6.86 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
2var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
3var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
4var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
5var __export = (target, all) => {
6 for (var name2 in all)
7 __defProp(target, name2, { get: all[name2], enumerable: true });
9var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
10 if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
11 for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
12 if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
13 __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
14 }
15 return to;
17var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
18var stdin_exports = {};
19__export(stdin_exports, {
20 default: () => stdin_default,
21 dropdownItemProps: () => dropdownItemProps
23module.exports = __toCommonJS(stdin_exports);
24var import_vue = require("vue");
25var import_utils = require("../utils");
26var import_DropdownMenu = require("../dropdown-menu/DropdownMenu");
27var import_use = require("@vant/use");
28var import_use_expose = require("../composables/use-expose");
29var import_cell = require("../cell");
30var import_icon = require("../icon");
31var import_popup = require("../popup");
32const [name, bem] = (0, import_utils.createNamespace)("dropdown-item");
33const dropdownItemProps = {
34 title: String,
35 options: (0, import_utils.makeArrayProp)(),
36 disabled: Boolean,
37 teleport: [String, Object],
38 lazyRender: import_utils.truthProp,
39 modelValue: import_utils.unknownProp,
40 titleClass: import_utils.unknownProp
42var stdin_default = (0, import_vue.defineComponent)({
43 name,
44 inheritAttrs: false,
45 props: dropdownItemProps,
46 emits: ["open", "opened", "close", "closed", "change", "update:modelValue"],
47 setup(props, {
48 emit,
49 slots,
50 attrs
51 }) {
52 const state = (0, import_vue.reactive)({
53 showPopup: false,
54 transition: true,
55 showWrapper: false
56 });
57 const wrapperRef = (0, import_vue.ref)();
58 const {
59 parent,
60 index
61 } = (0, import_use.useParent)(import_DropdownMenu.DROPDOWN_KEY);
62 if (!parent) {
63 if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
64 console.error("[Vant] <DropdownItem> must be a child component of <DropdownMenu>.");
65 }
66 return;
67 }
68 const getEmitter = (name2) => () => emit(name2);
69 const onOpen = getEmitter("open");
70 const onClose = getEmitter("close");
71 const onOpened = getEmitter("opened");
72 const onClosed = () => {
73 state.showWrapper = false;
74 emit("closed");
75 };
76 const onClickWrapper = (event) => {
77 if (props.teleport) {
78 event.stopPropagation();
79 }
80 };
81 const toggle = (show = !state.showPopup, options = {}) => {
82 if (show === state.showPopup) {
83 return;
84 }
85 state.showPopup = show;
86 state.transition = !options.immediate;
87 if (show) {
88 parent.updateOffset();
89 state.showWrapper = true;
90 }
91 };
92 const renderTitle = () => {
93 if (slots.title) {
94 return slots.title();
95 }
96 if (props.title) {
97 return props.title;
98 }
99 const match = props.options.find((option) => option.value === props.modelValue);
100 return match ? match.text : "";
101 };
102 const renderOption = (option) => {
103 const {
104 activeColor
105 } = parent.props;
106 const {
107 disabled
108 } = option;
109 const active = option.value === props.modelValue;
110 const onClick = () => {
111 if (disabled) {
112 return;
113 }
114 state.showPopup = false;
115 if (option.value !== props.modelValue) {
116 emit("update:modelValue", option.value);
117 emit("change", option.value);
118 }
119 };
120 const renderIcon = () => {
121 if (active) {
122 return (0, import_vue.createVNode)(import_icon.Icon, {
123 "class": bem("icon"),
124 "color": disabled ? void 0 : activeColor,
125 "name": "success"
126 }, null);
127 }
128 };
129 return (0, import_vue.createVNode)(import_cell.Cell, {
130 "role": "menuitem",
131 "key": String(option.value),
132 "icon": option.icon,
133 "title": option.text,
134 "class": bem("option", {
135 active,
136 disabled
137 }),
138 "style": {
139 color: active ? activeColor : ""
140 },
141 "tabindex": active ? 0 : -1,
142 "clickable": !disabled,
143 "onClick": onClick
144 }, {
145 value: renderIcon
146 });
147 };
148 const renderContent = () => {
149 const {
150 offset
151 } = parent;
152 const {
153 autoLocate,
154 zIndex,
155 overlay,
156 duration,
157 direction,
158 closeOnClickOverlay
159 } = parent.props;
160 const style = (0, import_utils.getZIndexStyle)(zIndex);
161 let offsetValue = offset.value;
162 if (autoLocate && wrapperRef.value) {
163 const offsetParent = (0, import_utils.getContainingBlock)(wrapperRef.value);
164 if (offsetParent) {
165 offsetValue -= (0, import_use.useRect)(offsetParent).top;
166 }
167 }
168 if (direction === "down") {
169 style.top = `${offsetValue}px`;
170 } else {
171 style.bottom = `${offsetValue}px`;
172 }
173 return (0, import_vue.withDirectives)((0, import_vue.createVNode)("div", (0, import_vue.mergeProps)({
174 "ref": wrapperRef,
175 "style": style,
176 "class": bem([direction]),
177 "onClick": onClickWrapper
178 }, attrs), [(0, import_vue.createVNode)(import_popup.Popup, {
179 "show": state.showPopup,
180 "onUpdate:show": ($event) => state.showPopup = $event,
181 "role": "menu",
182 "class": bem("content"),
183 "overlay": overlay,
184 "position": direction === "down" ? "top" : "bottom",
185 "duration": state.transition ? duration : 0,
186 "lazyRender": props.lazyRender,
187 "overlayStyle": {
188 position: "absolute"
189 },
190 "aria-labelledby": `${parent.id}-${index.value}`,
191 "data-allow-mismatch": "attribute",
192 "closeOnClickOverlay": closeOnClickOverlay,
193 "onOpen": onOpen,
194 "onClose": onClose,
195 "onOpened": onOpened,
196 "onClosed": onClosed
197 }, {
198 default: () => {
199 var _a;
200 return [props.options.map(renderOption), (_a = slots.default) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(slots)];
201 }
202 })]), [[import_vue.vShow, state.showWrapper]]);
203 };
204 (0, import_use_expose.useExpose)({
205 state,
206 toggle,
207 renderTitle
208 });
209 return () => {
210 if (props.teleport) {
211 return (0, import_vue.createVNode)(import_vue.Teleport, {
212 "to": props.teleport
213 }, {
214 default: () => [renderContent()]
215 });
216 }
217 return renderContent();
218 };
219 }