8.62 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var __create = Object.create;
2var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
3var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
4var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
5var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
6var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
7var __export = (target, all) => {
8 for (var name2 in all)
9 __defProp(target, name2, { get: all[name2], enumerable: true });
11var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
12 if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
13 for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
14 if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
15 __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
16 }
17 return to;
19var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
20 // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM
21 // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel-
22 // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set
23 // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility.
24 isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
25 mod
27var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
28var stdin_exports = {};
29__export(stdin_exports, {
30 default: () => stdin_default,
31 numberKeyboardProps: () => numberKeyboardProps
33module.exports = __toCommonJS(stdin_exports);
34var import_vue = require("vue");
35var import_utils = require("../utils");
36var import_use = require("@vant/use");
37var import_NumberKeyboardKey = __toESM(require("./NumberKeyboardKey"));
38const [name, bem] = (0, import_utils.createNamespace)("number-keyboard");
39const numberKeyboardProps = {
40 show: Boolean,
41 title: String,
42 theme: (0, import_utils.makeStringProp)("default"),
43 zIndex: import_utils.numericProp,
44 teleport: [String, Object],
45 maxlength: (0, import_utils.makeNumericProp)(Infinity),
46 modelValue: (0, import_utils.makeStringProp)(""),
47 transition: import_utils.truthProp,
48 blurOnClose: import_utils.truthProp,
49 showDeleteKey: import_utils.truthProp,
50 randomKeyOrder: Boolean,
51 closeButtonText: String,
52 deleteButtonText: String,
53 closeButtonLoading: Boolean,
54 hideOnClickOutside: import_utils.truthProp,
55 safeAreaInsetBottom: import_utils.truthProp,
56 extraKey: {
57 type: [String, Array],
58 default: ""
59 }
61function shuffle(array) {
62 for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
63 const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
64 const temp = array[i];
65 array[i] = array[j];
66 array[j] = temp;
67 }
68 return array;
70var stdin_default = (0, import_vue.defineComponent)({
71 name,
72 inheritAttrs: false,
73 props: numberKeyboardProps,
74 emits: ["show", "hide", "blur", "input", "close", "delete", "update:modelValue"],
75 setup(props, {
76 emit,
77 slots,
78 attrs
79 }) {
80 const root = (0, import_vue.ref)();
81 const genBasicKeys = () => {
82 const keys2 = Array(9).fill("").map((_, i) => ({
83 text: i + 1
84 }));
85 if (props.randomKeyOrder) {
86 shuffle(keys2);
87 }
88 return keys2;
89 };
90 const genDefaultKeys = () => [...genBasicKeys(), {
91 text: props.extraKey,
92 type: "extra"
93 }, {
94 text: 0
95 }, {
96 text: props.showDeleteKey ? props.deleteButtonText : "",
97 type: props.showDeleteKey ? "delete" : ""
98 }];
99 const genCustomKeys = () => {
100 const keys2 = genBasicKeys();
101 const {
102 extraKey
103 } = props;
104 const extraKeys = Array.isArray(extraKey) ? extraKey : [extraKey];
105 if (extraKeys.length === 0) {
106 keys2.push({
107 text: 0,
108 wider: true
109 });
110 } else if (extraKeys.length === 1) {
111 keys2.push({
112 text: 0,
113 wider: true
114 }, {
115 text: extraKeys[0],
116 type: "extra"
117 });
118 } else if (extraKeys.length === 2) {
119 keys2.push({
120 text: extraKeys[0],
121 type: "extra"
122 }, {
123 text: 0
124 }, {
125 text: extraKeys[1],
126 type: "extra"
127 });
128 }
129 return keys2;
