5.27 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { SetComplement, DeepReadonly } from './mapped-types';
3 * $Keys
4 * @desc Get the union type of all the keys in an object type `T`
5 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-keys
6 * @example
7 * type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
8 *
9 * // Expect: "name" | "age" | "visible"
10 * type PropsKeys = $Keys<Props>;
11 */
12export declare type $Keys<T extends object> = keyof T;
14 * $Values
15 * @desc Get the union type of all the values in an object type `T`
16 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-values
17 * @example
18 * type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
19 *
20 * // Expect: string | number | boolean
21 * type PropsValues = $Values<Props>;
22 */
23export declare type $Values<T extends object> = T[keyof T];
25 * $ReadOnly
26 * @desc Get the read-only version of a given object type `T` (it works on nested data structure)
27 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-readonly
28 * @example
29 * type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
30 *
31 * // Expect: Readonly<{ name: string; age: number; visible: boolean; }>
32 * type ReadOnlyProps = $ReadOnly<Props>;
33 */
34export declare type $ReadOnly<T extends object> = DeepReadonly<T>;
36 * $Diff
37 * @desc Get the set difference of a given object types `T` and `U` (`T \ U`)
38 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-diff
39 * @example
40 * type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
41 * type DefaultProps = { age: number };
42 *
43 * // Expect: { name: string; visible: boolean; }
44 * type RequiredProps = Diff<Props, DefaultProps>;
45 */
46export declare type $Diff<T extends U, U extends object> = Pick<T, SetComplement<keyof T, keyof U>>;
48 * $PropertyType
49 * @desc Get the type of property of an object at a given key `K`
50 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-propertytype
51 * @example
52 * // Expect: string;
53 * type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
54 * type NameType = $PropertyType<Props, 'name'>;
55 *
56 * // Expect: boolean
57 * type Tuple = [boolean, number];
58 * type A = $PropertyType<Tuple, '0'>;
59 * // Expect: number
60 * type B = $PropertyType<Tuple, '1'>;
61 */
62export declare type $PropertyType<T extends object, K extends keyof T> = T[K];
64 * $ElementType
65 * @desc Get the type of elements inside of array, tuple or object of type `T`, that matches the given index type `K`
66 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-elementtype
67 * @example
68 * // Expect: string;
69 * type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
70 * type NameType = $ElementType<Props, 'name'>;
71 *
72 * // Expect: boolean
73 * type Tuple = [boolean, number];
74 * type A = $ElementType<Tuple, '0'>;
75 * // Expect: number
76 * type B = $ElementType<Tuple, '1'>;
77 *
78 * // Expect: boolean
79 * type Arr = boolean[];
80 * type ItemsType = $ElementType<Arr, number>;
81 *
82 * // Expect: number
83 * type Obj = { [key: string]: number };
84 * type ValuesType = $ElementType<Obj, string>;
85 */
86export declare type $ElementType<T extends {
87 [P in K & any]: any;
88}, K extends keyof T | number> = T[K];
90 * $Call
91 * @desc Get the return type from a given typeof expression
92 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-call
93 * @example
94 * // Common use-case
95 * const add = (amount: number) => ({ type: 'ADD' as 'ADD', payload: amount });
96 * type AddAction = $Call<typeof add>; // { type: 'ADD'; payload: number }
97 *
98 * // Examples migrated from Flow docs
99 * type ExtractPropType<T extends { prop: any }> = (arg: T) => T['prop'];
100 * type Obj = { prop: number };
101 * type PropType = $Call<ExtractPropType<Obj>>; // number
102 *
103 * type ExtractReturnType<T extends () => any> = (arg: T) => ReturnType<T>;
104 * type Fn = () => number;
105 * type FnReturnType = $Call<ExtractReturnType<Fn>>; // number
106 */
107export declare type $Call<Fn extends (...args: any[]) => any> = Fn extends (arg: any) => infer RT ? RT : never;
109 * $Shape
110 * @desc Copies the shape of the type supplied, but marks every field optional.
111 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-shape
112 * @example
113 * type Props = { name: string; age: number; visible: boolean };
114 *
115 * // Expect: Partial<Props>
116 * type PartialProps = $Shape<Props>;
117 */
118export declare type $Shape<T extends object> = Partial<T>;
120 * $NonMaybeType
121 * @desc Excludes null and undefined from T
122 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-nonmaybe
123 * @example
124 * type MaybeName = string | null;
125 *
126 * // Expect: string
127 * type Name = $NonMaybeType<MaybeName>;
128 */
129export declare type $NonMaybeType<T> = NonNullable<T>;
131 * Class
132 * @desc Represents constructor of type T
133 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/utilities/#toc-class
134 * @example
135 * class Store {}
136 * function makeStore(storeClass: Class<Store>): Store {
137 * return new storeClass();
138 * }
139 */
140export declare type Class<T> = new (...args: any[]) => T;
142 * mixed
143 * @desc An arbitrary type that could be anything
144 * @see https://flow.org/en/docs/types/mixed
145 * @example
146 *
147 * function stringify(value: mixed) {
148 * // ...
149 * }
150 *
151 * stringify("foo");
152 * stringify(3.14);
153 * stringify(null);
154 * stringify({});
155 */
156export declare type mixed = unknown;