`PluggableList`][api-pluggable-list], optional)
1223 | — list of plugins and presets
1224 | * `settings` ([`Data`][api-data], optional)
1225 | — shared settings for parsers and compilers
1226 |
1227 | ###### Example
1228 |
1229 | `preset.js`:
1230 |
1231 | ```js
1232 | import remarkCommentConfig from 'remark-comment-config'
1233 | import remarkLicense from 'remark-license'
1234 | import remarkPresetLintConsistent from 'remark-preset-lint-consistent'
1235 | import remarkPresetLintRecommended from 'remark-preset-lint-recommended'
1236 | import remarkToc from 'remark-toc'
1237 |
1238 | /** @type {import('unified').Preset} */
1239 | const preset = {
1240 | plugins: [
1241 | remarkPresetLintRecommended,
1242 | remarkPresetLintConsistent,
1243 | remarkCommentConfig,
1244 | [remarkToc, {maxDepth: 3, tight: true}],
1245 | remarkLicense
1246 | ]
1247 | settings: {bullet: '*', emphasis: '*', fences: true},
1248 | }
1249 |
1250 | export default preset
1251 | ```
1252 |
1253 | `example.md`:
1254 |
1255 | ```markdown
1256 | # Hello, world!
1257 |
1258 | _Emphasis_ and **importance**.
1259 |
1260 | ## Table of contents
1261 |
1262 | ## API
1263 |
1264 | ## License
1265 | ```
1266 |
1267 | `example.js`:
1268 |
1269 | ```js
1270 | import {remark} from 'remark'
1271 | import {read, write} from 'to-vfile'
1272 | import {reporter} from 'vfile-reporter'
1273 | import preset from './preset.js'
1274 |
1275 | const file = await remark()
1276 | .use(preset)
1277 | .process(await read('example.md'))
1278 |
1279 | console.error(reporter(file))
1280 | await write(file)
1281 | ```
1282 |
1283 | Yields:
1284 |
1285 | ```txt
1286 | example.md: no issues found
1287 | ```
1288 |
1289 | `example.md` now contains:
1290 |
1291 | ```markdown
1292 | # Hello, world!
1293 |
1294 | *Emphasis* and **importance**.
1295 |
1296 | ## Table of contents
1297 |
1298 | * [API](#api)
1299 | * [License](#license)
1300 |
1301 | ## API
1302 |
1303 | ## License
1304 |
1305 | [MIT](license) © [Titus Wormer](https://wooorm.com)
1306 | ```
1307 |
1308 | ### `ProcessCallback`
1309 |
1310 | Callback called when the process is done (TypeScript type).
1311 |
1312 | Called with either an error or a result.
1313 |
1314 | ###### Parameters
1315 |
1316 | * `error` (`Error`, optional)
1317 | — fatal error
1318 | * `file` ([`VFile`][vfile], optional)
1319 | — processed file
1320 |
1321 | ###### Returns
1322 |
1323 | Nothing (`undefined`).
1324 |
1325 | ###### Example
1326 |
1327 | This example shows how `process` can be used to process a file with a callback.
1328 |
1329 | ```js
1330 | import remarkGithub from 'remark-github'
1331 | import remarkParse from 'remark-parse'
1332 | import remarkStringify from 'remark-stringify'
1333 | import {unified} from 'unified'
1334 | import {reporter} from 'vfile-reporter'
1335 |
1336 | unified()
1337 | .use(remarkParse)
1338 | .use(remarkGithub)
1339 | .use(remarkStringify)
1340 | .process('@unifiedjs', function (error, file) {
1341 | if (error) throw error
1342 | if (file) {
1343 | console.error(reporter(file))
1344 | console.log(String(file))
1345 | }
1346 | })
1347 | ```
1348 |
1349 | Yields:
1350 |
1351 | ```txt
1352 | no issues found
1353 | ```
1354 |
1355 | ```markdown
1356 | [**@unifiedjs**](https://github.com/unifiedjs)
1357 | ```
1358 |
1359 | ### `Processor`
1360 |
1361 | Type of a [`processor`][api-processor] (TypeScript type).
1362 |
1363 | ### `RunCallback`
1364 |
1365 | Callback called when transformers are done (TypeScript type).
1366 |
1367 | Called with either an error or results.
1368 |
1369 | ###### Parameters
1370 |
1371 | * `error` (`Error`, optional)
1372 | — fatal error
1373 | * `tree` ([`Node`][node], optional)
1374 | — transformed tree
1375 | * `file` ([`VFile`][vfile], optional)
1376 | — file
1377 |
1378 | ###### Returns
1379 |
1380 | Nothing (`undefined`).