130 };
131 const keys = (0, import_vue.computed)(() => props.theme === "custom" ? genCustomKeys() : genDefaultKeys());
132 const onBlur = () => {
133 if (props.show) {
134 emit("blur");
135 }
136 };
137 const onClose = () => {
138 emit("close");
139 if (props.blurOnClose) {
140 onBlur();
141 }
142 };
143 const onAnimationEnd = () => emit(props.show ? "show" : "hide");
144 const onPress = (text, type) => {
145 if (text === "") {
146 if (type === "extra") {
147 onBlur();
148 }
149 return;
150 }
151 const value = props.modelValue;
152 if (type === "delete") {
153 emit("delete");
154 emit("update:modelValue", value.slice(0, value.length - 1));
155 } else if (type === "close") {
156 onClose();
157 } else if (value.length < +props.maxlength) {
158 emit("input", text);
159 emit("update:modelValue", value + text);
160 }
161 };
162 const renderTitle = () => {
163 const {
164 title,
165 theme,
166 closeButtonText
167 } = props;
168 const leftSlot = slots["title-left"];
169 const showClose = closeButtonText && theme === "default";
170 const showTitle = title || showClose || leftSlot;
171 if (!showTitle) {
172 return;
173 }
174 return (0, import_vue.createVNode)("div", {
175 "class": bem("header")
176 }, [leftSlot && (0, import_vue.createVNode)("span", {
177 "class": bem("title-left")
178 }, [leftSlot()]), title && (0, import_vue.createVNode)("h2", {
179 "class": bem("title")
180 }, [title]), showClose && (0, import_vue.createVNode)("button", {
181 "type": "button",
182 "class": [bem("close"), import_utils.HAPTICS_FEEDBACK],
183 "onClick": onClose
184 }, [closeButtonText])]);
185 };
186 const renderKeys = () => keys.value.map((key) => {
187 const keySlots = {};
188 if (key.type === "delete") {
189 keySlots.default = slots.delete;
190 }
191 if (key.type === "extra") {
192 keySlots.default = slots["extra-key"];
193 }
194 return (0, import_vue.createVNode)(import_NumberKeyboardKey.default, {
195 "key": key.text,
196 "text": key.text,
197 "type": key.type,
198 "wider": key.wider,
199 "color": key.color,
200 "onPress": onPress
201 }, keySlots);
202 });
203 const renderSidebar = () => {
204 if (props.theme === "custom") {
205 return (0, import_vue.createVNode)("div", {
206 "class": bem("sidebar")
207 }, [props.showDeleteKey && (0, import_vue.createVNode)(import_NumberKeyboardKey.default, {
208 "large": true,
209 "text": props.deleteButtonText,
210 "type": "delete",
211 "onPress": onPress
212 }, {
213 default: slots.delete
214 }), (0, import_vue.createVNode)(import_NumberKeyboardKey.default, {
215 "large": true,
216 "text": props.closeButtonText,
217 "type": "close",
218 "color": "blue",
219 "loading": props.closeButtonLoading,
220 "onPress": onPress
221 }, null)]);
222 }
223 };
224 (0, import_vue.watch)(() => props.show, (value) => {
225 if (!props.transition) {
226 emit(value ? "show" : "hide");
227 }
228 });
229 if (props.hideOnClickOutside) {
230 (0, import_use.useClickAway)(root, onBlur, {
231 eventName: "touchstart"
232 });
233 }
234 return () => {
235 const Title = renderTitle();
236 const Content = (0, import_vue.createVNode)(import_vue.Transition, {
237 "name": props.transition ? "van-slide-up" : ""
238 }, {
239 default: () => [(0, import_vue.withDirectives)((0, import_vue.createVNode)("div", (0, import_vue.mergeProps)({
240 "ref": root,
241 "style": (0, import_utils.getZIndexStyle)(props.zIndex),
242 "class": bem({
243 unfit: !props.safeAreaInsetBottom,
244 "with-title": !!Title
245 }),
246 "onAnimationend": onAnimationEnd,
247 "onTouchstartPassive": import_utils.stopPropagation
248 }, attrs), [Title, (0, import_vue.createVNode)("div", {
249 "class": bem("body")
250 }, [(0, import_vue.createVNode)("div", {
251 "class": bem("keys")
252 }, [renderKeys()]), renderSidebar()])]), [[import_vue.vShow, props.show]])]
253 });
254 if (props.teleport) {
255 return (0, import_vue.createVNode)(import_vue.Teleport, {
256 "to": props.teleport
257 }, {
258 default: () => [Content]
259 });
260 }
261 return Content;
262 };
263 }