2.24 kBMarkdownView Raw
1## Version 2.0
2* __v2.1__
3 - Default all values to minor,patch and major fields to 0 by default.
5* __v2.0.x__
6 - Parse file updates.
8* __v2.0.0__ *breaking*
9 - Added support for Operating System version parsing
10 - Added support for Device parsing
11 - Introduced deferred OnDemand parsing for Operating and Devices
12 - The `Agent#toJSON` method now returns an object instread of JSON string. Use
13 `JSON.stringify(agent)` instead.
14 - Removed the fromAgent method
15 - semver is removed from the dependencies, if you use the useragent/features
16 you should add it to your own dependencies.
18* __v2.0.1__
19 - Fixed broken reference to the update module.
20 - Updated with some new parsers.
22* __v2.0.2__
23 - Use LRU-cache for the lookups so it doesn't create a memory "leak" #22
24 - Updated with some new parsers.
26* __v2.0.3__
27 - Updated regexp library with new parsers as Opera's latest browser which runs
28 WebKit was detected as Chrome Mobile.
30* __v2.0.4__
31 - Added support for IE11 and PhantomJS. In addition to that when you run the
32 updater without the correct dependencies it will just output an error
33 instead of throwing an error.
35* __v2.0.5__
36 - Upgraded the regular expressions to support Opera Next
38* __v2.0.6__
39 - Only write the parse file when there isn't an error. #30
40 - Output an error in the console when we fail to compile new parsers #30
42## Version 1.0
43* __v1.1.0__
44 - Removed the postupdate hook, it was causing to much issues #9
46* __v1.0.6__
47 - Updated the agent parser, JHint issues and leaking globals.
49* __v1.0.5__
50 - Potential fix for #11 where it doesn't install the stuff in windows this also
51 brings a fresh update of the agents.js.
53* __v1.0.3__
54 - Rewritten the `is` method so it doesn't display IE as true for firefox, chrome
55 etc fixes #10 and #7.
57* __v1.0.3__
58 - A fix for bug #6, updated the semver dependency for browserify support.
60* __v1.0.2__
61 - Don't throw errors when .parse is called without a useragent string. It now
62 defaults to a empty Agent instance.
64* __v1.0.1__
65 - Added support for cURL, Wget and thunderbird using a custom useragent
66 definition file.
68* __v1.0.0__ *breaking*
69 - Complete rewrite of the API and major performance improvements.