1381 |
1382 | ### `Settings`
1383 |
1384 | Interface of known extra options, that can be supported by parser and
1385 | compilers.
1386 |
1387 | This exists so that users can use packages such as `remark`, which configure
1388 | both parsers and compilers (in this case `remark-parse` and
1389 | `remark-stringify`), and still provide options for them.
1390 |
1391 | When you make parsers or compilers, that could be packaged up together, you
1392 | should support `this.data('settings')` as input and merge it with explicitly
1393 | passed `options`.
1394 | Then, to type it, using `remark-stringify` as an example, do something like:
1395 |
1396 | ```ts
1397 | declare module 'unified' {
1398 | interface Settings {
1399 | bullet: '*' | '+' | '-'
1400 | // …
1401 | }
1402 | }
1403 |
1404 | export {} // You may not need this, but it makes sure the file is a module.
1405 | ```
1406 |
1407 | ###### Type
1408 |
1409 | ```ts
1410 | interface Settings {}
1411 | ```
1412 |
1413 | ### `TransformCallback`
1414 |
1415 | Callback passed to transforms (TypeScript type).
1416 |
1417 | If the signature of a `transformer` accepts a third argument, the transformer
1418 | may perform asynchronous operations, and must call it.
1419 |
1420 | ###### Parameters
1421 |
1422 | * `error` (`Error`, optional)
1423 | — fatal error to stop the process
1424 | * `tree` ([`Node`][node], optional)
1425 | — new, changed, tree
1426 | * `file` ([`VFile`][vfile], optional)
1427 | — new, changed, file
1428 |
1429 | ###### Returns
1430 |
1431 | Nothing (`undefined`).
1432 |
1433 | ### `Transformer`
1434 |
1435 | Transformers handle syntax trees and files (TypeScript type).
1436 |
1437 | They are functions that are called each time a syntax tree and file are
1438 | passed through the run phase.
1439 | When an error occurs in them (either because it’s thrown, returned,
1440 | rejected, or passed to `next`), the process stops.
1441 |
1442 | The run phase is handled by [`trough`][trough], see its documentation for
1443 | the exact semantics of these functions.
1444 |
1445 | > 👉 **Note**: you should likely ignore `next`: don’t accept it.
1446 | > it supports callback-style async work.
1447 | > But promises are likely easier to reason about.
1448 |
1449 | ###### Type
1450 |
1451 | ```ts
1452 | type Transformer<
1453 | Input extends Node = Node,
1454 | Output extends Node = Input
1455 | > = (
1456 | tree: Input,
1457 | file: VFile,
1458 | next: TransformCallback<Output>
1459 | ) =>
1460 | | Promise<Output | undefined>
1461 | | Output
1462 | | Error
1463 | | undefined
1464 | ```
1465 |
1466 | ## Types
1467 |
1468 | This package is fully typed with [TypeScript][].
1469 | It exports the additional types
1470 | [`CompileResultMap`][api-compile-result-map],
1471 | [`CompileResults`][api-compile-results],
1472 | [`Compiler`][api-compiler],
1473 | [`Data`][api-data],
1474 | [`Parser`][api-parser],
1475 | [`Pluggable`][api-pluggable],
1476 | [`PluggableList`][api-pluggable-list],
1477 | [`Plugin`][api-plugin],
1478 | [`PluginTuple`][api-plugin-tuple],
1479 | [`Preset`][api-preset],
1480 | [`ProcessCallback`][api-process-callback],
1481 | [`Processor`][api-processor],
1482 | [`RunCallback`][api-run-callback],
1483 | [`Settings`][api-settings],
1484 | [`TransformCallback`][api-transform-callback],
1485 | and [`Transformer`][api-transformer]
1486 |
1487 | For TypeScript to work, it is particularly important to type your plugins
1488 | correctly.
1489 | We strongly recommend using the `Plugin` type with its generics and to use the
1490 | node types for the syntax trees provided by our packages (as in,
1491 | [`@types/hast`][types-hast], [`@types/mdast`][types-mdast],
1492 | [`@types/nlcst`][types-nlcst]).
1493 |
1494 | ```js
1495 | /**
1496 | * @typedef {import('hast').Root} HastRoot
1497 | * @typedef {import('mdast').Root} MdastRoot
1498 | */
1499 |
1500 | /**
1501 | * @typedef Options
1502 | * Configuration (optional).
