5.01 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
2/*jshint asi: true */
4var test = require('tap').test
5 , getPacks = require('./util/get-packs')
6 , reset = require('./util/reset')
7 , viralify = require('../')
9var original = __dirname + '/original'
10 , copy = __dirname + '/copy'
12function inspect(obj, depth) {
13 console.error(require('util').inspect(obj, false, depth || 5, true));
16test('\nviralifying one transform in different situations', function (t) {
17 reset(original, copy, runTest);
19 function runTest(err) {
20 if (err) { t.fail(err); t.end(); }
22 viralify(copy, 'browserify-swap', function (err) {
23 if (err) return console.error(err);
25 getPacks(copy, function (err, packs) {
26 if (err) { t.fail(err); t.end(); }
28 t.deepEqual(
29 packs
30 , [ { name: 'sub-sub-dep1',
31 description: 'has one transform already',
32 main: 'index.js',
33 browserify: { transform: [ 'unoify', 'browserify-swap' ] } },
34 { name: 'sub-dep2',
35 description: 'has no transforms',
36 main: 'index.js',
37 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap' ] } },
38 { name: 'sub-dep1',
39 description: 'Has no transforms',
40 main: 'index.js',
41 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap' ] } },
42 { name: 'original',
43 description: 'root project',
44 main: 'index.js',
45 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap' ] } },
46 { name: 'dep',
47 description: 'dep which itself has two transforms already',
48 main: 'index.js',
49 browserify:
50 { transform:
51 [ 'unoify',
52 'dosify',
53 'browserify-swap' ] } } ]
54 , 'adds transform to end when it was not present before'
55 )
56 addToEndAgain();
57 })
58 })
60 function addToEndAgain() {
61 viralify(copy, 'browserify-swap', function (err) {
62 if (err) return console.error(err);
64 getPacks(copy, function (err, packs) {
65 if (err) { t.fail(err); t.end(); }
67 t.deepEqual(
68 packs
69 , [ { name: 'sub-sub-dep1',
70 description: 'has one transform already',
71 main: 'index.js',
72 browserify: { transform: [ 'unoify', 'browserify-swap' ] } },
73 { name: 'sub-dep2',
74 description: 'has no transforms',
75 main: 'index.js',
76 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap' ] } },
77 { name: 'sub-dep1',
78 description: 'Has no transforms',
79 main: 'index.js',
80 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap' ] } },
81 { name: 'original',
82 description: 'root project',
83 main: 'index.js',
84 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap' ] } },
85 { name: 'dep',
86 description: 'dep which itself has two transforms already',
87 main: 'index.js',
88 browserify:
89 { transform:
90 [ 'unoify',
91 'dosify',
92 'browserify-swap' ] } } ]
93 , 'leaves one transform at end when it was present before'
94 )
95 addToFront();
96 })
97 })
98 }
100 function addToFront() {
101 viralify(copy, 'browserify-swap', true, function (err) {
102 if (err) return console.error(err);
104 getPacks(copy, function (err, packs) {
105 if (err) { t.fail(err); t.end(); }
107 t.deepEqual(
108 packs
109 , [ { name: 'sub-sub-dep1',
110 description: 'has one transform already',
111 main: 'index.js',
112 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap', 'unoify' ] } },
113 { name: 'sub-dep2',
114 description: 'has no transforms',
115 main: 'index.js',
116 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap' ] } },
117 { name: 'sub-dep1',
118 description: 'Has no transforms',
119 main: 'index.js',
120 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap' ] } },
121 { name: 'original',
122 description: 'root project',
123 main: 'index.js',
124 browserify: { transform: [ 'browserify-swap' ] } },
125 { name: 'dep',
126 description: 'dep which itself has two transforms already',
127 main: 'index.js',
128 browserify:
129 { transform:
130 [ 'browserify-swap',
131 'unoify',
132 'dosify' ] } } ]
133 , 'removes transform from end and adds it to front when it was present before and front flag was set'
134 )
135 t.end();
136 })
137 })
138 }
139 }