1503 | * @property {boolean | null | undefined} [someField]
1504 | * Some option (optional).
1505 | */
1506 |
1507 | // To type options:
1508 | /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[(Options | null | undefined)?]>} */
1509 | export function myPluginAcceptingOptions(options) {
1510 | const settings = options || {}
1511 | // `settings` is now `Options`.
1512 | }
1513 |
1514 | // To type a plugin that works on a certain tree, without options:
1515 | /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[], MdastRoot>} */
1516 | export function myRemarkPlugin() {
1517 | return function (tree, file) {
1518 | // `tree` is `MdastRoot`.
1519 | }
1520 | }
1521 |
1522 | // To type a plugin that transforms one tree into another:
1523 | /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[], MdastRoot, HastRoot>} */
1524 | export function remarkRehype() {
1525 | return function (tree) {
1526 | // `tree` is `MdastRoot`.
1527 | // Result must be `HastRoot`.
1528 | }
1529 | }
1530 |
1531 | // To type a plugin that defines a parser:
1532 | /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[], string, MdastRoot>} */
1533 | export function remarkParse(options) {}
1534 |
1535 | // To type a plugin that defines a compiler:
1536 | /** @type {import('unified').Plugin<[], HastRoot, string>} */
1537 | export function rehypeStringify(options) {}
1538 | ```
1539 |
1540 | ## Compatibility
1541 |
1542 | Projects maintained by the unified collective are compatible with maintained
1543 | versions of Node.js.
1544 |
1545 | When we cut a new major release, we drop support for unmaintained versions of
1546 | Node.
1547 | This means we try to keep the current release line, `unified@^11`, compatible
1548 | with Node.js 16.
1549 |
1550 | ## Contribute
1551 |
1552 | See [`contributing.md`][contributing] in [`unifiedjs/.github`][health] for ways
1553 | to get started.
1554 | See [`support.md`][support] for ways to get help.
1555 |
1556 | This project has a [code of conduct][coc].
1557 | By interacting with this repository, organization, or community you agree to
1558 | abide by its terms.
1559 |
1560 | For info on how to submit a security report, see our
1561 | [security policy][security].
1562 |
1563 | ## Sponsor
1564 |
1565 | Support this effort and give back by sponsoring on [OpenCollective][collective]!
1566 |
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1635 |
1636 | ## Acknowledgments
1637 |
1638 | Preliminary work for unified was done [in 2014][preliminary] for
1639 | **[retext][]** and inspired by [`ware`][ware].
1640 | Further incubation happened in **[remark][]**.
1641 | The project was finally [externalised][] in 2015 and [published][] as `unified`.
1642 | The project was authored by **[@wooorm](https://github.com/wooorm)**.
1643 |
1644 | Although `unified` since moved its plugin architecture to [`trough`][trough],
1645 | thanks to **[@calvinfo](https://github.com/calvinfo)**,
1646 | **[@ianstormtaylor](https://github.com/ianstormtaylor)**, and others for their
1647 | work on [`ware`][ware], as it was a huge initial inspiration.
1648 |
1649 | ## License
1650 |
1651 | [MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author]
1652 |
1653 |
1654 |
1655 | [logo]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unifiedjs/unified/93862e5/logo.svg?sanitize=true
1656 |
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1658 |
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1660 |
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1671 | [size]: https://bundlejs.com/?q=unified
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1673 | [sponsors-badge]: https://opencollective.com/unified/sponsors/badge.svg
1674 |
1675 | [backers-badge]: https://opencollective.com/unified/backers/badge.svg
1676 |
1677 | [collective]: https://opencollective.com/unified
1678 |
1679 | [chat-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-discussions-success.svg
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1681 | [chat]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified/discussions
1682 |
1683 | [esm]: https://gist.github.com/sindresorhus/a39789f98801d908bbc7ff3ecc99d99c
1684 |
1685 | [esmsh]: https://esm.sh
1686 |
1687 | [typescript]: https://www.typescriptlang.org
1688 |
1689 | [health]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/.github
1690 |
1691 | [contributing]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/.github/blob/main/contributing.md
1692 |
1693 | [support]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/.github/blob/main/support.md
1694 |
1695 | [coc]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/.github/blob/main/code-of-conduct.md
1696 |
1697 | [security]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/.github/blob/main/security.md
1698 |
1699 | [license]: license
1700 |
1701 | [author]: https://wooorm.com
1702 |
1703 | [npm]: https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/install
1704 |
1705 | [site]: https://unifiedjs.com
1706 |
1707 | [twitter]: https://twitter.com/unifiedjs
1708 |
1709 | [rehype]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype
1710 |
1711 | [remark]: https://github.com/remarkjs/remark
1712 |
1713 | [retext]: https://github.com/retextjs/retext
1714 |
1715 | [syntax-tree]: https://github.com/syntax-tree
1716 |
1717 | [esast]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/esast
1718 |
1719 | [hast]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast
1720 |
1721 | [mdast]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/mdast
1722 |
1723 | [nlcst]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/nlcst
1724 |
1725 | [unist]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist
1726 |
1727 | [xast]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/xast
1728 |
1729 | [unified-engine]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified-engine
1730 |
1731 | [unified-args]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified-args
1732 |
1733 | [unified-engine-gulp]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified-engine-gulp
1734 |
1735 | [unified-language-server]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified-language-server
1736 |
1737 | [unified-stream]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified-stream
1738 |
1739 | [rehype-remark]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-remark
1740 |
1741 | [rehype-retext]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-retext
1742 |
1743 | [remark-rehype]: https://github.com/remarkjs/remark-rehype
1744 |
1745 | [remark-retext]: https://github.com/remarkjs/remark-retext
1746 |
1747 | [node]: https://github.com/syntax-tree/unist#node
1748 |
1749 | [vfile]: https://github.com/vfile/vfile
1750 |
1751 | [vfile-compatible]: https://github.com/vfile/vfile#compatible
1752 |
1753 | [vfile-value]: https://github.com/vfile/vfile#value
1754 |
1755 | [vfile-utilities]: https://github.com/vfile/vfile#list-of-utilities
1756 |
1757 | [rehype-react]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-react
1758 |
1759 | [trough]: https://github.com/wooorm/trough#function-fninput-next
1760 |
1761 | [rehype-plugins]: https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype/blob/main/doc/plugins.md#list-of-plugins
1762 |
1763 | [remark-plugins]: https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/blob/main/doc/plugins.md#list-of-plugins
1764 |
1765 | [retext-plugins]: https://github.com/retextjs/retext/blob/main/doc/plugins.md#list-of-plugins
1766 |
1767 | [awesome-rehype]: https://github.com/rehypejs/awesome-rehype
1768 |
1769 | [awesome-remark]: https://github.com/remarkjs/awesome-remark
1770 |
1771 | [awesome-retext]: https://github.com/retextjs/awesome-retext
1772 |
1773 | [topic-rehype-plugin]: https://github.com/topics/rehype-plugin
1774 |
1775 | [topic-remark-plugin]: https://github.com/topics/remark-plugin
1776 |
1777 | [topic-retext-plugin]: https://github.com/topics/retext-plugin
1778 |
1779 | [types-hast]: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/hast
1780 |
1781 | [types-mdast]: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/mdast
1782 |
1783 | [types-nlcst]: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/tree/master/types/nlcst
1784 |
1785 | [preliminary]: https://github.com/retextjs/retext/commit/8fcb1f
1786 |
1787 | [externalised]: https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/commit/9892ec
1788 |
1789 | [published]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified/commit/2ba1cf
1790 |
1791 | [ware]: https://github.com/segmentio/ware
1792 |
1793 | [api]: #api
1794 |
1795 | [contribute]: #contribute
1796 |
1797 | [overview]: #overview
1798 |
1799 | [sponsor]: #sponsor
1800 |
1801 | [api-compile-result-map]: #compileresultmap
1802 |
1803 | [api-compile-results]: #compileresults
1804 |
1805 | [api-compiler]: #compiler
1806 |
1807 | [api-data]: #data
1808 |
1809 | [api-freeze]: #processorfreeze
1810 |
1811 | [api-parser]: #parser
1812 |
1813 | [api-pluggable]: #pluggable
1814 |
1815 | [api-pluggable-list]: #pluggablelist
1816 |
1817 | [api-plugin]: #plugin
1818 |
1819 | [api-plugin-tuple]: #plugintuple
1820 |
1821 | [api-preset]: #preset
1822 |
1823 | [api-process]: #processorprocessfile-done
1824 |
1825 | [api-process-callback]: #processcallback
1826 |
1827 | [api-processor]: #processor
1828 |
1829 | [api-run-callback]: #runcallback
1830 |
1831 | [api-settings]: #settings
1832 |
1833 | [api-transform-callback]: #transformcallback
1834 |
1835 | [api-transformer]: #transformer